Fortune Teller.

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
"I..." Shi De hesitated, he didn't know how to persuade Biyou not to risk himself, but it seemed that Biyou had made up his mind, so he could only say, "I don't quite agree with you doing this, maybe You think this is a way to balance your mind, but I think it is extreme. The best way is to stay away from it."

"I don't! You don't know why they abandoned me back then, and now they want me to go back. I'm not a top. This time, I want to control my own destiny!" Biyou was persuaded, but her confidence was strengthened.

Shi De didn't like forcing others to make things difficult, so he had no choice but to say: "Well, if you don't tell me the truth about your abandonment, I won't say anything more." Thinking of Master He again, he asked, "Is there any news about Master He? ?”

"Don't tell me I almost forgot, Mr. He called today." Biyou stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, "Master He said that he probably won't be back for a while, so don't worry."

"What else did you say?" Shi really wanted to talk to Master He, but the strange thing was that Master He knew his number, but he always only called Biyou.

"I didn't say anything, why are you in such a hurry?" Biyou didn't understand Shi De.

Can Shi De be in a hurry?He had a lot of questions to ask Mr. He face to face, and wanted to report the latest situation to Mr. He, and then follow Mr. He's instructions. Unexpectedly... Mr. He was still the same as before, just had a phone call with Biyou, and then Come and go without a trace again.

"Next time Mr. He calls again, you must tell Mr. He, and ask him to call me. I have something to report to him."

"Understood." Biyou couldn't understand Shi De's urgency, just like Shi De couldn't understand her resentment, but she didn't want to tell Shi De why she was abandoned by her biological parents, so she said, "Tonight...don't leave .”

Shi De was taken aback, with a vigilant and defensive expression on his face: "What do you want to do?"

Biyou was amused by Shi De's expression, angry and funny: "Where do you want to go? I mean there is a bed in the next room, you can sleep on it. If I want to cry again in the middle of the night, it's good to have someone by my side." some."

Shi De was relieved, and said strangely: "I remember I didn't have a bed before..."

"I just bought it."

"Bought it just for me?"

"No, it's Huang Suqin who often comes to my place, sometimes she can stay if she doesn't want to leave."

"Then I can't stand it anymore. I'm not used to sleeping in other people's beds, let alone a woman's bed." Shi De deliberately tried to test Biyou.

Biyou was fooled, and hurriedly said: "No one has slept in it yet, it's just a bed specially prepared for you."

"Don't tell me sooner." Shi De smiled triumphantly, "I'm going to sleep, you should sleep lightly, don't snoring affect the quality of my sleep."

Biyou was furious, she raised her hand and threw a pillow at Shi De: "Big villain, I don't snore!"

There was nothing to say all night, the bed and quilt carefully prepared by Biyou were very comfortable, and Shi slept very soundly.Early the next morning, he got up early and went to Fangwaiju first.I cleaned the yard and cleaned the room again. In fact, Fang Wai Ju is very clean inside and out. Bi You has been taken care of, and she comes here from time to time, but Shi De is still worried. He has deep feelings for Fang Wai Ju. , is his residence when he is at his worst, and it is equivalent to the residence of his soul.

Everything in Fang Waiju remained the same. The morning sun shone on the courtyard, giving people a sense of tranquility and isolation from the world. Shi took a deep breath, calmed down, and performed Tai Chi very seriously, every move and every move.After the beating, he stood still in the courtyard for another hour, practicing the method of breathing.

The method of breathing is included in the Taijiquan method taught by He Ye. It is originally integrated with Taijiquan method, that is, breathing while punching, but Shi De always fails to combine the two perfectly. Either you forget to breathe in when punching, or when your attention falls on breathing, the boxing will be out of step.When Master He taught him, he told him that if you can't combine the two perfectly for a while, you can practice separately and practice separately. When you reach the level, the two will naturally fit perfectly.

After going to Xiajiang and Shimen, Taijiquan fell a lot, and he didn’t have time to practice every day, but he became more proficient in the way of exhaling and breathing. When he was free, he followed the steps to exhale and inhale, or pause before exhaling, Or pause between breaths, and gradually have a feeling.

At the beginning, he didn't think the method of exhalation and inhalation was useful. Who doesn't know how to breathe, and still needs to practice?But when I actually practiced, I realized that everyone can breathe, but it is very difficult to control the rhythm of breathing as one likes, and it is not so difficult. The pause between the rhythms has long been messed up.

It took Shi De a long time to get into the door. After a while, he found that the method of breathing has no direct effect on the improvement of Taijiquan, and it seems to have no effect on physical fitness. As the master said, only when the method of breathing and taijiquan are combined, will there be surprises.

However, after practicing the breathing method alone for a long time today, Shi De suddenly found that there seemed to be a swollen and painful feeling in his eyes when he was receiving the exercise, but it just passed by. When he wanted to pay attention, he couldn't find it anymore. He didn't care, seeing that it was getting late, he called Li Sanjiang.

