Fortune Teller.

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

"Second sister-in-law, this is your fault. I still support you so much thanks to the fact that you lied to me like this, it's so dissatisfying. You don't know that the car was driving so fast along the way, and almost crashed." Huang Ziheng expressed strong feelings towards Xia Hua. dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it for your own good? I'm afraid that if you go to investigate the murderer behind the scenes, you will be self-defeating, and in the end you will frighten the snake and destroy Shi De's plan, so the gain will not be worth the loss." Xia Hua was anxious to defend herself, so she didn't notice the wrong address in Huang Ziheng's words. Looking back, he asked puzzledly, "What second sister-in-law? Who are you calling second sister-in-law?"

Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan were laughing side by side.

Huang Ziheng saw that he was in a hurry to speak out, so he simply didn't hide it, and said with a puffy neck: "At first, I supported Sister Qingying as Shi De's daughter-in-law, but after you appeared, I changed to support you. Chen supports Sister Qingying, and Feifan supports Biyou. The three of us made a private ranking. Sister Qingying is the biggest, she is the eldest sister-in-law. You and Biyou don’t know who is older and who is younger, but you are more lively and easy to deal with than Biyou. I'll call you the second sister-in-law, and Biyou is ranked last, the younger sister-in-law."

"Pfft..." Xia Hua sprayed Huang Ziheng with a sip of tea, "Nonsense, nonsense, do you want Shi De to commit bigamy? Dare he marry his elder sister-in-law, second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law? Besides, even if he dares , Does he have so many houses? Women use houses to make their homes. Don’t you know that in ancient times they were called big houses, two bedrooms and three bedrooms? Just because of Shi Shi’s current people who have no registered permanent residence, no house, no car, and no car. It would be nice to have a girl who likes it, and I want to marry a third wife, this can only be realized in a dream."

Huang Ziheng thought that Xia Hua would be angry, but Xia Hua not only didn't get angry at all, but even discussed with him with relish: "I also told you Huang Ziheng that you just support me, but I have to tell you that I will Dang, only as a big house, as a sister-in-law, do you hear me?"

"I'm convinced." Huang Ziheng lost his anger and was happy, "From now on, we promise to call Mrs. Xia in private."

"Okay, okay, I don't know what you call in private, so I don't bother to care, tell me what you have investigated." Xia Hua waved her hand indifferently, so she wouldn't care what others think of her in private , she has a character of going with the flow, and never bothers about some boring things, "I want to tell you a piece of news, the woman who pushed her off the cliff is dead. By the way, her name is Shi Zhenxiang... Poof, Shi Zhenxiang, too heavy taste Now, what kind of parents would give their child such a name, could it be that Shi Zhenxiang's parents like flies?"

Huang Ziheng and the others have already found out the fact of Shi Zhenxiang's death, and laughed at Shi Zhenxiang's name. Huang Ziheng shook his head and sighed: "Once Shi Zhenxiang died, the clues will be broken. But fortunately, we found Shi Zhenxiang's home and knew that Shi Zhenxiang had a husband and One son, the husband is Guo Hengda, the son is Guo Qiuqiu, and they live in Jingyue Lane."

Although Jingyue Lane has an elegant name, it is a well-known slum area in Shancheng. It is a bungalow area built in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.The houses are dilapidated, without running water, heating, or gas. There are only public toilets, public kitchens, and large courtyards full of garbage and flies.Shi Zhenxiang's family lives in a courtyard, and their income can be imagined.

"Brother De, you must not have imagined why we found Shi Zhenxiang's home so quickly..." Xiao Muchen leaned in front of Shi De, and seeing a few pieces of peeled apples on the bedside table, he did not treat himself as an outsider, took He put it in his mouth immediately, "This matter is still your credit."

"Me?" Seeing several people working hard on his affairs, Shi De was moved. Knowing that Xiao Muchen must be thirsty, he stretched out his hand to hold the water glass and handed it to him.

Xia Hua quit, and snatched the cup from Shi De in time: "It's fine to eat the apple I peeled, but you are not allowed to drink the water I poured. If you want to drink, pour it yourself."

Xiao Muchen was no more eloquent than Huang Ziheng. He smiled and did not go to pour water, and continued: "With only a few of us, if we want to find out where a woman named Shi Zhenxiang lives and who is in the family, it must be a needle in a haystack, but There is a person who happens to know Shi Zhenxiang and has been to Shi Zhenxiang's house, who do you think he is?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Shi De's mind: "Zeng Dengke!"

"Haha, I'm still a good brother. You can guess it right away. That's right, it's Zeng Dengke." Seeing that Shi De was fine, but at the same time he had a small gain, Xiao Muchen was naturally happy for a while, and his face was beaming with joy, "Not to mention, the old man Zeng Dengke The liar is still useful. When he heard Shi Zhenxiang's name, he said that he remembered telling the fortune of a woman named Shi Zhenxiang before. Once there, give her some pointers, and tell her that in her current situation, if she wants to improve her living conditions, the only way to go is to take risks..."

