Fortune Teller.

Chapter 164 Five Signs of Blessing

Chapter 164 The Five Blessings
"How did it just pass? What should we do? Find out who is behind the scenes. Didn't Zeng Dengke them? We act as if nothing happened. This way, we can better confuse our opponents and make them think that we are willing to suffer from being dumb. Once you relax, it will be easier to reveal your flaws." Shi De chuckled, thinking that if he just wanted to sit back and watch Fu Weiqiang's fortune diminish before, but now he has changed his mind, he wants to push him from behind, out of the sake of the people It doesn't matter if he has the motivation to eliminate the harm, or he wants to save Fu Weiqiang from going further and further down the wrong path. Anyway, he is about to make a move, so he can't just sit and wait.

"Zeng Dengke and the others, can you do it?" Huang Ziheng lacked confidence in Zeng Dengke and the others, mainly because he felt that they were strange-looking, and they were not from any legitimate professional background, so he looked down on them a bit.

"Everyone is different and has specialties. Don't worry, I won't misread anyone. If Zeng Dengke steps forward, he will definitely be able to catch him." Shi De didn't say much, anyway, he firmly believed that his judgment was correct.

While talking, he heard the voices of Yue Qingying and Biyou talking outside the door, as well as the voices of Yuan Yuan and Ji Du. Zhao Feifei didn't wait for anyone outside to push the door, and immediately opened the door forward.

Standing outside the door were Yue Qingying, Biyou, Yuan Yuan, and Ji Du. The four had different expressions. Yue Qingying looked exhausted and concerned. What was exhausted was her own body and mind, and what was concerned was Shi De's safety.Biyou's expression was a little better, but she was a bit more concerned than Yue Qingying. Unlike Yue Qingying who was still cold and trying to restrain her emotions in front of others, there were tears in her eyes.Seeing Shi De, she was the first to rush forward: "Shi De, how are you doing?"

Regardless of the presence of everyone, she threw herself into Shi De's arms and began to cry.

Yue Qingying's footsteps hesitated, she was stunned for a moment, and then stepped into the ward, her expression dimmed a bit, she was far away from Shi De's hospital bed, not close.

Huang Ziheng saw Yue Qingying's thoughts and shook his head secretly. With Yue Qingying's personality, it was almost impossible to win the battle for the three women.Originally, he was very optimistic about Yue Qingying, and felt that although Yue Qingying's temper was a little colder, she had a gentle side like jade, just like a piece of beautiful jade, although it was cold, it could be held warm in the palm of his hand.

Men should Huaijin hold Yu.

However, with the passage of time, especially after Xia Hua appeared, Huang Ziheng felt more and more that compared with Xia Hua, Yue Qingying was far less graceful and generous than Xia Hua in terms of personality, communication skills, and how to behave. It was pleasing to the eye, and it was not as great as Xia Hua's help to Shi De, so his balance gradually tilted towards Xia Hua.

Now seeing that Yue Qingying didn't even have the courage to compete with Biyou for Shide, he even sentenced Yue Qingying to death in his heart. Of course, he couldn't guess what Yue Qingying was thinking, and didn't know that Yue Qingying I have always thought that how old she is is because I gave birth to the king but did not give birth to the king and I am already old...

Shi De also noticed Yue Qingying's hesitant footsteps, and he sighed in his heart, and it was not too good to show it, so he had to gently push Biyou in his arms: "Okay, okay, I'm fine, why are you crying? Don't cry Well, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed, so you should laugh."

But Biyou couldn't laugh: "Shi De, it's better to leave Shancheng, it's too dangerous, you almost died. Listen to me, go to Shimen with me, follow my plan, and get out of here easily. It can be successful."

Shi De shook his head slightly, Biyou is still insisting on her unrealistic dream, it can be seen that once a person is stubborn about a certain thing and focuses on a certain goal, it is difficult to turn back, just like a person locked in a cage holding a banana Like monkeys.As long as you let go of the banana, the monkey can escape, but the monkey keeps holding on to the banana and refuses to let go.

Humans are higher animals, and sometimes they are no different from monkeys when it comes to interests.

"Brother Shi, I came to see you. Are you feeling better? The moment I heard that you fell off the cliff, I thought, you must be fine, because your face is the face of the five blessings, how could you die so easily?" You can live another 80 years if you don’t say anything.” Yuan Yuan leaned forward, with a sweet smile on his face, “And brother Shi, let me tell you some good news, Mu Jinnian has gone to Shimen, see you with Feng Hualun He also asked me to tell you that when he comes back, he will definitely come to see you in person and apologize to you face to face. There is also good news brought by Sister Hua Liunianhua, but she Don't let me tell you, if I tell you in person, I won't steal her limelight."

The first blessing of the five blessings is "longevity", the second blessing is "wealth and honor", the third blessing is "kangning", the fourth blessing is "good virtue", and the fifth blessing is "good death". "Longevity" means that life will not die young and life will last forever. "Fugui" refers to rich wealth and high status. "Kangning" means good health and peace of mind. "Good virtue" refers to a benevolent and generous and peaceful nature. "A good death" means that one can know the date of one's death in advance, and when one is about to die, one will not suffer any unforeseen disasters, suffer no physical ailments, and have no worries or troubles in one's mind, and leave the world peacefully and freely.

