Peach Fortune

Chapter 85: Shoot When You Should

Zhang Qian is a man, as long as he is a normal man, he will like beautiful women.No normal man would be calm and calm when faced with a beautiful woman who stripped naked.Liu Xiahui?That must be gay!At least, Zhang Qian couldn't do it.

If a beautiful woman throws herself into her arms, Zhang Qian feels that he might also be unable to control himself and do some sexual things.But after all, it was just a meeting between Jinfeng Yulu, and acting on the spot and falling in love with a woman in my heart are two completely different feelings.

Chen Zitong is very beautiful, youthful, beautiful, lively and moving, the best girlfriend that all the boys in the school dream of, and the dream lover of countless boys at night.Such a beautiful girl originally Zhang Qian only thought that what he admired was her beauty, but now he finds that he has fallen in love with her and cannot extricate himself!

With such a big change in nature, Zhang Qian originally thought that he could try his best to control his inner feelings before confessing, but soon he found out that he was wrong, and it was very wrong!

After a luxurious lunch, Zhang Qian bid farewell to Yu Wei. The first sight he saw of Chen Zitong after returning to the classroom made his heart beat faster and his blood boil!This kind of feeling is something that she didn't have before she didn't really like Chen Zitong.

Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian, you are not ashamed of yourself!Now that they met, they lost their minds and were completely defeated, so how can they pursue Chen Zitong in the future!If you want her to be your own woman, you must first keep calm!

This kind of performance obviously made Zhang Qian feel very dissatisfied. After cursing secretly in his heart, he took a few steady breaths before he finally stabilized his body and mind, walked to his seat and sat down.

One second, two minute, two minutes...after five or six minutes, Zhang Qian was nervous but found that Chen Zitong hadn't even glanced at him at all, and was still doing his homework with his head down. disappointment.

Falling in love with someone is like this, Zhang Qian seems to have only her in his world, he is secretly watching every movement of Chen Zitong, wondering if she is also paying attention to him.

Obviously, Chen Zitong's indifferent behavior made Zhang Qian's originally excited and caring mood gradually cool down, and fell to the bottom.At this time, Zhang Qian suddenly realized that if he wanted to pursue Chen Zitong, he might have a long, long way to go!

For the whole two English classes, Zhang Qian was so dazed that he didn't listen at all, his mind was full of thinking about how to make Chen Zitong pay attention to him, how to make her gradually like him!It is very difficult for a poor student to chase after an excellent student, who is still such a beautiful school belle. No matter how hard he thinks about it, there seems to be no good way.

Zhang Qian pondered for a long time, but he couldn't think of a way to chase Chen Zitong, but suddenly remembered that he was about to face a cruel reality.Seeing that the end of the month is coming, and next month's monthly exam, if he fails to enter the top 27, it means that he will be divided into classes. Impossible!

Compared with other boys who have a crush on or want to pursue Chen Zitong in the whole school, Zhang Qian's biggest advantage is this. Of course, he doesn't want to lose the advantage of being at the same table with Chen Zitong, so he can't help feeling an unprecedented sense of urgency , I feel regretful about my worries about gains and losses.

Ever since, Zhang Qian, who didn't have time to think about how to pick up girls, had no choice but to gather his energy and dive into the ocean of knowledge, never daring to slack off.

The third period is math class, I don't know why, the math teacher seems to be in a bad mood today, with a long expression on his face, and as soon as he entered the classroom, he called the lesson plan and fell heavily on the podium.The students couldn't help being dumbfounded. They all knew that the math teacher had a bad temper. If he was upset at this time, it would be asking for trouble, so everyone hurriedly lowered their heads and dared not move, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified. And very quiet.

"Stand up!" Chen Zitong shouted the order as the class monitor, and the sparse students got up from their seats and shouted, "Hello, teacher..."

"What's the matter? Didn't everyone eat? Go home if you haven't eaten!" Unexpectedly, the math teacher erupted as if he had been shot, and yelled angrily at all the students, "The movements are irregular, the voices are messy, do you still look like students? Do it again!"

"Teacher... good!!" After being yelled by the math teacher, the students immediately regained their spirits and shouted with all their strength.This time the teacher was finally satisfied, and they sat back in their seats one after another.

"Okay, students, the main content of our two classes today is to focus on explaining the use of drawing in geometry questions. Now everyone take out the geometry practice test paper and drawing tools I made, and let's review the questions on the test paper. One explanation." After the math teacher finished speaking, he turned around and began to copy the questions on the blackboard.

