Fortune Teller.

Chapter 101 Key Points

Chapter 101 Key Points

When we arrived at the room, the waiter hadn't cleaned it yet. The room was very messy. The quilt on the bed was thrown aside, and the breath of Shi De still remained. Yue Qingying covered her nose: "You are too unhygienic, why is it so messy?"

"A man is still called a man if he doesn't mess up?" Shi De didn't have the slightest awareness to tidy up, he casually turned over the quilt and threw it aside, and told Xia Hua, "Xia Hua, go boil a pot of water."

"Why me?" Xia Hua objected.

"Three people, one chairman, one general manager, and one deputy general manager, who do you think will boil the water?" Shi De calmed down.

"It's not fair, I want to be promoted." Xia Hua vented her dissatisfaction while obediently going to boil water.

In fact, Yue Qingying doesn't know how to drink hotel water, and boiling water is just an excuse. As soon as Xia Hua entered the bathroom, Shi De lowered her voice and asked, "How is Uncle Yue?"

Yue Qingying replied indifferently: "It's okay, everything is normal. What's wrong, what's wrong?" I don't know if she is not sensitive to politics, or she doesn't care enough about Yue Guoliang. There is still no deviation, as if everything is going smoothly.

"Uncle Yue is still inspecting work outside?"

"Yes, I should be in the province this afternoon. It seems that I am going to attend some kind of economic meeting. They say I will go back tomorrow."

"Okay, when it's convenient, you can contact Uncle Yue, and I have something important to see him." Shi De couldn't wait to see Yue Guoliang, he was afraid that if he waited longer, Yue Guoliang would suddenly appear. Restoration of failure.

Before Yue Qingying had time to answer, Xia Hua came out with brisk steps, and smiled quietly: "I knew you were whispering behind my back, so I dawdled for a while, but I didn't expect to finish it. Can you also Let me hear it? If it’s a love story, it’s fine.”

Yue Qingying said angrily: "Xia Hua, can you stop making fun of Shi De and me? You're talking about business."

"What I'm talking about is also serious." Xia Hua tiptoed and sat on the bed opposite Shi De, her legs dangling, "Actually, I'm embarrassed to say that I heard your conversation just now. Shi De, you What's the point of whispering so loudly? What if I hear something inappropriate for children, what should I do?"

Seeing Xia Hua pretending to be young, Shi De smiled: "You are only half a year younger than me, stop pretending to be a child, and hurry up and talk about the project of the family home."

"I thought you hadn't asked about the results of the family courtyard project, and kept your face so calm. You really looked like a general. It turned out that you were pretending. Well, I will reluctantly talk about a series of ironic incidents that happened on the provincial TV station this morning. "Xia Hua put on a big talk, she didn't laugh, but Yue Qingying was amused by her.

"Speaking of which, as soon as I went to work this morning, a demonic wind blew out of nowhere on the provincial TV station. Before the rumors about An Jianqiang and the mermaid became clear, suddenly, almost every department received a strange anonymous report. The letter lists the relationship history between the mermaid and a total of seven or eight men, including several leaders of the provincial TV station and the mayor of Shancheng, Fu Weiqiang, ranging from 58 to 28. The report letter not only described it vividly, but also marked the time, place and part of the conversation, and even attached photos..."

In Xia Hua's vivid description, Shi De seemed to be in the scene, which made him have to admire her language skills. No wonder she became the host of the show, not only has a good image, but also has a good eloquence.

The provincial TV station immediately made a big splash. Among the several leaders of the provincial TV station involved, not only the director of the department, the deputy director, and even the discipline inspection cadre who was investigating An Jianqiang, the provincial TV station became a mess in an instant.Yang Changzai was furious, and immediately held a meeting of cadres above the middle level, requiring everyone to conduct self-examination, and blocked the news to minimize the impact.

An Jianqiang gave a generous speech at the meeting, pointing out that someone framed him as having an improper relationship with Tai Xiaoyu. Now it seems that it is not necessarily who has an improper relationship with Tai Xiaoyu.If you want to investigate him, you can. It is best to investigate Tai Xiaoyu first with the report letter and photos, and ask her how many men have had improper relationships with her.

An Jianqiang was furious, but no one refuted at the meeting, everyone was in danger, and everyone bowed their heads in silence.In the end, Yang Changzai decided that the investigation on An Jianqiang's life style should stop here, and he was not allowed to report it to the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television.In addition, Tai Xiaoyu needs to come up with a solution to his problem, otherwise the impact will be too bad if it continues like this.

"It's a nonsense station!" Yang Chang slapped the table aggressively at the end, "Don't let the common people look at us with abnormal eyes and talk about us in a sarcastic tone when they talk about the provincial TV station. It is indeed true, and I suggest that Tai Xiaoyu be transferred from the provincial TV station."

