Peach Fortune

Chapter 93 The Conspiracy of the Doji Society 1

"Sheng Chong, you must help me. I really can't stand that bastard Zhang Qian. I must kill him so that he can't turn over!" Facing Ji Shengchong who was sitting in the car, Xu Tiesing couldn't help but feel aggrieved He said gloomyly, "I won't tell you how many times this guy has been pissed off. Give him back. I've had enough of embarrassing me in front of Chen Zitong! Damn, if I don't let him die, I won't be named Xu!"

Ji Shengchong's closed eyes gradually opened, he glanced at Xu Tiexing who was full of complaints, sneered and said, "A little red guy like Zhang Qian can make you Xu Tiexing so angry, your skill in cultivating health is too bad You have a grudge against him, and I have a grudge against him, but I have never paid attention to such a small person. He is just a flea crawling on his body. Although it can make you very uncomfortable, as long as you If you are determined to shoot it to death, it will definitely die. Is it necessary to treat him like a character like this?"

"I don't care! Sheng Chong, tell me whether you want to help me or not, I will play with that kid to death! If you dare to rob me of a woman, I will make him understand how to write dead characters!" Xu Tiesing said Here, he patted Chen Gang on the shoulder who was driving in the driver's seat and said, "Chen Gang, you have to speak more nice words to me in front of your sister, I can count on you."

Chen Gang was a little speechless, "Xu Tiesing, it's you picking up girls, not me, and you want me to say good things to you every day. Do you think my sister can listen to it? But I think Zhang Qian is indeed a person who needs you to be careful. I recently When we got home, Chen Zitong seemed to have mentioned him two or three times intentionally or unintentionally, so you should pay more attention to this."

"Really? Look, I said yes! That bastard is getting better with Chen Zitong now, and he is at the same table as him, and Chen Zitong has started to mention him, which obviously has initially approved this brat!" Xu Tiesing said At this point, he became even more annoyed and said to Ji Shengchong, "Sheng Chong, I don't care, things are already getting worse, you have to help me!"

"Okay, okay, Zhang Qian is really a bit too much. You say he picks up girls, and he actually stops me from pursuing his sister Zhang Lin. I already hate him." Ji Shengchong waved his hand and said with a gloomy face. , "Now that his sister has Qian Yuxin, the daughter of Secretary Qian, I have no chance. This is all caused by this kid. Don't say you have to deal with him, I have already wanted him to suffer , to vent my hatred! But, not now. Xu Tiesing, remember, our primary goal now is the beautiful county magistrate who interferes with our making big money, not Zhang Qian, a poor boy! Wait for the matter here It's not too late to clean him up!"

As soon as Xu Tiesing heard it, he immediately had an idea in his mind, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, it's important to get down to business first. But Sheng Chong, the underground boxing arena of the Daoyi Society was destroyed by the police, and I heard that President Lu Xing was shot Injured, can they still help us deal with the county magistrate Wang? Why do I feel a little unreliable?"

"Although the Daoyi Society has suffered heavy losses, as long as Lu Xing survives and is not arrested, he will definitely be able to survive. At this time, Lu Xing needs the help and support of my father and me even more, and it is impossible for him to refuse to cooperate with us. When Ji Shengchong said this, he frowned and said, "I just don't know if he can find a good candidate for us now. We have to wait until we meet Lu Xing to find out."

"This Lu Xing is really timid. He was so scared that he ran into the countryside to hide. Can he still command his subordinates in the county?" Chen Gang, who was driving in the front row, was a little worried, "What if he The guy we found is unreliable, so let's not work in vain."

"No way, now we can only rely on him to find someone for us. At this time, Lu Xing himself is in a mess. We have to take the initiative to find him and see how the situation is, otherwise we will be sold out by him without knowing it. " Ji Shengchong frowned and said, "This teacher's home is a project worth tens of millions, if it cannot be won, then our investment will be in big trouble, and such problems are absolutely not allowed!"

"You said that the county magistrate Wang is really so enthusiastic about our project and deliberately vetoed it. She has no grievances with us. Why is that?" Xu Tiesing asked with some confusion.

"Hmph, County Magistrate Wang is more powerful than you. Do you think she's really stupid enough to mess with us when a blind cat encounters a dead mouse? She's a drunkard who wants to use the teacher's home project to blackmail my dad. It's against my dad! In fact, my dad has already guessed what this **** is thinking, and blocked our investment. It was a shock to my father, and let other cadres know that she, Wang Zhiqing, came to Andu County , not to be gilded, but to work hard. Now that she and Secretary Qian are together, the purpose is to form an interest group to compete with my father. If she succeeds in this move, then my father will undoubtedly If you lose your prestige, there will be an endless stream of officials falling for Secretary Qian and her!"