In the classroom, the students began to take out the geometry test papers and drawing tools they had done last week from their schoolbags or drawers and put them on the desks. As for the geometry problems, Zhang Qian had the most headaches, so he prepared Take advantage of today's two math lessons to listen carefully and make up for the shortcomings in this area.

Just when Zhang Qian was facing the blackboard and was about to listen to the math teacher's explanation, he heard the slight flipping sound from Chen Zitong's desk next to him, so he couldn't help turning his head to take a look.

At this time, Chen Zitong was looking for something in the drawer with his head down, his ponytail was slanted to the side, and there was a hint of anxiety on his pretty face.

After looking at the geometry practice papers on her desk, Zhang Qian seemed to understand.It seems that Chen Zitong's drawing tool can't be found.Chen Zitong, who couldn't be found after searching for the meeting, frowned tightly as if he didn't know what to do, so he could only sit blankly in his position, helpless.

At this time, the math teacher turned around after writing the exercises on the blackboard, glanced at all the students sitting in front of him, and snorted coldly, "I saw some students who were tossing and turning at this time and even looking for drawing tools." , What did I say last week? Make sure you bring me the drawing tools this Monday afternoon, bring me, bring me! You ignore my words, right? Okay, no drawing tools People who are tools, stand up for me! I want to see how many people dare to take my words as fart!"

As soon as the math teacher said this, the audience was shocked.A few students who didn't bring drawing tools stood up from their seats reluctantly, with their heads down, looking pitiful for doing something wrong and waiting to be punished.

At this moment, Chen Zitong blushed, obviously she really didn't want to stand up from her seat.Look at the three students standing up in the entire classroom, which one is not a character with poor academic performance and idle reading?But what about her?She is the No.1 top student in the class, and she is also the monitor!Chen Zitong, who has always been strict with herself, unexpectedly encountered such a thing today, which really made her extremely embarrassed.

stand up?Not only will she become the laughing stock of the whole class, but it will also make the teacher disappointed in her.Can you stand up?That is to ignore the teacher's words, and it will undoubtedly embarrass him even more if he is caught!

In fact, the hesitation in Chen Zitong's eyes lasted only a few seconds, and finally she still gritted her teeth, pushed her chair away, and was about to stand up, indicating that she did not bring any drawing tools.

However, at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and almost quickly placed a neatly arranged set of drawing tools on Chen Zitong's desk, who was about to get up helplessly!Before Chen Zitong showed surprise and reacted from the accident, he felt a black figure standing up next to him.

"Zhang Qian, it's you again! You didn't bring your drawing tools with you last month, and it's the same this time! Okay, very good, I think you don't take me seriously as a teacher! Hmph, like you If you are a student, you should leave early, what books are you still studying!"

It was Zhang Qian who stood up to take the blame for Chen Zitong. He quickly put his drawing tools on Chen Zitong's desk, then stood up and appeared in sight of the math teacher.The math teacher was naturally furious, pointed at his nose and began to curse.

Zhang Qian smiled and did not open his mouth to refute, but just stood there and let the math teacher scold him.Chen Zitong at the side blushed with gratitude and looked at Zhang Qian quietly, her beautiful eyes were full of gratitude and guilt.

In fact, this is what Zhang Qian wanted.All along, Chen Zitong was the only one who helped him. It was rare to have such an opportunity today, so he naturally wanted to help Chen Zitong and let her remember his goodness.Who is Chen Zitong?The leader of the first class, the good boy in the teacher's mind, and Zhang Qian?With poor grades and no self-motivation, no one would think that Chen Zitong did not bring the drawing tools, so Zhang Qian's replacement would not make the teacher have any doubts at all.

"You poor students, you don't talk about it all day long, and you always sing against the teacher! Okay, do you like to be angry with me? Then I can make you uncomfortable!" The math teacher slapped the podium furiously and said, "Go, you guys Go to the playground and run [-] laps alone, and then stand for me outside the door! I will let you not have a long memory, let you forget again and again!"

As soon as the math teacher's punishment came out, the whole class was frightened immediately.You know, one lap of the playground in Pailing Junior High School is 400 meters, and twenty laps is a full distance of 8000 meters!For ordinary students, this is simply torture in disguise!But even if it was corporal punishment, no one dared to protest. After all, it is not a wise choice to offend the teacher. Now the best way is to accept the punishment honestly.

Zhang Qian didn't speak, and blinked at Chen Zitong when he turned to leave. Chen Zitong's red lips were slightly parted, as if he wanted to say something grateful, but before she could speak, Zhang Qian had already talked with the other three poor students. Together, they walked out of the classroom in a blink of an eye...

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