Peach Fortune

Chapter 76

Faced with Xu Tiesing's making things difficult, Zhang Qian immediately sneered and said, "Student Xu Tiesing, you are slandering and slandering, but I have the right to hold you accountable for damaging my reputation! I hope you will use your brain before you speak, and don't always Say some unrealistic words! You say I cheated? Okay, what about the evidence? I am convinced by the evidence! But if you have no evidence at all, just yelling and barking there, it will be the same as the last morning meeting , you have to bear the consequences!"

Before Xu Tiesing, who had an ugly face, could refute, Ye Wenhua, who was standing on the podium, immediately said seriously, "Zhang Qian is right, Xu Tiesing, you must tell the evidence in everything, tell me, if you get Zhang Qian to cheat Is there any evidence for it?"

"I... I don't have one for the time being. But logically, everyone can understand that Zhang Qian..."

"Shut up! According to logic? According to logic, Zhang Qian was framed by your tablemate during the morning meeting. If there is no evidence, he might be the one who was punished!" Ye Wenhua did not wait for Xu Tiesing to finish. , then shouted and stopped, "Xu Tiesing, to be honest, I am also surprised that Zhang Qian can do so well in the exam, but it is not impossible. History and politics rely on memorization and memorization. As long as you put more effort into this The main points of the course are memorized. I believe that other people can do well in the exam. This can only show that Zhang Qian has really worked hard and worked hard. For such a spirit, it should be commended. On the contrary You Xu Tiesing, don’t ask yourself what’s wrong with your grades dropping so fast, but you always pick on other students’ faults, you’re doing something wrong!”

When Xu Tiesing was told by the teacher, he blushed but didn't know how to refute, and he still refused to accept, "Anyway, anyway, I just don't believe that someone like Zhang Qian can get such a good grade in the exam! The bottom one in the class You can also get No.1 in a single subject in the whole grade. What is it if the sun comes out from the west? History and politics are subjects that are memorized by rote, so it’s better to cheat. I think Zhang Qian must have a cheat sheet during the exam. Otherwise, how could this answer be so correct!"

"Teacher, I have something to say." Just as Xu Tiesing finished speaking, Chen Zitong beside Zhang Qian suddenly raised his hand to speak.This time, not only Ye Wenhua was stunned, but even Zhang Qian couldn't help frowning.

Could it be... After Chen Zitong lost the bet on the history and politics exam, he wanted to support Xu Tiexing's logic, and also questioned that he cheated to get this result, so he cheated on the bet?

The idea that popped up in Zhang Qian's mind is not impossible. After all, it is very difficult for an excellent student like Chen Zitong to admit that he lost to a poor student like himself. Bet?From Chen Zitong's pale and pretty face, it can be seen that she is somewhat unwilling or even unconvinced.

However, this idea was quickly denied by Zhang Qian, because Chen Zitong took the initiative to prove for him in the morning meeting incident, it can be seen that she is not a person who is indiscriminate, unreasonable, and seeking truth from facts, let alone A person who has no evidence and will play tricks in order to avoid a bet!

Zhang Qian felt that he had too many misunderstandings about Chen Zitong before, but now after contact and understanding, he can already trust her character.

"Student Chen Zitong can say anything, it doesn't matter." Ye Wenhua naturally liked such an outstanding student as Chen Zitong, and he didn't refuse her request at all.

"Ms. Ye, although I was shocked and surprised that Zhang Qian took the first place in the class of History and Politics, I have to say that he has no motive or reason to cheat." Chen Zitong said slowly. Standing up slowly from the seat, without even looking at Zhang Qian, he said, "First of all, as his deskmate, he is by my side during the exam, even if I can't always stare at him, but if he really has It is impossible for me not to feel or discover the behavior of plagiarism and cheating. Secondly, he scored 99 points in the test, and I only scored 96 points in the test. So it is impossible for him to plagiarize my test paper and cheat. It’s impossible for Zhang Qian, who plagiarized and cheated, to have a higher score than my original version, right? Besides, let’s not talk about anything else, just let the students with average grades in the class open the exam. I guess few people can pass the exam 99 points. After all, even if you look for information on some topics in textbooks, you may not be able to find them quickly. Unless you have memorized history and politics textbooks thoroughly, it is impossible to get such a score. Therefore, I think Zhang Qian is cheating It's absolutely impossible."

After Zhang Qian listened to Chen Zitong's words, he looked at the pretty tablemate beside him, and a sudden warmth rose from the bottom of his heart.Yes, when Chen Zitong lost the bet and was completely defeated by him, he actually took the initiative to excuse him and defend him. This is something that can only be done with a big heart!As expected, he guessed correctly, not only did Chen Zitong not want to play tricks, but he wanted to clarify the facts for him!

This kind of behavior not only deeply moved Zhang Qian, but also gently touched the emotions deep in his heart!At this moment, Zhang Qian felt that Chen Zitong beside him was like a pure, kind and beautiful angel, and that beautiful figure was imprinted in his heart!At this moment, amidst his deep gratitude, there is even a slightly different complex emotion in it!

