Peach Fortune

Chapter 80 Pretending to be Captain Li 1

After thinking about it, Zhang Qian said with a smile, "Uncle Wang, it just so happens that my friend and I have reserved a private room for dinner here. There are fewer people and more dishes than we can eat. Why don't you eat in the private room with us? Environment It's better, it's more convenient to talk about things, isn't it?"

"Private room??" Uncle Wang was dumbfounded when he heard it. He came here to eat, so he naturally couldn't be willing to sit in the lobby. He must have asked about the minimum consumption of the private room before he retreated helplessly. The minimum meal price of 1000 yuan is not something everyone can afford, let alone drinks.He thought that Zhang Qian didn't understand anything when he first came here, so he hurriedly pulled him aside and said in a low voice, "Zhang Qian, do you know how expensive the private room is here?"

"I know, don't worry about Uncle Wang, my friend pays the bill today, he has plenty of money, and he doesn't care about one or two meals." Zhang Qian replied in a low voice, "I think that Captain Li obviously didn't eat well, and his attitude is still so sloppy. , if you don’t let him drink happily, how can he let go? Let’s go, go to the private room, and have a drink with him, isn’t there hope for your batch of goods?”

As soon as Uncle Wang heard this, he immediately understood that Zhang Qian already knew the intention of his treat today, and he hesitated in embarrassment.Indeed, asking for work and entertaining guests for dinner, the natural environment in such a noisy place in the hall is not good and affects the conversation, not to mention Captain Li would not like it, in fact, even he himself is not satisfied.But what can be done, who made him have no money?

But now that Zhang Qian invited him, although he felt a little embarrassed, he still gritted his teeth and nodded, "Thank you Zhang Qian, I, I really have nothing to do, so I can just be in your favor, okay?"

"No problem, then let's go to the box first, and you can bring Captain Li and the others in later." Zhang Qian smiled at Uncle Wang before turning around and leaving with Yu Wei.

Looking at the figure of Zhang Qian going to the box, Uncle Wang smiled at Captain Li, "Captain Li, that is the son of a friend of mine. He said he heard that I was with Captain Li and wanted to know everyone. Please ask me to take him with you." Go to the box and have a good meal, there are only two of them, look..."

Captain Li was obviously a little surprised at this time, how could he not know how expensive the private room is here, but two young men who looked only about 20 years old were so extravagant to order a private dining room alone, which inevitably made him a little curious and surprised.After thinking about it for a while, he stood up and said, "Okay, since it's your request, Lao Wang, it's hard to refuse your kindness, so I'll go there reluctantly."

"Hey, okay, okay, let's go now." Uncle Wang said this, and whispered to his wife, "Honey, isn't the daughter here yet? Didn't she say that the car in the morning should come from the city?" Is it almost here? You will call her later and tell her that we have entered the box. "

Uncle Wang's wife nodded and agreed, took out her mobile phone and made a call while walking.A group of people walked along the aisle and quickly entered the box area, and under the leadership of the waiter, they walked into a box called Pinyu Pavilion.

Although this is only a small box for six or seven people, it is obviously decorated with exquisite and high-end atmosphere. Not to mention the ancient charm of mahogany furniture, there are luxurious crystal ceilings hanging from the top and bottom, revealing incomparable magnificence everywhere.For such a box, it is no wonder that the price of meals is more than [-] yuan.

When Uncle Wang and the others walked in, Captain Li still looked normal, but Uncle Wang and his wife were a little dumbfounded.Of course, it was the first time for them to dine in such a high-end private room. In fact, not to mention them, when they first came in, Zhang Qian and Yu Wei, the two fake local tyrants, were shocked by the luxurious and grand scene.

Yu Wei finally went on a killing spree, how could he let go of the opportunity to order food?He took the menu and made a mess of it, all of which were the most famous delicacies from mountains and seas, lake specialties, and finally, he closed the menu and asked the waiter boldly, "Waiter, what is the most expensive wine here? "

"Sir, the most expensive of ours is Feitian Moutai, two thousand and eighty-one bottles." The waiter smiled respectfully, "There are also Honghualang, Guojiao, etc., all of which are more than 1000. There are also imported red wines, eight hundred It ranges from more than 1000. We also have high-end rice wine, and..."

"That's enough, let's not talk about anything else, let's have two bottles of Moutai first!" Yu Wei waved his hands aggressively, "Then, I'll have a few bottles of coconut milk."

As soon as Yu Wei's words came out, everyone was shocked.A meal in a private room is more expensive than thousands of yuan, but there is no such shock as directly ordering two bottles of Moutai!You know, the price of two bottles of Moutai is five or six thousand, which is enough to eat here five or six times!

Zhang Qian didn't know why Yu Wei ordered such a good wine, but since he ordered it, he was naturally embarrassed to refuse it in front of so many people.Anyway, this kid is full and the whole family is not hungry, so let him splurge once!

Originally, for Zhang Qian and Yu Wei, Captain Li of the Industry and Commerce Bureau obviously felt a little contemptuous, always thinking that they were young people with no tricks.But Yu Wei's call for wine made him become very cautious.Can a guy who can call two bottles of Feitian Moutai casually these days be an ordinary person?

