Fortune Teller.

Chapter 113 Plan ahead

Chapter 113 Plan ahead
"The money from the antique business is fast, but it is involved in personnel adjustments and becomes a transit point for officials to give gifts, which will indirectly affect the future fortune. Although the money earned is not ill-gotten wealth, it is somewhat I don't know why, and if the incompetent people are promoted because of the transit gifts of the antique shop, the antique shop will become a tool to help the evil. Therefore, this is the last time to make a fortune. For the long-term plan, it will be transferred or transferred Closing is the best policy." Shi De made up his mind. Since he deeply believes in the principle of balance between heaven and earth, he naturally understands the truth that some money comes quickly but also goes quickly. "Some money is easy to earn, but it is too bad for luck. After earning this amount, donate one-fifth to charity at the end, it’s better to balance.”

Yue Qingying was a little bit reluctant, but still followed Shi De's suggestion: "Well, I will listen to you, I believe in your vision. Although I am the chairman and you are the general manager, in fact, no matter what happens now, It's all up to you, I think it's time for you to decide on the shoulders of the chairman and general manager, and I will be relieved."

"Not now." Shi De knew that Yue Qingying really let him shoulder the burden, and he was not humble. There was no need to pretend in front of Yue Qingying, but the time was not yet, "The time is not yet ripe. When the time is ripe, even if you If you don't give up, I will remind you. Qingying, you just need to remember one thing, no matter what I do, it is for the benefit of Binsheng, and it is all for Uncle Yue's way."

"I believe in you." Yue Qingying looked at Shi De tenderly, "If you don't make me wait so long, you will be more perfect."

"Ahem..." Shi De almost choked, and changed the subject in embarrassment, "Next, I will ask Ziheng to do all the work in the near future to prepare for the first wave. By the way, there is one more thing to do Let me tell you, Biyou has gone to Shimen."

Shi De briefly talked about Biyou's affairs.

Yue Qingying couldn't help being stunned when she heard this, although she is the daughter of the deputy mayor, but her life circle is small, she has never heard of such a bizarre thing in her life, she opened her mouth wide: "Biyou really went to Shimen? Is she coveting the family property or is it just for revenge? I think Biyou is not that innocent. It is strange that she is not tempted in the face of huge interests. Hundreds of millions, darling, if I will think about it carefully. "

Shi De couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you want Biyou to marry for a few hundred million, or not?"

"How she chooses is her life, so it's none of my business? I don't know her very well." Yue Qingying was stubborn and refused to tell the truth, but in her heart she wished that Biyou was a little woman who was greedy for money, Biyou When she gets married, she has one less competitor, and her intuition tells her that Biyou is more competitive than Xiahua.

Shi De shook his head and smiled, stopped discussing Bi's topic, and said, "You can also participate in my dinner with Zhao Subo tonight."

After discussing the main direction of the next step, Binsheng's funds are not enough to support the project of the provincial TV station's family courtyard. Just entering the venue requires nearly [-] million start-up funds, and a loan is required.Yue Qingying said that Wu Bodong was helping with the loan process, and after the loan was received, Wu Bodong was released.

Wu Bodong has been with Yue Guoliang for several years, and he has always been loyal. He was not distracted when Yue Guoliang was at its lowest point, and he was not ostentatious when Yue Guoliang was very popular. He is indeed a qualified and good secretary.But no matter how good a secretary is, he doesn't want to always stay behind. He also needs to be a magistrate after being released, and he needs his own world. It is estimated that Yue Guoliang also wants to take advantage of Huang Zixuan's personnel adjustment to arrange a good position for Wu Bodong.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Shi De had to go to the jade shop, Yue Qingying went to attend to her affairs first, Shi De talked to Huang Ziheng for a while, and his next step was to take Zhao Feifan to Shimen's office first. Get acquainted with the work, and after the transfer of the antique shop, Huang Ziheng will also go to Shimen to fight the world with him.

"How about it, do you want to go to Shimen?"

"Where is Brother De, I will follow."

"You're gone, what about Huang Suqin?"

"Who is Huang Suqin?" Huang Ziheng pretended to be pretty, blinking his eyes, as if he really didn't know Huang Suqin.

"Okay, don't pretend to be a wolf with a big tail." Shi De scolded with a smile, "If you really think that the girl is good, don't just be ambiguous and not picky. It's time to establish a relationship. It's not a man to delay other people's youth."

"No, Brother De, I haven't made up my mind yet. Huang Suqin is a nice person and has a good job. It is said that marrying a nurse will immediately raise her to a high-ranking official's salary, and she will have full-time nurses. But Huang Suqin and I are together. I didn't feel that the salary was improved much, but she always made my head hurt from being quarreled with. I also know that she has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, but sometimes her mouth is too strong. People’s hearts. Sadness can be restored, and it will be fine afterwards, but it’s the same as nails driven into wood. The nails can be pulled out again, but the scars on the wood will remain forever.”

