Fortune Teller.

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
Once the middle-aged woman succeeds, she dares not stay for a while, and flies like going down the mountain, lest she will be intercepted if she is too slow.Fortunately, the timing of her choice was very good. It was at the point when Shi De and his group went their own way, so no one had a chance to stop her. Not only did she succeed in one fell swoop, but she also went down the mountain smoothly.

It is believed that with her unremarkable appearance and ordinary clothes, Shi De and his companions, even the tourists on the mountain, did not remember her appearance just now.Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing.

However, I also remembered that people said that if it is not good for a person of great merit, heaven and earth will punish him. It is said that Shi De is a person of great merit. Could it be that if she hurt Shi De just now, the heavens will punish her?Punishment is fine, what else can God do to make her feel uncomfortable?The fear of the severe consequences of God's punishment has long been submerged in the pleasure of getting 20 yuan for it.

20 yuan, what a fortune.With this money, she can not only buy a house, but also improve the quality of life, and she will get rid of the embarrassment of not eating the last meal.Humans are only interested in immediate interests. With immediate benefits, who cares whether God will punish her in the future, let's live a few years of good life first.Whether it is sad or encounters some accidents in the future, let’s talk about it later, even if it is worth dying, I will live a good life anyway.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and the more excited she walked, the faster she walked. When she reached the foot of the mountain, she saw that the last bus bound for the city was starting.If she missed the last bus, she would have to take a taxi back to the city, and it would cost more than a dozen yuan to take a taxi back.Although I am rich now, but I am used to being poor, so I have to save money.

She didn't notice that she ran in a hurry when she was going down the mountain. She didn't know when the shoelace of her left foot was untied, and she didn't notice that her right foot stepped on the shoelace of her left foot. tripped over himself.

With a "plop", she couldn't hold back her momentum, and fell into the mud all at once.When she fell to the ground, she was still thinking mockingly, God's punishment for her came so fast, but God really knows how to joke, what's the point of letting her fall, is it just to tease her?Just thinking about it, when she raised her head, she heard the roar of a car, and when she looked again, a huge tire swallowed her head like a black hole.

The last thought that flashed through her mind was——it’s really so evil, is it because of too much blessing that she can’t move, or is she joking with the sky too much?
The driver of the last bus started the car after calling everyone to get on the bus. He didn't even notice that there was a person rushing in front of the car, and he didn't even notice that the rushing person suddenly fell to the ground and fell in his blind spot.He closed the car door, stepped on the accelerator, the car roared, and continued to move forward. Suddenly, the car felt a jolt, as if it had hit something. The driver wondered, did he hit a stray dog?Just thinking about it, I heard the passengers behind the car shout in panic: "Stop, stop quickly, you've run over someone!"

Run over someone?Really so wicked?The driver's first reaction was not to stop the car and get out of the car to save people, but to think of the fact that when he left the friend's house early this morning, he told the friend that when there is a car accident, just run over the man who is the friend to death, so as to save him Always getting in the way of his and her good.The good friend disagreed, saying that she was like him, and she was already sorry for him. People, you can't do everything right, otherwise there will be bad consequences.He scoffed, what age is it, and you still believe in the feudal superstition that good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil?
But the problem is, he has been driving safely for decades, and has never had an accident. Why did he run over someone today?Didn't it say that good people don't live long and harm 1000 years?Now it seems that this fallacious statement is mostly self-consoling nonsense... The driver knows very well that if he really runs over someone, his career will come to an abrupt end, and he will become a gatekeeper in the team from now on Or the idle staff who clean the sanitation, let alone have a good relationship, I am afraid that they will not even be able to eat...

It would be inaccurate to say that the great changes in the life of the middle-aged woman and the driver were all caused by Shi De's fall off the cliff, but at least it was one of a series of chain reactions of Shi De's fall off the cliff.The world is full of turmoil, seemingly chaotic, but in fact, everything has an internal causal connection. It does not exist because of ignorance, nor does it hide because of omniscience.The truth is like the sun, the sun shines on the earth, the sunny hillsides are warm and flowers bloom in spring, and the shady hillsides are bleak.

In the same way, in the minds of Huang Ziheng and others, don't say they don't know about the death of middle-aged women and the disaster of drivers, even if they know, they won't shed tears of sympathy, because in their view, He deserved what he deserved, and the driver is doing justice.

After Huang Ziheng yelled at Yue Qingying and Biyou, he didn't care whether Yue Qingying and Biyou could really stop the middle-aged woman. He didn't hesitate for a moment, and ran to Shide in two steps. Where he fell off the cliff, without even thinking about it, he turned over and jumped over the railing, ignoring the danger, and slid down the cliff.

