Peach Fortune

Chapter 77

A morning class passed by in such a hurry, Chen Zitong was extremely quiet, almost didn't say a word the whole morning, just kept looking down at homework and textbooks with a pretty face, looking preoccupied.But Zhang Qian's side was more lively, several students came to his side to congratulate him on his good grades.

If it is said that this person relies on clothes and horses and saddles, this student relies on grades.As soon as Zhang Qian left the group of poor students, he quickly felt the change in his classmates' strange eyes and special attitude towards him. This change also made Zhang Qian feel even more important as a student, how important it is to study well. Why didn't you understand before, but gave up on yourself?

His academic performance is trying to catch up, and he will soon have the first pot of gold in life. Zhang Qian feels that his life has begun to change and will soon be very different.At this time, what he was most grateful for was actually the middle-aged man who had X potion who ran away after bumping into him in a hurry. If the potion hadn't changed the genes of his body, he might still be useless now poor students.But he also deeply understands that he is still too far away from real success...

After school, Chen Zitong still didn't say anything, picked up her pink shoulder bag and walked out of the classroom.After Zhang Qian hurriedly tidied up briefly, he followed him out.However, he always kept a long distance from Chen Zitong, mainly because he was afraid that some unnecessary gossip would arise after being seen by his classmates.

After all, this is the school belle who took the initiative to ask him to go to a hidden place. If it's not a date, it's still a private meeting. If it's discovered, it's no wonder if someone doesn't chew it out!Of course, Zhang Qian's thick skin doesn't matter, but the school girl has a thin skin, Chen Zitong can't hurt her if he helps her so much, can't he?

In this way, Chen Zitong was in the front and Zhang Qian was in the back. The two kept a distance of nearly a hundred meters, one in front and the other in the back, and finally walked into the hidden back garden surrounded by green hills behind the campus.

It is said to be the back garden, but in fact it is just the name that the students are used to.In fact, this is a small park built in the early years.It's just that since this area already belongs to the old city, as more and more people moved out, gradually there were not many people coming and going, and it gradually became the back garden of Pailing Junior High School students.

It was noon, and it was hot under the sun. Naturally, no classmates would eat and have nothing to do in this sun. It is precisely because of this that Chen Zitong put the meeting together. The place is chosen at this time and this place.

Entering the park, Zhang Qian soon saw Chen Zitong's delicate body walking on the path not far ahead.

The sun shines through the dense green branches and leaves, and shines on her tender skin, which is crystal clear and beautiful.After Zhang Qian stared blankly, he suppressed his desire to continue admiring, and walked towards her quickly.

Seeing Zhang Qian gradually approaching her, Chen Zitong's pretty face was slightly rosy, and her small hands were gently pinching the hem of her skirt and rubbing it non-stop, seeming a little nervous and hesitant.The charming appearance that hesitated to speak seemed like a kind of enjoyment.

However, since Zhang Qian made an appointment to go to the bank with Yu Wei at noon, he couldn't wait any longer, so he said, "Student Chen Zitong, you asked me to come here so mysteriously, what are you going to tell me? It doesn't matter, what's the matter?" You can say anything that is embarrassing, as long as I can agree, I will definitely agree."

Chen Zitong raised her pretty face, her beautiful eyes stared at Zhang Qian seriously, she lightly pursed her rosy lips, and said shyly, "Zhang Qian, actually I called you here to tell you something about my inner thoughts. and decision. From the very beginning, when you wanted to bet me on the history test, I never thought I would lose to you. No matter from any aspect, it is impossible for your academic performance to win me. So I simply I didn't think about the bet. But I lost, and I was convinced that I lost. Although I still feel a little bit unwilling, but after all, if you lose, you lose, and there is no excuse to find."

Zhang Qian was stunned, and then he waved his hands and said, "You don't have to pay too much attention, I said that the bet was just a joke, and I just wanted to spur myself, that's why I came up with this idea. In fact, I used to give up on myself It’s really my fault for refusing to study. You still urge me like that and want to help me improve. I should thank you. The bet is over and it’s over, don’t mention it again. This kind of thing is just for fun. Don't take it too seriously."

"No!" Chen Zitong said with a serious expression on his pretty face suddenly, "Although I, Chen Zitong, am just a girl, I also know the truth of being a man with a clear conscience! I have my own dignity! If you lose, you lose. I am willing to gamble You have to admit defeat. If you act foolishly in everything, you won’t be able to be an upright, honest and trustworthy person! Of course, I was just born, and I don’t know your father’s kindness to me, so I can object to our engagement, but today The bet between me and you must be terminated, and the conditions must... must be fulfilled!"

