Principal's Law

[032] private plot

At the wine table, Li Yan saw that the whole family was here, and said, "Brother Ren, Sister Fang, Yimin and I went back yesterday and thought about it for a long time. Yes, my idea is that you can open a farmhouse here. First, you can take care of the family in your own home. Eldest brother Ren can also take care of Sister Fang, and you can take care of the crops and other things at home; With financial resources, Xiaoyu can also go to study with peace of mind."

Li Yan further analyzed the advantages of doing business, and the family was very interested, especially Fang Xiaoyu, who was delighted to hear it.

But after thinking about it for a while, Fang Xiaoyu's mother still sighed, and said, "Hey, the idea is very good, but now we have no capital, and we have to borrow it now. We are heavily in debt now, who will lend it to us?" , and, this is so far away from the town, who will take care of our business."

Li Yan asked: "Brother Ren, if you start driving, think about how much the initial investment will be?"

"It doesn't have to be big now, just the size of four or five tables, you should be able to buy all the equipment for about [-] to [-] yuan, and just invest another [-] to [-] yuan."

Li Yan said: "Brother Ren, Sister Fang, Principal Yang is my teacher and also Xiaoyu's teacher. I have a sum of money in my hand now. My idea is that I will use 1 yuan as an investment to solve your financial problems. 30.00% is counted, and if I make money in the future, I will share it according to this ratio, what do you think?"

Big Brother Ren was very interested, and said: "Xiao Yang, if this is the case, it will be a real life. If you don't pay thirty, you can pay forty. Don't worry, my Ren family is absolutely honest and will never hide a penny." profit."

"But will there be business?" Fang Xiaoyu's mother was worried about it.

Yang Yimin said: "I have considered this point. In fact, although the hotels in the town are said to have strong reception capabilities, many public-funded receptions are for people from the county or higher. The dishes they eat in the hotels are similar. How can the hotels here be good?" Compared with the hotels in the city, what I want to eat is our local food. We have many local specialties, as well as local chicken, our fish, mushrooms, etc. Brother Ren’s craftsmanship is very good, no matter how good it is Think about it, make these things into one table of dishes, several tables of dishes, you can change the pattern, in that case, it will definitely open up the situation quickly, at least, I will come here for the reception of the school."

At this time, several people really smiled, and Fang Xiaoyu's parents said in unison: "Okay, then it's settled like this."

Li Yan opened the satchel, took out [-] yuan and handed it to Fang Xiaoyu's mother, "Sister Fang, this is the first sum of money. You should speed up the opening. There will be more reception in the second half of the year, so you can earn more money as soon as possible."

Yang Yimin took out the signed contract and handed it to Li Yan. Li Yan said that in the process of business operations, this shall prevail, and the contract must be signed for future development, and the agreement shall be signed.

Finally, Yang Yimin said: "Brother Ren, Sister Fang, you also know that many people may ask why I let people come to eat with you. My answer should be very simple, that is, Xiaoyu is my student, but some people may I have other ideas, and I think it will be beneficial for me to be in it, so I hope you don’t say that Li Yan invested in you. After all, Li Yan has a relationship with me. The previous principal was sued and was replaced. I am willing to be used because I want to help you."

"Principal Yang, don't worry, will I be so ignorant? You are the benefactor of our family, and our family will never do such a thing."

If this matter is handled well, Yang Yimin has actually fulfilled his two wishes. One is to lay a foundation for Fang Xiaoyu to study in the future, and the other is to build a private plot for himself. Although there may not be much profit, he has finally started. .

After the matter was settled, Yang Yimin asked Li Yan to go home, and Li Yan said: "Boss, Yimin, teacher, can you let me stay for one more day?"

"Li Yan, go back, you are here, it is inconvenient for me to work."

Li Yan walked to the car reluctantly. Fang Xiaoyu's mother brought a bag from home, which contained many local specialties, and said, "Li Yan, our family thank you and Principal Yang. You can take this kindness back home."

Li Yan looked at Yang Yimin and saw that there was no objection, so she took it and put it in the trunk.

Yang Yimin asked Li Yan to take him to the fast-forward town. Li Yan parked the car, and the two held hands in the car. Li Yan leaned over and kissed Yang Yimin. He refused to let go. Yang Yimin was a little bit reluctant, but he still pushed away. She said, "Li Yan, you must pay attention to safety when you go back, and give me a call when you arrive."

After the two separated, Yang Yimin returned to the office. It was about two o'clock at this time. He took out his textbooks to prepare lessons. After the recent courses, he also considered changing some teaching methods. First, he learned some methods from some teachers. It was he who gradually felt that there was still a certain difference between junior high school teaching and high school teaching.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door. It was Ye Wenwen. At this time, she might have taken the second bus to Shimen to go back to school. It seemed that she hadn't returned to her dormitory yet, and she was still carrying a bag on her back.

"Lieutenant Yang, didn't you go back to the city?"

"Where is my family, where is my family, unlike you, I have to go back to serve my husband." Yang Yimin laughed.

Ye Wenwen blushed a little, and said: "You are free time now, a handsome guy and the principal, no matter where you stop in the city, you still don't attract people's attention, when the time comes, there will be your beauties to enjoy. "

Yang Yimin put down the pen in his hand and said, "Ye Wenwen, I didn't expect you to be open-minded. You are not afraid that your husband will be fascinated by other beauties."

"He dares, and, he, is there anyone who can see it?"

"It doesn't matter if you look good now, the most important thing is to be rich. You, you should care more."

Seeing Yang Yimin talking and laughing, Ye Wenwen knew that she was joking with herself, and said, "You, there are many people who care about you. My aunt asked me to bring you a can of tea for you, saying that she would buy you a drink after you went back."

After all, Yang Yimin took out a half-jin bottle of Longjing, and said, "Ye Wenwen, is it really your aunt who gave it to me?"

Ye Wenwen smiled and said: "Really, my aunt said that you are honest and a good person. Let me learn more from you. This is what I gave you." After finishing speaking, she handed over a box of coffee.

"Ye Wenwen, do I dare to accept this?"

"Of course you have to accept it. We met before you came to school, so we are friends first, and then the relationship between the leader and the subordinates. This is given to you as a friend."

Yang Yimin knew very well that the two could get to know each other. Didn't he have the opportunity to meet him in advance because he had the identity of the principal? Lin Juan, including Lin Juan, might not treat him like this if he didn't have his own identity.

But this thing has to be accepted, whether it is a friend or the current relationship, giving each other small things will not only make people feel kind and maintain a long-term friendship, but also will not make people feel that it is an alternative.

After receiving the things, Yang Yimin asked, "Xiao Biesheng is newly married. After two days of tossing around, you are also tired. Go back to the dormitory and rest."

"Principal, you hate it." Ye Wenwen blushed and left embarrassedly.

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