Unexpectedly, Huang Ziheng explained some reasoning, Shi De thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I have time to talk to Huang Suqin, if she can change her outspoken habit, you can stay together, If not, I don't care."

"I still have to understand me." Huang Ziheng chuckled, "I'm not in a hurry. Emotional matters will come if there is a destiny, and I can't force it if I don't have a destiny. Besides, I'm not in a hurry to get married. Why should I be in a hurry? Before the age of 30 or Before Brother De has a family, I am determined not to be the first."

Shi De laughed: "There is no priority in getting married. Get married when you think it suits you. Don't force it if it doesn't suit you. I'll go first and go to the jade shop."

It is inconvenient to not have a car. Shi De took a taxi to the Jingcheng Jade Store, and saw that the facade was completely new. It has nothing to do with the original Jinnian Jade Store. Not only is the decoration style completely different, but even the layout is completely in Shi De's style. .

Even the shop assistants have been changed in sevens and eighties, and there are not many old people left. Mu Jinnian's plan to use the jade shop to destroy his fortune has been completely deciphered by him so far.

Seeing Shi De coming to inspect the work, Xiao Muchen greeted him happily: "Brother De, how are you doing? Are you satisfied?"

"Fortunately, the progress of the project is quite fast, and Mu Chen has worked hard."

"Anything that is hard work is something that should be done."

Shi De thought about one person and said, "You find a way to get in touch with Chang Xiaomei from the Fleeting Jade Shop. When the conditions are ripe, let her come to work with us."

"Okay, I took note."

"The antique shop may be transferred in the future, but I want to keep the jade shop, so Mu Chen, your task is very difficult. Not only must you reopen the market, but you must also try to make the Jingcheng jade shop grow stronger. It is best to be able to cooperate with the fleeting jade shop Same thing, open more branches." Shi De expressed his thoughts, the next step is to integrate industries, some will be transferred to Shimen, and some will continue to take root in Shancheng. He already has a clear context in his mind.

"Okay, I will work hard, please rest assured." Xiao Muchen nodded solemnly.

Xiao Muchen's behavior is more reassuring than that of Huang Ziheng and Zhao Feifan. He did not leave the jade shop out of selfishness to leave a way out for himself, but because he wanted to use the jade shop to allow Xiao Muchen to use two or three years to hone his skills. With the ability to stand alone, he will use Xiao Muchen again in the future.It takes time to cultivate talents. Shi De, who has experienced a failure in life, is now planning for everything.

Although Shi De did not dare to confirm that the turning point of his second stage of fate had been successfully completed, and he would not draw his own conclusions without the confirmation of Master He, but his turning point of fate is divided into two parts, one part is career The turning point, the other part is the turning point in the realm of the physicist. He can basically believe that most of the turning point in his career has been completed, but the turning point in the realm of the physiognomist obviously has not made any progress.

Even if it is not for him to break through to the next level and see the pattern of high-level officials above the Qingzheng Hall, it is also for the sake of Master He's catastrophe.If he has been trapped in the realm of a fortune teller and cannot break through, then it is just a luxury that he can break through to the realm of a fortune teller and reach the height of a fortune teller within four years.

If he can't reach the height of a life master, when the time comes for He Ye's death, he can only watch He Ye leave, what a tragedy in the world it will be.His parents gave him his first life, while Master He gave him a second rebirth. Now he has a deep affection for Master He, perhaps even he himself can't deeply understand it.

Shi De was still thinking on the way to the world, Bi Wentian was earlier than He Ye's deadline, and Bi Wentian, who was busy everywhere, didn't seem to take the deadline to heart, did he have a way to deal with it? ?No, Master He said, the catastrophe is getting more serious every time, manpower can't compete with it, just like a serious illness, no matter how good the hospital is, it can only treat the immortal disease, the mortal disease, there is no cure.

Just when he was puzzled, the phone rang, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw the call, it was Hua Liunian.

It is said that Hua Liunian has not called for a long time, and Shi De also noticed that Hua Liunian has deliberately alienated him a lot recently, perhaps because his jade shop's booming business has stimulated Hua Liunian and robbed her of a lot of business.It can also be understood that colleagues are enemies, and before he was not worth mentioning compared to Hua Liunian, now he is far superior to Hua Liunian in terms of connections and business, it is human nature for Hua Liunian to have a grudge.

"Sister Hua, why do you think of me? It's been a long time since I heard from you, old man." Shi De smiled with a very friendly tone.

"Hey, you're a busy person now, I don't dare to disturb you, I'm afraid I'll miss your big business. I just heard that you're back in Dancheng, so I mustered up the courage to make a phone call, just to ask you out for dinner. "Hua Liunian spoke more politely than before, and there was a hint of sourness in the politeness, "How about Mr. Shi, do you want to show respect?"

 On the last day of this month, and it is still a double monthly pass, I strongly urge the brothers to support the monthly pass, one vote is worth two votes, double the friendship!
(End of this chapter)

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