Fortune Teller.

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
"Going down the mountain, down the mountain." Shi De waved to Xia Hua and Huang Ziheng, "Go, don't go down the mountain again when it's dark, the mountain road is not easy to walk."

Just finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the call, it was Mu Jinnian, Shi De smiled knowingly.

"Brother Jinnian..." Shi De answered the phone, only said hello, and stopped talking, waiting for Mu Jinnian to speak.

"Brother Shi, I have seen the scene and I am very satisfied. Whether it is the convenience of transportation or the land conditions, it is suitable for the Botanical Garden. I will contact Feng Hualun immediately and try to meet him for an interview." Mu Jinnian's voice revealed He was really excited. If Shi De's idea was not a whimsical idea, then it was definitely a stroke of genius. The land of Sanxing Village has been idle for many years, so why didn't anyone think of developing it into a botanical garden?
Mu Jinnian is quite well-informed. He has traveled far and wide, and he has seen many botanical gardens in various places. They all have good benefits and bright prospects. Although Shancheng is a prefecture-level city, its economic development level is considered to be above the middle level in China. The people have a certain consumption ability, and after the completion of the botanical garden, the prospects will definitely be very broad.

And as a key support project in the city, the city will definitely not approve another botanical garden in a short period of time, so his botanical garden can guarantee a unique monopoly operation for at least ten years.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Shi De smiled contentedly. Although Mu Jinnian's eagerness was within his expectations, he was still in a good mood to see that things were going well. Chang and Secretary Huang both reported, saying that Brother Jinnian single-handedly promoted the launch of the botanical garden project."

Mu Jinnian naturally understood Shi De's implication. If he persuaded Feng Hualun to invest in the development of the botanical garden, the land of the botanical garden would be assigned to his name by the city. The generous gift that Shi received was not thin: "Thank you brother Shi, I will remember your kindness."

What Shi De wants is not for Mu Jinnian to remember his help. He has always kept in mind the law that Shi De does not reciprocate. What he wants is to use Mu Jinnian's breakthrough to relieve the pressure from Fu Rui and Fu Weiqiang's father and son. .From another perspective, helping Mu Jinnian is actually helping himself.

Broadly speaking, helping anyone is actually helping oneself, including opponents and enemies.Of course, with Shi's current state, he still can't help his opponents and enemies selflessly.

"Let's go..." Shi De hung up Mu Jinnian's phone, his mood stretched like the colorful clouds in the western sky, and he couldn't help singing loudly, "The sun in the west is about to set, and the peak of Congtai is quiet..."

"What song are you singing? It's so ugly?" Huang Susu was young and had never heard the old songs sung by Shi De. She giggled and stuck out her tongue, "I just found out that brother Shi and I really have Generation gap."

"Don't talk about you, I feel that there is a generation gap with him. I haven't heard what song he sings." Xia Hua chuckled, and taunted Shi De with Huang Susu, "Don't look at his young age. He is a year or two older than me, but he is as old-fashioned as an old man in his seventies and eighties. I don’t know whether he is prematurely aging or has been hit by life and has lost confidence. Anyway, I don’t look at his appearance, only listen to his voice and look. His character, if you say he is 50 years old, people will believe it..."

"Am I really that old?" Shi De laughed and touched his face, "Actually, old people are treasures, you should respect them, their life experience and life experiences are invaluable wealth gained with their precious lives, Come, Xia Hua, Uncle Shi, and you, Su Su, Master Shi."

"It's not too bad to call you little Shizi, but to call you Uncle Shi, you're really thick-skinned." Xia Hua shaved her face with one finger, which meant that Shi was shameless...

When Xia Hua, Huang Susu and Shi De were chatting and joking, Yue Qingying and Biyou walked in front of Shi De and the others, and had already walked tens of meters away, while Huang Ziheng and Huang Suqin walked behind. The two seemed to be arguing about something, and they didn't know. Whether it's a quarrel or a debate, anyway, you come and I talk happily.Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan were still more than ten meters behind Huang Ziheng. That is to say, Shi De and his party were divided into four groups. people.

When they came to a corner of the mountain road, Xia Hua and Huang Susu didn't know what they said, they laughed and fell behind Shi De by three or five steps, which meant that Shi De was walking alone.

The scenery at the corner is good. On the left side are mountains and cliffs, and on the right side is a bottomless cliff. A stone railing more than one meter high acts as a role to protect pedestrians from falling off the cliff. Shi De held the stone with both hands I leaned over the railing slightly and looked into the cliff. I saw that there are strange rocks and towering trees in the cliff. In the place where the sun cannot shine, it is dark and dark. I don’t know how many unknown years and years are hidden. Vicissitudes.

