Peach Fortune

Chapter 81 Pretending to be Captain Li 2

"Hehe, Wang Qingyan, I'll call you Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan... what do you want to drink at noon? Do you drink red wine? Red wine is good. It not only moisturizes the skin, but also makes women beautify their skin. It's very good. Why don't you come?" Captain Li's eyes were obviously squinting when he said this, and anyone else who wasn't stupid could tell that this old and disrespectful guy was somewhat fascinated by Wang Qingyan's beauty.

Wang Qingyan smiled coquettishly and shook her head and said shyly, "I'm sorry, Uncle Li, I don't know how to drink. How about some drinks?"

"It's okay not to drink, the atmosphere is so good today, and your father and I are such good friends, isn't it?" Captain Li squinted and smiled, "Have a drink, I'll drink with you. Who will go?" , ask the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine!"

When Yu Wei and Zhang Qian heard this, they were immediately a little angry.Well, this pretentious Captain Li really doesn't treat himself as an outsider!It was obvious that the two of them were treating guests to dinner, but why did it look like Captain Li was hosting a banquet?How could this person be so shameless!

"I'm really sorry Uncle Li, I really don't know how to drink." Wang Qingyan repeatedly evaded, she looked at her father Uncle Wang with some embarrassment, looking a little helpless.

Of course, Uncle Wang felt sorry for his daughter, but didn't he beg Captain Li to do something?Seeing that Captain Li was about to get angry, Uncle Wang sighed helplessly and said, "How about...Qingyan, why don't you drink with Captain Li?"

Seeing what her father said, Wang Qingyan seemed to understand something, so she bit her pink lips lightly and nodded in agreement.The awesome Captain Li laughed happily and patted the table, "Okay, okay, Xiaoyan, that's right!"

No matter how Zhang Qian looked at it, he felt that Wang Qingyan was like a little lamb who was about to be sent to the wolf's mouth, and he couldn't help feeling a little unbearable in his heart.Although Wang Qingyan and him didn't have much contact when they were young, and they seldom saw each other later, they were still friends who grew up together when they were young. He was naturally more dissatisfied with Captain Li secretly when he was forced to drink like this.But because of Uncle Wang, he still swallowed the breath in his heart and didn't make a sound.

Yu Wei still ordered a bottle of red wine for Zhang Qian's sake, Captain Li quickly poured the red wine into Wang Qingyan's glass, and said with a smile while pouring, "Xiaoyan, if you are in the first year of high school this year, then you can wait until later." Can you be a stewardess in two years? You can be considered a big shot, and you can fly in the sky. If your Uncle Li asks you to buy a ticket, it must be cheap?"

Zhang Qian had a chill, this Captain Li looked like not only pretending, but also a complete idiot.Stewardesses fly flights, not sell plane tickets, so how could it be so cheap?

"Hehe, yes, if there is a chance, I will." Wang Qingyan replied pretending to be stupid, her laughter couldn't help being a little stiff.At this time, Uncle Wang seized the opportunity and said with a smile, "Captain Li, my daughter is well-behaved and sensible. It's not just a word that will be useful to her in the future. Hehe, about that money..."

Captain Li seemed a little displeased with Uncle Wang's interruption, but after he glanced at Wang Qingyan next to him, he closed his eyes and thought for a while before he said, "Well, Lao Wang, for Xiaoyan's sake, your bastard Although there are some problems, but the problem is not too big, it can be solved. Well, I will be the master once, if Xiaoyan is willing to drink a glass of red wine with my uncle, then the fine will be reduced by half!"

[-] to [-] is a sudden halving.According to common sense, it is naturally Captain Li who gave face.But this is somewhat different from Uncle Wang's request.Uncle Wang was a little confused, "Captain Li, I can guarantee that my batch of goods are genuine, there is no possibility of any fakes, besides, you didn't find anything, so why are you here? I'm a small business, and I spend all my money After the goods are delivered, there is really no money to fine them. Otherwise, I will fine you [-]%?"

"One thousand? Hehe, where are you sending the beggar?" Captain Li immediately glared at Uncle Wang with some dissatisfaction, "I said, Lao Wang, why don't you ask your relatives and friends to borrow money if you don't have any money? I've already given you face Now, you still have to bargain with me at [-] yuan, you are a bit rude! No need to say anything, either just pretend that I didn’t say anything, [-] cents is a lot, or do what I just said! "

When Uncle Wang saw Captain Li showing dissatisfaction, he was so frightened that he did not dare to speak out.Zhang Qian couldn't help sneering when he saw Captain Li being so arrogant.He doesn't care about eating and drinking, and he doesn't hesitate to fine him. Captain Li is really awe-inspiring!

"Xiaoyan, come, have a drink with uncle. If you don't drink this glass of wine, your father's [-] fine will not be waived?" Captain Li raised his white wine glass with a smile, touched Wang Qingyan's red wine glass lightly, Quite ambiguously said, "I like watching girls drinking, especially a beautiful girl like Xiaoyan."

