Fortune Teller.

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
Biyou rubbed the needle on her head, and pulled the needle through the sole of the shoe, and the needle drove the long cotton thread to bind the shoe sole.Her graceful movements and skillful postures are just a kind of enjoyment to just quietly admire from the sidelines, as if time has stopped passing, and all the good things in life are stuck in the thread of a needle.

"Do you want me to make a pair of shoes for you too?" Bi You waved the soles in her hands and smiled brightly, "My handwork is not bad, you must be comfortable wearing them."

"No more." Shi De waved his hand quickly, he was reluctant to bear Biyou's delicate little hands to work for him, "I still wear the shoes I bought to be comfortable and save trouble."

"Don't pull it down." Biyou gave Shide a look, thinking of something, "Xia Hua insisted on going to Fangwaiju, saying that she wanted to see where you live, I can't stand her, and Master He is too embarrassed to refuse her, I had to let her go. I always feel that Xia Hua likes to force others to make things difficult for her, doesn't she know how to take care of other people's emotions?"

Shi De doesn't want to comment on Xia Hua's actions, Xia Hua's enthusiasm and cheerfulness, some people like it and others hate it, things in the world are often like this, no one person can make everyone agree.

"Let her go, she has no malicious intentions. Everyone has their own preferences, and you can't ask everyone to meet your own requirements, not to mention that your own requirements are also very subjective and may not be correct." After listening to He Ye and Bi Wentian's joint After class, Shi De's mind gradually opened up, and he became more and more fond of thinking about problems from the perspective of others.

"That's true, but I still think she's a bit annoying..." Biyou was not very satisfied with Shi De's answer, and gave Shi De a blank look, "Do you really think that Xia Hua is your great blessing?"

"Hehe..." Shi De smiled easily, "Fate is created by the heart, and everyone's blessings are created by themselves, not given by others. Even if Xia Hua is my great blessing, I will not be in vain. If you get it, you must pay a corresponding price. Then again, people should believe in themselves, hold their destiny in their own hands, and create tomorrow's happiness by themselves instead of relying on external forces."

"It's a high-sounding statement, but who knows what's going on in your heart." Biyou put down the soles of her shoes and refilled Shi De's water, "Why haven't you asked me what I gained from my trip to Shimen?"

"I'm waiting for you to take the initiative to speak. There are some things that are not convenient to ask, but convenient to listen to." Shi was somewhat angry with Biyou. During her time in Shimen, Biyou didn't answer his calls or answer them, which made him extremely worried .

"I know you're still angry with me." Biyou smiled happily, and after laughing, she felt a little lonely again, "It's not that I didn't answer your phone when I was in Shimen, but I didn't know what to do when I answered it." Say something. I was so distraught, I almost broke."

"Don't tell me when you're about to collapse. Let me help you figure out a way. It can be seen that in your mind, I'm still an outsider after all." Shi De was half joking and half accusing.

"..." Biyou was stunned for a moment, her complexion darkened a bit, she forced a smile, "Shi De, what you said is really heartbreaking, what do you think of me?"

Shi De didn't want anything to happen to Biyou, he really only wanted to help Biyou.

"I met my biological parents, just as I imagined, they didn't kiss me at all, just like when they abandoned me back then, they still didn't have any affection for me!" Biyou's disguise was finally thrown away, Fu She went to the table and began to cry, she cried very sadly, her shoulders kept shrugging, and her heart was full of grief, "I hate them, I hate them!"

Perhaps it is the hatred buried deep in her heart that keeps Biyou depressed and unable to face life cheerfully.Shi De feels the same hatred for Biyou, but his hatred for the abandonment of his biological parents has long since disappeared, and has turned into a calm memory.There are many things in life that cannot be changed once they happen. Instead of worrying about what has happened, it is better to let go and let the past go with the wind, so that you can feel at ease now.

It's just that many people can't let go, and as a result, they feel depressed.There are too many troubles in life, which are self-inflicted troubles, which are too much to think about.Those who know how to live in the present and cherish the present are smart people.

"After they abandoned me, they had a younger brother and a younger sister. The younger brother is Biran, who is 23 years old and serves as a director of my father's company. The younger sister is Biyang, who is 15 years old and is still in middle school. They treat younger brother and My sisters are very good, why do they treat me as if I am their biological daughter, why? Why?" Biyou suddenly raised her head from the table, her eyes showed determination, "Their company is very powerful , the market value is conservatively estimated to be more than 50 billion, and besides the family business, they also hold the stocks of some large listed companies under their names... I am their biological daughter, so it would be good not to accuse them of abandonment, if they You still want to deprive me of my inheritance rights, but I will never agree!"

