Chapter 532 Need Help

As soon as Long Chen entered the dormitory, he saw Lian Yue lying on the ground, he glanced at Hai Qi, Hai Qi immediately understood, stepped forward to help Lian Yue up, and said: "Concubine Chen has injuries on her body. The empress is not required to salute, the empress should lie down and have a good rest!"

"Emperor Xie" Lianyue's pale face showed a joyful smile, even though there was a crushing pain coming from her body, she still gritted her teeth and endured it!

"The imperial doctor said that your injury is too serious and you need to recuperate for two months. If you need anything, send someone to the warehouse to get it."

Long Chen also glanced at the pale Lian Yue, and there was no emotion in his cold voice! !

"Concubine Chen, this Korean ginseng was personally selected by the emperor for you!" Hai Qi said, holding a brocade box and handing it to Lian Yue.

"My concubine, thank the emperor for his concern." Lian Yue took the brocade box with joy, and was so excited that she hurriedly said to Xi'er: "Xi'er, hurry up, go and pour tea for the emperor!"

Since the emperor entered the bedroom, Xi'er has been in a state of panic, and now she realized it, and said quickly: "The emperor forgives the sin, this servant is going to make tea!"

"No need, you all back down!" Long Chen also raised his hand and said in a cold voice.

Xi'er was overjoyed, glanced at Lian Yue, and quickly bowed her head and retreated together with Hai Qi.

Lian Yue clenched the brocade box in his hands with great excitement, his surging heart could not be calmed down for a long time, in his eyes, he finally saw her existence!Not only caring for her, but personally picking supplements for her.

Now, there are only the two of them in the dormitory, and this is the first time she spends time with him alone, her pale face is blushing with embarrassment!

God knows how happy she is at the moment, as long as he can see her in his eyes and care about her, no matter how serious the injury is, it will be worth it to her!

Long Chen also frowned, walked to the edge of the brocade couch, looked at Lian Yue who was pale but full of joy, and said: "I'm here today, I want to ask you something!"

Lian Yue was startled, she raised her gauze-wrapped head and looked at the handsome face in front of her eyes, she was frightened, she hurriedly got down on the bed, and said: "It's my concubine's fault, please forgive me! "

Seeing that Lian Yue hurriedly wanted to stay on the bed to plead guilty, Long Chen also frowned, and said in an orderly tone: "Lie down! You have injuries on your body, don't get out of bed!"

Lian Yue's face was full of panic, when she heard Long Chenyi's words, she cautiously raised her head to look at him, and said pitifully: "Your majesty, don't you blame the concubine?"

She thought that Long Chen was also asking her about falling down the steps, which scared her into a cold sweat!

"The Queen interceded for you about that matter, and I will forgive you once. If there is a next time, I will never tolerate it."

Long Chenyi's voice was a little cold, and he took out a portrait from his sleeve and brought it in front of Lian Yue.

Lian Yueben was secretly sad because of Long Chenyi's words, but when she saw the portrait in front of her, she was startled, and opened her eyes to look carefully at the face in the portrait. After a few seconds, she raised her eyes to look at Long Chenyi. , and asked anxiously: "Your Majesty, what are you—"

Long Chen also had a panoramic view of her expression, threw the portrait in front of her, and said in a cold voice: "This is exactly what I want to ask you—"

Hearing Long Chenyi's chilling words, Lian Yue's face was extremely ugly, she unconsciously grasped the brocade box tightly in her hand, showing a puzzled expression, "I don't understand what the emperor means!!!"

Long Chen also narrowed his cold eyes, and lied once in a while, "Liancheng gave me this painting before leaving, and asked me to bring this painting to you when I need it. I need help now, don't you want to help me?" !!!?"

Lian Yue was startled, looked at Long Chenyi, and hurriedly said: "No, the emperor needs concubines, that is the concubine's blessing, I don't know how the emperor needs concubines to help!"

Although Lian Yue was suspicious, when she heard Long Chen also said that she needed help, her heart began to shake. Long Chen also never needed anyone's help, but this time he came to ask her for help. Thinking about it, something must have happened What big event, will it be related to Beiteng Kingdom?

Long Chen also narrowed his eyes a little, glanced at the person in the painting, and said coldly: "Let him come out to see me!"

Lian Yue frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart, she didn't ask the guards to assassinate Mu Tianxue, and there was no news of Mu Tianxue's assassination in Nianxue Pavilion.

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be to arrest Xing Yuwei.

However, this painting was obviously not made by his brother, so why did Long Chen say that his brother gave it to him?

"Why, do you want me to repeat it again?"

Seeing that Lian Yue hung his head for a long time without responding, Long Chen was obviously a little impatient.

"The emperor calm down, my concubine, I don't know the person in this painting at all, how can I let this person come to see you!"

Lian Yue lowered her head and bit her lips, full of uneasiness, as if some major event that she didn't know happened faintly, which made her feel very panicked.

"So Liancheng lied to me?" Long Chen cast a cold glance at Lianyue, turned around and left, before he took two steps, he stopped and said coldly: "You want to be clear, if you lie to me, there will be no good end. !"

Lian Yue trembled all over, a chill spread in her heart, and said quickly: "The concubine dare not lie to the emperor, dare to ask the emperor if something serious happened? If you need help, the concubine can write a letter to Lian Yunguo, asking Help from my father and brother!"

"No need." Long Chen also left a word coldly, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Lian Yue looked at Long Chenyi's leaving figure, and frowned even deeper. Xuantian's eight imperial guards secretly protected her from Lianyun Kingdom and came to the capital, and they never showed up. How did Long Chen also have the portrait of Xing Yuwei? ?

Moreover, since the eighth imperial guards arrived in the capital, they said they were secretly protecting her, but they never showed up in front of her once. Sometimes, she even suspected that the eighth imperial guards were not by her side at all!

"Princess, are you alright?" Seeing Long Chen leaving coldly, Xi'er was very worried, and hurried into the bedroom, seeing Lian Yue looking at the portrait in front of her with a frowning expression, a pensive expression.

"It's okay, burn this portrait." Lian Yue handed the portrait to Xi'er and said worriedly.

Xi'er took the portrait, took a closer look, and said hurriedly: "Princess, isn't the person in this painting Xing Yuwei?"

She has served Lian Yue for seven or eight years, and this time she came to the imperial court with Lian Yue, and she met the eight imperial guards on the way, and she recognized them at a glance.

"Shut up!" Hearing Xi'er blurt out, Lian Yue's eyes froze, and she said sharply: "Anyone who asks, just say they don't know, don't know, lest you get killed!"

Seeing Lianyue's serious expression and cold eyes, Xi'er was startled, and hurriedly took the portrait to the candlelight and burned it, walked cautiously outside the bedroom and looked around before walking to the brocade couch, and asked worriedly Said: "Princess, what happened?"

Lian Yue frowned deeply, holding the brocade box in her arms tightly, "I don't know what to say, the portrait was given to me by the emperor, I always feel that something is about to happen, and I feel very uneasy!"

"Why does the emperor have a portrait of Xing Yuwei?" Xi'er opened her eyes wide, full of suspicion.

"I also think this matter is strange, has something happened in the palace recently!" Lian Yue asked uneasily, frowning.

"Princess, don't worry, you should rest well first, and the servant will find out if you go out to inquire about it." Xi'er said as she pulled the quilt to cover Lian Yue.

"Be careful, don't let people notice," Lian Yue told Xi'er worriedly.

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