Fortune Teller.

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
"Why is it none of your business? Think about it, Fu Weiqiang not only has a strong political background, but also has close contacts with business people. God knows if he had dinner with Feng Hualun and Li Shanlin, did he want to borrow Fenghua Group Squeeze Binsheng's living space with Sian Chay Group?" Xia Hua's idea is unique, is indeed feasible.

Shi Dewei pondered: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. Although compared with Fenghua and Sian Chay, Binsheng is just a small grass under the mountain, and the grass is generally invisible in the eyes of the mountain, but if Fenghua and Sian Chay Shaking off a few stones can also kill the grass. Xia Hua, you now have the ability to deduce from one to the other, which is amazing."

"Come on, do you think I was a fool before, and now I'm smart?" Xia Hua ignored Shi De's tricks and waved her hand disapprovingly, "Okay, let's not worry about it for now, you have to be happy in life, don't let Jinzun empty to the moon, continue to drink."

"If you drink any more, you'll be drunk." Yue Qingying snatched Xia Hua's wine glass, "Don't drink, it's ugly to be drunk, you're a girl, it's embarrassing to be drunk, okay, eat and drink, we It's time to withdraw."

After thinking about it, Shi De really should leave, so he said: "Okay, let's withdraw first, go back and study the construction plan, there is still a lot of work to be done, so get busy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone knocking on the door. Before Shi De could speak, Xia Hua stepped forward and opened the door without thinking, "Who is it? Who are you looking for?"

When eating in the private room of the hotel, there are people knocking on the door. If it is not the waiter, it is probably the customer who went to the wrong door, but it is obvious that the man standing at the door did not go to the wrong door, but came here on purpose to find trouble.

"Looking for you, beauty, you are indeed in this room, and it took me a long time to look for it." There were two men at the door, one of them was wearing glasses, a suit and a tie. Spit out foul words, "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you just now, come on, go drink with me, and play together."

Behind the man in the glasses and suit was another stern man with an inch-length head. He was obviously a bodyguard and thug. He stood half a meter behind the man in the glasses and suit. It is a good position to advance, attack and retreat.Shi De knew at just one glance that the inch-cropped man was muscular and had a stern face. He was a trainer with two hands.

Although Xia Hua was three points drunk, but who is she?She is Xia Hua, not a little match seller who allows others to bully her. As soon as the man with glasses finished speaking, Xia Hua slapped her in the face without hesitation: "Go home and play with your mother!"

This slap was solid, hitting the right cheek of the man with glasses, causing the man's glasses to fly far away, and blood flowed from his nose.

The inch-headed man snorted coldly, took a step forward, and was about to reach out to grab Xia Hua, but the man with glasses reached out to stop him. It must be admitted that the man with glasses has a certain degree of self-restraint, no matter whether he is pretending or thick-skinned to a certain extent, anyway, he With a smile, he bent down to pick up his glasses, took out a tissue and wiped his nosebleeds in a leisurely manner, and said to Xia Hua politely: "My fair lady, gentlemen are good-natured, it's human nature. I don't care about you if you lose your ladylike style. I'll say it again, you go with me now, everything is fine, if you don't go, you will bear the consequences."

The words seemed to be very polite, but in fact there was a hidden threat.

"I saw this person entered the room with Fu Weiqiang just now..." Yue Qingying whispered to Shi De, she was calm and unmoved, "He must be in the same group as Feng Hualun and Zhao Subo."

Yue Qingying usually doesn't talk much, but she observes meticulously, Shi De nodded slightly, and she has some calculations in her heart, knowing that the man with glasses came here, probably not to put on some kind of romantic drama of a gentleman, but for another purpose.

Shi De stood up quietly, and walked behind Xia Hua with a twist.

"At your own risk? You mean to threaten me? If I don't leave, what can you do?" Xia Hua straightened her neck and raised her face, "Do you still want to hit someone?"

"I don't hit people, but I have to ask you to move." The man with glasses moved away, and the man with the short hair behind him took a step forward, and stretched out his big hand to grab Xia Hua's arm.

No one noticed when Xia Hua had grabbed the water bottle and hid it behind her back, when the inch-cut man raised his big hand, Xia Hua raised his hand, and a pot of boiling water flew towards him!
Not to mention that the guy with the cropped head didn't expect it, even the guy with the glasses was taken aback. Xia Hua looked weak and pretty, but she was cruel and merciless when she attacked.

The man in glasses was okay, he jumped away in a hurry, only a little was splashed by the boiling water, but he was still scalding and screaming. The man with the short hair was not so lucky. Although he raised his arm to cover his face, the kettle shattered when he touched it , the boiling water surged out, splashed in all directions, and fell on the head, chest and body of the inch-headed man, everywhere, just like boiling water scalding a pig, the inch-headed man screamed in pain and jumped on the spot.

The man with glasses became angry from embarrassment, and he could no longer maintain his hypocrite demeanor, so he slapped Xia Hua in the face as soon as he raised his hand: "Damn it, stinky woman!"

