Peach Fortune

Chapter 95 A New Bet

"Zhang Qian, give me the test paper for your exercises yesterday." Before Zhang Qian sat firmly on the chair early in the morning, Chen Zitong who was next to him stretched out his delicate and soft hands and came to him.

Zhang Qian seemed a little embarrassed. After he slowly handed over the exercise paper to Chen Zitong, he said in embarrassment, "That...Mr. Chen, the questions given last night were too difficult. Do……"

"It doesn't matter if you can't do it, I will explain it to you one by one." Chen Zitong didn't mind Zhang Qian's embarrassment at all, took the test paper and began to correct it.

Looking at Chen Zitong's pretty appearance, which was carefully revised, Zhang Qian became a little crazy without knowing it.In fact, from Monday until today's Thursday, in addition to completing the basic homework every night, he also had to work hard to complete this kind of exercise paper that Chen Zitong himself made.However, after three nights, he found that although he had made great progress, he still didn't know much about many topics.There is no way, who made his comprehensive foundation of mathematics and science really poor.

During these three days, Zhang Qian took his remaining 8 yuan from Yu Wei, and added nearly 3 yuan in his own hand to make up 11 yuan, and handed it all over to Uncle Wang. hands.After Uncle Wang received the money, he was excited to look around for shops these days, and finally rented two cheap and inexpensive shops near a busy street in Xincheng District.

After the store was rented, Uncle Wang took the initiative to contact his old comrade-in-arms again. After getting the promise that he could temporarily default on the payment, he started the company's initial registration.Uncle Wang asked Zhang Qian what name he should choose. After thinking about it, Zhang Qian chose a simple and easy-to-understand name: Lianjia Supermarket.

The homonym of Lianjia is cheap, and it also has the meaning of connecting thousands of households. This name was immediately adopted by Uncle Wang. After Zhang Qian greeted Guan Weimin, Guan Weimin personally opened up various relationships, all the way green light, business license The cumbersome steps of registration and company registration are almost quickly completed, and the company will be established in a short time.

While running a company, Uncle Wang also hurriedly found someone to prepare for the renovation of the store. He estimated that it could open as early as next month at the earliest.Zhang Qian is the largest shareholder of this supermarket, owning [-]% of the shares, and Yu Wei said that he didn't want any shares, but only handed over the money to Zhang Qian for investment.

Uncle Wang's activities were in full swing, and Yu Wei also began to gather some good ruffians in the old city, and began to secretly deploy and arrange the streets near the Meiyuan Hotel.Tonight, these people will be in groups of three and two at every intersection around the hotel where Wang Zhiqing lives, and they will notify Yu Wei immediately if there is any situation.

After Zhang Qian and Yu Wei's analysis, they still decided to squat on both sides of the narrow alley passage.Because if one wanted to successfully stop the vehicle Wang Zhiqing was riding in, it had to be done on narrow roads. Even if Ji Shengchong summoned more boxers on the four-way road, they might not be able to stop the speeding cars.Therefore, if it was as they expected, then squatting in this narrow alley street was undoubtedly the most correct choice.

"Zhang Qian? Zhang Qian?" Chen Zitong called out twice before Zhang Qian came back to reality from his thoughts.Chen Zitong handed over his test paper and said, "You got more questions wrong today than yesterday. It looks like you didn't study hard last night, did you? If you fail this month's exam and come to a bad class, then the exam will be more serious. Gao Ke really has no hope."

Zhang Qian nodded in embarrassment and said, "Yes, Teacher Chen is right in criticizing me. I will definitely study hard and improve every day."

Chen Zitong was so amused by his words that he finally smiled lightly, rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "Why do you keep calling me Teacher Chen, don't be so glib, and I won't teach you anymore."

"Don't, Chen...hehe, Zitong, I can't change my words." Zhang Qian had no choice but to change his words and not call him a teacher. He sighed softly and said, "I used to always think that I have a high IQ, as long as I am willing to study hard and pass the exam Definitely no problem. But now it seems that even if I have an excellent student like you to tutor me, if I want to improve my grades quickly, it is not something that can be done in a day or two. I really have no idea, and I don’t know Can I stay in this monthly exam?"

"Don't be discouraged, Zhang Qian, you are already very good. You can improve so much from the last place, which is something that many people can't do." Chen Zitong encouraged and comforted, "You Ah, you have to show the state you were in when you bet with me. Isn’t it a miracle that you can score 99 points in history and politics in a short period of time? Sometimes, you have to put some pressure on yourself. There will be motivation under pressure."

