Fortune Teller.

Chapter 140 Odds of Winning

Chapter 140 Odds of Winning
"Master He, there is one thing that I have been bored in my heart. I don't want to ask and dare not ask. Now I think it's better to ask... I didn't want to give up on love, but also wanted to save my stepmother, so I used the money to speculate in futures. The loss was a mess, and only then did I have the experience of seeking death later. You said, did I do something wrong? If I used the money to treat my stepmother, she might still be alive. Thinking about it now, I am so stupid, I am sorry she……"

Shi De couldn't continue, tears welled up.

Master He patted Shi De on the shoulder, comforted Shi De and said, "Don't blame yourself too much. There are no assumptions in life. Everything that happens is what should happen. Your stepmother is very kind, but human nature is not good. There is a complicated side. Maybe one day you know the truth about why your stepmother treats you like your own, and you may not be so guilty. Also, your stepmother was terminally ill, and it doesn’t make sense to treat it or not. , the only thing you feel sorry for her is that you didn't stay by her side when she left."

Shi De heard something: "Master He, did your stepmother do something bad?"

Master He shook his head lightly: "I'm not a god, how do I know? But from the fact that she didn't die well, it can be inferred that she must have done something wrong."

If anyone dared to say anything bad about his stepmother in the past, Shi De would have fought hard with him, even Master He, but now he gradually understands many rules of heaven and earth and the laws of life, knowing that there is no love and hate for no reason in the world, There is no one who shouldn't die alone and dies miserably. Everything has a marriage, but the truth is hidden behind the appearance, and most people can't see it.

And the truth is often cruel.

"It's time to eat." Xia Hua and Yue Qingying lingered among the fruit trees next to them. After playing for a long time, seeing that the conversation between Master He and Shi De was coming to an end, she approached wisely, "Master He, Shi De , What do you want to eat tonight? I don’t think you should go to a bowl of incense to eat. I’m tired of eating it every day. How about letting Qingying and I go to the kitchen and cook a sumptuous dinner for you?”

Master He chuckled: "I usually don't eat at night, you young people, feel free."

"Actually, I don't eat very much at night. It is said that not eating dinner can cure all diseases. Is that right?" What the Lord said about not cultivating the Tao has already come naturally in the Tao, "But for the sake of Shi De and Qing Ying, let's make an exception tonight."

"For me and Qingying?" Shi De smiled, pointing out Xia Hua's little thoughts, "You are doing it to show off in front of Master He, right? To show how versatile you are in the hall and kitchen?"

"Tch, it's none of your business if I'm in the living room or in the kitchen? You're not my thing, I'm good, as long as the people I like appreciate it." Xia Hua attacked Shi De with duplicity, while speaking plausibly At the same time, he winked at Master He, not letting Master He reveal her little secret to Shi De.

Master He smiled knowingly.

Shi Decai was too lazy to quarrel with Xia Hua, and raised his hand in surrender: "Okay, I surrender, I surrender, now I will invite Mr. Xia and Chairman Yue to cook."

Yue Qingying was slightly troubled: "I'm really not very good at cooking, what should I do?"

"Bake a sesame seed cake and choke to death." Xia Hua did it as soon as she said it, and rolled up her sleeves, revealing her white and tender arms, and put on a posture of preparing for a big fight, "Old man Rong, a native of Shancheng The top brand sesame seed cake is Shi De's favorite, although I don't know how to make sesame seed cakes, it's no problem to bake a big pancake, how about it, dinner is big pancakes, pickles and millet porridge?"

So this is what Xia Hua said about the sumptuous dinner?Shi was speechless, so he waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, you are the master of the house, even if you drink plain water for dinner, I'm fine, as long as you're fine."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Am I the one who asked you to drink plain water?" Xia Hua gave Shi a dissatisfied look, "If you want to drink, I will also let you drink pot water."

Well, Shi De turned around and left, ignoring Xia Hua's attack on him, and went back to the house to read.

Night gradually enveloped Fang Waiju.

Fang Waiju has three main rooms, one kitchen, and one guest room. Usually, the guest rooms are always vacant and no one stays in them.After Shi De arrived, he shared two of the three main rooms with Master He, and the other was the living room.When there were only Shi De and Master He, Fang Waiju was very quiet, but now that there are more Xia Hua and Yue Qingying, it is much more lively and full of vitality.

After reading the book for a while, Shi De stretched his waist and went outside. Seeing the twilight, it was already dark.The kitchen was brightly lit, Xia Hua and Yue Qingying's busy figures were faintly shadowed under the light, giving them a sense of warmth.

Mr. He couldn't stay idle, he picked up a hoe to loosen the soil, fertilize and water the fruit trees.It can be seen from its implementation that Master He is working on the surface, but in fact he is relaxing and thinking about the major issue of how to take the next step.

