Principal's Law


Before the evening break, Yang Yimin issued the card to the person who issued the card to the evaluation team alone. When giving Xiao Zhang's card, he considered giving it the same grade as Chief Liu, because Xiao Zhang was only admitted to the civil service. With little money, there are few opportunities to go to school. Maybe some schools will not show her at all, but if I do this, it will definitely play an unusual role.

Sure enough, when Xiao Zhang got the card, she said "thank you" many times. It is not difficult to see from her eyes that she has very few such opportunities.

At noon the next day, Principal Chen, the vice-principal of the primary school, called and asked Yang Yimin to accompany Director Xie for dinner. It was strange. At the wine table, Chief Liu and Xiao Zhang treated Yang Yimin very well. The expression on his face is completely different from that of the elementary school leaders.

Director Xie was very careful and took care of the balance between the two of them during the chat.

After sending the evaluation team away, Yang Yimin began to actively contact Jicai for the end-of-term funds allocated to the school, and finally approved 4 yuan. This money was hard-won. Yang Yimin thought repeatedly that he could not spend it all this time. The funds for the next semester are relatively tight, and public It is still unknown when the funds will be allocated. To ensure the normal operation of the school, extra-budgetary funds must be used, and it may be necessary to use this money to provide subsidies to teachers.

But now is the time to make cured products. In the past, the school asked the food group to take out 50 yuan and print it into a ticket, so that the teachers could buy meat by themselves at a butcher shop in the town.

Yang Yimin came to Ren Chengfa's office. Ren Chengfa was in charge of the labor union and also served as the chairman of the school union. Yang Yimin asked him what his plan was. Ren Chengfa thought for a while and said, "Why don't the school subsidize another 50 yuan, or let the teachers buy it themselves."

Yang Yimin said: "Didn't the food group have to tell the school administrators in the past? This year, it will not be done. They will all be distributed to the teachers. Each teacher is 150 yuan. They should buy it themselves. You can talk to the person in charge of the food group."

Yang Yimin calculated that the food group gave the principal, Ren Chengfa and Du Qiang more than [-] yuan in the past, but this year it is no longer needed, and the money given in previous years is the same, so the food group will not have any major problems.

As for the key points of work at the end of the year, Yang Yimin asked the middle-level cadres to go their own way. He asked Liu Zhiming to formulate the comprehensive assessment rules and administrative assessment methods for teachers as soon as possible, and use the time such as holding a staff meeting to institutionalize these things.

In terms of teaching, he is more at ease. After Ma Yongming became the dean, there is no obstacle in the communication between the two, and the other party can quickly understand and implement what he thinks, so the teaching order is very good. Well prepared.

On Thursday afternoon, Ren Chengda called and said that the farmhouse had bought a good thing and asked him to go over to eat it. Yang Yimin didn't have tutoring at night, and after five o'clock, he walked over there like a walk.

Fang Xiaoyu's mother took him to a room upstairs. This room was specially remodeled to store all kinds of precious food in the farmhouse. There were many kinds of aluminum cabinets. Fang Xiaoyu's mother pointed to an old wooden table. Dongxi said: "This is something sent by your school's teachers and parents of some students. We don't pick it up, but they put it down and leave. They have collected so many things in the past ten days. You are busy and didn't tell you. Only today Chance."

Yang Yimin looked at the table full of things piled up, including wine, local delicacies, dried cured products, and game. There are at least fifty or sixty items here. Sister Fang handed him a piece of paper and said : "This is the situation of the items received and the person who sent them every time registered."

Yang Yimin didn't know why he suddenly received so many gifts. Looking at the things and the list, he gradually understood that these people knew that he often entertained various leaders here, so he naturally thought that he might be the shareholder here.

Some parents occasionally send their children to the school after a treat, and go to the principal's office to chat. Yang Yimin actually wanted to have a lot of contact with the parents, so that he could know their thoughts and make it easier for the school to communicate with the parents. They often said that they invited friends and relatives to dinner at Minhua Farmhouse. He didn't pay attention at first, but later, he knew it was a hint to him.

But this kind of situation is indeed what I need, as long as the farmhouse is operating normally, and it never cheats people, so I pretend that I don’t understand and don’t know what it means.

But this time the situation is different. I have received so many gifts by myself, and the things are sent to this place, isn’t it just saying that my business base is here, and these things are not accepted, and it is difficult to return them now. It's too big, there are middle-level school cadres, teachers, and parents, and I don't have the energy anyway.

Moreover, if I retreated, I might be considered as an alternative. In the future, there will inevitably be some gaps between school administrators and teachers at work.

Yang Yimin went downstairs and saw that there were still two tables of people eating. He went upstairs again and said that he would rest for a while before coming down. He came to Fang Xiaoyu's room and sat at the table where Fang Xiaoyu was doing homework. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to call. Called Li Yan, just sat down, but saw a few photos under a piece of glass on Fang Xiaoyu's desk, one of which was actually her own.

Yang Yimin had no impression of this photo at all. From the look and the effect, Yang Yimin thought for a long time, and finally remembered that it was a photo on a display board when the school was doing moral education promotion, but there should have been two or three people at that time, and this photo But only one person.

And at the very edge of the photo, there is actually a small row of "i love you" in English. Yang Yimin's heart tightened. He was a little scared. This kind of thinking is quite dangerous. If Fang Xiaoyu is distracted, her studies will fail. Question, what can I do?

While thinking, Fang Xiaoyu's mother knocked on the door and said, "Principal Yang, come down for dinner."

While eating, Yang Yimin thought about today's two questions, and finally said: "Brother Ren, Sister Fang, you have tried to help me sell the things you sent. See how much money there is."

The two nodded. They also felt that there were too many things. They had already prepared the New Year's goods that Yang Yimin wanted to make, and there were a lot of them, so they also felt that selling these things was the best way.

"Brother Ren, Sister Fang, with the money sold, I will find a way to reward students who do well in the exam. Yes, I will set up a principal fund to reward students. The money can be used in this place." The idea that Yang Yimin suddenly thought of made him suddenly happy.

"Brother, you, this is something given to you by others. I don't think it's good for you to do this. Don't you have many relatives and friends, and you still want to go home, and Li Yan and her family, don't you like these things?" It's equivalent to confiscation, and I don't think so." Fang Xiaoyu's mother was obviously reluctant.

"Brother Ren and Sister Fang, I have to earn money with peace of mind. For example, Li Yan's investment in your place, although some people are here for me, but I am not afraid, because your taste, quality, price everyone It can be compared, earning money is the right thing to do. But the gifts I receive are different, I don’t want to earn such money, I don’t have much money in the first place, and I feel even more uneasy holding it.”

"Brother, I convince you. I think your idea is right. During the Chinese New Year, these things will not be sold out. I will help you get rid of them. I will hand over all the money to you in the next step. Also, your principal's fund, I will give [-] yuan as a sponsor first," Ren Chengda said.

Yang Yimin nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, it seems that this fund has a bright future."

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