Fortune Teller.

Chapter 138

Chapter 138
Everyone has their own ambitions. Although Shi De and Biyou are both fallen in the world, but now that Biyou has turned into a wealthy daughter, and she still wants to take back everything that belongs to her, is he going to tell her, don't be a rich daughter? Or live peacefully and contentedly in Dancheng with him?
Shi De couldn't say such insincere words, and even if he said it, Biyou would never be able to return to the carefree state of the proprietress with a bowl of incense.Sometimes people are very happy when they have no choice, but once they have the opportunity to choose, they add pain and dilemma.

"Yeah, it's just engagement and not marriage. What are you afraid of?" Biyou thought that Shi De was worried about other things, she shook Shi De's arm, "I won't marry Jia Chenmei, he is not worthy of me at all. , don’t say it’s too far behind you, even compared with every man I know around me, it’s not worth mentioning. Except for having a rich father, his life is all failures. Shi De, I My plan is that after getting engaged to Jia Chenmo, I get the shares of Bitian Group, and after I become the vice president of Bitian Group, and then turn around and break up with Jia Chenmo, who can tie me to marry him? How about you helping me buy the odd shares of Bitian Group, and then we will join hands to control Bitian Group?"

Shi De glanced at Biyou as if he didn't know him: "Biyou, you know my character, do you think I will join hands with you to annex the Bitian Group? If you really think your plan is feasible, I won't stop it. But please don't drag me, I have my career."

"Shi De, you..." Tears welled up in Biyou's eyes, "Do you think that if you get engaged to me, Jia Chenmo, you will no longer be pure? Even if I get engaged to him, I won't let him touch me One finger!"

Shi De shook his head, and said earnestly: "Biyou, although Master He is a fortune teller, he can change people's fate, but the prerequisite for changing fate is that the person whose fate is changed has a strong desire to change fate. If you think that from If it is your destiny for your parents to get what you deserve at all costs, then I can only say that you have deviated from the original intention of Lord He to change your life."

"How do you know that Master He won't support my decision?" Biyou still insisted, "I told Master He, and Master He said that he has no objection."

Shi De chuckled: "Don't lie to me, you never dared to tell Mr. He, you told me, you also mustered up a lot of courage, didn't you? Biyou, I think since you have already made Even if Master He disagrees, you will definitely push forward according to your own plan, right?"

Biyou blushed a little, being caught by what Shi De said, she nodded hesitantly: "Shi De, you can hide it from Master He for me, okay? I beg you. I don't want him to be angry, and I don't want him The old man is sad."

"Well, I won't tell Master He. But I can be sure that even if you tell Master He, even if Master He disagrees with your decision, he will neither be angry nor sad." Master He Jiu After studying human affairs, I know the truth that everything cannot be forced, and I will not force others to do anything, but I am clear about it. He will not be angry or sad, but he will definitely be disappointed.

"With your words, I'm relieved." Biyou breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't hear the disappointment in Shi De's words. She was still immersed in her big plan, "If one day I control Bitian Group, Shi De, I will merge Yiwanxiang into Bitian Group. I believe that under the promotion of Bitian Group's strong strength and huge channels, Yiwanxiang will become a national brand..."

The sun was setting and the autumn wind was getting cooler, and Shi Shi couldn't let go of the summer flowers and the moon's shadows. He didn't want to listen to Biyou's rhetoric anymore, so he bid farewell to Biyou and returned to Fang Waiju.

Regarding Biyou's decision, Shi De couldn't tell what it was like, was it desolation?No, it would be an exaggeration to say it was sad.Is it sad?No, he has no reason to be sad, although he and Biyou have a deep relationship, and the thick family relationship is more difficult to let go than love.Maybe it's just a touch of helplessness. In the long river of life, there will always be many turbulence and shoals. Not everyone can safely survive the danger of turbulence and the strandedness of shoals.

When approaching Fang Waiju, Shi De suddenly thought of a strange question, if Biyou's parents were poor and ordinary people, would Biyou support them for the rest of their lives, or would she not recognize them?
Shi De couldn't answer his hypothesis. After all, there are no assumptions in life, and what happens is inevitable, and no one can escape the innate destiny of fate.

Before the door of Fang Waiju was opened, Xia Hua's hearty laughter was heard. In the afterglow of the setting sun, her laughter was like the golden sunlight falling all over the ground, jumping happily, presenting the most beautiful nature. real.

Why does Xia Hua insist on coming to Fangwai?Shi De shook her head and smiled. Does she also want to be Master He's disciple?

