Principal's Law

[160] Enrollment Potential

"Boss, you're really cunning, you see farther than I do, okay, everything is up to you."

Yang Yimin looked at Li Yan and asked, "Yanzi, are there more boys or girls in your class? Is it difficult to study?"

Li Yan thought for a while, "There are still more boys. Many of them are college students who have just graduated. Others have a good foundation, so I seem to be struggling, but I am hardworking. I only have half a day of class every day. I still have half a day to digest. There are two My classmates have a good relationship with me, and they are very helpful to me.”

"Boss, there are a lot of students in the class who are under a lot of pressure. Some of them are sent by the company, and some come to study while working, but this book is really attractive, so it is quite hard work, but there are also a few of them who are sons of the family business. Miss, most of these people are just a bunch of people, and there is another one, it is said that he was originally a boss of a construction company, like the rich second generation, and he has never been here once."

"Yanzi, you have to grasp your own position, learn knowledge, broaden your horizons, and increase your knowledge, girl, Shanghai is very attractive, can you stand it?"

"Boss, thinking of you, you can withstand any temptation, so don't worry." Li Yan smiled sweetly.

Yang Yimin's contradictions have always existed in his heart, but he can't speak too clearly. After all, Li Yan has to adapt and build his own defense system in order not to get lost in the real life full of temptations.

Two days later, Yang Yimin called Qin Fang, who asked eagerly, "Brother Yang, do you have any news?"

"Qin Fang, it's like this. I asked Li Yan's father to share a house from a friend. It has three bedrooms and 105 square meters. It's on the fourth floor of Linjiang Community. It's quite good. Others used it for investment because they owed Li Yan a long time ago. Father is only a favor, so this time he readily agreed."

"Brother Yang, the houses there are the best in the county. My boyfriend asked for more than [-] yuan. I'm very tight on money here."

"Qin Fang, the house I bought for you can't possibly be that high. I've calculated it for you. The house is [-] square meters per square meter. Half of the money you have now is used for the down payment, and the rest is for the mortgage. Renovation and marriage should be about the same, if you save a little, it should be fine."

"Brother Yang, no way, one thousand and two, is it true?"

"Xiao Qin, it's true. The house will be handed over next month. I'll ask someone from the company to get a copy of your ID card, and just transfer the contract to you."

"Okay, Brother Yang, thank you so much, Brother Yang, come back this weekend, I'll treat you to seafood."

After arranging Qin Fang's affairs, Yang Yimin sat on the sofa. The company's affairs should be straightened out now. As long as there are no problems in internal management, the relationship should go smoothly. This makes him feel at ease, because he is not in the company, the most troublesome is foreign affairs.

Li Yan's father took the order, and the company's staff was in charge of making materials, while she herself was in charge of communicating with the different business management department. Such a method should be the best state now.

He took a sip of tea when the phone rang. He got up and picked up the phone. It was Lin Juan's. "Sister Lin, what's the matter?"

"Come back for the weekend?"

"Miss me?"

"A little bit, do you miss me?"

"It's also a little bit, sister Lin, you don't just say this sentence, do you?"

"I'll give you the latest news. The news that the county magistrate was shuanggui has been confirmed. The deputy county magistrate in charge of commerce is in charge of the work temporarily. That's what he was doing a few days ago, right?"

"Yeah, he didn't tell you?"

"I didn't say it, I don't want to talk to him now."

"Sister, forget it, don't think about these issues. After all, you are still under his leadership. Many people don't want to have a closer relationship, such as me."

Lin Juan didn't speak immediately. After a while, she said: "Don't talk about these things, and contact me when you come back on the weekend."

Before you know it, it has entered the beginning of April. Yang Yimin has completed two major events after the start of school has been straightened out. The first thing is to arrange for primary school graduates.

Shimen Primary School is a counterpart school, so the work in this area is going well. Yang Yimin has a good relationship with the two principals, so it is easy to understand the situation of the students in the four classes. Yang Yimin asked the teaching office to do a grade analysis and family situation Analysis, also analyzed the main loss of students in Shimen Primary School in the past two years.

In the past two years, Shimen Primary School has been selected by the County Experimental Middle School and two other junior high schools to approach 20 students. Most of these students are students with poor academic performance, and a small number of them are students from better families who are studying expensive books.

The three nearby townships are consistent schools that merged junior high school and elementary school. These three schools are the focus of Shimen Middle School to select the top students first. Yang Yimin asked the administration to use his acquaintances to quietly contact the head teacher of the school, and he himself contacted the teaching and research section to obtain these Main information on the eugenics of primary school leavers in schools.

This work was very difficult, because Yang Yimin was just making preparations and could not let anyone know. Fortunately, Shimen Town was originally the location of the old administrative division, and there were many exchanges and relationships between teachers. You can always find acquaintances, and in Fengshu Township, it was Li Xiaoping who went to the township and asked Zhang Yongping to invite several class teachers to dinner to obtain information.

However, Li Xinghui did not give an answer, and the two of them have not eaten together since then, so it is not easy for him to ask. There has been no news about the recent personnel changes at the upper level. It is estimated that the matter of the county magistrate being double-regulated is still fermenting. Who will step down? His position is still in progress, and Li Xinghui doesn't have the energy to take care of these specific tasks.

The second thing is to discuss how to deal with foreign enrollment. Yang Yimin has thought about this a long time ago, and let Ren Chengfa and Ma Yongming consider it. He also consulted middle-level cadres, head teachers, general teachers and even school workers on this matter. .

In the first ten days or so, everything seemed to be very messy, and various ideas came together, but when it was finally summed up, it was not difficult to see that the main problem was the distribution of benefits from enrollment rebates.

Enrollment in ordinary high schools is relatively easy, because the destination of the students is certain, and the school can control which school they go to. As Huang Jian said, the money to be given to the school, whether it is given to the principal, the teachers or the students, the principal will eventually decide. It is clear that Yang Yimin's clear point is that this money is used to reward the teachers of the third grade of junior high school.

The method of using this money can allow the teachers of the third grade of junior high school, especially the teachers of the two key classes, to devote more energy to teaching, reduce the influence of other interests, and tap everyone's potential, so Yang Yimin worked in the third grade group for the first time. At the meeting, he clarified his point of view.

However, the enrollment fees of vocational schools are difficult to control. First of all, there are too many enrollment schools. There are vocational schools in the county, vocational schools and technical schools in the city, various private schools in the province, and many vocational schools in nearby counties. Come to grab students.

And where did these students end up studying, and who recommended them?Whether the enrollment fee is given to the students or to the school teachers at a discount, or whether the vocational teachers who come to the school to enroll students get part of it themselves and part of it to the school teachers, these are all secrets that cannot be revealed.

No one wants to say that as long as they say it, they are buying and selling students. This not only vilifies education and the image of teachers, but is also not allowed by the policy.

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