Peach Fortune

Chapter 97

Wang Zhiqing, Wang Zhiqing's private car had an accident? ?Zhang Qian, who was in total shock, did not expect such a sudden drastic change in the situation. He stood there completely blankly, and for a while, his thinking was a little short-circuited, not knowing what to do!

"Zhang Qian, what are you still doing in a daze, run over there!!" The authorities were confused by the onlookers, but Yu Wei was the first to wake up, grabbed Zhang Qian and ran towards the street in front of the alley street crazily!

It was only at this moment that Zhang Qian came to his senses. He ran without saying a word. As soon as he came to the spacious street outside, Zhang Qian soon saw a large truck full of earthworks leaning against the side of the road. There were several collision marks, and it looked like it was full of holes and devastation.

And on the side of this large truck, there were several cars that collided with each other parked in a haphazard manner, and Wang Zhiqing's car was among them!Just judging from the traces at the scene, it is not difficult to find that what Er Liuzi said is correct, it was the large truck full of earth and rocks that suddenly crossed the intersection, causing these cars to evade the brakes in a hurry and then collided consecutively. !

Wang Zhiqing's car was severely hit, the front of the car was completely deformed, and the front window glass was also damaged, but because of the integrity of the tempered glass, it still did not shatter after being broken.The shattered glass was covered with crimson bloodstains. Judging from the situation, the driver Wang Zhiqing who was sitting in the front row was probably in danger.

Was this an accident, or a real car accident? ?Zhang Qian can't say right now, what he wants to do most and what he should do most is to rescue Wang Zhiqing from the badly damaged car!

At this time, Zhang Qian was still a long way from the place where the car accident happened. He and Yu Wei kept running towards the place where the car accident happened at a very fast speed.Since what happened was a series of rear-end collisions, the vehicles were huddled together randomly after being hit. If a car exploded, it would definitely cause a chain reaction, and the situation was very critical.

You must rescue the survivors in the car before the danger comes!

However, before Zhang Qian and Yu Wei had strode halfway, a black Honda car suddenly and soundlessly drove up from the street on the other side of the intersection, and a sharp and piercing sound came directly at the scene of the car accident. emergency brake.The car immediately stopped firmly in front of the car Wang Zhiqing was riding in!

Under Zhang Qian's shocked gaze, two masked men got out of the car. They rushed to Wang Zhiqing's car without hesitation, forcibly opened the back seat door, and knocked Wang Zhiqing unconscious. It was dragged out of the car!

"Hey!! What are you doing!! Put him down!!" Zhang Qian secretly thought it was bad, these strange men were obviously not good people, so he couldn't help but yelled out loud!

Zhang Qian shouted loudly while running wildly, which naturally attracted the attention of the two masked men.However, they ignored Zhang Qian's warning and shouting at all, and took Wang Zhiqing directly into the Honda sedan, and slammed the door shut!

With the roar of the car engine, the tires made a sharp screeching noise under the intense friction.Amid the billowing green smoke, the car disappeared into the adjacent street as soon as it started.At this time, Zhang Qian had just run to the scene of the car accident out of breath, obviously it was too late.

"Hoohoo..." Zhang Qian watched Wang Zhiqing being taken away by that black car, feeling annoyed, remorseful, and dissatisfied for a moment.He had to admit that he was indeed too careless.Analyzing all the things that have happened from just now to now, he has realized that this is obviously a plan with a clear division of labor!Its purpose should be to catch Wang Zhiqing!

Wang Zhiqing, just like this, was taken away by the villains just under his nose, her life and death are uncertain!

what to do?The problem before Zhang Qian caused him to fall into complete bewilderment for a while.Who took Wang Zhiqing away?he does not know.Who made this elaborate conspiracy?He doesn't know either.Wang Zhiqing was arrested, where should she go for rescue?He doesn't even know.

When all the ignorance is combined, then there is no idea.Zhang Qian was really dumbfounded. Before today, he had at least thought about dozens of possible things that could happen, but Wang Zhiqing fell into a trap like this and was taken away, a scene that he had never thought about at all, and he did not dare to imagine it at all. .

Are you kidding me, that's Wang Zhiqing, the majestic deputy magistrate of Andu County!In the entire Andu County, who would dare not give the deputy county magistrate some face?Who dares not to be in awe of the deputy county magistrate?He actually took her away so blatantly?This is already in the nature of kidnapping!

Looking at the mess in front of him, Yu Wei frowned and said to Zhang Qian with some dissatisfaction, "Zhang Qian, what happened to you, didn't you say that Ji Shengchong just asked Daoyi to find some boxers and wanted to clean up Wang Zhiqing? Now this scene is just a simple tidying up? Have you heard it wrong? Or maybe Ji Shengchong is crazy, this is obviously the rhythm of wanting to hijack the deputy county magistrate, kidnap and even silence him!"

