Peach Fortune

Chapter 94 The Conspiracy of the Doji Society 2

Of course Ji Shengchong knew that it was impossible for Lu Xing to stay in this remote village willingly for the rest of his life, so he nodded and said, "As long as I can do my best, I will definitely help, just a word."

"Okay, happy enough!" Lu Xing seemed to be in a better mood when he heard this, and vowed, "Mr. Ji speaks quickly, then I, Lu Xing, will not treat my good friend badly. You are here today because of what I discussed with me that day." Right? Although I'm not in Andu County, I can completely manipulate my subordinates to help you with this matter. Mr. Ji, to be honest, it's a bit big to make this matter happen. Instead of making a fuss, it's better to It will be safer if you do it bigger.”

Ji Shengchong was taken aback, and then asked back, "Boss Lu? What do you mean...?"

Lu Xing took a deep look at Ji Shengchong, as if he couldn't help frowning because of the pain coming from his body, and then said, "Young Master Ji, you have also seen what I look like now. The moral loss will be huge, As long as I can't hold on, it will completely collapse. To be honest, I didn't have any more thoughts on this matter at first, but now I can't. I need your father's secret help to rebuild the Doji Society! And let your father be willing To cooperate with me, I have to pay the nomination certificate first, and I think that beautiful county magistrate is my chance."

The three of Ji Shengchong did not understand the true meaning of Lu Xing's words. It was not until after half the salary that Ji Shengchong frowned and said, "You want to use the power of the Daoyi Society to directly deal with Wang Zhiqing it a bit blatant to make a big fuss? We just want to frighten her, intimidate her, we don't really want to fight her to the death, this..."

"If you don't die, do you think that a little trouble can shock that beautiful county magistrate?" Lu Xing sneered, "Master Ji, it's actually none of my business, so you came to see me the other day." There are a lot of things left unsaid. So who is Wang Zhiqing? Just because she came from the capital, and she is nearly 25 years old this year, she can become the deputy county magistrate. If you just want to scare her, it is wishful thinking! Only by really tidying her up so that she will never recover, can this really solve the problem once and for all!"

As soon as Lu Xing's words came out, Ji Shengchong and the three couldn't help but gasped!Undoubtedly, what he meant was very clear, this guy actually wanted to really solve Wang Zhiqing once and for all!Not to mention murder and breaking the law, but the dignified deputy county magistrate was killed, this is simply audacious!

Ji Shengchong opened his mouth, and after paying half the salary, he was still a little scared, "This...isn't this a little too serious? We, we are just a project and she got stuck, and there is no deep hatred, so why do we have to do everything? I plan, if I can clean her up and make her feel ashamed and panic, then the effect will be achieved, and in the future..."

"In the future, she will only investigate this matter even more angrily. There is no impenetrable wall in this world. If she finds out that this matter was planned by the three of you, then she will definitely let you understand why she can be so young. Just become such a big official!" Before Ji Shengchong finished speaking, Lu Xing said coldly, "Young Master Ji, you should never stop being disrupted by him. If you want your plan to never be known, only the dead, It's the safest."

Ji Shengchong was silent for a while, his thoughts were obviously confused now.Lu Xing's decision has seriously exceeded his original plan. Although it sounds bold, but after thinking about it carefully, what he said is not unreasonable.

"Sheng Chong... don't make such a big fuss, if Wang Zhiqing's death is found out, you and I will really have to go away!" Chen Gang hurriedly whispered to Ji Sheng in fear. Chongdao, "It's okay to make small troubles, but don't play it seriously, we can't afford that responsibility!"

"Do you think that if you just want to warn her, nothing will happen? If you are found out, you will still have to settle accounts with you, but killing Wang Zhiqing will be different. As long as you do it without anyone noticing, you will not have any troubles." Upper body. Don’t worry, if something happens, it’s also a matter of my Douyi Association. People who add blood will not just confess others.” As if knowing what Chen Gang was thinking, Lu Xing, who was lying on the bed, suddenly He opened the mouth and said, "But no matter whether this matter is successful or not, you should give me the greatest help secretly and provide me with a sum of money. I guarantee that whether it succeeds or fails, it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to You are so flustered. The Dojikai, take full responsibility for this matter!"

Ji Shengchong looked at Lu Xing in surprise, and said in disbelief, "Boss Lu? You are solely responsible for this matter? You will never drag us down?"

"Of course I, Lu Xing, will do what I say." Lu Xing laughed at himself as if he had made up his mind, "The Daoyi Society is now dying, anyway, it has reached this stage anyway, so why not just play desperately for the last time?" ! After much deliberation, I can only start with Mr. Ji's plan, and I have a relatively high grasp."

Seeing that Lu Xing was ready for the last fight, and he vowed that he would never drag them down, Ji Shengchong was obviously moved.After thinking for a while, there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes, and he said, "Small size is not a gentleman, and non-toxic is not a husband! Then Wang Zhiqing has only been in Andu County for a long time, and she has already become a small group against my father. If she is allowed to With full wings, it is estimated that the sky in Andu County will be hers in a short time! I can't just sit back and watch her slowly grow up to fight against my father, this powerful woman, it is best to kill her before she is full-fledged Now that she is in collusion with Secretary Qian, if she can be killed, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Secretary Qian's faction. I have confidence in Boss Lu, and I agree with Boss Lu in principle."