"I have pressure, but I just don't have the motivation." Zhang Qian rolled his eyes and said, "Zitong, how about you give me some motivation?"

"Ah?" Chen Zitong looked at Zhang Qian with a little surprise. She obviously didn't understand what Zhang Qian meant, so she couldn't help laughing, "Study is based on your own hard work. How could I give you any motivation?"

"How about... How about we make another bet?" Zhang Qian tentatively smiled, "If there is a bet, my motivation may be stronger."

Chen Zitong didn't reply after hearing this, but her pretty face blushed obviously.Obviously, this little girl probably remembered the scene of kissing Zhang Qian in the park behind the school after losing the bet last time.

Seeing that Chen Zitong was shy and didn't speak, Zhang Qian naturally couldn't say anything, so he had to give up.Zhang Qian is really addicted to betting. The last time Chen Zitong took the initiative to offer a kiss, he still can't forget it. Holding the woman he loves in his arms, what a wonderful feeling it was...

"It's not impossible to bet..." Chen Zitong said suddenly, drawing circles on the paper with a pen, and said hastily, a little shyly, "However, the conditions for betting should not be too excessive..."

Zhang Qian's eyes lit up immediately, and he thought to himself that his chance had come, and he pretended to be calm and said, "If you want, then I want to challenge you again, this time, let's bet on whether I can get into the top 27 in the monthly exam." , how about if you can stay and not be divided into classes?"

"If you go to the poor student class, you will be considered as a loser. How should you be punished?" After all, Chen Zitong was a young girl. At this moment, she quickly smiled and said, "Zhang Qian, with your current grades, It is very likely that he will enter the class of poor students, do you really want to bet?"

"It's okay, you tell me the conditions for losing, and I'll tell you the conditions for winning, how about it?" Zhang Qian said after thinking for a while, "If I win, I won't take advantage of you. How about a visit to Andu Lake?"

When Chen Zitong heard it, although he felt that this condition was like a date, but after all, it was just to play with Zhang Qian for a day, and it didn't take advantage of him, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I agree to this condition." Yes, but if you lose, I will punish you..."

"Punish me for what?" Zhang Qian pricked up his ears, he really couldn't think of what Chen Zitong would punish him for.

Chen Zitong, who had been thinking about it for a long time, did not find any good punishment measures. After hesitating for a long time, she suddenly couldn't help but smiled and said, "Well, Zhang Qian, in order to give you enough motivation, I decided to Punish you... fine you take off your shirt and run in the corridor of the third grade, how about?"

Before Chen Zitong could finish speaking, she couldn't help laughing and flaunted herself, her tender body trembling slightly lying on the table.Zhang Qian is really helpless. This punishment is really embarrassing. If he really loses the bet, he will probably run through the corridor. Grade classmates ridicule.

"Can... change the punishment?" Zhang Qian couldn't bear the consequences, and said in embarrassment, "I'm afraid I don't have the courage to do this yet."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this is my punishment. If you don't want to, then don't bet." There was a hint of coquettishness in Chen Zitong's words, which made Zhang Qian feel very pleased when he heard it. "Zhang Qian, this is also the best way to force you to work hard. Don't you want motivation? If you agree to this bet, your motivation will come."

"This... this bet is really too..."

"Are you trying to say it's too much?" Chen Zitong said shyly and dissatisfied after kicking him with her beautiful eyes, "Why don't you think about the request you made when you bet for the first time... Isn't it too much?"

Zhang Qian thinks about it too. Chen Zitong took the initiative to kiss himself in order to fulfill the bet, but he was too timid to take it because the bet was too much. Can't really enter the top 27!

More importantly, if he really studies hard and wins the bet, then Zhang Qian will have the first chance to take the initiative to date Chen Zitong, and the relationship between him and Chen Zitong will definitely be cultivated even better. It is an opportunity that he must not easily miss!

After considering the pros and cons, Zhang Qian gritted his teeth and finally couldn't resist the temptation of the bet, nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you say! I don't believe I can't win. But then again, Zitong, you can't just because Make a bet with me that you don't plan to teach me, if that's the case, I might as well just admit defeat."

"Don't worry, one size counts for one size. I promised you that if you want to help you with tutoring, you will definitely do it. Now it depends on how hard you work. Take this test paper back and revise it, and show it to me when you are finished." Chen Zitong said here , smiled slyly at Zhang Qian, looking like he was waiting to see a good show, not to mention how cute he is.

Zhang Qian pouted, and secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he couldn't lose this bet!

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