Peach Fortune

Chapter 98 Clue 1

"Didu, didu..." Not long after the conversation and analysis between Zhang Qian and Yu Wei, there was silence. Amid the intertwined sound of ambulance sirens and police sirens in the distance, a policeman composed of more than a dozen vehicles The ambulance team and the medical team arrived at the scene of the accident soon.

A dozen traffic policemen got off the police car immediately, and began to seal off the scene of the car accident, and began to collect evidence and investigate.The nurses and doctors who got off the ambulance began to rescue the wounded, and took the seriously injured to the ambulance and sent them to the hospital for treatment.

The originally deserted car accident scene suddenly became very lively. Zhang Qian knew that when the police found the badly damaged county government car No. 15, they would soon find Wang Zhiqing, the deputy magistrate of Andu County. about being hijacked.By then, Andu County will really be undercurrents.

"Zhang Qian? Why are you here?" Just when Zhang Qian was completely lost and stood where he was, a slightly surprised female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Zhang Qian raised his head and looked in the direction of the source of the voice, only to see Qian Yuxin, who was wearing a police uniform, appearing in front of him in a heroic manner wearing a police cap.Although he was anxious, he didn't want to reveal his relationship with Wang Zhiqing and the purpose of appearing here. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Sister Yuxin, why are you here? I just got out of school, and I'm here with my friends Let's have dinner on the street."

"Did you have dinner near here? Did you see the car accident just now?" Qian Yuxin naturally did not feel suspicious of Zhang Qian's words. After all, Zhang Qian was only a third-year junior high school student, so it was naturally impossible in her eyes. In any way involved in this car accident.

"I see, a large truck crossed the road just now, but the cars driving on this street couldn't dodge in time, and a series of car accidents occurred." Zhang Qian said so, pretending to be surprised, and turned towards Wang Zhiqing's special car. Pointing, "Oh, by the way, sister Yuxin, a black Honda car passed by just now, and it seemed that the woman who was on the wrecked car was taken away. The person who took her was still covering her face, and she didn't look like that. Like some nice guy."

When Qian Yuxin saw the license plate of the car Zhang Qian was pointing at, her brows furrowed, her expression changed, "What did you say? The woman in that car was taken away?"

"Yes, the woman was in a coma at the time, and they forcibly took her away just like that." Zhang Qian replied with certainty.He had already thought about it, since he didn't know where the kidnappers were going to take Wang Zhiqing, he might as well tell the police about it first, and it would be beneficial for Wang Zhiqing to let the police intervene in the investigation and hunt earlier. "

"At the headquarters, the county government car No. 15, a black Volkswagen, was found at the scene of the accident. It was determined to be the special car of Deputy County Magistrate Wang Zhiqing. According to bystanders, the deputy county magistrate Wang Zhiqing was brought into a black Honda car by unknown persons. Please call immediately. Take the street video of the car accident, find out the direction of the black Honda car, and determine Wang Zhiqing's movements to hunt down!" Seeing Zhang Qian's affirmative answer, Qian Yuxin picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the situation to the police headquarters without saying a word.Of course she knew that the only woman sitting in the No. 15 car was Deputy County Magistrate Wang Zhiqing, and if Wang Zhiqing was really taken away by criminals, the consequences would undoubtedly be disastrous...

The dignified deputy county magistrate was hijacked by gangsters in a car accident so smoothly in a county not far from the county government. If the incident becomes serious and the police do nothing, there must be unshirkable responsibility.At this time, Qian Yuxin had obviously realized the seriousness of the problem, and had a very bad guess.She turned her head to look at Zhang Qian and said anxiously, "The person sitting in the car should be Wang Zhiqing, the deputy county magistrate, and the one who took her away should be criminals. Zhang Qian, the information you provided is very important. I will give you credit. But can you remember the license plate on that black Honda?"

Zhang Qian shook his head regretfully and said, "That black Honda car has no license plate at all. They should have removed the license plate when they came."

"So, this car accident should be part of an elaborate plan to hijack the deputy county magistrate!" Qian Yuxin was even more anxious at this time. After thinking for a while, she said to the walkie-talkie, "We must immediately Find the black unlicensed Honda car, otherwise the deputy county magistrate will be kidnapped, and our police system will have to bear great responsibility!"

At this time, Qian Yuxin was already a little anxious and couldn't stay at the scene any longer. Wang Zhiqing was kidnapped by criminals. Her identity is there. Finding her trace is obviously more important than this car accident. She couldn't help but said helplessly, "Originally There was a car accident here, and I was handling a theft case nearby, so I stopped by to have a look. But now it is about the arrest of the deputy county magistrate, and the matter has become a big mess. I must rush back to the police station to investigate, Zhang Qian, thank you for providing the information, I will go first."

Before Zhang Qian could speak, Qian Yuxin couldn't wait to get into the police car and sped away while the sirens cleared the way.Looking at the police car that quickly disappeared, Zhang Qian knew that he had at least let the police know about Wang Zhiqing's arrest, and soon the police would go all out to solve the case and arrest him.Although I don't know what the effect will be, but the greater the impact, the more security will naturally be added to Wang Zhiqing.