Therefore, before the banquet opened, the atmosphere obviously changed immediately.Captain Li took a sip of tea with a smile, and said to Uncle Wang next to him, "Old Wang, you are not kind, you have such a rich friend, why do you come to settle this small account with us? The fine... "

When Uncle Wang heard this, he was frightened and hurriedly said, "Captain Li, this is really wronging me. If a friend has money, he has money, but I really don't have money, otherwise I wouldn't be so worried about this matter." Is it? I really can’t pay the fine, please, you are really arrogant, let go of my batch of goods!"

Captain Li glanced at Uncle Wang, didn't say anything, but asked Yu Wei, "This brother is so generous, I don't know why?"

Yu Wei is basically a vagrant, where did he get a job.Seeing Captain Li asking this question, he naturally replied honestly, "I don't do anything, I eat and drink, and spend a lot of money because I made a fortune yesterday, and if I spend it all, I will be poor again."

As soon as this remark came out, several members of the industrial and commercial law enforcement team laughed lightly, and Captain Li didn't respond. Naturally, he wouldn't believe all of Yu Wei's words.Can a poor man who eats and drinks all he can afford to buy two bottles of Moutai and eat this kind of food?

Zhang Qian has been paying attention to Captain Li and two or three colleagues around him. The industrial and commercial law enforcement team seized Uncle Wang's 10,000+ batch of goods, saying that there was something wrong with the goods and they needed a fine to redeem them.This in itself does not seem to be a problem, but Zhang Qian knows that Uncle Wang has an honest and kind personality, so it is impossible for him to sell any fake or shoddy goods.That is to say, [-]% of this incident was caused by Captain Li deliberately trying to gain benefits from Uncle Wang.

If you can rely on this banquet to eat and drink well and get things done, that's okay, but if Captain Li doesn't pay for the food and drink, then it's a bit too much.

The delicious food on the wine table was quickly placed one by one. The delicious dishes made everyone move their index fingers, and they began to eat and drink wildly.Zhang Qian has never eaten such delicious food. Not only is it delicious, but many ingredients are the first time he has eaten in his life.Such as lobster meat, such as abalone soup, such as shark fin vermicelli and so on.

Eating the extravagant food in his mouth, Zhang Qian couldn't help but lament how nice it is to be rich.Now he finally has a deep understanding of what the real difference between having money and not having money is.No wonder the rich can't live the life of the poor. Once this person becomes more expensive, the requirements will be higher.

"Dong dong dong." Not long after everyone was eating and drinking, there was a knock on the door of the box. Uncle Wang quickly went to open the door, and immediately walked in a man wearing a blue top and a white gauze skirt. beautiful girl.

With a tall figure, a curvy figure, coupled with an elegant temperament, and a pretty face with long hair fluttering down, the appearance of this beauty immediately made all the men at the table stare straight at him.

"Qingyan??" The crab leg that Zhang Qian was gnawing on fell on the dining table, and he couldn't help but burst into surprise.Yes, the tall beauty in front of me is Wang Qingyan, the daughter of Uncle Wang and his wife.To say that this Wang Qingyan was actually quite familiar with Zhang Qian when she was a child, the distance between the two families is close and the parents have a good relationship. Although the relationship between the two is average and there is not much intersection, they have been in frequent contact since childhood, which is barely considered a childhood.

But Uncle Wang likes his daughter very much, and has always wanted her to become a talent.So after the sixth grade of elementary school, I sent her to a junior high school in Pinghai City to study, and stayed at my aunt's house all the time.Although Zhang Qian was the same age as Wang Qingyan, Wang Qingyan went to school a year earlier than Zhang Qian. Last year, she took the high school entrance examination and successfully passed the aviation technical secondary school in Pinghai City. She became a reserve stewardess.

It seems like last year since Zhang Qian met Wang Qingyan.And because the aviation school is fully closed, it is rare to come out a few times a year, let alone the number of times I met him back in Andu County.

In fact, among the many girls in the staff quarter built by Zhang Qian's brewery, there were only two beauties.One is his sister Zhang Lin, and the other is Uncle Wang's daughter Wang Qingyan.

In terms of appearance, Wang Qingyan is still a bit worse than Zhang Lin, but she is taller than Zhang Lin, and she is getting more and more slick after not seeing her for a few months.It can be seen that her body is still developing, and it may even become more beautiful in the future.

Wang Qingyan quickly looked at Zhang Qian, and couldn't help feeling a little surprised, and said in surprise, "Zhang Qian, are you here?"

"Qingyan, Zhang Qian and his friends are treating guests today, didn't your mother tell you?" Uncle Wang glanced at his wife with some reproach, and then introduced to Captain Li and the others, "Captain Li, this is mine. Daughter Wang Qingyan, hehe, she was admitted to the aviation technical secondary school last year, and she will be a stewardess after graduation."

Captain Li's eyes were obviously a little straight. After swallowing, he calmed down and smiled, "So she is the future stewardess. No wonder she is so beautiful and has such a good figure. Hehe, come, come and sit with uncle. Let's chat."

Before Zhang Qian could speak, Captain Li asked Wang Qingyan to sit beside him.Uncle Wang didn't dare to object, so he could only wink and let his daughter Wang Qingyan sit beside Captain Li.

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