Xu Tiesing's face turned blue and red, obviously he was slapped severely in the face again just to make fun of himself.At this moment, his eyes looking at Zhang Qian couldn't help becoming more vicious and gloomy.Maybe it doesn't matter if anyone excuses Zhang Qian and clarifies Zhang Qian, but the person who defends him is his favorite Chen Zitong, which naturally stimulates Xu Tiesing's heart severely!

"Okay, I also believe that Chen Zitong's proof is correct, and I think there will be no problem with Zhang Qian's test results. Xu Tiesing, in the future, you should stop doing things that doubt your classmates, and think more about how to improve your own results." Good progress!" Teacher Ye Wenhua said here, and said to Zhang Qian, "Of course, Zhang Qian, although your performance like this has made the teacher very happy, but you must know that the next monthly exam will be divided into classes. Your history The grades in the political class are good, but your previous foundation was too poor after all, and the comprehensive ranking in this monthly exam is only 37th and 27th, and it is still very difficult to reach the dividing line of [-]th, you must continue to work hard to have a chance."

"Ms. Ye, I think I will work hard, stay in this class as much as possible, and continue to be at the same table as classmate Chen." Zhang Qian turned his head to look at Chen Zitong when he said this. No matter how I listen to it, I feel that there is a strange feeling in it.

Chen Zitong's pretty face flushed slightly, but she didn't say anything.The head teacher, Ye Wenhua, nodded in satisfaction, and after reporting the results of the rest of the students, the class began.

Throughout the class, Chen Zitong secretly glanced at Zhang Qian from time to time, and it was obvious that she was always absent-minded.There was no other reason, obviously it was after losing the bet.If Chen Zitong wants to play tricks and refuse to fulfill the bet, she will be the first to look down on herself, not to mention whether Zhang Qian will look down on her.

However, if the bet is to be fulfilled...

"Zhang... Zhang Qian, I, I..." It seemed that I couldn't bear it any longer. Before class was over, Chen Zitong blushed and slightly shoved Zhang Qian's arm in embarrassment, as thin as a mosquito's moaning She said shyly, "I, I didn't expect that you could really win this bet. I did underestimate you before, and I apologize to you."

Zhang Qian shook his head with a smile and said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's mainly because I didn't study or work hard before that caused your contempt. This is my own problem."

"Anyway... If you lose, you lose. I, I won't care about you anymore, you can do whatever you want." Chen Zitong still had a calm face when he said this, but immediately after that, he was extremely shy and trembling when he spoke He said, "As for, as for... there is one more condition, I, I..."

How could Zhang Qian not know what Chen Zitong wanted to say, what she was struggling with was definitely the new condition that she added to the bet later, if Chen Zitong lost, she would have to take the initiative to kiss Zhang Qian.After all, it was quite embarrassing and shy for a girl to take the initiative to bring up such a thing.

"Chen Zitong, thank you for clarifying for me just now. I am very moved. Few people care about me like this. In this school, I have been treated as a poor student. Rolling eyes, indifference, contempt, and ridicule, but only you But it is really good for me wholeheartedly. I didn’t understand it before, and I thought you were meddling in my own business. Now I understand that you care about me. Thank you very much.” Zhang Qian looked at Chen Zitong sincerely, and said He said gratefully, "This is the second time you have proved and clarified for me. In contrast, I still make you angry all the time. It really shouldn't be. As for the conditions of the bet, in fact, it was really just a joke on my part." The reason why I made this bet is not against you, I just want to test myself, whether I have the ability to study. Of course you don't have to take the bet seriously, and you don't have to fulfill it at all."

Chen Zitong looked at Zhang Qian in surprise, she didn't expect Zhang Qian to be so generous, and didn't need her to fulfill the condition of losing the bet.For a moment, instead of being rejoicing, she felt a little indescribably bitter.After a long silence, she didn't speak, but lowered her head and started writing her homework, ignoring Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian thought that Chen Zitong was too shy to speak because he couldn't save face, so he didn't care and continued to listen to the class.In fact, Zhang Qian didn't really intend to let Chen Zitong fulfill the bet at all. Those conditions were just jokes, not to mention that Chen Zitong helped him twice, so he was even more embarrassed to ask her to fulfill the bet. .

After a while, Chen Zitong suddenly put down the ballpoint pen in his hand, turned his head to Zhang Qian and said seriously with a blushing face, "Zhang Qian, after school at noon, you will wait for me in the back garden of the school. I have something to tell you. .”

Zhang Qian was taken aback, not knowing what would happen to Chen Zitong looking for him, but he still nodded his head in agreement.At noon today, he was going to find Yu Wei, and go to the bank with him to transfer the huge sum of 15 yuan to his bank card.Although this matter was a bit urgent, but Chen Zitong had to find him for something, so he had to go to the back garden first to save face.

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