Fortune Teller.

Chapter 114 The situation is colorful

Chapter 114 The situation is colorful

"It's okay to eat. I can invite Sister Hua. It's mainly because of the time. I can't do it tonight. I have arrangements." Compared with Mu Jinnian's hypocrisy, Shi De actually prefers Hua Liunian's true temperament, happy or not. Happy, straight to the point, not beating around the bush, so he also went straight to the point, without hiding anything, "I have a dinner with Zhao Subo tonight."

"Su Bo, no problem, I can participate too, we all know each other. Besides, I happen to have something to talk to Su Bo..." Hua Liunian giggled again, "It depends on you, is it convenient for you?"

Shi De couldn't refuse Hua Liunian: "Okay, I just happened to pass by your jade, are you there?"

"Yes, yes." Hua Liunian replied impatiently, "I'll wait for you."

Shi De got out of the car on the way, looked up and found that Liunian Jade Shop had also redecorated the front face, couldn't help but secretly smiled, and after only two steps, Hua Liunian had already come down from upstairs like a gust of wind.

Hua Liunian, dressed in full attire, is like a fruit tree that is full of fruit in summer. She is covered with jewelry, a long string of jade chains, big earrings and exaggerated bracelets. At first glance, Shi De almost doesn't recognize her. up.

"What's the matter, Sister Hua, this outfit is so trendy, I won't dare to recognize you if you don't open your mouth on the street." Shi De joked.

"Are you appreciating or belittling?" Hua Liunian stretched out his arms, turned around in front of Shi De, and said narcissistically, "I asked the image designer to design a new image for me, and said it can attract wealth and wealth. , cost me thousands of dollars."

Shi De couldn't help laughing, what kind of image designer is simply a nonsense designer, letting Hua Liunian dress up like this is completely embarrassing her.She is not intoxicated by it and does not know it. Sometimes when she thinks about it, people are indeed easily limited by their own opinions and cannot break through.

He couldn't point it out, so he said vaguely, "I appreciate it."

"If you don't appreciate it, you don't appreciate it, and you still have a little appreciation? It's really reserved." Hua Liunian was dissatisfied with Shi De's words, and then glanced behind Shi De, "Why didn't you drive?"

"I just came by your car." Shi De smiled, and got into the car with Hua Liunian, "How are you doing recently?"

"Okay, it's great." Hua Liunian started the car, "I want to change careers, I don't want to be jade, too tiring, too risky. A few days ago I wanted to ask Mu Jinnian to go to Burma with me to gamble on jade. Anyway, he has two brushes, he is Master Bi's closed disciple, guess what? He said he won't go, he doesn't have time. I was so angry that I almost broke up with him on the spot..."

Shi De chuckled, and didn't answer Hua Liunian's words, Hua Liunian was trying to trick him, and wanted to use his pair of eyes of a physicist to accompany her to gamble jade, he really thought about it and dared to think about it.However, he hadn't really thought about what it would be like to gamble on jade with his eyes of a fortune-teller. After thinking about it, maybe it would be rewarding. Last time when he was appreciating the top-quality jadeite, he seemed to be affected to a certain extent. That is to say, if there is a top-quality jade in a piece of jade, maybe he can really feel it.

Shi De is not sure whether the conflict between Hua Liunian and Mu Jinnian is true or not, and it is hard for him to say whether Hua Liunian's proposal is a trap or just an unintentional suggestion. Now he and Hua Liunian are separated by Mu Jinnian and Bi Wentian, eating together or talking about unimportant things is okay, but not working together.

The car drove fast all the way, and along the way, Hua Liunian's words didn't stop for a moment. One moment she said that she also wanted to enter the real estate industry, and the other moment she said that she had boarded Mu Jinnian's pirate ship. Bi Wentian didn't teach her anything, and she was empty In the name of a disciple, you still have to obey his arrangements in everything, why?And Mu Jinnian's travel company has started to get on the right track and earned its first sum of money, why not let her and Mu Jinnian form a joint venture to establish a travel company?Why in the future, only arrange for Mu Jinnian to develop into overseas study, immigration agency and other businesses, and why don't she have anything to do?
It's not fair, it's not fair at all, she has been completely abandoned.

"You don't know that Shi De, Mu Jinnian's travel company is under the banner of foreign tourism, but it is not actually engaged in tourism business, no, it should not be completely focused on foreign tourism, but through the name of foreign tourism, to replace some corrupt officials He and the leaders of state-owned enterprises transfer funds abroad, earning ill-gotten gains. In the future, he will also develop in the intermediary business of studying abroad and immigration, that is, while helping corrupt officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises transfer funds, he secretly handles immigration for them..." Hua Liu Nian talked about Mu Jinnian's future plans endlessly, and he didn't know if she was really careless or revealed it on purpose.

Shi De listened, and frowned secretly. He really didn't know that Mu Jinnian's plan was so far-reaching, and he didn't think deeply about Mu Jinnian's intention of switching to the tourism industry. Now he understands that he is in the antique business The number of routes is the same, and the difference from the antique business as a bridge is that transferring funds abroad for corrupt officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises is more concealed and deceptive.

It is also more socially harmful.

