Principal's Law

[113] The inside story of the evaluation

Director Xie was wearing a plush coat and a light red scarf. After getting out of the car, he shook hands with Yang Yimin, looked at the farmhouse, and said with a smile: "Director Li said that this restaurant tastes very good. I want to see if it is true. of."

Today, Yang Yimin asked him to arrange the evaluation team in a private room on the second floor. According to Yang Yimin's request, air conditioners and wardrobes were installed in it, and the layout was the same as that of a high-end hotel.

Entering the door, Yang Yimin signaled, and Ye Wenwen quickly took Director Xie's coat and hung it on a hanger in the closet.Yang Yimin smiled and asked Director Xie to sit in the VIP seat.

Director Xie looked at the wine on the table and smiled, "Yang Yimin, Director Li praised you several times at the Bureau's affairs meeting, saying that you can do things. You are really good, but I can't drink too much of this wine. I still have work this afternoon."

"Thank you Bureau, I can still vividly remember the day you sent me to Shimen. You have to drink this wine. You drink red and I drink white. I have to thank you."

Director Xie seemed to be recalling the scene of sending Yang Yimin to Shimen. At this time, Ma Yongming poured white wine for Chief Liu Yang Yimin, and Ye Wenwen poured red wine for Director Xie and Xiao Zhang.

After the others poured the wine, Yang Yimin said: "Everyone, Director Xie has always been concerned about the development of our school, and today he came to evaluate the school. We all express our gratitude to the evaluation team led by Director Xie. Section Chief Liu, Xiao Zhang The warm welcome of the three, the leadership is casual, and our administration cheers."

The cup Yang Yimin specially prepared for this time is a five-money cup, so that he can express his sincerity.For the second cup, Yang Yixin asked Director Xie to speak, and Director Xie smiled and said: "When I came to Shimen before, I thought that I didn't know what problems would give me a headache. I came here today with peace of mind, because Director Li cheered me up. I hope and wish that Shimen Middle School, under the leadership of Principal Yang Yimin, can stand the test and get high marks in the assessment."

According to the similar reception rules in Pingchuan County, the first three glasses are drunk together, and the subsequent wines can be toasted in different levels or individually. Naturally, Yang Yimin drank alone with the inspection team.

Yang Yimin was very forthright today and toasted Director Xie. The two talked about many meanings. Although Director Xie was a woman and drank red wine, when drinking with Yang Yimin, they also touched half a glass of red wine glass, and they drank three glasses.

The second is to drink with Chief Liu and Xiao Zhang. Naturally, Chief Liu has no problem. The two are old acquaintances. Yang Yimin took the opportunity to exchange his thoughts on teaching with each other. Chief Liu also felt the school's approach through these words , because after all, this assessment is about my teaching results before taking over. If I want to get a good score, I can only talk about my current practice and half-term results.

The two still had three glasses of wine, and when it was Xiao Zhang's turn, Yang Yimin said, "Xiao Zhang, do you still remember the invitation I gave you that day when I was waiting for Director Xie? Today you are finally here, welcome."

Xiao Zhang didn't expect that Yang Yimin could still remember it, and said with a smile: "Principal Yang, I remember it, I didn't expect you to remember it too, okay, I must drink this glass of wine, Principal Yang, you are now a member of the Education Bureau Celebrities here."

"Xiao Zhang, don't scare me, have I been scolded by the leader?"

"It's not, it's praise. Everyone says you are capable, but you can handle such a big incident in Shimen, and the teaching quality has improved so fast. Section Chief Liu is still saying it in the car. I really didn't expect it."

When the meal was about the same, Yang Yimin basically breathed out, the school's subjective impression score can definitely get a high score.

Section Chief Liu and Xiao Zhang were responsible for reviewing the materials. Yang Yimin asked Ma Yongming and Ye Wenwen to assist each other one-on-one, while he chatted with Director Xie in the principal's office.

Yang Yimin reported the general situation in the future to Director Xie, and Director Xie asked: "Yang Yimin, what is the relationship between Ren Chengfa and you now?"

"Director Xie, when I came here, the headmaster had a lot of resistance to me, but after several incidents, I communicated with him many times, and now we should say that there is no barrier between us and we are very united."

"If that's the case, that's what I'm most worried about. Do you know where I was at the meeting that day?"

"Thank you Bureau, I learned etiquette when I was in college, and I still understand the basics."

"Yeah, Lao Ren is not young anymore, and it's really boring to fight like this. Yang Yimin, if your school plans to promote again in the future, who do you think is more suitable?"

Yang Yimin never thought about this matter. What is the message from Director Xie? Is it possible that Ren Chengfa is going to be mobilized?It is possible in terms of age. If the middle school and elementary school are merged next year, Ren Chengfa may automatically resign, but there cannot be too many school grades, so how can he be promoted again?

Yang Yimin couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't help but say, "Xie Ju, now in the school administration, Ma Yongming is young, has a bachelor's degree, and has a clear thinking in doing things, and he has performed well in all aspects. If I were to consider it, I would choose him." of."

Director Xie nodded and said with a smile: "I'm just asking, nothing else. I'm in charge of personnel affairs, and I have to keep abreast of the trends of each school."

Yang Yimin also answered vaguely. The two chatted for a while, and Yang Yimin said: "Thank you, I plan to arrange it at noon in the evening, and rearrange the dishes. I guarantee that it will not be repeated at noon. When I come back, can I play mahjong with you?"

"You don't know how to play mahjong, and Xiao Zhang doesn't know how to play mahjong either. How do you play this card?"

"I don't know how to learn. At dinner time, I will ask Principal Li from the elementary school to come and play with you, and it will be solved."

Director Xie happily agreed, and then Yang Yimin called and asked Ren Chengda to prepare dinner for the evening immediately.

After checking the information for more than half an hour, Yang Yimin took everyone to visit the campus, still letting Ye Wenwen serve as the commentator, and gave a detailed introduction to all aspects of the school's practices and achievements. changes and development.

Director Xie personally participated in the democratic assessment and individual conversations. This is a place she must check and meet with school teachers. She not only talked about the requirements of the assessment, but also praised Yang Yimin's grades from the Education Bureau. After reading it again, he set a tone for Yang Yimin's half-semester work.

After she finished her speech, the evaluation questionnaires began to be distributed, and after the evaluation forms were collected, individual conversations were held.Before five o'clock in the afternoon, all work is over.

Director Xie finally held a briefing for the leadership team. She mainly said that everyone should continue to work hard, strengthen management, and pay attention to safety work at the end of the term.

She didn't say more when talking about the evaluation situation this time, but said: "We will report to the bureau after the comprehensive evaluation, but I can tell you that through the joint efforts of Yang Yimin and everyone, the results are gratifying. "

When the two were having dinner, Director Xie whispered when drinking the fifth glass of wine with Yang Yimin: "Yang Yimin, you may be at the front, not bad."

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