Principal's Law

[369] Spring is not beautiful

This is what Xu Mingfang wanted. She didn't want to care about what happened to Yang Yimin at this time, and she just wanted Director Zeng not to talk about Yang Yimin.

Director Zeng first heard the role played by Yang Yimin in the visit, and further understood Xu Mingfang's meaning. He is also a person who has been in officialdom for a long time. The more he thinks about Xu Mingfang's arrangement, the more he understands the meaning. He stopped saying bad things about Yang Yimin.

Xu Mingfang was really nice to Yang Yimin, and it seemed that there was no doubt about it. Director Zeng became more careful with Yang Yimin and stopped speaking against Yang Yimin.

In the next few days, Xu Mingfang arranged to visit only one school a day. Because these schools were not in Shanghai, the reception was better than on the first day, but none of the schools had a higher standard than the one arranged by Yang Qiong.

Even if we are the principals together, we all have free time to go out to find the most famous local places to eat, drink and have fun, but we dare not enter the public places, because we are still afraid of being caught, and we will lose face big.

Yang Yimin also went to look for the most famous places, but he took a camera with him. For travel, he reads many scenic spots in books, but actually travels less, so it is the best way to record everything with a camera.

Yang Yimin also brought a laptop, so he can save a lot of photos from the camera, and he can go to many hotels. He often writes out his visiting ideas in the evening, and then searches online to see if there are any that agree with his own ideas. point of view, and can enrich your own ideas.

So in fact, during the whole visit, Yang Yimin's effect was the best.

Because there are many people traveling in a group and during holidays, they all book hard sleepers on the train. Xu Mingfang has a habit of sleeping on the top bunk. Yang Yimin didn't know the reason at first, but then he gradually understood that the top bunk, at most, only has the one on the opposite side. When a person sees himself sleeping, and sleeping under it, not only is there a crowd, but he is also beautiful, and it is inevitable that some men have bad thoughts in their hearts.

Taking the train this night, the train was heading for Nanjing. Xu Mingfang was a little excited. She flipped through the pictures on her mobile phone. Xu Mingfang's many spring scenes.

In a vague way, Yang Yimin felt that Xu Mingfang's breasts were much bigger than usual, and he felt very strange. Usually, Yang Yimin was a little bit regretful, thinking that Xu Mingfang's breasts were a bit small. Dot, how tempting that is.

Yang Yimin was really dazzled by Xu Mingfang looking at the phone over and over again, and couldn't keep silent, so he asked: "Xu Ju, your phone must be a photo from when you were studying, right?"

Xu Mingfang blushed a little, "Yeah, college is the most beautiful time in life, there are many things worth remembering, Yang Yimin, aren't you the same? The friendship between classmates is so good, I am envious of Yang Qiong's treatment of you."

Yang Yimin's face also turned red, "University is also a ridiculous era when I think about it, and it is also an era of growth. I have changed from a rural child to a so-called intellectual. I don't think I have acquired any knowledge. Do you think it is strange? .”

"You, forget it, I won't talk to you." Xu Mingfang smiled, but after a while, Xu Mingfang asked again, "Yang Yimin, did you have a relationship in college?"


"It's impossible to lie to me, is your lover Yang Qiong?"

"Xu Ju, really not. My family is poor and I dare not fall in love."

Xu Mingfang seems to believe it, maybe because she doesn't want to touch Yang Yimin's heartache, but Yang Yimin has long since realized that being poor is not something to be ashamed of, but struggling on the basis of being poor is something worthy of respect.

I had to use this as a reason for the love problem in college. I think it should have been like this at the time, but the rejection in my heart and the uncertainty about the future of life should be the biggest obstacle for me not wanting to fall in love.

In order to cater to Xu Mingfang, Yang Yimin said: "Xu Ju, let me see your photo."

When Xu Mingfang was in a mood, he got up with a smile and handed over the mobile phone. At this time, Yang Yimin also moved his body to Xu Mingfang's side, and the loose sleeping clothes Xu Mingfang was wearing fell to Yang Yimin from the neck down. An opportunity to fully scout Xu Mingfang's plumpness.

And his eyes naturally stayed on the two white balls, the small reddish bumps made Yang Yimin feel that Xu Mingfang was about the same size as Yang Qiong in these two spots.

Xu Mingfang may have unlocked the back lock when he was sleeping, and perhaps because of his trust in Yang Yimin, so the action was relatively large and he had no more worries, so it is hard to say that Yang Yimin took the initiative to cause the result at this time. .

And Yang Yimin was sure that Xu Mingfang's breasts were really big, but there was a very delicate cloth belt beside her. Yang Yimin suddenly understood that Xu Mingfang must have used this cloth belt to wrap her chest tightly.

This is really a strange way, other women don't have breasts, and they have to squeeze out a little bit of breasts to show their sexiness, but Xu Mingfang is completely opposite.

As soon as Xu Mingfang turned her body to one side, she saw Yang Yimin's gaze. She was startled, blushed, and instead of handing the phone to Yang Yimin, she slapped Yang Yimin's hand angrily. Wrapped all over her body, turned her back to Yang Yimin, and ignored him.

Two seconds ago, Yang Yimin was secretly happy. He saw Xu Mingfang's spring, but now he was completely frightened. He didn't know what to do for a long time. Looking at Xu Mingfang, the other party ignored him completely. How about going to see Xu Mingfang's photo?

And when you look at the photos, you just use your mobile phone. Why are you staring at her breasts for a few seconds?

In the future, it seems that I have to stay away from the leader, but is there a future? Maybe, when I return to Pingchuan, the first person to be dismissed is myself.

Later, Xu Mingfang didn't move his body much all night, while Yang Yimin didn't fall asleep again all night, until the headmaster under the bunk couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Xiao Yang, what's wrong with you."

Yang Yimin didn't speak, got up and got off the bunk, came to the aisle, sat on the movable chair on one side, looked at the window, his nervous face was reflected in the glass.

He collected himself and thought of Li Yan. Whenever Li Yan encountered a major event, he was very calm and simplified complicated problems. Could it be that he was not as good as Li Yan?

Yes, even Li Yan is not as good as him. How can he talk about protecting Li Yan? Yang Yimin took a deep breath and thought to himself: Just read it and watch it. At worst, if you are sent to a place you don’t want to go, you should resign yourself , I will not be separated from Li Yan.

It's a bit sad to think about it, I still hope to make a career in the education industry, and I gradually formed my own ideas, saying that I don't know anything else, so I can only teach and engage in school management.

He never thought that he would end his so-called official career because of such an accident while walking forward cautiously. He sighed, but a burst of courage came to his heart. Don't be afraid, he and Li Yan will open a husband-and-wife shop.

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