Chapter 533

At night, the moon is in the middle of the sky, there are thousands of stars, and the magnificent palace is brightly lit. Under the moonlight, a black shadow escapes many guards and eunuchs, wanders outside the courtyard of Shangyang Palace, and disappears in a blink of an eye.

"Xi'er, have you heard any news?"

Seeing Xi'er entering the dormitory, Lian Yue sat up and leaned against the brocade couch and asked.

"Princess, be careful, don't pull the wound." Xi'er walked quickly to the brocade couch, took the pillow and put it behind Lian Yue's head, and said, "I have inquired carefully. Princess Yilan was killed by an assassin in the inn." Poison plotted, and the assassin has not been caught yet!"

"Princess Yilan was poisoned and murdered by an assassin?" Lian Yue's heart shrank, and she said worriedly, "How is Princess Yilan doing now, is her life in danger?"

If the princess of Beiteng Kingdom was poisoned and killed in the dynasty, the dynasty must give Beiteng kingdom a satisfactory explanation, but Beiteng kingdom has only one princess, Yilan, if it is not serious, it will lead to war between the two countries, this matter is no small matter.

In the end, who wanted to murder Princess Yilan?

Certainly not from the Dynasty, nor from Beiteng Kingdom itself!

The portrait that Long Chenyi took before, could it be suspicion?

Suddenly, her eyes widened in horror, her face full of disbelief!

impossible!It can't be them, why would they do that?

Could it be the meaning of the father! ! ?

"I heard that Princess Yilan's life is out of danger. The emperor sent people to surround the entire Jinxiu Inn, and they are looking for assassins." Xi'er twisted the quilt and covered Lian Yue on her body. Worried: "Princess, are you okay? Is there something uncomfortable? This servant is going to invite the imperial doctor to show you!"

"I'm fine!" Lian Yue hurriedly grabbed Xi'er, who was about to call for the imperial doctor, "In the next few days, you should always pay attention to the news in the palace, especially the news about whether the assassin has been caught!"

"Well, my servant will pay attention." Xi'er nodded, looked at Lian Yue and said, "Princess, you haven't taken your medicine yet, this servant will bring you the medicine, you need to take the medicine to recover quickly! "

"Go." Lian Yue waved her hand thoughtfully. Now she must recover from her injuries in the shortest possible time. She must look into this matter carefully.

Just as Lian Yue frowned in deep thought, a black figure quietly sneaked into the bedroom, and quickly came to Lian Yue: "His Royal Highness!"

Lian Yue was startled, startled by the sudden appearance of a black shadow, and hurriedly looked up, seeing a familiar face, she breathed a sigh of relief, comforted her chest, and said, "Why did you show up alone, the others Why didn't the guard show up?

The man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, frowned and said, "There are so many guards in the palace, and there are so many masters, if they all show up, it's easy to be noticed!"

Lian Yue nodded slightly and frowned, and asked: "Princess Yi Helan was poisoned, do you know what happened, did you do it?"

The man in black stared at Lian Yue and frowned and said, "What does the princess say?"

Lian Yue stared closely at the man in black, and asked sharply: "You Princess Protector came to the dynasty, did you follow the orders of your father, and are you secretly carrying out some mission?"

The corner of the man in black raised his mouth, and instead of answering, he asked, "What order does the princess think we have taken from the master? What did we do secretly?"

Lian Yue took a deep breath, frowned and warned: "I don't care what your father ordered you to do, or what you are doing secretly, but you have already exposed your identities.

Your Majesty already knows about your existence and is now looking for you everywhere. You should tell the other guards to terminate the mission immediately and return to Lianyun Kingdom immediately! "

The man in black frowned even deeper, "If the princess wants us to go back to Lianyun Kingdom, you must convey the order yourself, and your subordinates don't have that power!"

After speaking in black, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the bedroom like a gust of wind.

Lian Yue frowned, her face was full of worry, and she was about to give an order sharply, when she saw the figure of the man in black disappearing into the bedroom in a blink of an eye!The restless heart became more panicked.

In the courtyard of Nianxue Pavilion, Mu Tianxue leaned on the imperial concubine chair and looked at the night sky above her head, eating the grapes just brought by Hongshao, and said to Long Chen who was sitting beside him: "Do you really want Bring him back?"

Long Chen also took a sip of tea, glanced at Mu Tianxue, and said slowly: "The blood that flowed from his body is the royal blood after all. Although he committed a serious crime back then, it was also the result of being framed by the fourth brother and demoted to a commoner." Five years is considered his punishment!"

Mu Tianxue raised her eyebrows, looked at the stars in the night, and said: "Although he is not willing to be a commoner, he still has a bit of arrogance in his bones! Picking her back is not easy, at least, Lan Yi I'm afraid the trip will be in vain!"

Long Chen also pursed his lips, and said indifferently: "If you can't pick it up, then catch it!"

Hearing Long Chenyi's words, Mu Tianxue couldn't help laughing. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly saw a black dress appearing in the yard like a gust of wind, "Master, Master Xue!"

Mu Tianxue glanced at the man in black, "How about it, what did you find out?"

The man in black reached out and tore off the human skin mask on his face, walked to the table and sat down, frowned and said, "As Master Xue thought, Princess Lian Yue doesn't know what's going on!"

Mu Tianxue put the peeled grapes into Long Chenyi's mouth, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and said, "Did Lian Yue reveal how many guards escorted her to the Dynasty this time?"

Yumian frowned, "No, in order not to arouse Princess Lianyue's wariness, the subordinate did not ask further questions, but Princess Lianyue has already guessed that the royal guards who escorted her to the imperial court are secretly carrying out secret missions.

She suspects that the imperial guards were secretly responsible for the poisoning of the princess of Beiteng Kingdom. In the past few days, she will definitely summon the imperial guards and order them to withdraw to Lianyun Kingdom immediately! "

Long Chen also had a gloomy face, his star pupils were frozen, he took a sip of tea, and ordered in a cold voice: "Immediately send someone to secretly deploy outside Shangyang Palace! Monitor Princess Lianyue's every move!"

"Yes, master." Yumian picked up the human skin mask and disappeared into the yard in a flash.

Yu left a second before Lan Yi appeared a second later, "Reporting to the master, this subordinate has neglected his duty, he——doesn't want to go back to the palace!"

"Hehe—" Mu Tianxue looked at Long Chen and laughed, "What did I say, Lan Yi ran for nothing this time!!"

"Master, please forgive me. This subordinate is incompetent and willing to accept the crime!" Hearing Mu Tianxue's words, Lan felt very powerless, and hurriedly pleaded guilty to her master.

Long Chen also had a grim face, as if covered with a layer of frost, he gave Lan Yi a cold look, "Catch him right away, and place him in the Sunny Palace!!"

"Yes, this subordinate obeys!" After Lan Yi's respectful voice fell, the figure had disappeared in the yard!

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