Who will be the man and woman saved by Huang Ziheng?When Shi was in a trance, an inexplicable idea suddenly popped up in his mind. For some reason, he always had a faint worry that maybe Huang Ziheng did not do the mental calculation intentionally, and the man and woman he saved would be part of a series of events. A key point, Huang Ziheng will benefit a lot from this, but at the same time, according to the principle of balance between heaven and earth, Huang Ziheng will also be tolerated because of this.

By whom?Shi De didn't dare to speculate for a while, could it be related to Du Qingxuan?Thinking about it this way, and thinking of helping Yue Guoliang relieve the pressure from Fu Rui and helping Mu Jinnian get rid of Fu Weiqiang's snare, there is no doubt that he must be a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of Fu's father and son. , Fu's father and son must hate him so much that they want to get rid of him and hurry up?

So Master He and Bi Wentian predicted that he would have a catastrophe, could it be that Fu and his son should be dealt with?Since the catastrophe was not caused by Du Qingxuan—with Du Qingxuan's character and ability, he should not have attacked him head-on—it happened in Shancheng, and his biggest opponents in Shancheng are no one other than Fu and his must be Now, thinking of Fu Weiqiang's failure in the project of the provincial TV station's family courtyard and his defeat in the battle for land redevelopment in the old city of Fuyang District, Shi De's heart suddenly became clear. His disaster in Shancheng was caused by Fu and his son Who else is not good for him?

Just as he had figured this out, suddenly, Shi De felt his scalp tingle, his body hairs stood on end, and subconsciously felt a hint of danger approaching him quickly—people have a sixth sense, and they all have a kind of sensitivity to small changes in the surrounding environment. The ability to perceive is just that some people can perceive it with a fine mind and some people can't feel it with a thick mind—what's the situation?He didn't have time to think about it, but instinctively turned to the side, and then looked back...

A middle-aged woman with an unattractive appearance—the reason for saying that she is unattractive is that not only does she have an ordinary appearance, no one will take a second look at her in the crowd, but also her clothes are extremely ordinary, without any special features, ordinary and No characteristic is the best cover color, allowing her to approach anyone in the crowd at will without being alerted—it seems that when she was going down the steps, she didn't pay attention to her feet, stepped on the air, then staggered a few steps, quickly Jumped and ran from above and rushed down.

However, if you look closely, you can clearly see that her footsteps seem to be chaotic. In fact, her steps are light and firm, and she avoids one person after another lightly, as if she has identified the target long ago, and goes straight to Shi De. hit.

Whoever it is, will be confused by the illusion of a middle-aged woman, thinking that she is a middle-aged woman who accidentally slipped, not a killer with evil intentions.Of course, after she yelled "Get out of the way, get out of the way" in a panic, she bumped her head into Shi De's arms, knocked Shi De so that he couldn't stand, shook her body, and turned over the railing, straight When falling down the cliff, many people, including Xia Hua and Huang Susu, including Huang Ziheng, Xiao Muchen, Zhao Feifan and others, instantly understood a fact - Shi De was plotted against!

The middle-aged woman who stumbled is the real thing of assassinating in the name of slipping!

Shi De had already sensed that the danger was approaching, so he turned to the side, first to see if there was real danger behind him, and second, to be prepared to adapt to the situation. Unexpectedly, when he saw the middle-aged woman He was within two meters behind him, two meters away, but within a second or two, Shi De didn't have time to react, and he didn't expect that the other party would be a trick to knock him off the cliff. The middle-aged woman's head was already on his chest.

A strong force came, and Shi De couldn't stand still anymore. Despite a momentary instinctive reaction, he shrank his body and took a deep breath suddenly, dissolving most of the middle-aged woman's confrontational force.However, because the incident happened suddenly, and he was not a god, it was impossible for him to complete a series of movements of unloading force, borrowing force and re-strike in an instant. Up and down.




Several people exclaimed.

Huang Ziheng was the first to react after being shocked, and immediately shouted: "Sister Yue, Sister Biyou, stop her!"

Yue Qingying and Biyou walked in the front, tens of meters away from Shi De. Since it was a mountain road with a big drop, they didn't see clearly what happened just now.After hearing Huang Ziheng's scream, the two turned their heads at the same time, and saw a middle-aged woman galloping down the mountain, as fast as a tiger chasing after her.

Although Yue Qingying and Biyou are also people who have experienced strong winds and waves, neither of them has a decisive character. The moment they looked up, the two of them only saw Shi De's figure flash, and then disappeared into the boundless cliff. Between the woods, there was only an "ah" in time, and the minds of the two went blank for a moment, and they suddenly petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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