Shi De's guess was wrong. Xia Hua's most fundamental starting point for coming to Fang Waiju was actually to see what kind of paradise Shi De's foothold in Shancheng would be.Fortunately, Fang Waiju did not disappoint Xia Hua. A few hours ago, when she followed Master He into the gate of Fang Waiju, she exclaimed: "Wow, Master He, you are so amazing, this The place is truly a treasure trove of geomantic omen.”

Master He would not let her come if someone else wanted to come to Fang Waiju, but Xia Hua was not someone else. The self-ripeness of flowers is also closely related to the bottomless appearance of summer flowers.Any fortune teller will have a good impression of people with bottomless appearance, and want to use them for themselves.

Of course, Master He didn't want Xia Hua to be used by him, what he wanted was the combination of Xia Hua and Shi De.If used properly, the combination of the bottomless Xia Hua and the eccentric Shi De may not be able to do anything earth-shattering.

"You also know Fengshui?" Master He smiled and looked at Xia Hua, his eyes were full of love, as if Xia Hua was also his closest relative.

"I don't understand, I just said it casually." Xia Hua looked around, and was very interested in the layout of the other party's house and every tree planted in the courtyard, "Is this where Shi De started his business? I You have to take a good look at what makes it different. To cultivate such a great person as Shi De, what is Fang Waiju if it is not a place of geomantic omen? By the way, Master He, how did you know Shi De?"

Xia Hua asked too many questions, and Master He couldn't answer them, so he avoided answering them, and started to loosen the soil and water a few fruit trees.Autumn is here, and the branches of the fruit trees are covered with many fruits. Because no one picks them, some fruits are overripe and naturally fall to the ground.

Who is Xia Hua? Seeing that Master He didn't answer her, she knew that there were some things she shouldn't ask, so she picked an apple by herself, took it to the side of the water, washed it, bit it down, and the juice splashed everywhere, and she applauded again and again. : "It's delicious, it's really delicious. After all, it's a pure natural apple. Master He, why don't you accept me as a student too? I'm smart, clever, and filial, so I'm definitely better than Shi De."

If Xia Hua was born with great accomplishments, Master He might really accept her as a disciple, but unfortunately she is a person with no bottom, a person with no bottom, only by joining forces with others, can you start a career, and a person with no bottom, He didn't have the qualifications to become a fortune master, so he shook his head: "You can't be my disciple, but it doesn't mean that you have to be my disciple to have a future. There is a saying that if you don't practice the Tao, you are already in the Tao, you don't have to deliberately Whatever you pursue, let everything take its course.”

"Let it be as it is?" Xia Hua smiled slyly, the way she ate apples without a ladylike image at all, "Master He, do you think Shi De and I are destined?"

In fact, Master He has already guessed the reason why Xia Hua is interested in the other party. She wants to know more about Shi De's daily life and the love between his children. Although he doesn't worry about it anymore, he can still see it clear.

"How did you and Shi De know each other? Why do you want to cooperate with Shi De?" Mr. He put down his hoe and sat down under the tree. He pointed to the chair opposite and signaled Xia Hua to sit down.This is a rare opportunity, he has to check for Shi, and see what kind of disposition Xia Hua is under the surface of bottomless appearance.

Facial appearance only determines a part of a person's fate, and character is the fundamental determinant.

"Shi De and I, the process of getting to know each other is so clichéd that it's not worth mentioning, that is, when he and Yue Qingying were having dinner in the world, I went to find Qingying, and then I saw him at a glance..." Xia Hua was obedient Sitting on the opposite side of Mr. He, in her opinion, Mr. He is Shi De's parent. She briefly explained the process of getting to know her and Shi De, "It's strange. When I saw him the first time, I felt good." As if I have known him for a long time, I have no sense of unfamiliarity with him, and for some reason, I really want to know him, want to get close to him, and then I used my self-familiarity method... At that time, I was still worried that I would not know him. It will attract his attention, fortunately, I am not only first-rate in eloquence, but also beautiful, so in the end he remembered me, and succeeded in making him have a strong interest in me."

Master He smiled and said nothing, but a thought flashed in his mind. Although the encounter between Xia Hua and Shi De was accidental, there was inevitability in the accident. People are indeed destined people.

"As for why I want to cooperate with Shi De, Mr. He, do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Xia Hua showed a shy expression, looking down at her toes.

"What do you think?" Master He didn't want to break Xia Hua's little daughter's mind, but just asked a rhetorical question.He actually knew that Xia Hua would not hide from him, she was a girl who could do whatever she wanted.Of course, doing as one pleases here does not mean that Xia Hua acts without scruples, but that she is open-minded.

"Of course it's the truth." Xia Hua stuck out her tongue mischievously, and smiled embarrassedly, "I tell you, please don't tell Shi De, so that he won't be embarrassed, okay?"

Master He nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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