Fortune Teller.

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Tai Xiaoyu has always wanted to be transferred to the capital, but has never had the chance.She fell in love with one so-called boyfriend after another, talked about one so-called love after another, but in the end she still failed to fulfill her dream of being transferred from the provincial station to the capital. In anger, she was disappointed in all the men. He thinks that men in the world are all of the same virtue, they are all greedy for her beauty, and have no true affection for her, except for one of course - Fu Weiqiang.

That's right, Tai Xiaoyu pinned all her last hopes on Fu Weiqiang. Recently, she cut off contact with all men, and only had a passionate relationship with Fu Weiqiang, as if she changed her mind and wanted to love Fu Weiqiang wholeheartedly. ——Turning a big circle and returning to the starting point, it seems that nothing has changed, but in fact everything has changed, not only people’s hearts have changed, but also old and new, just like a new car returns to its original owner after passing through countless hands In the hand, the car is still the same car, but the driving experience has definitely changed.

Three and a half days after Tai Xiaoyu got married with Fu Weiqiang, he gave Fu Weiqiang an ultimatum. He had two choices, either to marry her, or to help her transfer to the capital.If Fu Weiqiang refuses to agree, she will not only expose her and his affairs, make her and his love affairs fly all over the sky, but also expose Fu Rui and Xie Feifei's scandal...

"Xie Feifei?" Shi De understood it. To put it bluntly, Tai Xiaoyu and Fu Weiqiang's love history is not very lethal. After all, one of them is unmarried and the other is unmarried. Qiang is not a member of the political circle, his life style problem will only affect his character but not his future, but Guo has been around for a long time for money, and the final goal is not to promote Fu Weiqiang's infatuation and Tai Xiaoyu Shameless, the most valuable information he provided was Fu Rui and Xie Feifei. This is a blockbuster that can even blow up a sunny day in the officialdom of a single city.

But who is Xie Feifei, Shi De has never heard of it.

"Hehe, maybe Brother Shi won't believe it if you say it. Fu Weiqiang still found a TV hostess, which is somewhat tasteful, but the dignified Mr. Fu Ruifu found a middle-aged woman who is old and young. , hahahaha, when I knew who Xie Feifei was, I laughed for a long time." Mu Jinnian still couldn't fit his mouth, "Xie Feifei is no one, just an ordinary elementary school teacher, over 45 years old, and looks like a His face is full of vicissitudes of life, how can it be a miserable word."

Shi De also figured it out somewhat. Guo Weiqian was probably Feng Hualun who was specially invited by Feng Hualun to deliberately tell Mu Jinnian the anecdotes about Fu's father and son. Feng Hualun was made things difficult by Fu Weiqiang several times. It's also a character on one side, so it's no wonder that he swallows his anger.Using Guo as the mouthpiece of Qian to pass on the rumors of Fu's father and son, Mu Jinnian was heard again. He believed that as long as Mu Jinnian seized the opportunity, he would definitely not miss it.

Feng Hualun is also not an ordinary person, he is also very good at killing people with a borrowed knife.He must know that the officialdom in Shancheng is now in full swing.

Shi De smiled implicitly: "Everyone has his own aspirations. Similarly, people have their own tastes. We must fully understand everyone's different appreciation standards and appreciation methods for beautiful events."

"Oh, you really deserve to be a high-achieving student in a prestigious university. You don't use dirty words when you swear. Brother Shi, you are really good at it. When you say this, even I feel that Fu Rui's image has risen to the height of philosophy in an instant." Hua Liunian in It was quiet for a long time, and now when it came to Xie Feifei, he finally interrupted, "To be honest, I found out who Xie Feifei is and what he looks like, and it's not due to Jinnian alone."

"Yes, yes, I was excited at the moment, and I talked too much." Mu Jinnian nodded towards Hua Liunian, and asked Hua Liunian to appear in a gentlemanly manner, "Next, I will ask Miss Hua Liunian to tell me how she found Xie Feifei's first-hand information legendary experience.”

"Hmph, that's not too bad. You and I can't keep half of this great achievement." Hua Liunian rolled his eyes at Mu Jinnian, and then at Shi Defei, "Brother Shi, At that time, Mu Jinnian only knew from Guo Weiqian that Fu Rui's best friend was Xie Feifei, and that Xie Feifei was a teacher of a foreign language primary school, but he didn't know which foreign language primary school it was, where she lived, or what she looked like. Fortunately, Bi The Lord sent me out in time, from Shancheng to Shimen to meet Mu Jinnian, and then I sent out the horse, one by one, and quickly checked Xie Feifei to the bottom of the sky."

It turned out that there was such a thing behind the scenes. Of course, Shi De couldn't guess that Bi Wentian asked Hua Liunian to replace Mu Jinnian in time, because he was worried that Fu Weiqiang would attack Mu Jinnian behind his back.However, it turned out that Bi Wentian's worries were unnecessary. Fu Weiqiang had no energy or thought to deal with Mu Jinnian, and it was mainly because of what Mu Jinnian did against him behind the scenes, which he still didn't know.If he found out, it would be hard to say whether he was targeting Mu Jinnian.