"His mother's stinky bastard is really a character who eats people and doesn't spit out his bones. He is really powerful." After trying to understand the entanglement of interests, Xu Tiesing couldn't help but yelled, "This Wang is so beautiful and so scheming , She’s even more vixen than a vixen. She’s only 25 this year, right? Sheng Chong, go get her here, won’t everything be fine?”

"Come on, that kind of woman, don't talk about provoking her, she doesn't even dare to touch each other, she's still here, she's easy to say, why don't you go and see her!" Ji Shengchong's words made Xu Tiesing speechless. Word.

"Sheng Chong, Lu Family Village is ahead. Lu Xing is hiding in this village, right?" Chen Gang, who was driving, turned the corner and slowed down gradually, pointing forward, "Drive along the small road this way and you'll be there." It's the village entrance, you can call the answering person again."

Ji Shengchong looked outside, it was pitch black and there were no street lights, it was obviously a desolate and poor village.After he took out his mobile phone and made a call, he told Lu Xing that they had arrived at the entrance of the village.

Not long after, two sturdy men appeared in front of the car with flashlights. After they got into the car, they began to act as guides, leading the car to the dirt road in Shangougou.

Xu Tiesing took a peek at the burly man sitting next to him who was two heads taller than him. The tattoo on his body looked like a wolf, and he couldn't help feeling a little creepy.As the dirt road became more and more bumpy, he gradually felt nervous, and some cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

After driving along the mountain dirt road for about ten minutes, the car stopped in an open space under the command of the strong man.Under the leadership of these two subordinates, Ji Shengchong and his three got out of the car and were blindfolded with black cloths, followed them and staggered forward for a long distance, making them all confused Senseless.

After the blindfolds on the three people's heads were removed, they found themselves in front of a two-story brick house.There are dense forests and mountain depressions all around here. It is impossible for anyone to think that Lu Xing, who was secretly arrested by the police station, would hide in such a place where there are no birds.

Ji Shengchong and Xu Tiexing looked at each other, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.This Lu Xing is so able to endure hardships and hide. He is really a troublesome and powerful person. Fortunately, they are partners instead of enemies. Otherwise, if they can't catch him, they will always be in fear every day.

After entering the earthen house, Ji Shengchong was almost suffocated by the humidity and musty smell inside, and Xu Tiesing and Chen Gang beside him also covered their noses, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable.Under the leadership of their subordinates, they passed through the living room where they ate in the middle, and came to a side room next to them.

In the room, the lights were bright, and as soon as Ji Shengchong and the three entered, they saw Lu Xing, who was lying on the bed with potions hanging on his face, looking ugly and thin.Not seeing each other for a few days, the boss of the Daoyi Society, who was originally full of pride and pride, has now turned into such a weak and embarrassed appearance, which really makes the three of them feel a little bit embarrassed.

The underworld is really not that easy to be...

"Are you here? Sit down wherever you want. I can't get up, so I'm chatting in the room." Just as Ji Shengchong was about to speak, Lu Xing, who was lying on the bed, suddenly spoke.Although it was weak, it sounded like the breath was fairly stable.

"Okay, Boss Lu, are you okay?" Ji Shengchong sat on the chair beside the bed, lifted the gift box in his hand and said, "This is the Korean ginseng I bought for you specially. You need to supplement it, so it will be fine." Hurry up."

"Master Ji, I am bothering you. Don't look at me as a half-dead bird, but in fact I am basically fine, and I will gradually get better." Lu Xing on the bed turned his face to look at Ji Shengchong, his eyes flickered After a gleam of coldness, he said coldly, "**** True Dragon Society,**** Leopard, that traitor! That shot hit my chest, if it wasn't for my fate, if I got a few millimeters in, it would be a hoot! Hmph, but In the end? They are the ones who die, and Lao Tzu lives! They never thought that Lao Tzu had secretly trained a killer a few years ago and bought a smuggled sniper rifle. Tender!"

Listening to Lu Xing's words, Ji Shengchong and the others were momentarily embarrassed and didn't know how to respond.Of course they didn't know what was going on, so they fought. The purpose of Lu Xing's words was not to tell them, but to vent his anger and dissatisfaction.

"Boss Lu, I asked my friend to ask about you. He said that the order to destroy the underground boxing ring came from above. Could it be that the real dragon who fought with you is the one who did it?" Ji Shengchong tried to defuse the situation. Embarrassed, he couldn't help but said, "This time, the moral loss is really big enough."

"No, I don't believe it's the policeman that the real dragon will call, there must be someone else!" Lu Xing said in a cold tone, "I don't know if these guys are here for the real dragon society or me, anyway. The boxing arena is gone, the loss to morality is huge, now my assets have been seized by the police, I have no money, no one I want, my brothers escaped and arrested, I can only barely hold on to my last breath That's right. Mr. Ji, you need to help me a lot in the future, help me to re-establish the Daoyi Society, and let me make a comeback!"

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