Today's people, who can have the five blessings, are rare.

Although Shi De knows that Yuan Yuan has a strong heart, it is undeniable that she also has a kind side, and her scheming is not all due to evil thoughts and hypocrisy, so she smiled slightly: "By virtue of Yuan Yuan's auspicious words, I also want to Five blessings come to the door." He asked again, "What crime did Mu Jinnian apologize to me face to face?"

"He said that he had heard that Fu Weiqiang was going to hurt you, and he always wanted to tell you, but by chance, he forgot to say it several times. He felt guilty and said that if he told you in advance, maybe You won't fall off the cliff..." Yuan Yuan shook his head and sighed, it was both bearable and deep, which made people laugh, "I advised him, don't blame yourself too much, it's brother Shi's fate... "

"What are you talking about, you should be in trouble!" Biyou glared at Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan stuck out her tongue in fright: "I'm not wrong, I'm telling the truth."

"Biyou, don't blame her, she is right, I am indeed destined to have this kind of trouble. It is a blessing or a curse, and if it is a disaster, it cannot be avoided. Whatever happens, whether it is good or bad, should and must happen , don’t blame others.” Shi Dechong nodded slightly, “You’re right, brother Jinnian doesn’t have to blame himself, even if he reminded me, I might not be able to avoid it. And then again, this matter , It may not be a good thing, the so-called misfortune and fortune depend on each other, misfortune depends on blessings, and blessings depend on misfortunes..."

"Brother Shi is still open-minded, and a person with an open mind will surely achieve great things." Yuan Yuanming was complimenting Shide, but he was secretly belittling Biyou, but her playful grimace made people unable to get angry with her. "By the way, Brother Shi, Ji Du has something to tell you."

Shi De nodded and cast a peaceful look at Chong Jidu.

Ji Du is far less indifferent than Shi De. His demeanor is a bit unnatural. It was also the fiasco of the last battle with Shi De, which left him with too painful memories. He was neither convinced nor willing or dared to Facing Shide.

But if you are unwilling or afraid to face it, you will have to face it after all.

"Shi De, what happened last time at a bowl of incense..." Ji Du hesitated for a long time, seeing that everyone was staring at him, he had no choice but to speak.

"Don't mention the past, Ji Du, if you have anything to tell me, just say it." Shi De waved his hand, not to let Ji Du bring up the old matter again.People can't always carry the past, letting go is wisdom.

"It's like this..." Ji Du stayed in the hospital for only one day before he was discharged. He was indeed as strong as a cow. Originally, the doctor asked him to stay in bed for a week, but he refused to live or die. It just so happened that he would have something to do as soon as he was discharged from the hospital. "Bi The Lord asked me to investigate Fu Rui's financial and life style issues behind the scenes, and I accidentally discovered that Jiang Geng was very strange..."

"Jiang Geng?" Shi De didn't know who Jiang Geng was.

"Jiang Geng is the chief steward of the municipal government, the secretary-general of the municipal government." Yue Qingying explained in time, she was a little puzzled, "Jiang Geng is a local from Shancheng, and his relationship with his father is not bad. He He has always been low-key and calm, why is he so strange?"

Ji Du didn't accept Yue Qingying's words, and didn't look at Yue Qingying too much, but still rushed and said: "On the surface, Jiang Geng has a good relationship with Fu Rui, and he also obeys Fu Rui's arrangements in everything, but he In fact, it's Du Qingxuan's person..."

"What?" Shi De was taken aback immediately, "Du Qingxuan reached out to the Shancheng government?"

"Not only that, but the strange thing is that Fu Rui doesn't know Jiang Geng's real identity, and Jiang Geng obviously deliberately hides it from Fu Rui..." Ji Du said thoughtfully, "There is one more thing, it is necessary for you to Let me know, Du Qingxuan is coming to Shancheng."

"Come on, what should come will always come." This time, Shi De was not shocked, and his face was calm, "It's good that he comes. It's better to put some things on the bright side than to do it secretly."

"The last thing..." Ji Du still couldn't let go in front of Shi De, he spoke rigidly, without a trace of expression on his face, "Now that we are a family now, your business is mine, don't worry, I will definitely find out the murderer behind the scenes and avenge you."

Shi De quickly waved his hand. Now he is most afraid of hearing the words of martial arts novels such as revenge and blood hatred. If you talk about it in a big way, the principle of balance between heaven and earth will naturally balance the injustice in the world. Justice, individual use of force to solve problems, is not the right way after all.Just like the knights in martial arts novels, they seem to be very chic and righteous, but in fact they are still killing for their own self-interest.In ancient times, where did knights really exist?In ancient times, literature was valued over martial arts. Even if one mastered martial arts, he was still only a general. As long as the court existed, no so-called chivalrous men were allowed to kill people like hemp in the name of happiness and vengeance.

The so-called chivalrous men who are beyond the laws of the country are actually just terrorists in another sense.

(End of this chapter)

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