"There are several foreign language primary schools in Shimen. These days, it seems that just adding the word "foreign" immediately makes you noble. Shit, isn't it a worship of foreigners? Chinese people have been liberated for many years, but they still haven't been liberated. Mentally slavish, I'm still used to being a foreign slave, and accepting a foreign adult as a godfather... Oh, sorry, I'm going too far, and I accidentally became an angry youth, just kidding, just kidding." Hua Liunian covered his mouth with a smile and smiled. In the meantime, I was still a bit shy, "I searched for a long time before I found out that the foreign language primary school that Xie Feifei was in was a very dilapidated and unknown low-level primary school that changed its name and surname. It has increased by more than ten times, damn it, the moon in foreign countries is round, and you can make money by changing your name, what the hell?"

Shi De smiled subtly, while Mu Jinnian looked slightly impatient, raised his hand to look at his watch, and didn't speak, but it was obviously implying that the time is limited, don't talk nonsense.

Hua Liunian gave Mu Jinnian a dissatisfied look, but got back to business: "Okay, don't talk, don't talk, the more you talk, the angrier you get, and the older you get, women should cherish themselves. I found out After Xie Feifei's school, I used my natural beauty and security to get close, and then used my flowery appearance to go to the school's archives and successfully transferred to Xie Feifei's information. The moment I saw Xie Feifei's photo, oh my god, I almost laughed out loud on the spot, Xie Feifei sounded like a very foreign and young name, but when I saw the photo, it turned out to be an old lady."

"Later, when school was over, I saw Teacher Xie Feifei in person, and I almost burst out laughing. The photo of Teacher Xie is from five years ago. She is much thicker than the photo. Do you understand the meaning of heavy? It is vertically thick. It means horizontal weight. If you see Teacher Xie in person, you probably have an exaggerated expression than mine. You also know that I have always been a good person and I don’t like to hurt others. But the moment I saw Teacher Xie, I couldn’t help it With the urge to curse, I cursed secretly, what's wrong with the world, Fu Rui can be regarded as a respectable person anyway, why did he find an old, ugly, dry and thin old Ganjiang?"

Shi De laughed secretly, Hua Liunian even boasted that she would not hurt others, she was really tricky and mean when she hurt others.

Hua Liunian continued to say happily: "I used the stalking method again, and followed Teacher Xie all the way to her home. Then I pretended to recognize the wrong person and knocked on the wrong door, and knocked on the door of Teacher Xie's house. Teacher Xie is very hospitable. I heard that I It was a stranger who came from afar, tired and thirsty, and even recognized the wrong person, so she poured me a cup of hot water and invited me to sit at home. After sitting, I realized that Teacher Xie was alone Wait, maybe she is too lonely, of course, or maybe I am too kind, she chatted with me unpreparedly, talked about her life experience, and then told a legend ..."

Hua Liunian is not easy, he just came to the door without saying anything, and even used Xie Feifei's words, it seems that Hua Liunian also has talent in dealing with people.Shi De smiled slightly, signaling Hua Liunian to continue talking.

"Actually, it's not that Fu Rui has multiple tastes, but that he and Xie Feifei were first loves. But later, Fu Rui had to marry Liu Xin because of his career. But men always like to hug left and right, and like to eat bowls The one in the pot dominates the one in the pot, and don't everyone say that first love is the most touching? The main reason is that Xie Feifei is too infatuated. Because of Fu Rui's lifelong unmarried, Fu Rui has never broken contact with her. Over 20 years..."

No wonder Fu Weiqiang has a deep affection for Tai Xiaoyu. It turns out that infatuation can be inherited. It turns out that he has a father who has maintained an ambiguous relationship with his first love for decades, so it is completely understandable that he has always been obsessed with Tai Xiaoyu.Sometimes it’s really interesting to think about it. It’s true that if a family does not enter a family, like father, like son.

After another thought, a strong thought flashed in Shi De's mind. Tai Xiaoyu's negative influence on Weiqiang was extremely limited, but Xie Feifei's direct influence on Fu Rui was a fatal blow. Her existence was not just for Fu Rui's life. It's a matter of style, but the fact that bigamy is a crime, which means that Fu Rui directly violated the law!

Mu Jinnian obviously wanted to get together with Shi De, he asked Hua Liunian with wide eyes, "Does Xie Feifei have any children? I mean, do she and Fu Rui have any children?"

"It really made you ask, yes, there must be. A woman, without the guarantee of marriage, at least needs to have a child by her side in order to survive the long and lonely years." Hua Liunian's expression suddenly dimmed a bit. "To be honest, I really have some sympathy for Xie Feifei. She and Fu Rui are true love. Fu Rui is not bad. Although he had to marry Liu Xin, he has never left Xie Feifei for decades. Among the men, it is considered the best. I have seen the photos of Xie Feifei when he was young, he was very beautiful, and he is completely different from the current miserable one. Men can not dislike their wives and become ugly when they get old, but there are very few people who do not dislike their lovers becoming ugly of……"

(End of this chapter)

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