Shi De just listened but didn't talk, and let Hua Liunian talk non-stop. Hua Liunian complained for a while, let out a sigh of relief, and said: "It's weird, I should be the opposite of you, why is there something wrong? Willing to talk to you? And after talking to you, I feel a lot more comfortable, am I sick? "

If Hua Liunian is really sick, there is really no medicine for him, so Shi smiled grinningly: "It will be uncomfortable if you are bored in your heart, but it will be much better if you talk about it. It doesn't mean that if you share your happiness, you will have double happiness. Take out the sorrow and share it, and only half of the sorrow is left."

"Brother Shi can really talk, much better than that wooden man Mu Jinnian." Hua Liunian laughed happily, "If I wasn't a few years older than you, I would have fallen in love with you."

"Farewell, Sister Hua, we must always maintain a pure friendship, long live the friendship." Shi De hurriedly said, raising his hands exaggeratedly.

"It scares you, Sister Hua is so unattractive? Besides, Sister Hua is not a character who wants to die, and she won't pester you." Hua Liunian winked.

Shi De called a pause: "Change the subject, let's not talk about the relationship between men and women, and talk about your future career."

Hua Liunian freed up a hand and put it on his chest: "My career line doesn't seem to be deep enough, and I'm not very optimistic about my future development. Can you point me to a clear path?"

Shi De pointed forward with his hand: "Ming Lu... is here."

It's here, but it's not the Ming Road, it's here in the world.Hua Liunian couldn't help being annoyed when he saw that Shi had avoided answering, so he slammed on the brakes.Shi De was inattentive and almost bumped his head.

After getting out of the car, he found that Zhao Subo had arrived one step earlier, and he was waiting in front of the door on purpose. He was full of courtesy, so Shi De quickly stepped forward and said politely: "I'm sorry for being late, I kept Mr. Zhao waiting for a long time."

Zhao Subo's eyes flashed past Hua Liunian, and the expression on his face hardly changed. He chuckled, "I'm idle and I have plenty of time, so I came early. Why did Mr. Shi and Mr. Hua come together?"

"I just received a call from Mr. Hua asking me to treat me. I said tomorrow, and she said that tonight, ladies have priority, so we came together." Shi De's seemingly casual explanation actually implied that it was Hua Liunian who insisted on coming. come the fact.But he secretly paid attention to what Zhao Subo's idlers said, Zhao Subo didn't just say it casually, there must be intentions, and today's dinner may have a mystery.

Zhao Subo smiled calmly: "There are too many people and lively, let's go in together."

Hua Liunian didn't talk to Zhao Subo, but just nodded, with a slightly reserved look on his face, which made Shi De very surprised. With Hua Liunian's character, who was she ever afraid of?Even if she dared to seduce Fu Weiqiang, would she be afraid of Zhao Subo?

Once inside, someone led Shi De and his party all the way to the Fangcao Pavilion. The Fangcao Pavilion is among the distinguished guests in the world. It is located in the most transparent and beautiful forest in the world. mood.

Yue Qingying waited in the Fangcao Pavilion.

Seeing Hua Liunian, Yue Qingying's complexion changed, but fortunately Shide winked in time, she restrained her unhappiness, welcomed a few people into the pavilion, and said: "Today I arranged some of the most distinctive dishes in the world. If you don’t order dishes, everyone’s right to order will be deprived, sorry.”

Zhao Subo waved his hands and said, "The guest is up to the host, besides, what we eat is not food, but friendship."

Hua Liunian still didn't speak, his expression was very unnatural, Shi De was even more strange, since seeing Zhao Subo was uncomfortable, why bother to come to see him?After thinking about it again, I suddenly realized that Hua Liunian fell in love with Zhao Subo?

Shi De smiled secretly, and didn't bother to pay attention to Hua Liunian's every move, and put his mind on Zhao Subo.Zhao Subo didn't talk about business, he talked about the weather and the bad crops caused by the dry autumn and less rain, and Hua Liunian almost yawned. Interested, and Zhao Subo answered fluently. People who don't know listened to the conversation between Shi De and Zhao Subo, and thought it was two agricultural experts or government officials in charge of agricultural exports talking about political affairs.

After the food was served one after another, Shi De and Zhao Subo drank a few glasses together, and the conversation between the two began to deepen, and the atmosphere became lively.Today's dinner is actually very good in terms of collocation. The dishes are well matched, there are mountain delicacies and game, and there are two men and two women on the wine table. The demeanor is unnatural, and there is not even a word of dialogue between them.

Shi De and Zhao Subo were also interesting, they just ignored Yue Qingying and Hua Liunian, you come and I go to each other very lively, it seems like a thousand cups of wine is really rare when you meet a bosom friend.

"Actually, Wei Qiang is a good person, but sometimes he is too strong. I always advise him not to use righteousness in everything, but he refuses to listen. If he is stubborn, no one can persuade him. But he has a character of being soft and not hard. It’s not a big deal if we can sit together, drink a few glasses of wine, and open up the conversation, isn’t it Shi De?” After bypassing the distance of thousands of mountains and rivers, Zhao Subo’s topic finally fell to the serious matter.

 Monthly pass, the last monthly pass of this month!

(End of this chapter)

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