Sometimes, proper labor really helps to think, but now Shi De can't reach the state where Master He can take it easy. He came to Master He, stretched out his hand to pick a pear, and said: "Master He, the law of life is ten Three, what are the other three?"

Master He set up his hoe and wiped the sweat from his head: "The last three are the principles of self-love, forgiveness, and responsibility. As for the specific explanation, you will understand it later when you understand it yourself."

"Dinner is ready..." Xia Hua called loudly, which interrupted Shi De's thought of thinking about the three principles.

"Let's go to eat." Master He put down the hoe and smiled.

The night at Fang Waiju has never been as lively as it is today. The four of them gather around the dining table, laughing and laughing constantly.Although Xia Hua's craftsmanship is really unflattering, the pancakes are either mushy or undercooked, but fortunately, He Ye is not picky, let alone Yue Qingying, let alone comment, in the end it was a happy ending .

After the meal, after Xia Hua and Yue Qingying left, Fang Waiju returned to its original desolation and tranquility.

The next morning, Shi got up before dawn, practiced Tai Chi in the courtyard, and then accompanied Master He to Fuyang Park.Although Master He said that he should try to leave Fang Waiju as little as possible recently, it doesn't mean that he can't leave for a moment, let alone walking with Master He, there should be no worries.

Master He didn't say what the purpose of going to Fuyang Park was, and Shi De didn't ask either.

Although it is late autumn, Fuyang Park is still full of people. The enthusiasm of the old people for exercising is even higher than that of the young people for work. Shi De feels emotional when he sees a group of old ladies dancing in the square in a uniform way. Maybe one day the Chinese old lady's square dance will go out of the country and go to the world.

Master He went straight to the Fuyang River, stood on the bank overlooking the ever-flowing Fuyang River, and said to Shi De: "From now on, on the first and fifteenth day of each month, you will go to the Fuyang River to release animals once." .”

"Why the first and fifteenth day of the new year?" Shi De naturally knew about the merit of releasing lives. Last time, he dedicated the merit of releasing lives to Li Sanjiang's mother. As a result, Li Sanjiang's mother quickly turned the corner.Heaven has the virtue of good life, and releasing life is also following the sky.

"The first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year are fasting days. Freeing animals on fasting days is the greatest merit." He turned around and said, "Ten days in a month are fasting days. Based on the lunar calendar, the first, eighth, fourteenth, During the ten days of fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and thirty days, not eating meat and only being vegetarian is a kind deed with immeasurable merit, not to mention releasing animals during the ten days?"

Shi De nodded and wrote down: "The last time the life was released was to save Li Sanjiang's mother, what is the reason for the release now?"

"Among all other sins, the karma of killing is the heaviest. Among all merits and virtues, not killing is the first... releasing lives is just to cultivate your compassion. Biyou said a very good sentence, a selfless heart and a magnanimous heart can only be achieved by being a human being." The odds of winning against Du Qingxuan depend only on strength, even if Bi Wentian and I team up, the chances of winning are not great. If you want to win, you have to find another way." Master He walked towards the pine forest, and explained to Shi De while walking, " Since ancient times, evil has never suppressed righteousness, but where does righteousness come from? From compassion. Where does compassion come from? From not killing and releasing lives."

In the middle of the pine forest, there is a hill of earth with a tower on it.Shi De followed He Ye all the way up the mountain and came to the foot of the pagoda.Under the tower, there are a few charlatans who set up fortune-telling stalls, and there are also a few beggars in ragged clothes.

"In addition to releasing life, you also need to regularly go to nursing homes to help widowed and lonely elderly people. As for beggars, as long as you see them, you must give them alms. Remember, it's almsgiving, not charity. The mentality of giving alms will reduce your merit countless times." As Master He said, he reached out and took out ten yuan, and put it in front of a beggar who was closest to him.

Shi De did the same, took out dozens of yuan, and put a piece of paper on each beggar.He firmly believes in the law of giving, which is the principle of the balance of heaven and earth. What you give out, whether it is money or material, whether it is happiness or troubles, will be returned to you in multiples.

If releasing life is to cultivate compassion, what is the purpose of giving?Is it for making money?

Master He guessed Shi De's doubts, and said with a smile: "Giving, if you say it's just for making money, it's too superficial. There are many things that money can't buy. Life, happiness, and family affection are all beyond the power of money. Giving is to cultivate your equanimity. Compassion is to let you look at the world with a compassionate attitude. Equanimity is to let you walk in the world with an equal attitude. According to the law of attraction, if you are compassionate, there will be people around you Surround yourself with a group of compassionate people, then you will live in a humble and stable environment. If you are equal, the friends you meet will also be peaceful and not arrogant. Compassion will prevent you from encountering serious crimes. If you are an evil person, you will not encounter any mishaps. If you are fair, you will not discriminate against beggars, and no one will discriminate against you..."

(End of this chapter)

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