Principal's Law


But looking at Xu Mingfang on the bed, he felt that he was indeed at fault, but this matter could not be explained. After all, he was a passionate young man. I really didn't expect such a situation to happen at all, what I saw was the whole of a woman's breasts.

Anyway, he should say sorry, he thought for a long time, took out his phone, thought for a long time, and sent a sentence: I didn't mean it, I'm sorry.

Xu Mingfang's cell phone rang. It was a text message. The other party probably glanced at it, but didn't move. He turned off the screen and went to sleep.

The next day, Xu Mingfang didn’t see any change in her expression. When she arrived in Nanjing, she was the one she was most familiar with. Several times, Yang Yimin wanted to approach her, but when she saw Yang Yimin approaching, she immediately chatted with other principals and excluded Yang Yimin. .

She also contacted the two schools here through her former teachers and classmates, so the schedule is relatively long. The first day of going there is all used for tourism after arriving.

In the past, Xu Mingfang still liked to take pictures. When she arrived at school, she always asked everyone to take a group photo, and she also took pictures in scenic spots, and she never refused when Yang Yimin wanted to take pictures, but today, Yang Yimin didn’t take a single photo for her. .

Under the calm expression, Yang Yimin was in an extremely bad mood. Although the worst thought was just like that, after all, he was too unwilling. Now he didn't even have a chance to talk to Xu Mingfang. How could he explain it? It's even harder to talk about these things.

The night view of Qinhuai is the most beautiful, and Yang Yimin lost his mind. There are too many places to play in Nanjing, but he lost his mood except for the places where he went with everyone. Although everyone was surprised, Yang Yimin didn't go, and everyone didn't force him.

Yang Yimin was really bored, turned on the computer, but couldn't get on, turned off the computer, watched TV but didn't have any interest in a program, he thought about it, let's go out for a walk by himself.

He came to a food stall near the hotel alone, ordered three dishes, served a few bottles of beer, and drank slowly alone.

He didn't understand, he had already thought of the worst outcome, why he still couldn't be happy like this, thinking about it, maybe he was frustrated in his official career, he was too useless, yes, he was too embarrassed to say it.

Maybe it's because I still want to do what I like. Maybe after studying in college for a few years and working for a few years, although I'm still scolding about being in this unlucky industry, I still can't bear to part with my pursuit after all.

As Li Yan said, Yang Yimin might regret it in the end when opening a husband-and-wife store. Li Yan can see such a simple problem, why can't she see through it?

Seeing that it was past nine o'clock in the evening and the five bottles of beer around him had been drunk, Yang Yimin paid the bill and walked to the hotel alone.

Not far away, Yang Yimin walked for more than 20 minutes and entered the hall. There were several principals who had returned to greet him. He didn't see clearly, or he didn't look at other people at all. He went directly into the elevator and went back to his room. , began to take a bath.

After taking a shower, sitting on the bed, and dialing the TV channel, Yang Yimin's mind went blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The principal on the side didn't know when he came back. Seeing his appearance, he smiled and snatched the remote control from his hand, and said, "Principal Yang, what's the matter with you, you drank too much alcohol? It's too embarrassing, isn't it?" , I don’t even call my brothers when I drink.”

Yang Yimin smiled wryly, didn't speak, and looked at the TV, but he didn't know what was playing on the TV.

It was the shout from the principal on the other side that brought him back to his senses, "Principal Yang, call, text message."

Yang Yimin took the phone and jumped up from the bed in shock. It was Xu Mingfang's text messages, three in a row, the first one: Come down, I'm in the lobby.

The second one is 5 minutes later: Hurry up, are you afraid to see me?

The third one was sent 3 minutes later: Yang Yimin, I give you 5 minutes to appear in front of me, the last chance.

Yang Yimin saw that the text message had been sent for 2 minutes. He put on his clothes as fast as he could, and ran to the elevator as fast as he could. After waiting for more than ten seconds, the elevator still didn't come. Yang Yimin couldn't wait, and rushed to the stairs. ran down.

The footsteps of ding ding dong dong formed a rapid echo on the stairs. Even the pedestrians closest to each floor ran over in amazement to see what was going on. When the huge footsteps reached the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, Yang Yimin After looking around, he was disappointed that there was no Xu Mingfang. He looked at the time, no matter how fast he ran, more than two minutes had passed.

He hit his head, panting, he wanted to cry, Xu Mingfang gave him a chance, but he didn't seize it, when all this was lost, he had to take responsibility for it himself.

He walked towards the elevator in frustration, pressed the button to go upstairs, and the elevator door opened immediately. He raised his foot and walked in, but before his foot fell, a person held him from one side.

He turned around and looked at the person holding him in confusion, it was Xu Mingfang, but why was she still here?He mechanically called "Xu Ju"

"Look at you, do you look like a man? Follow me." He walked towards the door of the hotel without looking back.

Yang Yimin came to his senses and hurriedly followed. Xu Mingfang hired a taxi and got into the back seat, and Yang Yimin followed.

After Xu Mingfang went up, the goal was his alma mater. Yang Yimin looked at Xu Mingfang, Xu Mingfang's complexion was the same, everything seemed normal and calm.

She acted as if nothing had happened, Yang Yimin's heart settled down, thinking about the panic just now, thinking about what Xu Mingfang said just now, this is really the first time this happened to her, even on the day she broke up with her, she is not as good as today Been so flustered.

He kept trying to calm down his complex and try to put aside the influence as much as possible, but the slight alcohol still made his movements seem too big.

It took half an hour to rent the two to a designated place of Xu Mingfang's alma mater. This place is a relatively quiet place, with a long stream on one side and a beautiful green belt on the other. The sidewalks are not wide. After a while, there is a chair with a foreign style.

This is undoubtedly a place to fall in love, because when the two walked forward, they would see two male and female students hugging and kissing from time to time.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Xu Mingfang sat down on a chair under a few big trees not far away on a covered bridge, glanced at Yang Yimin and pointed to his side.

Yang Yimin felt hot, and hurriedly sat beside Xu Mingfang. Seeing Xu Mingfang looking at the covered bridge, Yang Yimin sometimes laughed and sometimes felt sad, and gradually knew the reason in his heart.

Today Xu Mingfang asked me to accompany her to accompany her to reminisce about her student days. A beautiful girl like her must have been pursued by many boys at that time, and her Prince Charming must be a pretty good boy.

"Hey, hug me." Although Xu Mingfang's voice was small, she could not refuse.

Yang Yimin was surprised, but after thinking about it, he understood that at this moment today, he replaced Xu Mingfang's previous lover, just like acting, allowing her to recall the feeling at that time.

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