Principal's Law

【296】Dark Change

The next morning, Yang Yimin arrived at the school before eight o'clock. He hadn't arrived at the office yet, and he was surprised to see that the office door was still open from a distance.

Standing at the door, Yang Can was picking up a small bag of Longjing tea she gave him to make tea for him. The water in the kettle was full, and she was afraid that the water would drip on the desk, so she carried the kettle and the teacup to the side of the trash can .

Yang Yimin watched quietly, although he didn't feel too angry with her last night, but this girl's acting skills are indeed too superb, he has to observe again.

After pouring the water in the teacup, she put down the kettle and put the teacup on a small round cushion. Everything was really focused. Yang Yimin observed carefully, but he did not see any affectation.

Being able to perform so well, Yang Yimin felt that if it was really a performance, it would be terrible.

He coughed dryly and walked in from the door. Seeing him coming in, Yang Can shouted excitedly: "Brother Yang."

Yang Yimin nodded and asked, "Is your mother still okay?"

"Okay, Brother Yang, I want to clean up your office every day."

If all of this is true, Yang Yimin will definitely be very moved, but he knows that all of this is very likely to be a show, so he said without any expression of gratitude, "Xiaoyang, the school invited your mother. If she It's normal for you to help out occasionally when you're sick, and when she's well, there's no need for you to come again, and don't come in the future."

Yang Can was very disappointed, she asked cautiously: "Brother Yang, I want to thank you."

This sentence made Yang Yimin angry, and he said lightly: "Xiaoyang, call me Principal Yang from now on, and I don't need you to thank me, your brother passed the exam, it is his own ability, and you are like this, not to let everyone I thought, I really helped your brother, you and I can't tell, how do you want me to work in the future?"

Looking at Yang Yimin's expression, Yang Can seemed incomprehensible, but after listening to Yang Yimin's words, she realized the problem, thinking that Yang Yimin blamed her for not being able to do things, and quickly said: "I'm sorry, Brother Yang, no, Principal Yang, I'm sorry."

After all, she left with a face full of doubts, and after a while, she sent a text message on her mobile phone: Brother Yang, I'm damned, I really didn't think carefully, I made you difficult, I'm sorry.

Yang Yimin read it, but didn't reply. Instead, he was thinking about the main topic of today's executive meeting. Li Xiaoping and Pu Hongxia hadn't arrived yet, so he couldn't make adjustments yet, but things had to be done immediately.

Chatting with Director Xie for more than an hour has yielded a lot. In several places, Director Xie asked him to consider and formulate plans immediately. Some of these plans are not clear to me, and some have to be approved by the executive committee, so today's administrative meeting may be a Meetings that touch the interests of some of them will expose some problems in administration.

Yang Yimin sat at his desk, quietly thinking about how to deal with these problems. If he didn't understand, then he had to let someone move, let Xiang Hongmei and Chen Zhenghua move, and he would naturally drive everyone, and he might be able to Find out the human concerns among the interests.

He took a sip of the tea Yang Can made for him, and the aroma of Longjing confused him a little. Is this girl really acting?

Sitting in the small conference room, Yang Yimin said: "Tomorrow is the teacher's summary meeting, and it is also the last meeting before the holiday. I have communicated with relevant school comrades in many cases. Now we will discuss the matter and make a decision."

He looked at Xiang Hongmei and said, "Principal Xiang, let's talk about moral education first."

Xiang Hongmei had obviously discussed with the Department of Political Affairs and Education, and said: "We plan to do three things. One thing is to follow up the follow-up of the stampede. According to Principal Yang's request last time, after the teacher's holiday, we will go to the students' homes to give condolences. ;The second thing is to investigate potential safety hazards. Together with the General Affairs Office, we have to use the holidays to do a good job in the maintenance of various facilities and equipment; the third thing is to arrange the class teacher after the teacher is transferred, which is scheduled to be carried out in early August."

Because Yang Yimin asked last time that he must have his own way to get the matters discussed at the executive meeting, so Xiang Hongmei mentioned how to solve everything.

The teaching office's arrangement focuses on teaching preparation, mainly staffing and schedule arrangements. The content is very simple, as if it is a copy of the previous schedule, because the examiner is not yet in place, so everything is only in the imagination.

The issue of remedial lessons was the focus of the discussion. Remedial classes were required for key classes in the third grade of junior high school. The time and fees for remedial classes were the plan of the Academic Affairs Office. After Principal Chen explained the situation, no one objected.

Yang Yimin did not have much communication with Zhao Qiang on the general affairs and logistics work. Yang Yimin said: "I mainly listen to Director Zhao about the general affairs and logistics work."

Zhao Qiang said: "The logistics is mainly to cooperate with the work, cooperate with the Political and Educational Office to do a good job in safety, prepare the things that the school's teaching office will need after the class expansion, and complete the end-of-semester fund distribution for teachers starting tomorrow. However, according to what President Yang said last time, I have to come up with a plan to manage the canteen and snack shop during the holidays, and negotiate with the contractor to try to improve it next semester."

Everyone smiled slightly, because everyone had heard that Zhao Qiang didn't give everyone any new things, and didn't have any new measures.

No one spoke, because Yang Yimin was in charge of general affairs logistics and the office, and he didn't come up with anything new in general affairs. Everyone thought it was ridiculous, but it was hard to say it.

Yang Yimin didn't express his thoughts immediately. After listening to everyone's plans, he looked at his notebook and said: "I think that both Principal Xiang and Principal Chen have thought of a certain way for everyone's work. The method is more detailed, and there is nothing wrong with doing it according to the previous routine, but it can only stay in the original position. What we need to do now is to change, and how to change is the focus of our meeting.”

"Why the suburban middle school needs to change, I believe everyone knows better than me. If there is no change, the teachers and students of the suburban middle school will not change. It is you who are sitting here who want to change. Think carefully, this time the students trampled Is the incident accidental? I don’t think so. It is a serious liability accident. Both the Education Bureau and the students will be held accountable. I am prepared for this, and I hope everyone is also prepared.”

Everyone felt uneasy all of a sudden. This matter involves many aspects, and every department can be involved in it. If it is to pursue responsibility, no one can clear up their own.

All of a sudden everyone turned their attention to Yang Yimin, everyone wanted to know, what did Yang Yimin want to do when he said this?

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