Peach Fortune

Chapter 79 The Luxurious Life of Local Tyrants 2

Under the enthusiastic explanation of the waiter at the mobile phone shop, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei were basically familiar with the functions of the mobile phone. After applying for two more mobile phone cards, they walked out of the mall.

As soon as he got out of the shopping mall, Zhang Qian smiled and said to Yu Wei speechlessly, "You are such a local tyrant, with more than 1 yuan, and you swiped without blinking your eyes. Is it worth it just to gain popularity?"

"It's worth it! Damn, I've been poor for so many years, and I've never felt as comfortable as I am today! Look at the waitress smiling enthusiastically in front of us, I think it's worth the money! Let that guy look down on me Let her look down on our brothers, so I have to teach her a lesson and fight for us!" Yu Wei smiled and took out his iPhone, which he couldn't put it down, and said proudly, "Besides, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. With this Apple mobile phone, we can also pretend to be aggressive, who dares to look down on us?"

Zhang Qian smiled and didn't reply, he knew that Yu Wei just wanted to vent his life of being poor for so many years, and wanted to live a luxurious life of a local tyrant.It is rare to have such a chance to indulge to the fullest, it seems that he is really willing to do so.

"Okay, I bought this mobile phone, where should we go for dinner?" Yu Wei smiled at Zhang Qian who was standing beside him, "There are big hotels around here, and we have nothing in Andu County, only hotels. Entertainment venues, who made the tourism here develop? You say you want to go to a high-end place to eat, so tell me, we can go to whichever one you want!"

Yu Wei really gave Zhang Qian a problem at this time. Although there are many good hotels in Andu County, the problem is that Zhang Qian is so old, not to mention those big hotels, big restaurants, even small roadside restaurants. Haven't eaten it a few times at all!To put it bluntly, the only rare few times were because of my grandpa's honor, and sometimes my aunts would treat me to the restaurant and eat a meal away from home during the holidays.

Asking Zhang Qian to choose a hotel is simply asking three questions!

Perhaps seeing the embarrassment on Zhang Qian's face, Yu Wei quickly understood.After coughing twice, he patted Zhang Qian on the back and said, "Brother, we were all born in hardship, poor children, it's rare to be a local tyrant today, and live the addiction of a rich man. I really think this life is worth it." It’s the same as this mobile phone. Since we want to be rich for a day, we must go to the best hotel! I remember hearing a boss boast that the most expensive restaurant in Andu County is called Fish Restaurant, how about we go there for a meal?"

When Zhang Qian heard this, he naturally would not refuse, so he took a taxi with Yu Wei and drove towards the Yuwei Restaurant.

Andu County itself is dominated by tourism, and the biggest tourism project is naturally the clean and unpolluted beautiful Andu Lake in the county. Not only is Andu Lake beautiful, but the freshwater fish in the lake are also unique.It is precisely because of this that the tastes in the fish restaurant are all kinds of natural fish caught in Andu Lake. This restaurant is luxuriously decorated, and it only receives foreign tourists, so the price is naturally high.

Generally, locals seldom go there because the county's economy is not developed.Unless there is really no way to have a banquet and want to show class, the local people will come here to treat guests.It is almost impossible for locals like Zhang Qian and Yu Wei to have only two people who spend a lot of money to try newcomers in order to satisfy their mouth cravings.

It was also because of this that when Zhang Qian and Yu Wei walked into the Yuwei restaurant with a big swagger, they stood outside the door wearing red cheongsams, and the tall welcome lady was obviously taken aback.She obviously probably never saw just two people come to dinner, and one of them was wearing a school uniform.

"Hello, do you have a reservation or are you here to find someone?" The welcome lady wondered. Although the waiter standing in the lobby felt surprised, she hurriedly smiled and asked politely, "Please tell me your box No, I will take you there."

"We don't have a reservation, now you can find a box for me, and my friend and I will have lunch here." Yu Wei was the host, so naturally he said casually first, "Is your box still available?"

"Yes, of course. But... May I ask how many VIPs are here?" The waiter looked around, and it seemed that only these two people came in. He couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Are there any other friends?" Haven't arrived yet, why don't you come and book a box first?"

"No, it's just the two of us, why? Can't two people open the box?" Yu Wei answered after glancing at the waiter.

"Oh, it's two gentlemen like this. The smallest box here is for six people, and the minimum consumption is 99 yuan. If there are only two of you, then I suggest that you can dine in the lobby, and the price will be more affordable A lot." The waiter explained patiently, although it sounded very polite, the feeling between the lines actually made people uncomfortable.

Yu Wei suddenly felt a little dissatisfied, "I said, I want a private room, don't you understand people's language? A private room for six people is for six people. I don't care about the minimum consumption. I can't afford it. Why do I have to sit in a private room?" Go to the lobby to eat? Is it okay if I am willing to spend more money?"