"Brother, brother!" Huang Ziheng walked down the slope, his hand was cut by a branch, his foot was hurt by a stone, his pants were torn by a tree branch, and his face was scratched a few times. He didn't care It hurts, but I don't care about the fear. It's like being stabbed in the heart. The pain is unbearable and painful. "Brother De, where are you? If you hear it, answer it. If you don't, I will scold you..."

While talking, tears flowed down the cliff, the cliff was unfathomable, and now it was approaching dusk, so Shi's posture just now was falling head to foot, even if he didn't fall to the bottom of the cliff, he would be hit by a tree trunk in mid-air , or being bumped into by a protruding stone, it would be more or less ominous. If Huang Ziheng hadn't insisted on the belief that he must find Shi De, the current him would probably be sitting on the ground with his buttocks, and he would not be able to stand up!

He and Shi De have been in friendship for more than 20 years. He never thought that one day he would watch Shi De fall off the cliff in front of his eyes. What a sad and unacceptable parting of life and death.There was a fire burning in Huang Ziheng's heart, which almost burned him to pieces.

"Brother De..." shouted with all the strength in his body, Huang Ziheng swayed and almost fell headfirst on a big rock. Fortunately, he tried his best to restrain his figure, remembering the last time he was in a car accident At that time, when Shi De was brave and invincible and tried his best to save him, he burst into tears, "Brother De, you can't die. If you die, how can I live? Brother De, what the hell are you talking about?" By the way, don't scare your buddy, okay, buddy is bold in everything, but he can't see you get hurt."

Just like Huang Ziheng's reckless efforts to save others, Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan were stunned for a moment, then came back to their senses, they were scared out of their wits and shouted at the same time: "Brother!"

As soon as the two finished talking, they jumped over the railing like Huang Ziheng, and went down the mountain wall regardless of the danger of their lives to rescue Shide.

Huang Suqin was stunned!

In an instant, Huang Suqin even had an illusion that Huang Ziheng flying over the cliff was no longer Huang Ziheng, but her hero, the perfect image of a man in her mind.A man who is loyal to his friends, sincere to his buddies, and sincere to women, such a man, even if he is poor, ugly, or has nothing, he will be the best man in the world.

Zi Heng, I am proud of you!Well done, I read you right.Huang Suqin is not worried about Huang Ziheng's safety, but only applauds him for saving Shi De.

If Huang Ziheng knew Huang Suqin's reaction, he would also praise Huang Suqin as a virtuous and good woman who is sensible and considerate of the overall situation.

Huang Susu was stunned!

After being stunned, Huang Susu said nothing, and flew over the railing to help, but Xia Hua grabbed her.Compared with Huang Suqin's imagination and Huang Susu's impulsiveness, Xia Hua is the calmest person. Although she is also extremely shocked and distressed, she regains her sanity faster than a few others.Now all the men in the group have fallen off the cliff, and among the remaining five women, Yue Qingying is too stubborn and doesn't have enough perspective on the big picture, Biyou is too petty, even if she is shocked, she will be confused, and Huang Suqin is too passionate and not rational , Huang Susu is too young, so she can only take on the important task of comforting the few people and dealing with the aftermath.

If she was flustered and overwhelmed again, in case of any accident, how could she be worthy of it?
As for Shi De's safety, although Xia Hua is also extremely worried, she still thinks wishfully and stubbornly, who is Shi De?He is a master, he is a master, both masters and masters will live longer than others, and they will be luckier than others. If Shi De fell off the cliff and died like this, how could he be worthy of his title of master?How could he be worthy of her liking for him?

Xia Hua held Huang Susu's arm tightly: "Susu, you can't go down, it's too dangerous. It's fine if Ziheng and the others go down. What you have to do now is to keep an eye on Qingying and Biyou, and don't let Qingying and Biyou go down." Yu also did something stupid, and then you let one of them call He Ye and the other call the police..."

Huang Susu came to her senses. There was a stubborn and strong side in her character. She nodded immediately, trying not to let the tears fall: "Okay, Sister Xia, I will definitely not let you hope, nor let Brother Shi down... "

Her tears still flowed out vigorously, Xia Hua stretched out her hand to wipe her away, and laughed: "Shi De doesn't like other people crying, little girl, you must be strong, the stronger you are, the happier he will be. "

"Well! I must be strong and show him!" Huang Susu bit her lips tightly, almost bleeding from her lips, "I'm here to find Sister Yue and Sister Bi."

(End of this chapter)

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