Peach Fortune

Chapter 83 1 Thing 1 Thing 2

Guan Weimin is really upset today. The industrial and commercial law enforcement action has come to an end and the results have been fruitful, but Liu Weiye and Lin Changhua in the bureau have taken the initiative to write materials and report them to the county to claim credit without his knowledge. What's even more outrageous is The county government directly affirmed the work of the two of them, and even sent a reporter and anchor from the county TV station to conduct an exclusive interview with the two old foxes!

From the beginning to the end of the law enforcement operation, it was almost all his painstaking operations and deployments in charge of the people, and it was possible to achieve such results when the old director retired from illness and had no leader.But in a blink of an eye, he didn't care about Weimin's affairs, and it was all due to the two deputy directors, Liu Weiye and Lin Changhua. What do you call this?

Seeing the straight standing in the compound of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau outside the window, Liu Weiye and Lin Changhua, who were wearing formal industrial and commercial uniforms and looked complacent, confidently recounted their achievements in the Q&A with the beautiful hostess, Guan Weimin really wanted to spit Spit straight into the faces of the two sycophants!

what! !

Guan Weimin couldn't help shouting angrily in his heart.Isn't it just relying on relationships and flattering to get the favor of the superiors, and taking away the credit without asking indiscriminately?What's the point of being so complacent, two bastards who are too lazy to do anything but know that they are greedy for merit and do nothing!

However, if you are not happy, you are not happy, Guan Weimin still knows in his heart that it is a done deal at this time, and he must be patient if he has to be patient.In the morning, she received a call from the county magistrate Wang Zhiqing, and they chatted a few words casually, but Guan Weimin could still hear the hidden meaning from the words.From the looks of it, both Secretary Qian and County Magistrate Wang Zhiqing told him not to be impatient. Obviously, it seemed that the credit this time would really be taken away by these two guys. He was not reconciled, but there was nothing he could do. Who made the county or Ji county magistrate more powerful?

With a heavy heart, he locked himself in the office for a whole morning. Just as he was about to go out for a drink with some close friends at noon to relieve the boredom, he received a call from Zhang Qian, Wang Zhiqing's recognized younger brother.

From the phone, Zhang Qian briefly said what kind of person Guan Weimin is, but he just changed his mind a little, how could he not understand Zhang Qian's meaning.Isn't it because someone in the law enforcement team used the rectification action as an excuse to seize the goods of self-employed businesses for no reason, and cheated to pay fines under the pretext of counterfeit and defective products, and enriched their own pockets?

In fact, Guan Weimin certainly knew that this kind of situation happened in the law enforcement team below, but he was only the deputy director after all, and it was impossible for him to control the entire industry and commerce bureau. It was impossible for him to resolutely resist this kind of behavior.What's more, most of the law enforcement team are close friends of Liu Weiye and Lin Changhua, and their people, Guan Weimin, naturally don't do anything for no reason, so as not to tear their face and hurt everyone.

He didn't care about this kind of small matter at first, thinking that for Wang Zhiqing's sake, he should naturally help Zhang Qian deal with it.However, when the phone call was in the middle, when his eyes fell on Liu Weiye and Lin Changhua who were being interviewed outside the window, the dissatisfaction in his heart suddenly rose again!

"Damn, why do I work so hard, but let them benefit for nothing? Since I don't get credit for it, then you don't want to enjoy it! It's a big deal to mess things up, and no one wants to take credit for it ! Liu Weiye, Lin Changhua, aren’t you greedy? Well, I’ll let you steal chickens and lose money, you’re disgusting!” Guan Weimin said to himself, the more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and finally his eyes fell on Immediately, there was a very good attention on the beautiful and beautiful host!

At this time, Zhang Qian was about to pass the phone to Captain Li, so he naturally didn't know what Guan Weimin was thinking on the other end of the phone.At this time, when Captain Li saw Zhang Qian asking him to answer the phone, his legs became weak, and he stammered and said with an ugly face, "Director... yes, which chief is it?"

"Which bureau chief? Do you still have two bureau chiefs in your industry and commerce bureau? Of course it's Guan Wei, the deputy director of civil administration. Stop talking nonsense, and you'll understand when you answer the phone!" Zhang Qian handed the phone to Captain Li impatiently. In front of him, he glanced at him and then sneered casually, "Didn't you say that the king and I are useless? I don't know if this director can shock you?"

Captain Li didn't reply to Zhang Qian's words. He took the phone tremblingly, opened his mouth cautiously and forced a wry smile, "Hello? Director? Hehe, hello, hello... I, I am the third squadron of the Law Enforcement Brigade, Mr. Guan Li Gang in this part of the city..."

"Oh, it's Lao Li. I'm Guan Weimin. Is what Zhang Qian reported to me just now true? It's not right for you to do this. You're going to make a mistake!" Guan Weimin came over the phone. A voice full of majesty and faint dissatisfaction, "In the industrial and commercial team, people who enrich themselves are absolutely not allowed. You must keep the integrity of the team cadres. You have made a very bad start by doing this!"

"Director... No, no, I didn't fill my pockets. There are indeed some problems with Lao Wang's goods. Director Liu visited our squadron last time and said..."