"I didn't mean that. If the two of you are willing to pay the minimum consumption, you can enter the private room as you please." Although the waiter's eyes flashed a trace of suspicion, seeing Yu Wei's determination to ask for the private room, he hurriedly explained.

Only then did Yu Wei nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I want the box with a minimum of 99, take us there."

"Okay, please come here, two distinguished guests." Seeing that Yu Wei insisted on getting a private room, the waiter didn't say anything, and simply led them to the private room inside the restaurant.

Walking from the lobby to the box, passing through the middle is the dining hall outside.Since it was already noon at this time, the tables in the hall were already full of guests.Due to the large number of people, it is naturally difficult to tell which are tourists and which are locals.But it can be seen that although the price is high, the business here is still quite good.

"Zhang Qian, it seems that the business in this hall is pretty good. I guess it should be much cheaper than the box. The consumption of 1000 yuan is still the lowest box. Tsk tsk, we are really rich today." Yu Wei whispered to Zhang Qian's ear He smiled and said, "I used to be able to live for more than a month on 1000 yuan, but in the end, in the life of the rich, it is just a meal. Extravagance, it is too extravagant!"

"No, who told you to go into the box. But it's okay, we can still pack it if we can't eat it for a while." Zhang Qian said with a smirk, "If you can pack it, I will take it home and give it to my sister and parents. Try the delicious food in the most expensive restaurant in Andu County."

"Don't, what kind of package do you pack? It's fine to bring them to eat in person next time. I'll pay for it!" Yu Wei said with a smile, "Although we don't have much money and can't afford to spend like this every day, if your parents and sister want to come Eat, I can afford a meal."

"Okay, okay, it seems that I can't afford it, and now I'm a little rich man, okay?" Zhang Qian retorted with a symbolic smile, and when he was about to speak out, he suddenly fell into the corner of his eye. On a dining table not far away, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

A middle-aged couple sitting at the dining table with a few common dishes were Uncle Wang and his wife whom Zhang Qian knew who opened a small shop at the gate of the community.And at the dining table, there were a few strange men sitting, who seemed to be Uncle Wang's friends.

In fact, what really surprised Zhang Qian is that Uncle Wang is a very frugal person in life, and his family is not that rich. It is rare to see him eating out, but today he doesn’t know why he is in such a high-end restaurant. See, it is indeed somewhat unexpected.Of course, it's also possible that Uncle Wang's friends came here to treat guests.

But no matter what, when you see Uncle Wang and his wife, it is obviously impossible not to go up and say hello.After talking with Yu Wei, Zhang Qian brought him to the dining table.

"Hehe, Captain Li, I really want to bother you so much. My batch of goods is really not a fake. You just need to check and check to find out. Come, let me toast you."

As soon as he walked over, Zhang Qian saw Uncle Wang stood up humbly, raised his glass respectfully to a man who seemed to be in his early thirties, and drank it clean.

Hearing Uncle Wang's words, Zhang Qian immediately reacted.Last week, a batch of 10,000+ goods in Uncle Wang’s store was detained by the industry and commerce, and he was required to pay a fine. When he was in a hurry, he went to the casino and lost all his money. Instead, he owed more than 2 in gambling debts. .He once mentioned, isn't the culprit the Captain Li of the Industrial and Commercial Law Enforcement Brigade?

So... the man in casual clothes, with a mole on his chin, and a proud face, should be Captain Li from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau that Uncle Wang was talking about, right?

Captain Li, who had been deducted from the banquet, came here for dinner. It is estimated that there is no way to curry favor with the tie and flatter him.Thinking about this, Zhang Qian was the first to speak when Captain Li was about to speak, "Uncle Wang! Oh, why are you eating here?"

Uncle Wang turned his head to look, only to find Zhang Qian who had already walked not far away, and couldn't help being very surprised, "Zhang Qian? You, why are you here?"

Zhang Qian naturally knew why Uncle Wang was surprised. What is this place?That was a high-end consumer place, and it was quite surprising that he, a poor boy, appeared here.

"Old Wang? They are..." Seeing that Zhang Qian's appearance stopped what he was about to say, Captain Li obviously showed a trace of displeasure on his face, and frowned slightly, "You invited us to dinner, and you even brought a small Kid?"

As soon as Captain Li said this, Yu Wei who was next to him stopped doing it immediately. Some dissatisfied wanted to speak, but Zhang Qian stopped him.At this moment, the most embarrassing one was Uncle Wang, he was a little bit in a dilemma, so he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and said, "Captain Li, this is the son of a friend of mine, I happened to meet him here, and I didn't bring him here. "

Zhang Qian originally just wanted to come over to say hello, and didn't intend to spoil the atmosphere of Uncle Wang's treat, but he saw that Captain Li was so arrogant, he was afraid that Uncle Wang's invitation to a table of food in this hall might not make this guy satisfy.Uncle Wang is kind to him, now that he is in trouble, it is natural to help if he can help.And he also wanted to hear what trick Captain Li was trying to do, and what to do with Uncle Wang's shipment.

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