Principal's Law

【122】Assessment plan

According to the arrangement, the school arranged a party member activity on weekends. This is the second party member activity in a semester, but the meanings of the two are completely different. A meeting to criticize Ren Chengfa, and this time, it was a complete summary and commendation meeting.

Although Yang Yimin said that he would not be judged as advanced, all party members and branch committees voted for him when they were deliberated. At noon, they had dinner at Ren Chengda's farmhouse. Li Yan was there too, but they were not together. She and Fang Xiaoyu were upstairs. superior.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Yimin saw that everyone was entertaining, and he told Ren Chengfa to let Li Yan drive back to the county together.

Since the last time, Yang Yimin no longer avoided his relationship with Li Yan, so Li Yan's parents naturally regarded Li Yimin as their son-in-law. Before the car arrived in the county, Li Yan called home and said that he wanted to eat porridge Pickle.

It was Li Yan's mother who answered the phone, and she was surprised to hear what Li Yan said, but since Li Yan was driving, it was not easy to ask more questions, and she cooked according to Li Yan's request.

Yang Yimin still brought back a bunch of New Year’s goods, but they were all made by Fang Xiaoyu’s mother, and they were all good things. Yang Yimin felt that he was in Shimen, and many people in the city were rushing to buy Shimen’s wax products in grocery stores. Bring some back.

Li Yan drove directly to the house, when Li Yan's mother asked: "Yanzi, why do you want to eat porridge and kimchi? Didn't you want to eat these things before?"

"Mom and Dad, you don't know. When I arrived in Shimen, the teachers and leaders of the school treated me as a distinguished guest. The teacher said that it was more grand than welcoming the director. I ate good food every day. Mom, I must have gained a few pounds."

"That's because of your teacher, girl, I'm still worried about you, I didn't expect you to live so well."

"Li Yan, go wash two glasses, I'll drink with your teacher."

Li Yan ran into the kitchen to get two wine glasses. Li Yan's father said, "Yimin, I feel relieved now. I used to worry about Li Yan's suffering. Now it seems that we are worrying too much."

Yang Yimin returned to the dormitory very late. When he arrived at the gate of the community, he saw Zhou Qin at the gate of the community. He asked, "Zhou Qin, who are you waiting for?"

"Wait for my brother, he is in junior high school and will be back soon."

"It's so late, what's the point of you waiting at the gate of the community." Yang Yimin thought it was funny. How could anyone wait for students at the gate of the community? They were either at the school gate or cooked delicious food at home. Years of understanding, this is still very clear.

"My brother is not allowed to pick him up. It's so late today, and I don't know which direction he came back from, so I wait here."

Yang Yimin thinks about it too. Nowadays, students like to be with their classmates and don't like their parents to pick them up. Of course, Zhou Qin's situation is also included.

"Is your little brother in high school or junior high school?"

"It's the second day of junior high school, so I should go home early tonight."

Yang Yimin thinks that it is true that Shimen Middle School does not have make-up classes on the weekend of the second day of junior high school, but because the schools in the county are too competitive, the school still has to make up classes.

"Brother Yang, what do you do?"

"I, hey, forget it, it's better that you don't know." Yang Yimin didn't want the other party to know more, and found it boring.

Yang Yimin returned to the dormitory, lay down on the bed after washing, and sent a text message to Li Yan, saying that he had arrived.In recent days, Li Yan has been with her, and while enjoying the intimacy of her lover, she also feels pressure.

This pressure comes from the school administration and some teachers' treats. To be honest, if there is no invitation like this from everyone, and there is no need to chat with Li Yan, play with him and invite him to dinner, Yang Yimin really wants Li Yan to be with him every day. Together, but looking at it now, it is impossible during the end of the period.

As the principal, I didn't expect that Li Yan would make such a big noise when he came to Shimen, but it was strange because Yang Yimin asked Li Xiaoping, he knew that Li Xiaoping would tell the truth to him, but Li Xiaoping said that he had never done it before. Perhaps, everyone really wants to thank him, but usually they can't find the opportunity.

Moreover, Li Xiaoping said that she also wanted to invite Li Yan to play and eat, which made Yang Yimin feel that Li Yan could no longer stay in Shimen.

Seeing that the end of the term is approaching, this is the most critical time to test yourself. Whether you can pass this level smoothly is very important. By the way, various inspections and evaluations have been completed, and the situation of the test results has been finalized. and the final result.

But how to distribute the end-of-term bonus reasonably can not only mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and express their own ideas, but also avoid greater conflicts, because after all, when the Spring Festival is coming, too many conflicts will have greater negative impacts.

Yang Yimin looked at the plan Liu Zhiming brought up many times, but he was never satisfied. In fact, Yang Yimin’s point of view is very simple. Now the average monthly bonus is close to [-]. For those who have problems in the inspection, they are included in the monthly bonus. Buckled, and quite harshly.

Therefore, the assessment of De Neng Qin performance at the end of the year should focus on performance. This performance is firstly the test results, and the second is the contribution, such as the head teacher, the administration, and various large-scale activities of the school, as well as the contribution made in the school's various welcome inspections. People and things that work.

But in addition to the analysis of the teaching quality by the superior, and the specific list of the head teacher and the administrator, the other manifestations should not be too large.

Liu Zhiming's plan has never been able to implement his own ideas, but has made a big fuss about the subjective points in terms of morality and ability, which will allow the evaluation team to score a lot of outrageous points based on their subjective impressions, thus affecting the teacher's final evaluation Fraction.

And this is the situation that most teachers are most dissatisfied with. This is the source of many contradictions, but many leaders are not tired of it, because it is a symbol of power. It seems to teach those who only know how to do things in class, but also respect the leaders. , You have to have a good relationship with the leadership.

This is the ecology of the school circle. What Liu Zhiming thinks is to think about the plan around this idea, so he can't get out of this frame, and it is difficult to come up with a satisfactory plan.

In the end, Yang Yimin had to greatly modify Liu Zhiming's assessment plan by himself, and adjusted the score ratio. This took a whole afternoon, and Yang Yimin didn't finish it until after five o'clock, and then called Liu Zhiming to take it.

Yang Yimin directly edited the electronic document, so he typed a copy and handed it to Liu Zhiming, saying: "I will send you the electronic document right away, please accept it."

Yang Yimin intends to separate the evaluation of the administration and class teacher separately, so that the teaching work can be simplified, and the work of the administration and class teacher will be rewarded separately, so that the comparison of all teachers can truly reflect the teacher's class situation and teaching quality.

Yang Yimin arranges a staff representative meeting during the time period for paper revision and performance analysis after the final exam. This is a necessary process every year, involving school work, account management, proposals, etc. Yang Yimin's main concern is the bonus distribution plan the passing status.

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