Last time, Biyou said that if she agrees to her parents' request to let her marry, the condition is that her parents will use one-fifth of the family business as a dowry, which is more than one billion yuan.Biyou was moved, and Shi De advised her not to betray herself because of money.Now it seems that Biyou obviously wants to get back her inheritance rights from her parents, but she still secretly regards money as compensation to make up for the loss of her parents' love in her childhood.

However, how can money compensate for family affection and true love?There are many things that money can't buy, such as time, such as love... Shi De didn't speak, and sat beside Biyou, gently stroking her shoulder.

Biyou threw herself into Shi De's arms: "Shi De, during the few days in Shimen, accompanied by them, I met the person they wanted me to marry - his name is Jia Chenmo, he is a standard The ignorant second-generation rich, unattractive, not tall, at most 1.6 meters five, but his family's family business Jia's Group and their family business Bitian Group have to participate in each other's shares, unite together, and prepare Entering the capital, so we need to restrain both parties through marriage..."

Shi De is not interested in the purpose of the marriage between Biyou's family and Jia Chenmo's family, he just wants to know Biyou's true thoughts: "What do you really think?"

Biyou hugged Shi De tightly, as if Shi De was her last straw: "I agreed to their request, but I put forward three conditions."

"What?" Shi De was shocked for a moment, and pushed Biyou away, "Biyou, do you really want to marry that Jia Chenmo?"

"Of course not, I don't want to marry him, he looks so ugly, and he looks like a bum, no matter how you look at it, all the men in the world are dead, so I won't fall in love with him either." Biyou He belittled Jia Chenmo very harshly, and then said, "I'm using a tactic to delay the attack. I want them to agree to my three conditions first. One is to restore my inheritance rights and let me recognize my ancestors. The other is that I It is required to hold 20.00% of the shares in the family business. The third is that I want to be a vice president or above in Bitian Group..."

Shi De sighed in his heart, Biyou was taking risks. First, she was not reconciled, and she was brooding over the fate of being abandoned in her early years; , feeling resentful.Although some people like to gamble in the pursuit of wealth and danger, Shi De still likes a life that progresses smoothly. Besides, Biyou has never seen the sinister simplicity of human beings. What should she do if she and her parents lose the bet in the end?
What she bet on was a lifetime of marriage happiness. If she lost, she would have to lose all her love, and even her entire life.

"They agreed?" Biyou has always refused to address her parents as mom and dad, and always referred to them as "them", so Shi De had no choice but to follow Biyou's name.

"Basically, I agreed, saying that I would give me definite news in a few days. But it seems that Biran is very disgusted with my sister who came out of nowhere, and he firmly opposes my return to Bi's house." Biyou sneered slightly , "I have suffered all these years. He has been rich and well-clothed since he was a child, and he can't imagine how difficult it is to wander alone. He also wants to prevent me from going home. Hmph, wait, after I hold shares , I will slowly increase my shareholding until one day I completely control Bitian and let Bitian become my property! At that time, everyone will have to surrender at my feet!"

Shi De was taken aback, Biyou still had such ambitions, she was really blinded by hatred.

"Biyou, have you ever thought about what to do if you fail?" Shi De reminded Biyou that you should not only think about winning in life, but think about losing first. Only before placing a bet is the correct way to be prepared.Back then, he just didn't think about losing first, and he wasn't mentally prepared to bear the consequences of losing. As a result, he lost everything and almost lost his life.

"I will not fail, I will definitely win." Biyou's face flashed with confidence, she said confidently, "I have already figured out a plan to deal with it, don't worry Shide, one day, you will see me Controlled the entire Bitian Group."

Shi De didn't know what to say, self-confidence is a good thing, but self-confidence is too blind, impulsive or self-righteous, Biyou still failed to listen to the laws of life that He Ye and Bi Wentian talked about, each flower caught his eye, The same principle of life, when heard by different people, will have different effects.He pondered for a moment, but still asked: "How do they believe that you are willing to obey their arrangements, and you are definitely not just talking about it?"

"Yes, there is an agreement." Biyou nodded and said, brushing her hair, "While they give me the shares, I must be engaged to Jia Chen silently."

"Engaged?" Shi De shook his head, no wonder Biyou didn't answer his phone when he was in Shimen, if he knew that Biyou had placed such a big bet, he would definitely persuade her to stop, thinking again , Biyou should have already made up his mind, no matter how he understands it with reason and moves him with emotion, it won't help.

(End of this chapter)

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