Zhang Qian put his head in his hands, feeling very confused.He shook his head, and said bitterly, "I didn't know that things would turn out like this... If I had known it was so serious, I, I should have reminded Wang Zhiqing... They dared to kidnap Wang Zhiqing, they are so daring! But... Who is so courageous to dare to do this?"

"I don't know who carried out this plan, but I think it might have something to do with Ji Shengchong." Yu Wei frowned and thought, "Could it be that Ji Shengchong couldn't find a boxer, so Frustrated and angry, you found a group of desperadoes in society, and wanted to kill Wang Zhiqing?"

Zhang Qian was obviously taken aback. After hearing Yu Wei's analysis, he frowned and said, "Ji Shengchong really has the guts to make such a big fuss? You know, once this matter is exposed and the truth is found out, not only will he He can't afford to go around, and even his father will be greatly implicated, is he so courageous? Dare to kidnap the deputy county magistrate?"

"Although I also think that Ji Shengchong and the others don't have the guts, Wang Zhiqing should have no other enemies or opponents in Andu County, right? Besides, tonight is Ji Shengchong's action time, how could it be so coincidental to meet another batch of them?" People came to take revenge on Wang Zhiqing? If it was a bastard, I believe it, but with Wang Zhiqing's status, this is obviously impossible. What's more, how long has Wang Zhiqing been in Andu County? How could she have so many enemies? !"

Zhang Qian nodded. He felt that Yu Wei's analysis was more reasonable, but he quickly said, "The biggest problem now is the lack of clues and evidence. We don't even know where Wang Zhiqing has been taken. If... ...I mean, if Ji Shengchong really did this, where did he find these desperadoes?"

"It's hard to say, but the gangsters in Andu County generally don't have the guts to kidnap the deputy county magistrate, unless only those who are not afraid of death can do it." Yu Wei thought for a while and said, "Ji Shengchong and the Daoyi Society Very familiar, will you..."

"You mean... Ji Shengchong asked Daoyi Society for help?" Zhang Qian blurted out in surprise, and suddenly realized, "Yeah, why didn't I think of this! Ji Shengchong and the others asked Daoyi Society to help find a boxer to teach him a lesson. Wang Zhiqing, however, the underground boxing arena was destroyed that day. It is estimated that even if the Daoyi Society helps Ji Shengchong find boxers during this violent turmoil, it will be difficult to recruit good players. Moreover, boxers are not killers, and they can fight well. , Killing and kidnapping is definitely not good, and you won't follow your orders casually to break the law, could it the end they didn't find a boxer, but directly found the subordinates of the Doji Society, and did it directly?"

After the short analysis between the two, Zhang Qian gradually seemed to understand a little bit. He looked stern, and said through gritted teeth, "If they really do it morally, then they are really too arrogant! They dared to make a car accident and kidnap the deputy county magistrate. Aren't they afraid of making things worse and being completely uprooted?"

Yu Wei thought for a while and then replied, "People in the middle class live a life of licking blood with knives and teeth. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit. Think about it, now morality will be like a mouse crossing the street, far from it The past scenery. After the underground boxing arena was seized and destroyed, the police launched a series of pursuits and investigations. The Moral Society on the cusp of the storm urgently needs a force to support it from completely collapsing. Ji Shengchong and the others have money and background. If they work hard, the rewards will undoubtedly be great. Maybe the Daoyi Association did not need to work so hard, but now, it is very possible to have such a motive."

Yu Weiyue said that Zhang Qian felt that something was going on. In a small county like Andu County, there was probably no one who dared to kidnap the deputy county magistrate except the Daoyi Society.Thinking of this, he frowned and said firmly, "Ji Shengchong's plot must not be allowed to succeed! I must rescue Wang Zhiqing, and I can't just watch her fall into danger like this!"

"Zhang Qian, I understand your desire to save people, and I also think that the county magistrate Wang Zhiqing may be extremely dangerous this time, and she needs someone to rescue her. But I must remind you that if you are in a hurry, you will jump over the wall. Dare to kidnap the deputy county magistrate, you are ready to die. Once you have no way out, it is very scary. You are alone, not to mention saving people, you may have to risk your own life. It's not worth it. Taking a step back, now you and I have come to this conclusion only by analysis and reasoning, but the question is where Wang Zhiqing is being arrested now, and where she will be secretly locked up by the Daoyi Society. I don’t know. If you say save them, save them? Where to save them? What kind of rescue?”

Yu Wei's words undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water directly and thoroughly into Zhang Qian's heart.He opened his mouth blankly, but didn't say anything.Indeed, to be able to take away the deputy county magistrate calmly after making such a big noise, only desperadoes can do this.They are not even afraid of death, so what are they afraid of?

Zhang Qian wanted to save Wang Zhiqing, but he knew exactly where these people were hiding, and he didn't have the ability to deal with these crazy gangsters who didn't even want their lives!How to save?How to save?

At this moment he hesitated, he was at a loss...

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