Things in the world are indeed internally connected, and they all have causal fate. Shi De secretly sighed, no wonder he wanted to subdue him as soon as he saw the chief master Zeng Dengke, and wanted him to correct his evil ways. It turned out that Zeng Dengke was really open-minded before Dare to say, actually pointing Shi Zhenxiang to take a desperate and risky path to change his destiny.Perhaps it was precisely because of Zeng Dengke's bewitchment that Shi Zhenxiang was willing to risk his life and push him off the cliff.

It's a pity that things in the world are often like this. The unlucky people don't start to change their lives by cultivating good roots and blessings in their hearts, but instead go crooked ways, and finally lose their lives in vain.

Blessed people don't need to be busy, and unlucky people are heartbroken. The words of the ancients are not nonsense, but empirical theories.

A drink and a peck are all fixed numbers, Shi De thought to himself, could it be that he accidentally accepted Zeng Dengke, the original intention was to let Zeng Dengke change his ways, and also wanted the people to get rid of their prejudice against fortune-telling. Or will you help yourself?To find out the truth about who Shi Zhenxiang was instigated by, will it finally fall on Zeng Dengke?

Sure enough, as Shi De had guessed, Xiao Muchen immediately said: "Actually, even if we didn't receive a call from Sister Xia Hua, we would have rushed over here, because the five members of Zeng Dengke made a guarantee that they would find out the murderer behind the scenes." The matter is on them. With the deception skills of the five of them who have traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, swindling and abducting in the streets and alleys, and the ability to brag without drafting, Zeng Dengke said that the results will be available within three days. If there is no result, he will Crawl on the ground and learn how to bark like a dog, and from then on I will be Brother De's lackey."

Fortunately, Xia Hua didn't laugh anymore this time, she pursed her lips and smiled very ladylikely.

"Alright, let Zeng Dengke and others investigate, and you can get unexpected results. The mastermind behind the scenes knows you, but they definitely don't know about Zeng Dengke and them." Shi De can guess that Zeng Dengke and others volunteered to find out the motive of the mastermind behind the scenes. One is a person in the Jianghu, and he pays attention to casting names. Now that he has decided to join him, he must show his skills to prove their value. The other is to take this opportunity to make him show his determination. If he finds out who is behind the scenes, he will definitely be the one behind the scenes. If it is not tolerated, then they have no choice but to follow him closely.

Not to mention, although Zeng Dengke and the others are a little older, they are still available, and Shi De's impression of them has improved a lot, and he is firm in his mind to reuse them.

Xia Hua's phone rang suddenly, she took the phone and looked at it, her expression changed slightly, she turned around and went out to answer the phone.

After a while, Xia Hua came back, and raised the phone in Shi De's hand: "Shi De, I have to go back to Shimen, the provincial TV station's family courtyard project is about to officially start, and someone from Binsheng must be present at the groundbreaking ceremony."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work." Shi De spoke from his heart. Both he and Yue Qingying were hospitalized, and Xia Hua was the only one in Binsheng who could take the lead. He turned to Huang Ziheng again, "Ziheng, are you going After a while, after transferring Shede Antiques, I immediately rushed to Shimen and obeyed Mr. Xia's arrangement."

"No problem, stick to the spirit of President Xia's instructions." Huang Ziheng is now full of career ambitions, and he wants to make a career out of it.Although it is good to be willing to go to the antique shop, after all, it has too many limitations, and staying in the antique shop every day is not in line with his personality that likes the sky and the earth.After going to Shimen, he is in charge of Binsheng's Provincial TV Station Family Academy project. He has a broad vision and a higher terrain, so he will be able to accomplish more.

"Okay, Binsheng is short of people. After Zi Heng comes over, he will serve as Binsheng's vice president and be in charge of the project of the Provincial TV Station's Family Academy." Xia Hua was a little bit reluctant, "Hey, I'm leaving, who Come to take care of you? You are really worrying."

"It's okay, there are Ziheng and the others, and Huang Suqin, and Qingying and Biyou are getting better soon. Besides, I guess I will be discharged from the hospital in two or three days." Shi De waved his arms, wanting to prove his health, but unexpectedly Pulling the wound, he grinned in pain.

"I really can't do anything about you. You're such a big person, but you're still like a child." Xia Hua waved her hand, raised the phone in her hand, and said with a smile on purpose, "How about I arrange a girlfriend to take care of you ?”

Knowing that Xia Hua was testing him, Shi De hurriedly nodded on purpose: "How old is it? Is it beautiful? Is it gentle? Is it virtuous?"

"You are beautiful, gentle and virtuous!" Xia Hua laughed, turned around and left, "I don't bother to care about you, love it as you like, let's go, when you get better, remember to come to Shimen right away, Bin Sheng In Shimen's next step, you still need to make a decision."

As soon as Xia Hua left, Shi De stretched long: "It's finally clean, it's really not easy."

Huang Ziheng winked and smiled and said: "Brother De, I still stick to my opinion, Xia Hua is not bad, she is a good match."

"Let's get down to business, don't talk about these useless things." Shi De glared at Huang Ziheng, then looked at Zhao Feifan, "Fanfan, after the Fuyang District old city renovation project is launched, you will be in charge of the business of Binsheng Dancheng. "

Seeing that Shi De started to plan the next step, Huang Ziheng was a little puzzled: "Brother De, you fell and just passed away? We don't care?"

(End of this chapter)

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