Principal's Law

[031] For Xiaoyu

"Do you think it's easy to be a hostess, Li Yan, this is the card I used to be in No. [-] Middle School. The money in it is the tuition fee for the holidays and the quality award for the college entrance examination. The money will not increase in the future. My current card is the Rural Credit Cooperative Yes, Shimen can only use this card."

"So it's like this, no wonder, okay, don't worry, it will be done in about a month."

"Li Yan, what's your dad's phone number, I'll call him later."

"No, at home, my dad will definitely listen to me."

"That's not good, it's a big deal, can you make the decision as a child, and your parents won't say I'm not polite in the future."

"Then I'll give you one, but boss, do you know that I have authority at home, and my dad will definitely listen to me."

"What about your mother? Doesn't your father listen to your mother?"

"In our family, my father will listen to my mother, but he will definitely listen to me. My words are more effective than my mother's. My mother will also listen to me, but I don't have to listen to her."

"Girl, your parents let you do these things. When it's a small matter, when it comes to a big one, will you listen to it?"

Li Yan thought for a while, "There are no big things in my family. What I encounter every day are small things."

Li Yan said suddenly: "Boss, I have an idea to help Fang Xiaoyu."

"What idea?"

"Isn't his father good at cooking? You let his father come to your school lunch group, and let his mother come too, won't it be enough?"

"Li Yan, your idea is good. I thought about it in the afternoon, but the contractor of the school meal group is a chef, and it is impossible to add two more people. If they are allowed to contract, it will not only be unfair, but they also have no money to pay. The contracting fee must be paid in advance."

Yang Yimin said while thinking: "Actually, I have an idea. Let his family use their own home to build a farmhouse. In the future, the school has any reception to go, and it will gradually form a scale. It will be fine, but there is also a problem, which is the start-up bonus. .”

Li Yan hugged Yang Yimin immediately, which surprised Yang Yimin. Li Yan said excitedly: "Yes, boss, you are so smart. The location of his house is so good, and the food is absolutely top-notch. That's it."

Yang Yimin pushed Li Yan away, "It's settled, this is our design here, do you think you are the master?"

"Boss, can I make you the master?"

"What do you mean?"

"Investment, Boss, invest in my name, they will be able to open a business with a maximum of [-], and they will have a business in the future, and the money earned will be shared equally, how about it?"

This is indeed a way. Yang Yimin felt that Li Yan did have an economic mind, so he said: "Okay, let's go together tomorrow, discuss it in your name, and write a contract, but Li Yan, investment is risky, and it may cost money." Nothing to return to."

"No, boss, with you here, how could it be? Boss, I will invest money and you will manage it. How about we share the profits equally in the future." Li Yan knew very well that Yang Yimin could not agree to take advantage of himself, so he used this method.

In fact, Yang Yimin thinks this is also a very good way. The school's little money is really pitiful. He didn't want to have such an agreement with Li Yan. He knew that Li Yan was helping him, but he now regarded Li Yan as his own. This may be the beginning of the creation of the two of them. If the two of them can create a fortune, maybe they will not be in this environment anymore.

"Li Yan, won't you be at a disadvantage?"

"It's not a loss. The meager interest on my New Year's money in the bank can't withstand inflation, and it's only [-]. Boss, there will be such opportunities in the future. Let's continue to cooperate."

"How much lucky money do you have?"

"Not much, more than 20."

Yang Yimin was really surprised, "Not much, Li Yan, this is my salary for ten years."

"So, boss, you have to think of ways. Of course, I'm not asking you to embezzle. You should make money through normal channels. Don't embezzle, that money is worthless."

Yang Yimin thought for a while, what Li Yan said was actually very real. After all, she was often with people in business, and she was thinking about how to make money. Although she made a little money, she thought about a lot. event.

But money is depreciating, which is a fact in recent years, so he said: "Li Yan, putting all the money in the bank is just a way. Your idea is right. In fact, if your family has a lot of money, you can buy it in the city Or buy some real estate in the provincial capital, which will not depreciate."

"I don't want to live anywhere, what's the use?"

"Not necessarily, Li Yan, is this clear? You think I can only live in this poor mountain valley for the rest of my life."

"Boss, you mean you will take me to a bigger city in the future?" Li Yan chuckled.

Yang Yimin didn't want to hide his thoughts, "Maybe you will, Li Yan, and if you change your mind, I hope you marry in the city or the provincial capital."

"What are you talking about, boss, don't talk nonsense, I don't want you to marry, but you are right to think so, Pingchuan County is your end."

In fact, Yang Yimin knew in his heart that perhaps Pingchuan was his end point. Although he had only been in Shimen Middle School for about ten days, he communicated quite a lot with his teachers. Many teachers were as ambitious and full of ideals as him when they were young, imagining that they could make a big difference in their careers. , but in the end, the ordinary life and the ordinary work repeated every day lost the passion of the year.

Li Xiaoping is a typical example. She wanted to be transferred when she was not married, but it didn't matter. At that time, the transfer not only required information about this aspect, but also required a relationship with this aspect. It's hard to get this kind of information. It doesn't matter to Li Xiaoping. At that time, a principal in her 40s wanted to help her, but the condition was her health.

Li Xiaoping was still unmarried at the time, so she was so angry that she scolded the principal and left. Later, she suffered a lot of troubles in the school work. Later, it seemed that there was no hope of raising her salary. She married the child of a family from the town government. Zhang Yongping, speaking of them, they are not bad, but life is also so ordinary, life has entered the ordinary from passion, even if there is a chance to transfer, you have to consider the situation of the family, this kind of life temper, let many people There is numbness to life, and changing this numbness is money. When people suddenly find that they can earn money through some means, they will have a kind of motivation.

I communicate with Li Xiaoping a lot, because Li Xiaoping also regards him as someone who can understand her own heart, so the rapid development of the relationship between the two is also the result of this in-depth understanding.

Yang Yimin's current idea is to touch this string and redefine the distribution of money, but this is very dangerous because it will involve many people. It is okay if everyone improves like Teacher's Day. If it is lowered, the contradictions will come out, and there will inevitably be people who oppose it. Yang Yimin has recently been trying to figure out who his method will affect and who will stand up to oppose it.

The next day, Li Yan and Yang Yimin came to Fang Xiaoyu's house again. This time, Yang Yimin asked Li Yan to bring more nutritional products. He planned to let Li Yan make the decision and invest in Li Yan's name. for analysis.

Fang Xiaoyu's family was very surprised to see the two came again. Fang Xiaoyu's mother immediately asked her husband to kill the chicken, and Yang Yimin immediately said, "No, Li Yan wants to eat vegetarian dishes, why don't you get more vegetarian dishes."

Li Yan quietly took Yang Yimin's hand and pinched it. Yang Yimin knew that Li Yan wanted to eat chicken because yesterday's chicken was so delicious.

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