Fortune Teller.

Chapter 115 Heaven has luck, people have luck

Chapter 115 Heaven has luck, people have luck

"That's right. But the problem now is that Wei Qiang doesn't want to sit down and talk. Also, I'm not saying bad things about people behind their backs. Su Bo, Wei Qiang has done too much in the project of the provincial TV station's family courtyard. He just doesn't care about it. All reckless actions will block the way to be friends." Shi Deming echoed Zhao Subo, but in fact he firmly stated his position, implying that there is no possibility of sitting down and negotiating between him and Fu Weiqiang.

If it's just because of a family courtyard project, it's okay, but the key is because the family courtyard project has triggered a series of chain reactions, and the confrontation between Fu Rui and Yue Guoliang has risen to the level of changing fortunes. Shi De knows that he and Fu Rui Between Wei and Qiang, the situation can only be settled when the winner is determined.

Zhao Subo came here today, probably with the intention of testing him.Anyway, rumors from the provinces and cities have spread that Huang Zixuan is about to make a move, and Fu Rui's status will definitely be impacted. When the situation changes, people's hearts will change.Zhao Subo's father, Zhao Haiyang, is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee. He has always had a good relationship with Fu Rui, and he is expected to become the mayor after Fu Rui takes over as a high-ranking city official. Join hands with Yue Guoliang.

So before the situation gets out of control, it is a good strategy to plan ahead and find a way out in advance.

Zhao Subo glanced at Yue Qingying again, and said with a smile: "The people who came to Qingying with a group of friends last time were full of praise for Zairenjian. Of course, there are even more people who appreciate Qingying's extraordinary beauty." After praising Yue Qingying, he praised Shi De again, "I had a quick meeting last time, and I really wanted to make friends with Shi De, but the last time the quarrel was not very pleasant, and then Tuo Jinnian called several times , and it’s always a coincidence. Now we are finally sitting together, a good thing, a great thing, I am very happy today, come, let’s have another drink.”

Zhao Subo drank a lot today, but it could be seen that he drank a lot and was not drunk.Since he wants to drink, Shi De will accompany him. At the beginning of the business failure, Shi De used to drink to relieve his worries for a long time. Drinking hurt his stomach but he also practiced drinking.

After drinking a few more glasses, Zhao Subo continued to deepen the topic: "Although I am also in the real estate business, I have been in the single city and have not rushed out of the single city. After staying in the single city for a long time, I feel that the atmosphere in the single city is too dull , the advantage of the ancient city is that life is comfortable and the people's hearts are stable, but the downside is that if it is too comfortable, it is easy to lose fighting spirit. I also want to rush out of the single city and venture into the outside world, but unfortunately I have no chance. "

Yue Qingying glanced at Zhao Subo in surprise, until then she heard the real purpose of Zhao Subo's dinner today, it turned out that he wanted to use the chicken to lay eggs.She looked at Shi De again, expecting Shi De to say something.She had no idea whether to accept Zhao Subo's proposal. Before, she thought she had unique vision and insights, but when it came time to face complex situations, it was still difficult for her to make a judgment.

She is still not as good as Shi De... Yue Qingying feels more and more that she cannot do without Shi De, and if she really wants to leave Shi De, she doesn't know how to manage the huge Binsheng.Even regarding Binsheng's future development direction, she used to be confident in her heart and felt that the future was in her mind, but now she lost her way and couldn't see the way forward, and she was no longer at the helm. The direction of Binsheng's future was half in the hands of In Shi De's hands, half of it was in Xia Hua's hands.

Shi De didn't answer Zhao Subo's words, but instead asked: "I would like to ask Mr. Zhao a question. How did you solve the funding dilemma in the early days of Huada's establishment?"

Real estate companies will face the problem of lack of funds. No real estate company will have sufficient cash to use at any time. The real estate industry is a gold-sucking industry, and no amount of funds is enough to fill the huge demand for money everywhere.

"Loan is the only way out." Zhao Subo said, "There is no real estate company that does not start with loans. Without loans, who would prepare hundreds of millions of cash flow to build a house? Besides, even if they really have so much money in their hands, they would not take it. It’s safest to risk your own money, or bank money.”

"The current situation is quite special. Binsheng is a company in Shancheng, and it is undertaking the project of Shimen. If it is a loan, it is not easy to get a loan at both ends." Shi De continued to ask, in fact, he meant to test Zhao Subo.

Zhao Subo laughed: "Even if Binsheng undertakes the project in the capital, the tax has to be paid to Shancheng. Binsheng has developed and expanded, and has spread across the country. As long as the registered place does not change, it is still a single city enterprise."

"Understood, thank you Mr. Zhao for your advice." Shi De laughed and expressed his thanks to Zhao Subo. Zhao Subo's answer satisfied him, and he was telling the truth.In fact, before that, Yue Qingying had already started working on the loan in Shancheng, and Wu Bodong had already connected with the Construction Bank of Fuyang District, and the specific broker was Li Sanjiang.

If there is no accident, it is not a big problem to get a loan of 3000 million from the District Construction Bank. If you get 3000 million, you can completely solve the problem of the initial funds.

