Peach Fortune

Chapter 84

After drinking about half a catty of white wine, Yu Wei, who was obviously a little drunk, sat on a soft chair, hooked Zhang Qian's shoulders, and said drunkenly, "Zhang Qian, how is it? This meal is quite domineering. Enough grade, enough luxury? Hehe...I have never eaten such delicious food or drank such delicious wine in my life. But you are really hiding your secrets...When did the director of industry and commerce tell you? Hooked up, amazing, why didn't I realize that you are so awesome before?"

Zhang Qian patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Yu Wei, there are still many things you don't know! In fact, this is also my luck. Do you remember Wang Li from the class next door? I saw him once I was idle in the street trying to steal a lady's wallet, but I stopped it in time. But do you know who that lady is? It will scare you to death if you say it, she is Wang Zhiqing, the deputy magistrate of Andu County! Wang Zhiqing She took the initiative to recognize me as my younger brother and invited me to her house for dinner, that's how I got to know the director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce."

Yu Wei stared wide-eyed, full of disbelief, and said, "What? You still know Tangtang's...deputy, deputy county magistrate?? Damn it, what kind of luck are you doing? It's really lucky for you!"

"Shit luck? Hehe, maybe." Zhang Qian laughed at Yu Wei's words. In fact, he introduced Wang Zhiqing to Yu Wei for no reason. After thinking about it, he sighed, "Magistrate Wang recognizes me." This godbrother treats me so well, you think people can’t help but be grateful, right? Yu Wei, I overheard that Xu Tiesing and the son of County Magistrate Ji had an interest dispute with County Magistrate Wang because of an investment project. These bastards actually want to send people against County Magistrate Wang! I have to stop them, Yu Wei, can you help me stop them?"

When Yu Wei heard this, he immediately said angrily, "Zhang Qian, what's the relationship between us? Do you still need to ask me like this? To be honest, no matter before or in the future, you will only be my Yu Wei's strongest brother! There are mountains of swords and seas of fire, two ribs Throwing a knife, going through fire and water! As long as you say a word, it will be done, not to mention that Xu Tiesing is the guy you have to deal with! The hatred between me and him is not going anywhere, even if you don’t ask me to help, I will help!”

"Okay, enough brothers! The time for them to do it will be on Thursday night, and the specific location should be near the Meiyuan Hotel where the county magistrate Wang lives. At that time, I will discuss it with you and put more eyeliner. Rescue should be carried out in time, and their plot must not be allowed to succeed!" Zhang Qian knew in his heart that Ji Shengchong and the others sent all the fighters who were carefully selected by the Daoyi Association to fight black boxing. Naturally, these people's fighting ability goes without saying, and they really want to fight with so many boxers. It is impossible to fight hand to hand, and the two of them will definitely not be able to fight, so they can only disrupt their plan and launch a surprise attack.This required them to be able to accurately find the location and rescue Wang Zhiqing at a critical moment before they caught her.

After thinking about it, Yu Wei said, "Okay, I've been in the old city for so long, and I still know some ruffians. As long as you give them some money, I think the task of guarding us and putting eyeliner on us is completely up to the task. "

"Okay, as long as the situation is under control, I'm sorry they won't be able to cause any trouble!" Zhang Qian glanced at Yu Wei and asked, "After talking about this, let's talk about your future. Yu Wei Wei, with all this money, you can't sit still, what do you plan to do in the future? Open a small shop, or do business?"

After thinking for a while, Yu Wei smiled wryly and said, "I don't have such an idea at the moment, let's talk about it after a while. Opening a store and doing business is not my specialty, but I think you are smart and suitable for this kind of thing, Zhang Qian , why don't I let you have my money, and you can invest it."

"Fuck you, I haven't graduated from the third year of junior high school, and I don't know when I can enter the society. If you let me invest, I don't have anything to invest in." Zhang Qian scolded with a smile, "You always want to give Find a way out by yourself, do you want to spend the rest of your life in a muddle? When you grow up, you will have a family and a career to ask for a wife! By the way, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"Me? I didn't think about that at all. I'm used to living a free life alone. Occasionally, if I need something, I go to the bathing nightclub to solve it. The girls there only need to pay more money to ensure that you are comfortable and comfortable. There is no such talk." Emotional needs." When Yu Wei said this, he said to Zhang Qian with a smirk on his face, "But you, do you have any beloved girl? Isn't your Uncle Wang's daughter, Wang Qingyan, very beautiful just now, and she will be in the future. Stewardess, how are you? Are you tempted?"

"Are you kidding me, Wang Qingyan, I didn't think much of it." Zhang Qian just said this, as if he had thought of something, his expression suddenly became a little heavy.

When Yu Wei saw Zhang Qian's appearance, he couldn't help laughing in surprise, "I know, I know! Your expression is exactly the same as when you were in the bank just now. It turns out that you are trapped by love, so you are in love with a girl." That's why it's so annoying, isn't it?"

Seeing that Yu Wei saw through, Zhang Qian didn't deny it, but he sighed deeply helplessly, "Actually, I don't know why my mood has become so complicated, there is a heavy feeling of indecision , I'm a little breathless."

"Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, what are you talking about inexplicably? What kind of complicated mood? What's heavy? It's just chasing girls, and it's not a serious matter of life and death? You don't know what kind of fairy you fell in love with, right? " Yu Wei was surprised by Zhang Qian's words, and couldn't help worrying, "I said brother, if you are in such pain, then don't worry about this kind of woman, why do you make yourself so uncomfortable for a woman? A man is a man, a career It is the first one, with money and status, women are not easy to get?"

"What crooked logic are you talking about? You act as if women are just clothes and you throw them away after you use them up." Zhang Qian said seriously speechlessly, "You don't understand and you don't understand. When you fall in love with a woman, you will know the end. What's going on. Women and men are not just for fun. When you fall in love with a woman, you know how difficult it is..."

"Then tell me, why are you so sad?" Yu Wei asked a little puzzled, "Since you like a girl, then go for a date! Why are you still so awkward."

" don't understand, I, I only recently found out that I seem to like her. But, she is a daughter of a powerful family, with excellent grades and beautiful grades. She is the school flower of our school." Zhang Qian said Here, he said with some embarrassment, "That's right, I mentioned it to you, my tablemate Chen Zitong."

"Ah? That Chen Zitong? Didn't you tell me that you even canceled your engagement with her? Why did you fall in love with her inexplicably?" Yu Wei laughed a little after being surprised, "You said you are asking for trouble Are you asking for trouble? Since you like her, why do you refuse the engagement? And I heard from you that Chen Zitong, the school belle, doesn't like you very much, does she?"

Zhang Qian said bitterly, "That's why feelings are such a wonderful thing. I didn't like a woman at first, but now the more I look at her, the more pleasing I am, and I think of her from time to time. I almost feel like I'm going crazy."

"Is it so exaggerated? After Zhang Qian, I think you are really terminally ill and have been dazzled by love!" Yu Wei asked in surprise, "Then what are you going to do now? Now that you know that you are in love with Chen Zitong, then Will you pursue her? No matter how I look at it, I think it is too difficult for you to pursue Chen Zitong."

Zhang Qian shook his head helplessly, and said distressedly, "I really don't know what to do now, Yu Wei, you say, I should muster up the courage to pursue the woman I like? Or, I should have self-knowledge and give up early maybe Just get rid of the pain of love earlier?"

"I can't help you choose, it's up to you to make your own choice." Yu Wei thought for a while, smoked a cigarette, and then said slowly, "Zhang Qian, the success rate of your being with Chen Zitong is [-]%. Needless to say, I know that it is very low, it depends on whether you are willing to be a warrior who knows that there are tigers in the mountains and goes to the tigers, overcomes difficulties and obstacles and pursues love, or is unwilling to be bound by love, unwilling to sacrifice for love, calm-headed A wise man full of reason. If it were me, I would rather not be that warrior, I would rather be a wise man."

Listening to Yu Wei's words, Zhang Qian fell into deep thought.In fact, he was caught in such a dilemma.A voice is to accept as soon as it is good, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, and cut off one's love thread with a knife, so that hello, me, everyone is good.But another voice encouraged him to make the woman he likes finally become his own woman. The more difficult it was, the more he had to overcome obstacles and get his own happiness!

Chen Zitong's beautiful face with a frown and a smile appeared in Zhang Qian's mind, and his whole heart couldn't help trembling slightly.Not long ago, he still laughed at Haoren for having a crush on the colonel's flower, Chen Zitong, but what about now?He can only laugh at himself, knowing that there is a dead end ahead, but he still wants to go on without complaint or regret!

"Yu Wei, I've made up my mind. Instead of regretting for the rest of my life, it's better to work hard for once! Love is not about throwing it away, it's a deal you want, it's priceless! If you like someone, you should give everything for her , should not give up lightly! Any secular reason is not an excuse for being a coward, I, I want to chase Chen Zitong!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qian, who was originally full of confusion and heaviness, suddenly became clear-eyed. He is a person who will never give up once he has set his goal. Since he said he wants to pursue Chen Zitong, he will definitely pursue it!

"Have you really thought about it? Zhang Qian, it will be very difficult for you to pursue such a woman. Not to mention whether Chen Zitong's parents will accept you, it's hard to say whether she will like you. If you pursue What should we do if we don't get there? It will only be more painful and sad!" Yu Wei glanced at Zhang Qian and said, "You have to think about it, don't end up in vain, and make yourself feel sad."

"Hehe, Yu Wei, there is no guarantee of victory in chasing a woman. I like Chen Zitong, and I will do my best to pursue it. As long as I try my best, even if I fail, I will have no regrets in my heart." Zhang Qian said with a smile, "I know, too. There are bound to be many great difficulties in making such a choice, and I didn't expect to win Chen Zitong's heart all at once. I will slowly try to pursue her, change her view of me, and at the same time change myself. I am getting stronger and stronger, so that I have the ability to match her! I must let Chen Zitong fall in love with me willingly and become my woman!"

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