This is a deal between himself and Xiao Zhengqiang, and he can't get too much. Yang Yimin said: "This matter is very complicated. I have already considered his treatment. Don't worry about it for now. I will think about it after it is published in the newspaper."

"Well, Yimin, take care. Now that you're back in the city, Li Yan will take care of you. I'm relieved."

Yang Yimin felt a little sour, and asked, "How's the matter with Experimental Middle School?"

"I called the headmaster and asked directly. The headmaster was very welcome, but said that he had to go through the school's unified assessment."

"Everyone has to pass the assessment. This is a normal procedure, but if it is an excellent teacher, he will remind you, or he will promise you for fear of losing you. These should be heard in the words, you Do you feel it?"

Li Xiaoping thought for a while, "No."

"Okay, Xiaoping, don't worry, I'll keep this in mind, don't worry." Yang Yimin felt that no matter what, he had to let Li Xiaoping be transferred to the city.

The annual personnel transfers are basically during the period after the final exam, so during the ten days or so, under the seemingly calm appearance, there are many transactions hidden, and no one knows what the result of the transaction will be .

Since the number of students in the suburban middle school did not increase much, there was no plan to report the need for transfer this year. He thought about these things in his mind, and took the school's teacher status sheet in his hand to check it carefully.

After reading the teacher's situation twice, Yang Yimin took a sip of water, went to the teaching office to get the class schedule, and began to patrol the classroom to see if the teacher is serious about teaching and whether there is a way to manage students. Through the inspection, many problems can be seen.

Yang Yimin paid attention to the inspection direction on the stairs. He walked from the direction behind the students, so that the students’ behavior in class would not change significantly, and the teacher’s many situations could be more realistic. Moreover, many students did not know that he was the principal. So the current inspection is closer to the real situation.

It took half an hour for Yang Yimin to walk through all the classrooms. The situation shocked him. First of all, the junior high school class, except for four or five classes with good discipline, where more than 80.00% of the students were listening carefully, the other classes had poor discipline. Teachers don't care about discipline in class, and students violate discipline in various ways.

The main problem in elementary school classrooms is that there are too many students. The discipline of primary school students is good in the upper grades, and the discipline in the lower grades is not so good, but the number of students is the main problem. There are too many students. Each class is close to 70 students. Under such circumstances, it is hard to imagine that there are no poor students.

When I came to the school gate, the school had a main gate. Yang Yimin knew that the gate was very big. Only now did I find out that there was a back gate in the elementary school. The gate was not big, but many parents surrounded it. After 11:30, these parents pick up their children here.

Yang Yimin went out from the gate, and many people surrounded the school gate. There was only one teacher at the gate, and when he saw Yang Yimin coming, he said hello.

At [-]:[-], the students leave school. The whole school is like scattered ants, running on the stairs, in the aisles, and on the playground. Some ran to the cafeteria, and some ran to the door.

It gave people the feeling of chaos. Yang Yimin really didn't expect that under such an environment, there are still many students in the school who can get A's every year, and the grades of the elementary school students are not bad.

Looking at this situation, Yang Yimin felt that the difficulty was less. The more disordered the situation, the easier it was to get started, the more ways he could find, and the more obvious the effect, just like in Shimen, because In the past, my grades were poor, so I stood out. Perhaps this situation also provided myself with a platform to change.

But this kind of situation makes people worry, it is too easy to have accidents, I don't know if the original leaders and teachers are used to it or are numb, they can turn a blind eye like this.

The food Yang Yimin ate in the lunch group was much worse than that of Shimen Middle School, but the price was still more expensive. He looked at the students' bowls and could hardly find a few decent slices of meat. After searching for a long time, he was treated preferentially, and he also felt that the food was unpalatable. He found that no teacher in the school ate in the cafeteria.

After Yang Yimin finished eating, there was not a single teacher in the whole school, and all the administrators left. He went to the student dormitory, and there was no teacher on duty. He went to various offices, but there was still no one. Yang Yimin was a little angry. In the address book, I sent a text message to the school administration group, and a meeting was held in the school's small conference room at 01:30.

Yang Yimin rested in the office for a while. He was making up his mind, because both Li Xinghui and Director Xie were reminding that the situation in the suburban middle school was complicated, but he didn't know how complicated it was. He only saw the chaos now. There are more jurisprudence associations, and this status quo will not change. If something goes wrong, the position of principal will also disappear. Reform and governance are inevitable.

Yang Yimin suddenly thought that maybe Li Xinghui had another meaning in letting him go to suburban middle school, that is, Xiang Hongmei. , Is this the complexity he suggested?

Attitude is everything. Yang Yimin knows that the status quo cannot be completely reversed now, but at least he can make an example of others and intimidate teachers. The purpose is only one, to make everyone work hard and take responsibility.

At [-]:[-], He Ming arrived at the school. He opened the small meeting room ahead of time, and the door of Yang Yimin's office was half open. He came over and saw Yang Yimin inside, and said, "Principal Yang, the door of the small meeting room is open. "

Yang Yimin nodded and asked, "Is there a complete school management system?"

"Yes, we made a special set last year to meet the inspection of the county education bureau."

"Show me." Yang Yimin said as he walked towards the meeting room with a teacup in his hand.

The meeting room is on the second floor, which was remodeled from a classroom. This is the first time Yang Yimin has come to this meeting room. Looking at it, the table is very dusty. It may be that there is no administrative meeting recently, so it is very dirty.

Yang Yimin took out the paper and wiped the chair. He wanted to do the cleaning, but he thought about the topic he was talking about today was to perform his own duties. Whose responsibility should it be, he should bear it, so he gave up.

He Ming went to look for the management system, and the other administrators seemed not very adaptable, because according to the summer work and rest time, everyone is taking a lunch break at this time.

Perhaps because of Yang Yimin's face, Xiang Hongmei came earlier. She sat on Yang Yimin's side and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yang, is there anything urgent? I rushed over after dinner."

Director Duan of the Politics and Education Department probably had a drink at noon, and his face was still red. He was still picking his teeth when he came to the meeting room.

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