Fortune Teller.

Chapter 141 Adventure

Chapter 141 Adventure
Shi De understood that Master He asked him to cultivate compassion and equanimity, not only to help him resolve the catastrophe - even though he didn't know what his catastrophe was, it is always right to prevent trouble before it happens - but also for his long term plan.

"Understood Master He, I have written it all down." Shi De replied very respectfully.

If it is said that Master He changed his life for him, Master He is the external driving force, then after knowing the laws of life, how to start from the little things in life is the necessary internal motivation.Only external motivation is far from enough, and internal motivation is the decisive factor for the success of life change.

"The ancients said that the benevolent is invincible, not that the benevolent is invincible in the world, but that in the eyes of the benevolent, there is no enemy in the world. What kind of world the world is depends on your thoughts... Shi De, can you Do you understand what I mean?" Master He further explained the truth for Shi De.

"Understood, those who do not kill with compassion will not be killed by others. If they treat others equally, they will not be discriminated against and bullied." Shi De comprehended by analogy, and kept all He Ye's teachings in his heart.

"Okay, very good." Master He smiled gratifiedly. A child can be taught, and Shi De has both understanding and faith. If he has enough patience, great things can be accomplished.

Faith is also very important. Faith is the source of merit and virtue, and it grows all the roots of goodness. Lao Tzu also said that the sergeant heard the Tao and practiced it diligently.The sergeant heard the Tao, if he survives, he dies.The corporal heard the Tao and laughed it out. It’s not enough to not laugh. There are countless living beings. Few are born rich and noble. Most are born mediocre. But everyone wants to succeed. Why are there so few successful people?The reason is that many people don't know the way to change their lives, and even if they know it, they don't believe it.

There are also people who believe it is true, but they can't do it.Therefore, the losers in life should not blame others, the more they blame others, the more they will sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of failure.The world doesn't owe you anything, and the world doesn't reward you with anything until you're useless to the world.

If you want to be successful, start by being a person who is useful to others and the world.

"Young man, I saw that your face is full of red, your seal is shining, your eyes are bright, and your appearance is imposing. You are about to have a happy event!"

Just as Shi De and Master He were about to leave, suddenly, a fortune teller in a Taoist costume, with a goatee, a short stature, and a mouse-eyed fortune-teller grabbed Shi De's arm. With small eyes, he looked up and down a few times, as if his small eyes were wise eyes: "Young man, let me do the math for you, if it is not correct, I will not take any money."

Shi De couldn't help laughing, in front of him and Master He, there are charlatans who dare to show off their face-sensing skills, it is really Lu Ban who is playing a big ax in front of Guan Gong. , Old Immortal, do you really have the ability to make faces?"

"Don't call me an old fairy, it's too vulgar, call me Master Director." The swindler who claimed to be Master Director stretched out his hand to stroke his goatee, with a mysterious expression on his face, "Do you know what Director means? It means mastering astronomy and knowing astronomy. Knowing the air in the middle of geography means omniscient..."

Why is it called the director master?Could it be that the current charlatans have also thought about getting an official title with an official addiction?Shi De snickered, quickly interrupted the chief master's boasting, and asked with a smile: "The master said that my happy event is coming, what is the happy event?"

The chief master returned to his seat—his seat was a Mazza that had been in disrepair for a long time. After sitting on it, it squeaked, making people worry that he would sit down on the ground at any time—and squinted his eyes again, counting with his fingers : "There are two big happy events, one is marriage and the other is career."

What people in the world pursue are nothing more than two things, a happy marriage and a successful career. In layman's terms, they are beautiful women and money.The words of the director master are actually useless nonsense.

Master He smiled without saying a word, standing aside, Shi De squatted in front of the master director, and put on an attitude of humbly asking for advice: "Master, please give me some guidance, when will my marriage come, and when will my career come?" Will it work?"

"Okay, report your birth date." The director master pinched his fingers again in a serious manner.

"Well, it's..." Shi De casually reported the birth date of a well-known rich man in China, and he wanted to see how much the director master really weighed.

The master director pinched his fingers and rolled his eyes. He muttered something for a long time, and then suddenly opened his eyes: "Young man, from the appearance, your fate is very good. It is the appearance of a happy event. But your birth date is a big ominous one." , you are afraid that a catastrophe is imminent."

Shi De is indeed facing a catastrophe recently, but he will not believe that the master director really figured it out, jokingly, using other people's birth date to calculate his fate, the donkey's lips are wrong, he held back his laughter, and pretended to be Face panic: "Master, what is the big problem? How to resolve it?"

The master director counted with his left and right hands at the same time, and after chanting for a long time, he opened a pair of small eyes that shone with the light of RMB, and twirled his fingers: "If you want to know what is difficult, you must think in your heart. Losing money can avoid disaster." , pay for the ferry.”