Xia Hua is not simple either, she was prepared and raised her head: "Smelly rascal!"

The legs were longer than the arms, and the feet were stronger than the hands. Before the man with glasses reached his hands, Xia Hua's feet had already kicked his knees. He couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground immediately.

The inch-cut man regained his composure, flew into a rage, and kicked Xia Hua viciously.If this kick hits the target, Xia Hua would have to faint on the spot, but the inch-cut man raised his foot, and a chair flew up in the air, hitting his thigh.With a crash, the chair shattered, and the inch-cut man also had a distorted expression of pain, and fell to the ground hugging his right leg.

Shi got the shot!
Xia Hua and Yue Qingying have never seen Shi De's skills. The moment when he showed his power the most was after a car accident with one-on-three. Unfortunately, at that time, Huang Ziheng was in a coma, so no one saw Shi De's Tai Chi. How amazing.

Today, Shi De hit the short-haired man as soon as he took a shot. Although it was not a great show of power, it also shocked Xia Hua and Yue Qingying.

More shocking scenes are yet to come.

The man with glasses fell to the ground, and the man with the short hair was also knocked down. Then he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from far and near, and two more short-haired men rushed to make a rescue.At this moment, the man with glasses had lost his mind, he gave it with his fingers, and yelled: "Kill him, destroy him." He pointed at Xia Hua with his finger, "Tie her up and take her away."

Two short-haired men surrounded him on the left and right, one shot at Shi, and the other rushed at Xia Hua.Now that Xia Huajiu was mostly awake, she knew she was afraid, so she screamed "Ah", turned around and ran away.Let her fight a strong man head-on one-on-one, she is absolutely no match.

Xia Hua wanted to run, but the flat-headed man naturally refused to give up. He chased after him, and just as soon as he took a step, he suddenly heard the whistling wind in his ears. Before he could see what was coming, he hurriedly dodged back. Fortunately, he dodged, yes A leather shoe, when he was about to swear, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and he was taken aback for a moment. An unshoeed foot kicked from the side and hit the hip.

The side protection of the human body is the weakest. When Master He taught Shi De Taijiquan, he told Shi De the weakness of many joints from the perspective of actual combat.Hitting the weakest joints in the human body can have the effect of pulling out a thousand pieces of gold.Shi De kicked out immediately, naturally he would not show mercy, and immediately kicked the crew-cut man who was chasing Xia Hua to the ground.

However, in order to save Xia Hua, he didn't take into account the attack of the flat-headed man who was fighting him. After kicking, he couldn't stop, and before he could turn around, his right shoulder hit the punch from the flat-headed man who was sneaking behind him.

This punch was not small, and the flat-headed man behind him was furious, obviously exerting all his strength.He hit Shi with a punch, and Yue Qingying's face paled in fright, and she exclaimed, "Be careful Shi!"

Shi received a punch on his right shoulder, groaned, swayed, and threw himself forward, seeing that he was about to fall to the ground. The flat-headed man who succeeded in sneak attack was overjoyed, thinking that Shi had failed, and was about to change his shape Another punch suddenly felt wrong, because he hit Shi De with one punch, but felt that Shi De's shoulders slipped and loosened, seven or eight of the strength of his punch was removed, and the strength was not firm. Shi De wouldn't hurt Guo, and at the same time his body couldn't hold back, and he rushed forward suddenly.

Just like when a person goes downstairs, if he estimates the wrong step and misses one step, he will almost fall down. If a person pushes a wall with both hands and uses enough strength, unexpectedly when he pushes up, Only to find that the wall is soft, then his body will continue to fall forward.And if the wall suddenly shows a hand and pulls him forward, even with a small amount of strength, then he will be injured by his own strength.

That's right, the flat-headed man jumped forward, knowing that something was wrong, he hurriedly retracted it, and when he tried to maintain his balance, Shi De moved. He dodged to the side, stretched out his right hand and landed on the flat-headed man's arm, Gently moving forward, the crew-cut man could no longer hold back the momentum of his forward pounce, and suddenly fell to the ground with his butt facing backwards in the flat sand falling wild goose style, just like diving into water.

It would be fine if he just fell to the ground like this, at most he would have a bruised nose and a swollen face, and it wouldn't cause any substantial damage, but Shi De couldn't make him feel so good. His arms spread like a roc, and his feet exerted strength. He leaped into the air at once, and his feet landed on the back of the flat-headed man.

If there is a camera to take a picture at this time, you will see a shocking scene, as if Shi De jumped into the air and stood on the body of the flat-headed man, and the flat-headed man turned into a vicious dog, allowing Shi De to trample on him.

In fact, in an instant, the flat-headed man fell to the ground, and Shi De just stepped on him firmly at this moment, with a slight effort of his legs, he was stepping on the flat-headed man's waist.A man with weak waist would feel weak all over his body. The flat-headed man struggled and snorted a few times, but he couldn't move!
(End of this chapter)

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