Before returning to Shimen, it is necessary to finalize the land for the old city renovation project in Fuyang District. Li Sanjiang is a key bridge, and according to Huang Zixuan's tone, he intends to reuse Li Sanjiang before he is transferred from Shancheng.

Also, we need to start with the land project in Fuyang District, solve the troubles deliberately created for Yue Guoliang, and let Yue Guoliang's fortune return to normal, otherwise it will continue to decline, and it may affect Yue Guoliang future career.As far as Shi De's expectations were concerned, he hoped that Yue Guoliang would at least take one step forward and serve as mayor or senior city official for one term.

Li Sanjiang got through the phone as soon as he answered, and he said enthusiastically: "Shi De, I'm going to the meeting soon, so please tell me if you have anything to do."

"District Chief Li, you should have a blueprint for the progress of the old city renovation project in Fuyang District, right?" Shi De and Li Sanjiang knew each other well, so he asked directly.

Li Sanjiang didn't feel how impolite Shi De's question was, and said, "Yes, I keep it in my heart."

"It's like this. You make a phone call and then contact him, saying that you have to report on the work related to Shi De." Shi De is not playing tricks, but knows that he can't make it too clear, even if the senior city officials want someone to To report work, you have to hint in a roundabout way, it is impossible to tell directly, and telling directly is not the way of the officialdom, he is not a person in the officialdom, and he understands this truth.

Li Sanjiang wrote down Shi De's phone number without saying a word. He didn't want to ask whose phone number it was, so he couldn't help but asked: "I have to ask whose phone number it is, otherwise I won't be able to work with peace of mind."

Shi De chuckled, "Liu Zhanguo."

Li Sanjiang's mind buzzed. Liu Zhanguo is Huang Zixuan's new secretary. Didn't he mean that he will report directly to the senior city officials?Although he has always known that Shi De is a person who can create miracles at any time, it was a big surprise for him to connect him with Huang Zixuan. He was almost speechless: "Shi, Brother Shi, I, I ..."

Shi De didn't take the credit, and said with a smile: "District Chief Li, you'd better call as soon as possible, don't miss the opportunity."

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand. I'll call after the meeting."

After talking with Li Sanjiang, Shi De felt much better. He believed that the disturbance about the improper relationship between Fu Weiqiang and Tai Xiaoyu had already affected Fu Rui.Fu Rui wanted to hit Huang Zixuan and kick Yue Guoliang in the back again and again, never mind.With him around, even if Fu Rui had Mu Jinnian or Bi Wentian to guide him, he didn't believe he couldn't win the round.

Thinking of Mu Jinnian, Shi De felt complicated.Thinking about how many times Mu Jinnian had passed on Zhao Subo's message, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind. Regardless of the relationship between Mu Jinnian and Fu Weiqiang, it is a good thing that Zhao Subo wants to get close to him, and he must unite everything that can be united. Power, even if Zhao Subo just wants to use him, he can also use Zhao Subo backhand, as long as Zhao Subo is not firmly tied to Fu Weiqiang and Mu Jinnian.

After figuring this out, Shi De took out his phone and called Zhao Subo for the first time.

"Mr. Shi called me, and I was flattered." As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Subo was very enthusiastic, "What instructions does Mr. Shi have?"

Zhao Subo is a wonderful person, he can talk and come to things, Shi De smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao is really good at joking. I called to ask Mr. Zhao for instructions. When you have time, I will be the host."

"Time... tonight, seven o'clock in the evening, in the world, how about it?" Zhao Subo was not at all pretentious, and immediately settled down.

"Okay, it's settled, I'll arrange it." Shi De didn't expect Zhao Subo to agree so quickly, so he guessed something, maybe there was a change in the rumors of the municipal or provincial committee.

Shi De guessed right, the Shancheng Committee has changed drastically now!And it's three changes!

After a change, I don't know where the news came out. It was said that Fu Weiqiang and Tai Xiaoyu had an ambiguous relationship to cover up for Fu Rui. In fact, they really had an affair with Tai Xiaoyu. The person involved is Fu Rui, and Fu Weiqiang is just taking the blame for Fu Rui.It is in line with human nature for a son to take the blame for his father.Moreover, the rumors were well described, saying that Fu Rui and Tai Xiaoyu had a villa in the provincial capital, Fu Rui would have a tryst with Tai Xiaoyu once a week, and he also promised to transfer Tai Xiaoyu to CCTV.

The second change, the provincial party committee was rumored to have personnel changes, a leader of the provincial party committee was about to be transferred from Yan province to other provinces, and the rumored leader of the provincial party committee who was about to be transferred was Fu Rui's backer.In other words, Fu Rui may lose power.

Three changes, Huang Zixuan intends to carry out a major personnel adjustment in the mid-term and middle-level cadres within a single city and the whole city in the near future!
(End of this chapter)

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