Zhao Subo saw that after Shi De finished his question, there was no further text, so he understood what was going on, knowing that Shi De was still very wary of him, so he continued: "Wei Qiang came back yesterday, and what happened to Shimen made him exhausted and haggard. Quite a lot, it seems a bit disheartened. In addition, there was another gust of evil wind blowing from the province, which made Mayor Fu's situation very awkward. Wei Qiang said that he planned to avoid the limelight recently, so let's not make a fuss for now, rest assured Rest at home for a while."

Is this revealing inside information or expressing goodwill for Fu Weiqiang?Shi De is now more and more aware that Zhao Subo has the obvious intention of getting closer, but whether to accept Zhao Subo, he is still undecided for a while. It is true that Zhao Subo has also shown sincerity, but it always makes him feel that there is still something missing, or that Zhao Subo Sincerity is not enough.

After thinking for a while, Shi De still said noncommittally: "Fu Weiqiang is too tired, he is weak, and the overloaded operation must not be able to bear it. Fortunately, he braked in time, otherwise his body may collapse. People, Sometimes you have to accept your fate. If you are too strong, you will be repelled. The sky has its luck, the earth has its luck, and people have luck. no?"

Zhao Subo understands that there is no possibility of reconciliation between Shi De and Fu Weiqiang. He originally wanted to make a match and ease the tension between Shi De and Fu Weiqiang, but now it seems that it is impossible up.Thinking of this, he changed his mind again and said bluntly: "In terms of technical strength and capital, I believe Huada will have certain advantages over Binsheng. If Binsheng encounters technical and financial problems, you can ask Huada for help." We are all friends when we bring it up, and we dare not talk about it when we are too big. Small problems are just one-sentence matters. Sending a few chief engineers there, or providing talents in terms of capital and budget, is easy to talk about.”

Shi De tasted the sincerity of Zhao Subo's words, raised his glass and said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Zhao for your kindness, I know it well, maybe I will trouble you sometime."

"See what you said, if you don't bother me, you won't consider me a friend. Come on, cheers." Zhao Subo laughed heartily.

Shi De and Zhao Subo drank it down.

From the beginning to the end, Hua Liunian didn't say more than three sentences during the whole meal.The same is true for Yue Qingying, the two of them are completely supporting roles, it is understandable that Yue Qingying does not speak, she originally talks less, but Hua Liunian has a character that cannot sit still, and she talks less, which is unusual.

When leaving, Zhao Subo took a step ahead, and Hua Liunian fell behind. She hesitated, as if she had something to say to Shi De.Yue Qingying saw it, frowned, and stepped aside.

"Shi De, you told me that my name is very good, Ruhuameijuan, like a passing year, can you tell me when my Ruhuameijuan will be by your side?"

Shi De glanced at Zhao Subo's car that was speeding away, and said meaningfully: "Zhao Subo is a good person, talented, well-educated, and the city is deep, but there is still a gap between you and him." ..."

"What gap?" Hua Liunian asked nervously, she didn't know that in front of Shi De, she had been led by Shi De everywhere, completely driven by emotions and lost the sense of direction she should have.

"The gap is between Mu Jinnian and Fu Weiqiang." Shi De cried out ashamedly. He told a lie. In fact, whether Hua Liunian and Zhao Subo could achieve good things, he was too lazy to care about it, and he didn't calculate it. He just said Mu Jinnian casually. The gap between Nian and Fu Weiqiang is just to set up a trap.

On the way here, Hua Liunian told a lot of Mu Jinnian's secrets, which made Shi De feel sad. Apart from being sympathetic and pitiful to Mu Jinnian, what he didn't understand was that Bi Wentian read countless people. How could he not see through Hua Liunian's character because he has a good sense of people?With Hua Liunian's character of being unable to hide things and not being reused, why did Bi Wentian accept her as his apprentice?If it's just for the sake of balance, you can find someone else, why bother to drag Hua Liunian into the water?

The reason for this is quite thought-provoking. Shi De estimated that it was not Bi Wentian's negligence, but perhaps Bi Wentian had his long-term intentions.That's okay, Bi Wentian has Zhang Liang's plan, he has a wall ladder, let's see who can use Hua Liunian as a chess piece.

Hua Liunian opened his eyes wide, and asked in puzzlement, "Why is it Mu Jinnian and Fu Weiqiang? I don't understand."

"Slowly you will understand." Shi De said pretending to be mysterious, "Some things can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, Sister Hua, I can only tell you so much. I have known you for a long time, and I also I recognize you as a friend, I hope you can take the next step well, and I hope that your life path will become more and more exciting, and you will be in your own hands."

Hua Liunian was confused by Shi Shi, driving halfway, and kept thinking, how could Mu Jinnian and Fu Weiqiang be the gap between her and Zhao Subo?Also, what is the meaning of Shi De's last words, the road of life is in her own hands, which obviously alludes to something, does it mean that she was at the mercy of Mu Jinnian and Bi Wentian?
 I wish my friends a happy holiday!During the May Day period, we will rest for three days and update every day, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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