Afterwards, An Jianqiang submitted a draft plan to hand over the project of the family courtyard to Binsheng Real Estate Company. Yang Chang made a decision on the spot. One objected.

"After the meeting, you didn't see An Qiang's appearance. He walked all the way arrogantly, with his nostrils pointing up to the sky. If it rained, his two nostrils would become sewers...don't mention how much it is. I am proud." Xia Hua still did not forget to sarcastically say a few words about An Jianqiang, "I used to have a good impression of Uncle An, but after what happened today, I suddenly realized that he is really a villain. , intentionally making people jealous, right?"

"Shi De, your plan is to muddy up the water, so that no one can clean it up, right?" Xia Hua asked Shi De at the end of her talk.

"That's it."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Really, if you had told me first, I would have added more ingredients to make the water more muddy, and maybe I could fish in troubled waters." Xia Hua complained.

Shi De shook his head: "It's not a good thing. Sometimes I will do the necessary non-sunshine methods. You and Qingying should not get involved. You need more positive and sunny things. It's too heavy and too negative. It's best to stay away from things, and let me carry them alone."

Shi De spoke very casually, not with a firm expression on his face. Once he finished speaking, not only Xia Hua was speechless, but even Yue Qingying was slightly moved.

After a while, Xia Hua said quietly: "If you are more wicked and more sinister, you will be more attractive to women. Sometimes, women like men who are slightly worse."

Yue Qingying disagreed, and she said with emotion: "Shi De is a responsible man. Such a man is the perfect image of a man in the hearts of all women who have taste and understand life. Xia Hua, if you have ever been in love After being hurt and disappointed, you realize that Shi De's character is the most manly character worthy of a woman's entrustment in her life."

Shi De was embarrassed by the compliments of the two beauties: "Here, don't praise me. It's a waste of saliva for your own people to praise your own people. It's better to save your saliva and go eat."

"I forgot that it's time for lunch." Xia Hua jumped up, "Let's go, go and eat Shimen specialties. It's delicious. I'll treat you."

Shi De drove, pulling two beauties behind the car, but the two beauties were cold and hot. Compared with Xia Hua's chattering non-stop, Yue Qingying, who seldom even showed a smile, was as cold as an autumn night. But the strange thing is that two beauties with very different personalities can also become best friends, one talking non-stop while the other listens quietly, and they complement each other perfectly.The world is full of wonders.

Weijixian is located on the most prosperous Zhonghua Street in Shimen. It is a time-honored restaurant that specializes in northern cuisine, mainly Beijing cuisine. The taste is rich and delicious. It likes to use soy sauce and vinegar, and the taste is slightly salty.Although the tastes of Shimen people are mixed, most of them still prefer northern cuisines. It is true that one side nourishes the other side.In many cases, eating habits have a lot to do with the local climate and production.

Xia Hua asked for a private room, and then ordered several special dishes, such as slate meat, golden lion fish, cucumber feast, bacon flatbread, etc., which made Shi's appetite whet.

After the food was served, Xia Hua toasted and said: "On behalf of the people of Shimen, I welcome Qingying and Shi De to live in Shimen forever."

Yue Qingying raised her glass in her hand, glanced at Shi De, Shi De also raised her glass, and said: "The family home project, if there is no push by Xia Hua, it would be impossible to win, I want to toast Xia Hua, Thank you for your hard work for Hamamori."

"Me too." Yue Qingying was lazy and followed Shi De directly, without even talking.

Xia Hua smiled happily: "Thank you, thank you, but it's disrespectful, and I deserve it. I did it."

But after she laughed, she solemnly raised her glass again: "I still want to respect Qingying and Shide. Respecting Qingying, it was Binsheng proposed by Qingying to be established, and it was the establishment of Binsheng that changed my life. Turning a corner also made me see my future life direction clearly, and I didn’t get lost in the provincial TV station. Jing Shide, it is Shide who played an indispensable role in the operation of the family home project of the provincial TV station. If it weren't for his generosity and composure, if he hadn't acted as my backbone, I wouldn't be able to do anything by myself."

Even if Xia Hua told the truth, Shi De and Yue Qingying toasted together, and the three cups touched together crisply, announcing the victory of Binsheng's first major project at the beginning of its establishment, and it also heralded Binsheng's success. The most critical first step forward.

How many people's fate can be changed by one Binsheng?Shi De suddenly thought of something. When he came back from the river, he had already broken up with Huang Susu face to face and paid off his foreign debts. It was like saying goodbye to the past completely. Whether it was career or love, he had completely broken with the past. Can it be said that The turning point of his second stage will start when Binsheng officially takes over the project of the provincial TV station's family courtyard, and it will come in full swing?
(End of this chapter)

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