"Director Liu? Hmph, what do you mean to say, Liu Weiye came to your place for inspection, so you can't have any problems, right?" Guan Weimin's voice on the phone seemed dissatisfied at first, but now listening to this Li Gang actually mentioned Liu Weiye, and he turned from dissatisfaction to anger directly. He interrupted his words and shouted, "I think you have a problem with your style! I will send someone to investigate this matter thoroughly. If you really They broke the law, and they can't escape even if they want to escape! Hmph! I don't believe it, can this guy still run away? I can't check if it's true or not? Don't play tricks on me here, you want to play, old man I'll play with you clean and thorough!"

"It's not... Chief Manager, you misunderstood, what... hello? Hello?" Li Gang suddenly became anxious with fear, but before he could finish speaking, the other end had already hung up the phone.

"Captain Li, you don't look too good. Did the director criticize you?" Zhang Qian took the initiative to take back his mobile phone from the flustered Li Gang, and said sarcastically, "You asked for this, it's weird Who? So I said, be a human being, sometimes don’t go too far, too much, it’s not good for anyone, don’t you think so?”

"You..." Li Gang looked at the triumphant Zhang Qian and really wanted to say a few words, but when he thought of the words of the director general on the phone, he swallowed the anger in his heart again, and without saying a word, he immediately Desperately escaped from the box.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of Li Gang and his colleagues leaving in a hurry, the box quickly fell into silence.Uncle Wang, who still had a hint of surprise and distress on his face, looked up at Zhang Qian, and said tentatively, "Zhang, did you really call the deputy director of the Industry and Commerce Bureau just now? You, you know him?"

Zhang Qian nodded and said, "Uncle Wang, Director Guan and I are good friends. Don't worry, he said on the phone that he already knew about it and would help you deal with it. It's just a trivial matter. One thing is one thing, then Captain Li can bully you, and naturally someone can bully him."

"Then... Then, I, my goods and my store... are saved?" Uncle Wang still seemed a little apprehensive and couldn't believe it. After all, he knew Zhang Qian too well. Such a child from a poor family was inexplicable. He even got involved with the deputy director of industry and commerce, who would have no idea who he would be.

Zhang Qian said with a smile, "Since the deputy director has said it, he is sure of his promise. Uncle Wang, don't worry, then Li Gang is just a small captain in the law enforcement team, and he can fight well Deputy Director? I don’t think it will be long before your goods will be sent back. It’s just a clown, and it’s going to turn the world upside down!”

"Really? Oh... Then, thank you Zhang Qian!" Uncle Wang saw Zhang Qian's face full of promises, and combined with Li Gang's submissive and ugly face when he answered the phone just now, he finally believed more than half of it. , the face regained joy and said, "If my goods can really be sent back, then I must thank you very much."

"It's no need to thank you. If you feel happy, then drink up the opened Moutai. It's a pity to waste it." Zhang Qian said to Uncle Wang with a smile, "My friend Yu Wei and Uncle Wang, you drink, I will Instead of wine with tea, I wish Uncle Wang better and better business."

"Okay, okay! Oh, I almost misunderstood you just now, you kid already has a backhand, so you dare to provoke Li Gang like that?" Uncle Wang was in a good mood, but he was full A full glass of white wine smiled and said, "Come on, let me toast you a toast, Zhang Qian, you are really promising, if your father knows that you are so capable, why can't you be so happy! Me, if you are like this Your son will be fine!"

I don't know why, when Aunt Wang heard what Uncle Wang said, she suddenly glanced at her daughter intentionally or unintentionally, and then at Zhang Qian. There seemed to be a faint smile in her mouth, as if she was thinking What.

"Hehe, Uncle Wang, you are blessed to have such a beautiful daughter as Qingyan. Come on, I respect Uncle Wang." Zhang Qian responded modestly and took a sip of tea.But Uncle Wang directly drank two taels of liquor.

Aunt Wang next to her smiled and said nothing. Originally, she would not let Uncle Wang drink like this with such a big belly, but isn't she happy today?Seeing her husband drinking so happily, she probably is also very happy.After all, the trouble that had plagued them for more than two weeks was finally settled.

"Zhang Qian, thank you for helping my family get through this difficult time. I didn't know before that you are so powerful. Come on, let me toast you and thank you for your help." Naturally, Wang Qingyan looked at Zhang Qian with admiration. In her eyes, Zhang Qian has always been just an ordinary boy who is unknown, incapable of studying and bad at studying, but now he is so unobtrusive and has such great ability, which really shocked her.

Isn't it?Captain Li, who needed to curry favor with her father, and forced her to drink helplessly, was able to make him slip away obediently and get things done with just a phone call. Such an ability is in a junior high school student It was reflected, not only her, it can be said that it was beyond everyone's expectations.

Zhang Qian naturally shook his head and said with a modest smile, "The future stewardesses should not laugh at me. I'm not so good. We all know the bottom line since we were young. You don't know how much I weigh."

"That was in the past, but now you really amaze me!" Wang Qingyan said this, and after she took a sip of the red wine in her glass, she looked at Zhang Qian with her beautiful eyes, but there was a hint of interest in her eyes color.

Wang Qingyan is a beautiful woman herself, Zhang Qian was a little embarrassed by such staring, and quickly changed the subject to chat about other things.After the business affairs were settled, Uncle Wang seemed very happy. He drank the remaining bottle of Moutai and Yu Wei separately, and then left slightly drunk with the support of his daughter Wang Qingyan and his wife. box.

"Zhang Qian, remember to play with me when you go to Pinghai City!"

This is the last sentence Wang Qingyan left. It can be seen that through this incident, Wang Qingyan's image of Zhang Qian has been greatly improved, and she vaguely wants to have a better relationship with him.

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