"Many people in the outside world are concerned about this matter. The bureau leader also said yesterday that a reporter will come to interview this matter. If they do, this matter will inevitably cause social uproar. The school is famous, but since then the school and Teachers may be ridiculed by society for a long time."

"Some teachers may think that it is good to govern the school leaders in this way, but you may not have thought that the school leader may change to another school and transfer, and he will have nothing to do with the school, but the vast majority of our teachers here are I will stay in this school for a long time, so the most embarrassing thing in the end must be our teacher."

"So what I want to say is that we must learn from this incident, do everything well from the management, from the source, and from our own responsibilities. Administrative leaders must improve their execution, and teachers must do their jobs well. work and minimize work errors.”

"How to do it is very simple. It is to put the work into action, give more love to the students, care about them more, manage them more, guide them more, and let them grow up healthily."

"So, as a manager, the focus is on assessment. The administrative assessment is conducted by our three principals, and the assessment of teachers and staff is conducted by the administrator. Public announcements are made every day, and everyone's position is announced. Strictly check and implement, award Diligence and punishment for laziness depends on both the result and the process, with only one purpose, to make more money for teachers who really put their minds on school work."

"I have read the roster of teachers in the school. Maybe I don't know all of them now, but I know that the teachers in our school are the most effective teachers. I have analyzed that in the early days of the school, the teachers were all young when they came. Now Well, with teaching experience and young age, it is time to do a big job, so I have the confidence to lead everyone to create the glory of the school."

"Because of this, the next inspection and assessment will be quite strict. Please be prepared. If your money is deducted, you don't need to go to other leaders, just go to me and explain the reasons and the rules. At the same time, there are several other leaders in the school Measures, one is this year’s enrollment measures, the other is the logistics management measures need to be changed, and everyone can also make suggestions.”

"Recruitment means not to let the outstanding students of your own school lose, and at the same time try to recruit excellent students from other places. Teachers in the third grade of junior high school have to do a lot of work. You can also contact your relatives and friends to let outstanding students come. I Rewards can also be given, and the results can refer to the proficiency test results for primary school graduation. Next year, if we get good grades, we can also organize a separate exam."

There was a lot of discussion from below, and a teacher couldn't help it, and said: "Principal Yang, will it be useful for us to promote it, not to mention the impact of this incident, our school's grades, will others come? "

Yang Yimin pondered for a while, and said: "How to publicize, we should print out the promotional materials and distribute them to everyone tomorrow. Think about it, Mr. Liang, and everyone can think about it. If each of our teachers is serious, everyone will If you concentrate on your work, will the management of the students be poor and the grades of the students will be poor, I believe not.”

"So we can boldly promote it. If everyone doesn't believe in themselves, then believe me." Yang Yimin smiled.

There were also some teachers who asked some of their own questions face to face, and Yang Yimin answered many of them. To everyone's surprise, most of them Yang Yimin called out their names directly, which caused shocks in everyone's hearts.

Yang Yimin talked about the facts, so everyone was convinced. Several typical incidents, such as the guard at the school gate, the problem of the canteen, and the number of students, all resonated with everyone.

After the meeting, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Yang Yimin called the directors of the Political and Educational Office and the General Affairs Office and the management staff to the cafeteria and asked them to check the management of the cafeteria and the students' food situation.

Yang Yimin didn't go in directly. He wanted to leave a little room for the two directors and give them enough space. Today he just reminded them. After the end, he said to the two: "You have also seen it. Come down and discuss how to rectify it. Immediately." Let’s go, let’s come and see tomorrow.”

Back at the office, He Ming and Feng Min, the leader of the regiment, were already waiting for him. They had already produced the first draft of the publicity plan. Yang Yimin asked the two to come to the office, sat at the desk by himself, and let them sit on the sofa. For written materials, ask, "Do you have electronic manuscripts?"

He Ming looked at Feng Min, Feng Min said: "Yes, how about I send it to you right away."

"Okay, send it to me right away."

"Principal Yang, what is your QQ?"

After a while, Yang Yimin received the document from Feng Min. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt that something was wrong. He took out his phone and called Li Yan, who connected immediately, "Yimin."

"Yanzi, what is the phone number of Wang Liang, who advertises in your class, please send it to me, and you can help me tell him to come to the school immediately."

"Okay, Yimin, Yimin, why don't you go home for dinner tonight? Today, my mother said that Xiaoyu is coming, and sister Xiaohong is also here. It just so happened that everyone went out to eat Shan Bao."

"You go first, I'll see the situation."

Yang Yimin saw Li Xiaoping online on QQ, and he suddenly wanted Li Xiaoping to look at the promotional materials. Li Xiaoping is a Chinese teacher, and she should have rich experience in publicity, because the two are in his office, so it is difficult to find Others, on QQ, can speak clearly by themselves.

He immediately sent a message to Li Xiaoping, "Director Li, are you there?"

The other party sent it immediately: "Yes, Principal Yang."

"Are you free? Help me change something when you are free."

"Your matter, if you are not free, you must be free. Tell me right away, and I will look at it right away."

"I'm in a hurry, and I can't calm down. I can only ask you for help."

Yang Yimin said to Director He and Feng Min: "You can go back to the office and take a rest first, I'll take a look first, wait a while for the advertising company to come, you come over, we'll discuss it later."

When He Ming walked out of the office, Feng Min came over and said, "Principal Yang, I'll pour water for you."

Feng Min was only assigned to the school the year before last, and Yang Yimin, the regiment leader last year, really ignored her. At this time, Feng Min was standing in front of Yang Yimin, and he paid attention to her seriously.

The slightly round face is very white, and the height should be 1.6 meters. The body and the face feel uncoordinated, because the round face seems to be slightly fat, but the figure is not fat at all. The only thing that matches the round face is the chest, which is very prominent .

But she is still very good at dressing up and pays attention to her image. The clothes and accessories are not high-end but match well. She is slightly fashionable but has the characteristics of a professional woman, very quiet.

Yang Yimin felt that Feng Min seemed to be more conservative towards him than Li Xiaoping at the time, but pouring water on him at this time, on the one hand, it shows that women are naturally caring and considerate, and on the other hand, it also shows that she still hopes to establish a good impression, because the two God, Yang Yimin did almost ignore her existence.

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