When everyone is here, Yang Yimin said: "I'm really sorry that everyone didn't take a nap today, because the faculty union will be held in the afternoon, so an administrative meeting must be held before. Let's talk about things directly. In the morning, principal Xiang, Chen and I The principal discussed the main tasks, and what we need now is executive power, so we have a meeting at this time, and we will talk about the issue of executive power."

"The first thing is, how is the end-of-term review going? Are the students in the exam state? Have you checked the course progress and review progress? Is there a record of the class review review?" Yang Yimin knew that he hit the topic directly, and there was no need to ask the individual. Just talk about work, and whoever is responsible will say it.

Principal Chen and Du Xuan from the teaching office looked at each other. Principal Chen didn't speak. Du Xuan had no choice but to say, "The review arrangements have been discussed at the meeting, and the specific situation has not been understood."

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will start at work in the afternoon. I will take out a copy of the teacher's review preparation, practice questions, practice test papers and student performance within tomorrow. In the afternoon, Principal Chen will be responsible for the evaluation with the teaching and research team leader and the grade organization. Come out of the level and cash out the end-of-term bonus."

Yang Yimin picked up the notebook, glanced at it intentionally, and said, "The second thing is the enrollment work. This was discussed with the two vice principals this morning. Principal Chen, how is the work going?"

"I made the arrangement, and arranged for the office and the Youth League Committee to proceed." Principal Chen was startled, and looked at He Ming while talking. He didn't expect Yang Yimin to ask him directly, and it was only a few hours, how could it be so fast.

He Ming was a little flustered, and said: "We are making a plan, and the specific content is being done."

Yang Yimin said: "Okay, then take out the sample draft of the promotion before tonight and let the advertising company do it. The quality of the work should be higher-level, and it should not be like an advertisement for dog skin plaster outside."

"The third thing is how the school's duty work is assessed. For example, at this time, who is in which position, is it clear?"

Xiang Hongmei already knew from Yang Yimin's directors that Yang Yimin must have discovered many problems during the school inspection process, so when she asked this question, she also knew that it was unavoidable, and she said first: "Director Duan, you Also take out the records of the duty schedule."

Director Duan was sweating all over his face, "Principal Yang, I've been busy these days, so the assessment records are incomplete. We'll fill them up right away."

"Add it, it means that it has been assessed, but it hasn't been recorded, right? Otherwise, let's go out for a walk, and everyone will go to the assessment together." Yang Yimin's face was sullen, and this was what made him most angry.

Xiang Hongmei didn't speak, and she was also afraid. The school has a system for assessing this matter, but after the implementation, everyone just muddled through. Many teachers on duty also went to the scene, and many administrative duties also went through the motions and put on a show. .

The point is that today, Xiang Hongmei is on administrative duty. Perhaps the school teachers know that she is irresponsible, so few people came to work, and she did not conduct an assessment.

Director Duan could only look at Xiang Hongmei, asking for help. This kind of look made Xiang Hongmei very angry, because didn't it push her into embarrassment?

Yang Yimin probably saw the truth from the eyes of the two of them. He thought that Xiang Hongmei was indeed too irresponsible, but there were indeed problems with Director Duan's doing so, and things couldn't be done this way. Isn’t the lesson learned profound? Everyone is busy these days, but how can the assessment be relaxed? If this matter has not been dealt with properly, what should we do if another matter comes up?”

"If we implement the arrangement, carefully assess, and eliminate many problems in the bud, won't everyone be relaxed? From the end of the meeting, I hope to conduct a strict assessment, and you can also notify the teacher in advance. If each position is not in place once, [-] yuan will be deducted , the monthly bonus will continue to be deducted from the end-of-term bonus.”

Everyone didn't say anything more, because Xiang Hongmei should be the one who should speak or raise objections at this time. According to Xiang Hongmei's characteristics in the past, she would definitely raise objections at this time, but she didn't speak at this time.

Yang Yimin continued: "The fourth thing is the small shopping department in the cafeteria. Is there a teacher on duty every day? Are there any samples in the cafeteria? How is the quality of the food? Is there any inspection? Why is there no teacher eating in the cafeteria?"

Zhao Qiang and Yang Yimin from the General Affairs Office had been in contact for a while, and knew that Yang Yimin was very capable in doing things. He did not dare to hide anything, and said: "Every day, people are arranged to go to see it, and there is also an assessment form, but basically it is just going through the motions. The cafeteria said that because the school The contract fee is too high, so the quality of meals cannot be guaranteed.”

"You tell him immediately after the meeting, immediately improve the quality of the food until I am satisfied, otherwise he can leave now."

"What if they really left?" He Ming was startled and asked.

"It's fine if we really leave. Can't Pingchuan County find food? The fast food deliverers are guarding outside and can't get in. Let's find a few fast food companies. Could it be that they can't do it?"

Yang Yimin has never been afraid of threats. Although he was still worried about this matter, he was not in a panic, because he knew in his heart that he was about to talk about contracting for the next school year, and the contractor would never dare to say something like leaving.

The meeting arrived at half past two, Yang Yimin looked at the time and said: "When it comes to execution, the key is the people we are sitting here. If everyone is serious, the teachers will naturally be in place, and the work will naturally be promoted. In the future, The office also needs to add another function, that is, the assessment of administration, not only the assessment of the situation in place, but also the effect, if there is no effect, what is the use.”

He asked Xiang Hongmei and Chen Zhenghua, "Principal Xiang, Principal Chen, do you have anything else to say?"

Xiang Hongmei said: "I just want to say one thing, everyone must earnestly follow what Principal Yang said."

Chen Zhenghua also had to express his opinion: "Yes, we must work together to change the school under the leadership of Principal Yang."

After the meeting, Yang Yimin came to the playground. Under the sun, his skin was burning hot. Some teachers entered the school one after another. Many teachers came in with parasols. But Yang Yimin found that just outside the school gate, many students Either riding a bicycle or standing, hundreds of people gathered outside, and the momentum was quite huge.

But in the sun, Yang Yimin felt that the umbrellas held by the teachers were dazzling. Students had to wait at the school gate in advance to go to school, and the school did not allow students to enter the school gate in advance. The purpose of this was not to affect the rest of the resident students. But if it rains, if the weather is so hot, the students will suffer.

Maybe because Xiang Hongmei called, Yang Yimin found that two teachers came to the school gate in a hurry, and someone went to the student dormitory.

With a teacher, the students naturally became less noisy and more disciplined. The few students who were jumping just now also stopped. As soon as Yang Yimin approached the school gate, a student shouted: "Hello, Principal Yang".

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