Zhang Qian looked at Chen Zitong with a firm face, a little surprised, a little surprised.Nonsense, if Chen Zitong wants to fulfill his bet, wouldn't he want to...have an extremely sensual kiss with him?

He suddenly felt a little expectant, but also a little embarrassed, and said with a smirk, "'re not serious, are you?"

"I'm serious!" Chen Zitong took a big step forward, came to Zhang Qian with a flushed pretty face, and said to him again, "Zhang Qian, if I don't fulfill this bet , then I will look down on myself from the bottom of my heart. This is the first time I, Chen Zitong, have lost a bet on studies, and I must keep my word! So, I am serious!"

Due to the very close distance between the two, Zhang Qian could even smell the faint body fragrance from Chen Zitong's body at this moment.Seeing the soft and delicate skin in front of him, pretty and charming Chen Zitong, Zhang Qian hurriedly took two steps back, trying hard to keep himself awake.

If Chen Zitong wants to fulfill the bet, the other conditions are actually not difficult. The most difficult thing is probably the condition that she was added later asking her to take the initiative to kiss.However, Chen Zitong had helped Zhang Qian so much, if she was forced to do such a thing, it would be too regretful.

Although Zhang Qian was very happy to accept the beautiful woman's kiss deep in his heart, he still pretended not to know in embarrassment. Let me ask you, you can help me answer the question, this is considered fulfilling the bet, can you?"

"Okay, no problem." Chen Zitong nodded in agreement, and then said shyly, "However, you seem to have missed one condition."

"I missed something?" Zhang Qian deliberately pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "No? I don't think I missed anything? Isn't that how we made the bet... eh!!"

Before Zhang Qian could finish speaking, Chen Zitong moved her shy and pretty face close to him almost without warning, and those charming red lips were imprinted on his lips like this!

Zhang Qian's eyes widened, and a feeling like an electric shock spread all over his body in an instant!He never thought that Chen Zitong would be so bold and so proactive!The school girl's sweet kiss, just like this, took the initiative to kiss him on the mouth?But he...wasn't ready yet!

It could be seen that Chen Zitong was not only nervous, but also very jerky.She didn't have any experience in kissing, so she just mustered up the courage to touch her red lips, and there was nothing to say.But even so, Zhang Qian's brain went blank at this moment due to the incomparably stimulating touch of the soft red lips!

Gradually lost in this sweet kiss, he suddenly hugged Chen Zitong's slender waist involuntarily, turned passive into active, and kissed her back fiercely!During the kiss, their tongues were almost entangled, completely changing from a simple kiss to a hugging state!

"Hmm..." Chen Zitong's beautiful eyes widened, and it was her turn to panic.The strange stimulation from the red lips made her want to push Zhang Qian's body away in fright, but soon she found that it was completely futile, because Zhang Qian's body was like an iron wall, completely motionless!

In desperation, Chen Zitong could only desperately turn his pretty face to one side, and then suddenly interrupted the fierce kiss.She was a little shy and breathed out her breath, "Zhang...Zhang Qian, don't be like this..."

Zhang Qian suddenly woke up, let go of his arms in a hurry, and apologized out of frustration, "I'm sorry Zitong, I, I couldn't help myself just now..."

Chen Zitong's pretty face was flushed, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Zhang Qian, and said slowly, "I, I have already fulfilled my bet, today... about today, I must not tell anyone in the school , You know? Don't think too much, just treat it as before, it's a coincidence that we met together..."

"I know, I understand." Listening to Chen Zitong's words, Zhang Qian seemed to have a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up, nodded and said, "Don't worry, even if you ask me to say it, I won't Said."

"Well... that's good... I, I'll go first, goodbye." Chen Zitong greeted a little flusteredly and quickly disappeared into the woods of this park, but Zhang Qian kept looking at her face when she left. The Miaoman figure, the excited mood can not be calmed down for a long time...

Zhang Qian was very clear in his heart.This kiss was just returned to him by Chen Zitong in order to fulfill the bet, and it did not mean that Chen Zitong had any other intentions in it.There is an insurmountable gap between him and Chen Zitong, and there is no way to jump at the moment.

However, this kiss was very different to Zhang Qian, who had already changed his impression of Chen Zitong.

From the scenes of bickering at the beginning to the scenes of Chen Zitong standing up for him, countless pictures passed through Zhang Qian's mind, and Chen Zitong's figure became clearer and deeper in his heart, until... This time kiss!For the first time, he had a desire in his heart to get this woman's body!

Could it be... I really fell in love with... Chen Zitong? ?

Touching his lips blankly, Zhang Qian sat on a stone bench not far away, unable to calm down for a long time...

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