Chapter 531

"My Majesty, Your Majesty, Princess Yilan's food was poisoned. Fortunately, she discovered it in time and forced out the poison from her body. She is still in a coma!"

Hongyi knelt on one knee in front of Long Chenyi and Mu Tianxue and respectfully reported.

Hearing this, Long Chenyi and Mu Tianxue looked at each other at the same time, both of them were taken aback. The Splendid Inn was owned by the Murong family, and the workers in the inn were all experienced and reliable.

It is precisely because of this that Jinxiu Inn was chosen as the inn to welcome Beiteng envoys!In addition, there are hidden guards inside, it is impossible for someone to poison the food to assassinate He Yilan!

After pondering for a moment, Long Chen also said, "Have you caught the murderer—"

Hong Yi raised her head to look at Long Chenyi and Mu Tianxue, frowning and said: "Message Kong ordered people to arrest everyone in the inn, and they are interrogating them one by one!"

Long Chen also narrowed his eyes, put down the memorial in his hand, looked at Mu Tianxue and said, "What do you think—"

Mu Tianxue raised her eyebrows, "You specially arranged for the waiter in charge of delivering food to Princess Yilan. It is impossible for him to poison the food. Moreover, there are secret guards in the inn acting as small workers. Some outsiders want to It is simply impossible to get in!"

Long Chen also had a sneer on his lips, took a sip of ginseng tea, and asked Hong Yi: "Who is responsible for delivering the lunch to Princess Yilan's room!!"

Hong Yi hurriedly said: "The dark guard Ling Lingjiu is in charge of delivering the food! The imperial chef in the palace is in charge of cooking, and all the meals for Princess Yilan are handled by the dark guard himself. It is absolutely impossible to tamper with the food. The thirteen members of the general's dark guards gathered together, and no one was found missing! Or outsiders were mixed in!"

Mu Tianxue lowered her phoenix eyes to look at the portrait on the table, and then said to Hongyi: "As long as Princess Yilan's life is not in danger, go to the warehouse to get some high-quality tonic and jade noodles and go to the inn!"

"Yes, Master Xue." Hongyi quickly retreated after taking the order.

Mu Tianxue walked up to Long Chenyi with the portrait, and handed the portrait in front of him, "Lian Yue fell down the steps and was seriously injured, just to save face, you should visit her!"

Long Chen also frowned uncontrollably, and pulled Mu Tianxue into his arms, his eyes were sullen, "If you want to know the truth, there are many ways, why do you push your husband away—"

Mu Tianxue put her arms around his neck and said with a smile: "How can I be willing to push you out, if I go in person, you don't worry about it, if I send someone else, it will arouse Lian Yue's suspicion.

But if you go there in person, you can not only dispel Lian Yue's guard, but also get the most prepared answer. Of course, I really don't want you to find the answer I want from her, which means that both will There is war happening! "

Long Chen also caressed Mu Tianxue's brocade-like black hair, carried her to the brocade couch, carefully laid her flat on the couch, bent down and kissed her forehead, eyes, nose, ruddy lips "You take a break, I'll be back soon!"

Mu Tianxue smiled softly, raised her head and kissed Long Chenyi's thin lips, sucked hard on his cool lips, "I'll wait for you—"

Long Chen also pampered Mu Tianxue's nose, reached out and put down the red curtain, turned around, walked to the table, picked up the portrait and left the bedroom!

Shangyang Palace

"Concubine Chen, you haven't run out of grains of rice all day and night. If you don't eat or drink, your health will only get worse and your injuries will get worse. Just listen to your servant and eat some porridge!"

A beautiful court lady about fifteen or sixteen years old was holding a bowl of porridge in her hand, kneeling in front of the brocade couch and looking worriedly at Lian Yue who was lying on the couch without saying a word.

Lian Yue stared at the entrance of the bedroom without saying a word, as if she was waiting for someone. After a long time, she wriggled her throat and asked in a low voice: "Xi'er, when will the emperor come to visit?" I?"

The palace maid named Xi'er's eyes were hot, tears were pouring down like rain, she sobbed in a low voice: "Princess, why are you bothering, the emperor only has the queen in his heart, why are you hurting yourself because you can't get someone!"

Lian Yue looked at the entrance of the dormitory, her eyes were already blurred and her face was full of tears, she sobbed angrily and said: "I just want him to look at me so that he can say hello to me.

do you know?Since I was conferred the concubine, he has never looked at me, let alone said a word to me, you know?He was willing to say a word to me, even if I was injured, he never even glanced at me! "

"Princess——" Xi'er put down the porridge in her hands, and took a handkerchief to wipe Lian Yue's tears. "Princess, don't talk about it. You want to see the emperor. This servant is going to beg the emperor to visit you!"

"Really?" Lian Yue grabbed Xi'er's hand, her slack and dull eyes shone with light, and then dimmed in an instant, she let go of Xi'er, and smiled bitterly, "What kind of status are you, and how did you invite the emperor to come here?" Look at me!"

"Princess, even if this servant is willing to risk this life, I still want to invite the emperor!" Xi'er's face was full of determination, she picked up the porridge and said: "Princess, you eat the porridge first, and this servant will go to ask for it immediately!" Your Majesty please!"

Lian Yue looked at Xi'er with a determined face, opened her mouth sternly, and let Xi'er feed the porridge into her mouth spoon by spoon.

"The Emperor is here—"

At this moment, the eunuch's sharp and piercing publicity sound came from outside the sleeping hall.

Lian Yue was startled, her face was full of joy, but in a blink of an eye she smiled wryly again, how could he come to see her, she must have had auditory hallucinations.

"Princess, did you hear that?" Xi'er stared at Lian Yue with wide eyes, "Princess, did the Emperor come to see you?"

"The Emperor is here—"

The communication voice sounded again, and the voice was much closer to the sleeping hall.

Lian Yue tightly grasped Xi'er's hand, her face full of joy, "Xi'er, I heard you right! The emperor is here, right—"

With tears in her eyes, Xi'er nodded her head desperately, and said joyfully, "Princess, you heard me right, the emperor came to see you!!"

Lian Yue hurriedly wiped away the tears from her face with her sleeves, and looked at Xi'er nervously, "Xi'er, hurry up, fix my makeup!"

She lifted the quilt and moved her injured body to get on the bed. She didn't want her injured knee and broken arm to hurt. Her eyes were full of tears, and Shen fell to the ground.

"Princess, you are too injured to stay in bed!" Xi'er put the porridge bowl in her hand, and hurried to help Lianyue, "Princess, how are you—"

"The Emperor is here—"

A communication sounded outside the dormitory, and right after that, Long Chen also walked into the dormitory.

Xi'er hadn't helped Lian Yue up from the ground when she saw Long Chen also leave the bedroom, the two of them panicked, regardless of whether they were kneeling or lying down, they bowed their heads respectfully.

"The concubine sees the emperor—"

"Slaves see the emperor—"

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