"Sheng Chong??" With Ji Shengchong's next exit, Chen Gang and Xu Tiexing next to him were terrified, and they couldn't help but want to stop his crazy thoughts, but Ji Shengchong ignored them, and went straight to Lu Xing again. He said, "Boss Lu, tell me, if you need help, how much do you want for this job?"

Lu Xing glanced at Ji Shengchong, and said lightly, "There is nothing necessary to help, as long as you are sure to tell me the time and place of the attack. As for money, what I really need now is money. In this way, you see, if I help How much are you willing to pay to solve County Magistrate Wang Zhiqing?"

Ji Shengchong frowned and said, "To be honest, Boss Lu, the three of us have invested a lot of family money in the construction project of the Teacher's Home, and we don't have much liquidity in our hands. You should tell me the number." , I will try my best to satisfy you. As long as you solve Wang Zhiqing, if you have any difficulties in the future, my father and I will secretly help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ji first." After thinking about it, Lu Xing said solemnly, "My Daoyi Society is in a mess now, and without the financial source of an underground boxing arena, I have to secretly maintain the Daoyi Society To keep a gang going, money needs to be spent everywhere. I figured it out, at least three 10,000+ is definitely needed at the moment.”

"Three 10,000+..." Ji Shengchong frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, as long as Boss Lu can do this well in person, I will prepare 35 yuan to maintain your gang's basic survival."

"It's a deal!" Boss Lu said here, with a hint of lust in his eyes, "Don't look like Wang Zhiqing is a majestic county magistrate, this woman is first-rate in beauty, enough to compete with the one from the True Dragon Society. *Cheng Rou'er is on par. How about it, death is death anyway, if I catch her, are you interested in playing before she dies?"

Ji Shengchong revealed a trace of greed, but was quickly covered by reason.He shook his head and said, "No, it's better not to provoke this woman. Even before I kill her, we can't let her know who is really dealing with her."

"Okay, since you guys are not interested, then let me have fun with these brothers." Lu Xing's eyes flickered with madness, "This woman is not staying in the capital, since she likes to come to this small mountain county Let her have a taste of the barbarism of the people in the mountains!"

Ji Shengchong knew without thinking that once Wang Zhiqing fell into Lu Xing's hands, she would definitely be tortured to death.He was still a little apprehensive at this moment, and couldn't help but said, "Boss Lu... there really won't be a problem with this matter, right?"

"Is there any problem? It has nothing to do with you. Mr. Ji, go back and tell your father that he owes me a big favor for solving such a troublesome political opponent." Lu Xing waved his hand and said, "Go back , Tomorrow I will send someone to take the initiative to contact you to design a specific action plan for Thursday night, I will handle the matter, you can rest assured. Lu Xing, it is not for nothing that you have spent so many years!"

Ji Shengchong nodded, finally his face turned a little better.After hastily leaving, Chen Gang and Xu Tiesing left the room with worried and helpless faces.

Watching the three of them disappear in the direction of the door of the room, Lu Xing showed a sneer on his face, and said to the men next to him, "Go, tell the brothers who are hiding in the county about this, and let them get ready. Tomorrow, You first go to Ji Shengchong to understand and design the details, and then take the brothers to step on the spot. On Thursday night, Wang Zhiqing must be caught here for me and solved in secret! Remember, don’t leak the news, it’s untrustworthy People should never use it, understand?"

"Yes, boss, I understand!" When the sturdy subordinate nodded and said this, he seemed to hesitate, "Boss, we are in such a difficult situation now, why do we have to work for these cowards? The price of 30 Wouldn't it be worthwhile for us to kill a high-ranking official like the deputy county magistrate?"

"You know what a fart!" After Lu Xing cursed out loud, he turned over and stood up from the bed. He didn't have the sick look just now!He pulled out the drip that was pretending to be inserted in his hand, covered the wound on his chest, and sighed helplessly, "If I hadn't been put into such a mess by the real dragon, why would I want to do such a risky thing? The underground boxing arena is gone, but the Daoyi Society will still survive. On the one-acre three-point land in Andu County, you have to listen to the magistrate Ji! As long as I help Ji Shengchong this big, no matter whether it is him or his father, magistrate Ji , will definitely remember my kindness! In this way, the Daoyi Society can make a comeback, do you understand?"

"But... in case they play tricks..." The subordinate seemed to be a little worried, "I don't trust these bastards who are officials."

"Shame? Hehe, if this thing is done, will they enshrine me like a master and respond to every request?" Lu Xing sneered, "I have such a big deal in my hands, I will give it to Ji's family." This father and son dare not play tricks with me! My goal is not the 35 cash, but a way to control the county magistrate Ji! This Wang Zhiqing, she must die! Live!"

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