"It's all right now, the police intervened, Wang Zhiqing should be saved. Let's go Zhang Qian, you have done your best. If this kind of thing happened, you did what you can, so don't worry about it anymore." Yu Wei patted Zhang Qian's back Backtracking, "I know you really want to save Wang Zhiqing, but this is beyond our ability, and there is nothing we can do to help. Now there is no clue, even if you want to, there is nothing you can do."

Zhang Qian sighed softly. He also knew that he was a soft-spoken person. It would undoubtedly be impossible to find Wang Zhiqing in the vast crowd and rescue her.Could it be that Wang Zhiqing was really allowed to be taken away by members of the Daoyi Society, ignored, and left to fend for herself?Thinking about Wang Zhiqing's kindness to him, and thinking about the scenes when the two were together, Zhang Qian's heart became more and more dignified.

Even if the police know that Wang Zhiqing has been arrested, and even if the entire Andu County will conduct a search, these do not mean that relying on the strength of the police alone can definitely save Wang Zhiqing from the fire and water.

Zhang Qian was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to giving up so easily.At this time, he carefully analyzed the process, analysis and guessing of the incident. After he silently recited the three words Daoyihui several times in his heart, he suddenly thought of something, stopped and said, "Yu Wei, if this incident If Daoyi will completely control it, then if you want to find new clues, you should go to a place where you may know something!"

"What did you say?" Because Zhang Qian spoke in a soft voice, Yu Wei couldn't hear clearly for a while, so he couldn't help asking back.

Zhang Qian's eyes quickly showed a trace of determination, and he gritted his teeth, "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I must try hard. Wang Zhiqing is so kind to me, if I casually give up the chance to rescue her , Is that still a man? I will never give up until the last moment! Yu Wei, come on, follow me to a place, I'm going to ask for clarification!"

"Where are you going? Where are you going? Hey...Zhang Qian..." Yu Wei didn't understand where Zhang Qian's confidence came from. He was confused and just wanted to ask, but at this moment Zhang Qian was already striding forward. He rushed across the street and stopped a taxi.In desperation, he had no choice but to follow Zhang Qian into the car and drive away.

"Master, let's go to the trade city in Xincheng District." After getting into the car, Zhang Qian told the driver the address directly.The taxi quickly turned around near the street where the accident occurred and headed towards the new city.

Yu Wei, who was sitting in the car, was a little surprised, and after thinking about it, he frowned and said, "Zhang Qian, are you crazy? You go to the trade city at this time, don't you want to go to the casino opened by the real dragon club? You, What on earth are you trying to do?"

Zhang Qian's face was calm, he glanced at Yu Wei and didn't speak.In fact, Yu Wei's guess was not wrong, Zhang Qian just wanted to go to the underground casino where they had gambled, to the site of the True Dragon Club!

Yu Wei didn't understand, but he knew it very well.The True Dragon Society and the Daoyi Society have turned against each other. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. The same is true for the gangsters. Of course, they have to explore each other's details in the mutual containment and fighting.The Douyi Society has now completely transferred from the ground to the underground, and to find their lair, I am afraid that only the True Dragon Society, which is also a gangster, may have some clues.With no way or clues at present, Zhang Qian can only try his luck as a living horse doctor.

The speed from the old city to the new city is not fast, and it takes half an hour for a taxi to arrive near the trade city.After getting out of the car, Zhang Qian took Yu Wei directly to the underground casino in the trade city. Regardless of Yu Wei's surprise, he knocked on the closed iron door of the casino.

Soon, the cat's eye of the iron gate of the casino was opened, and a bald man inside looked vigilantly at Zhang Qian and Yu Wei standing outside, and said in a deep voice, "This place is closed for business recently, you guys go back."

Of course Zhang Qian knew that there was such a serious fight between the True Dragon Society and the Daoyi Society, and the impact was bad. The underground boxing arena was closed down. Obviously, this underground casino did not dare to continue to operate. It is normal to temporarily suspend business.

"I'm looking for Cheng Rou'er, is Cheng Rou'er still in Andu County?" Zhang Qian didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly, "If she's here, let her come to see me."

The bald man at the gate was obviously stunned when he heard the name Cheng Rou'er, his eyes showed a trace of surprise and surprise, he frowned, and said in a serious tone, "Excuse me... who are you?"

"Just tell her that the person who saved her life last weekend in the underground casino of the Daoyihui wants to see her." As soon as Zhang Qian said this, not only the guard was dumbfounded, but even Yu Wei beside him was shocked. Surprised.He didn't know who Cheng Rou'er Zhang Qian was talking about, let alone what happened between Zhang Qian and Cheng Rou'er.

The guard was silent for a long time before saying, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and report to the boss."

Zhang Qian nodded in agreement, and the guard quickly closed the cat's eye again, obviously to report.At this time, Zhang Qian turned his head and glanced at Yu Wei before saying, "This Cheng Rou'er is the daughter of the boss of the True Dragon Society. The last time the True Dragon Society and the Daoyi Society fought in the underground boxing arena, she was also involved. I brought her She managed to escape by mingling with the crowd, and she owes me a life-saving grace. Whether you can know about the Douyi Society depends entirely on her."

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