Wang Qingyan knew that if she drank a glass of red wine, her father would lose 1 yuan less. After hesitating for a while, she finally raised her glass and drank it all without saying anything.

Immediately, a blush rose on her pretty face, and her charming appearance was even more seductive. Captain Li couldn't help but applaud.On the side, Uncle Wang's wife was already in a hurry, she hurriedly said to Wang Qingyan worriedly, "Qingyan, hurry up and fill your stomach with vegetables, what's the matter with drinking on an empty stomach!"

"Mom, it's okay...I'm fine." Wang Qingyan shook her head lightly, as if she didn't want her mother to worry about herself.

Uncle Wang sighed softly at this time, he had to bow his head under the eaves!Seeing his precious daughter drinking with Captain Li like this, you can see how unbearable he is from his expression.

"Hehe, Xiaoyan, you really drink well. I really didn't know that you are a hero in wine! Come on, let me introduce you. This is your Uncle Xu, who is a colleague of your Uncle Li. Let me respect you? Just when everyone thought the matter was over, Captain Li suddenly spoke again, shamelessly asking Wang Qingyan, who had just drank a glass of red wine, to respect his colleague again.

Uncle Wang was naturally in a hurry now, he stood up abruptly, grabbed Wang Qingyan's wine glass, and smiled wryly at Captain Li, "Captain Li, my daughter has never drank before, she must drink more So, I'll respect Lao Xu on his behalf, and I'll have a couple of drinks, okay?"

"Do you have a place to speak here? I'm talking to your daughter Xiaoyan, step aside!" Unexpectedly, Captain Li, who had been drinking, was even more arrogant and domineering. Not to mention the proposal, but also threatened with dissatisfaction, "If you still want your goods back, don't let me worry so much!"

When Uncle Wang heard this, his old face was a little uneasy, but when he thought that the 10,000+ goods were all his belongings in this life, his legs softened, and he sat back on the chair in disappointment.

This scene caught Wang Qingyan's eyes.The circles of her eyes were a little red, and she barely controlled her emotions, showing a bitter smile, raised her glass and said, "Uncle Li, don't blame my father, come, let me toast Uncle Xu."

"That's right! Your father is old-fashioned. Drinking and eating at the wine table is a pleasure, isn't it? Worried about this and that, you can't even drink this wine! It's still Xiaoyan Okay, Xiaoyan is good, let's go with uncle!" Seeing Wang Qingyan take the initiative to toast again, Captain Li was obviously very happy, and even wanted to get closer to Wang Qingyan intentionally or unintentionally.

"Qingyan, don't drink this wine!" Just when Wang Qingyan had no choice but to toast and wanted to drink the red wine again, Zhang Qian suddenly stood up from his seat and stopped Wang Qingyan from drinking any more.

Captain Li's face darkened in an instant. He put down his wine glass and said coldly to Zhang Qian, "Boy, what do you mean? What does it matter to you that I drink with Qingyan?"

"Of course it's none of my business, because I invited you for this meal, and you're drinking my wine!" Zhang Qian really couldn't bear it anymore, so he decided not to bear it anymore!He could have tolerated Uncle Wang's groveling to Captain Li in order to seize the goods. After all, this society is like this. It is an indisputable fact that the poor without ability will be oppressed.As long as it is not too much, Zhang Qian is not willing to conflict with these guys from the industrial and commercial law enforcement team.

But Captain Li not only eats and drinks, but also wants to make fun of Uncle Wang's precious daughter with alcohol, which is really too much!But that's fine, if Wang Qingyan can avoid the industrial and commercial fines by drinking a glass of wine, and calm down, then this glass of wine is still worth it.

But the result?As a result, after Wang Qingyan drank the wine, the damn Captain Li even got worse and asked her to continue drinking with her!Uncle Wang's heartbroken expression undoubtedly showed how unwilling he was to let his daughter suffer such a crime, and how much he hated his own incompetence and uselessness!

Are poor people born to be bullied like this, are poor people born to be unable to resist, are poor people born to be inferior?What Captain Li has done is simply unbearable!

With so many years of relationship with the Wang family, and with so many years of care from Uncle Wang, Zhang Qian knew that he had to stand up and seek justice for the Wang family!Maybe Zhang Qian didn't have that ability in the past, so he could only avoid it, but now he feels that he has such ability, so he should stand up and help a bunch of Uncle Wang!

At this moment, Captain Li stared blankly at Zhang Qian who had suddenly lost his temper. He opened his mouth for a moment but didn't know how to speak.Indeed, all the expensive dishes and drinks in this box were bought by Zhang Qian and Yu Wei, and it was indeed their money that was spent. Zhang Qian was right, but it was none of his business to spend his money ,is it possible?

"" Captain Li was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He turned his head and said to Uncle Wang who was also shocked beside him, "Old Wang, look at your friend's way of hospitality! They want to show off like this What are you doing? Is my old Li the kind of person who can’t pay? Dare to talk about money in front of me, it’s simply too much!”

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