These days, rogues are educated, swindlers are also elegant, and the unattractive Master Chief in front of him can actually pull out a few words. It is not easy, and he does it unambiguously. He reaches out and takes out a ten-yuan bill from his pocket, and hands it to the Master Chief. : "Small care, not a respect, please accept it with a smile."

The master director stretched out two fingers to pinch the ten yuan bill, put it in his pocket, and then said in a sincere tone: "Young man, sincerity will lead to success, for your sincerity, I will help you resolve the disaster with a kind heart... Your catastrophe fell on a man surnamed Wang. His name is Wang Wu or Wang Liu. I can't figure it out now, unless the skill is improved. Just a little bit. But to improve the power, it will take effort, you know, the current living conditions, the material is still not so rich, it takes effort to supplement nutrition, and supplement nutrition requires spending money to buy supplements..."

After walking around for a long time, it turned out that ten yuan was too little, and ten yuan was a lot, and could buy several catties of eggs or more than ten catties of grain. Shi De saw that the director was not greedy enough, so he wanted to play with him , it is better to scare him so that he will stop cheating money by fortune-telling in the future.

After figuring this out, Shi De smiled: "Master Director, if you say that I can also tell fortunes and looks, do you believe it or not?"

Shi De's voice was quite loud, not only for several fortune tellers around him to hear clearly, but also for some old men and women who were exercising around him to hear him, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The master director's complexion changed, and he looked Shi De up and down a few times: "Young man, are you here to entertain me when you have nothing to do? Let me tell you, with your triangular eyes protruding ears and your big mouth, you can still read faces? What a joke, if you are not poor and have problems eating, I will crawl on the ground and bark like a dog!"

Don't turn your face in a hurry, as a professional liar, you should have the minimum professional quality, Shi De shook his head secretly, the master director's anger proved his guilty conscience.

Of course, Shi De will not admit that he is really so ugly. The director master's description of his triangular eyes and protruding ears and a big mouth is malicious belittling. Please, he has good facial features and is a standard handsome guy, okay?It is said that his triangular eyes are protruding ears, what kind of eyes?But now is not the time to discuss looks, so Shi De ignored the slander of the director.

At this time, the surrounding crowd gathered more and more, besides several colleagues of the chief master, dozens of old men and old ladies gathered together, surrounded Shi De and the chief master in three layers and three layers in the middle However, Master He was squeezed outside instead.

Master He smiled, neither fighting for space with others, nor stopping Shi De's nonsense, of course he could guess that Shi De was not really messing around, but doing it on purpose.Although it is still unclear what effect Shi De wants to achieve, Lord He believes that Shi De's starting point is to punish evil and promote good.

Several colleagues of the director master surrounded Shi De. Among them, some were fat and big-eared, some were as thin as a bamboo stick, some were handsome, and one was plain. Elderly woman with one glance.The four of them, if they are in martial arts novels, they are definitely first-class masters who hide their secrets.

The fat head and big ears are about 50 years old, fair and beardless, Shi De called him a fat liar.The man, who was as thin as a bamboo pole, was about 60 years old, and his face was as black as ink. Shi De called him thin and liar.The handsome man, over 40 years old, wears a suit and tie, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and holds a mobile phone in his hand. He looks very educated. Shi De named him Wenchao.

As for the plain-looking 60-year-old woman, Shi De didn't even think of a good name for her, and just called her a liar.

Of course, the chief master who was fighting him head-on was deceived by the master.Shi De also saw that Master Director was the leader of the five swindlers, and the other four, no matter if they were fat swindlers, thin swindlers, cultural swindlers or female swindlers, all acted according to his winks.

Seeing that he was surrounded by the crowd and had changed to someone else, he probably would have been panicked for a long time. One punch is hard to beat four hands, and if one person is beaten, he must not be an opponent who was deceived by five people.But Shi De was not in a hurry, because he knew very well that today's fight was not a fight of arms, but a fight of literature, and a fight of wisdom.Cheaters are also good at cheating. They think they are good at deception, and they must use deception to defeat him instead of beating him.

Besides, judging from the age of the five people, the five cheaters are not like the master who likes to talk with fists and feet like the dragon crossing the river.

"Climb on the ground and learn how a dog barks?" Shi De laughed, "Don't insult the dog, okay? The dog didn't provoke you, did it? Well, since you are a master and know how to meet each other, I am not a master. However, we also know the technique of superficial reading. Let's try to see who is more accurate in reading. Will it succeed? Whoever loses will kneel on the ground and call Master three times. Then what Master says, he must do, dare to Don't dare to compare?"

(End of this chapter)

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