Fortune Teller.

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Hua Liunian dragged away in emotion again, and Mu Jinnian hurriedly interrupted her: "Okay, okay, I will talk about the emotion in life later, first tell me what is the name of Xie Feifei and Fu Rui's child, and where is it now?"

"It's called Xie Douhuan, yes, you heard it right, it means the joys and sorrows of life, the name has vicissitudes and desolation. It's a girl, 22 years old, just graduated from university, and works as a teacher in a middle school." Hua Liunian He recovered from his sympathy for Xie Feifei, and smiled proudly, "How about it, Brother Shi, is my news timely and valuable? How can you thank me?"

Shi De didn't accept Hua Liunian's request for credit, and cleverly changed the subject: "What's Bi's opinion on this inside story?"

Before the two came, the romantic history of Fu and his son must have been told to Bi Wentian. It is better for Bi Wentian to give priority to the merits of Wentian's department.

"Master Bi has asked Yuan Yuan to attack Liu Xin. He said that since Fu Weiqiang has dealt with Shi De ruthlessly, Shi De will take over the secrets of Fu and his son." Hua Liunian blinked. Eyes, provocative, "Brother Shi, what are you going to do? If I still need to go out, I will definitely not refuse."

The transfer of the antique shop made Hua Liunian think she had picked up a huge bargain. From this, she was grateful to Shi De, and now that the two companies have joined forces, no matter from which point of view, she would help Shi De. In reason.

But Shi De waved his hand: "Thank you, Sister Hua, I haven't thought about this matter yet, so let's put it aside for now. After thinking about it, if you need Sister Hua, you will definitely not be polite."

"Okay, I believe what you say. Remember, don't spare Fu Weiqiang lightly. This kid is too hated. I wish I could eunuch him and make him a eunuch."

Shi was startled by one sentence, Hua Liunian is too ruthless, how could he come up with such a dirty trick?

Mu Jinnian didn't understand why Shi De didn't use the existing resources: "Brother Shi, don't you want to deal with Fu and his son?"

"I think, of course I want to." Shi De laughed, "It's not rude to come and go, and I'm not a saint. How could I let Fu Weiqiang almost kill me and not fight back? But now is not the time, and if we Promoting the fermentation of events directly from behind is also against the principle of the balance of heaven and earth. My idea is to find a clever fulcrum, push it lightly, and then trigger a series of chain reactions, eventually forming a huge vortex, and then pay Fu's father and son are involved in it. To achieve such an effect-let outsiders think that Fu's father and son are to blame themselves, rather than someone blackmailing them behind their backs."

Mu Jinnian took a deep breath, his devotion was even more unfathomable than he imagined.If it is a cunning trick that everyone would use to directly promote the romantic history of Fu and his son, and let Fu and his son fall headfirst, then as Shi De said, use force to push gently at a fulcrum on the periphery , In the end, a storm was formed and Fu and his son were involved. It was a brilliant move that only a master or someone who reached the level of a master of fortune would use.

Because even if the most critical fulcrum has been found, how to leverage the fulcrum, how to trigger a chain reaction from the fulcrum, and finally spread to Fu and his son, not only requires superb eyesight and an overall perspective, but also needs to be meticulous. calculation.

With his current state, not only can he not keep up with Shi De's thinking, but he also can't imagine how ingenious Shi De's plan is.

I don't know, there's nothing I can do. It's not easy for Mu Jinnian to ask directly, so he could only say: "Okay, since Master Bi said that it was handed over to Brother Shi, it's up to Brother Shi to arrange everything. This matter, Liu Nian and I Just let it go."

Shi De nodded and smiled slightly: "It's noon, let's have a meal together?"

"No." Mu Jinnian stood up and said goodbye, "I still need to inspect the land of Sanxing Village, and then discuss the next step with Feng Hualun. That's it for today."

Hua Liunian also left at the same time. When she walked outside the building, she did not forget to give Shi Defei a wink: "Brother Shi, I am willing to go to the antique shop, thank you, if you need me in the future, just ask me You won't be disappointed."

Shi De smiled, said nothing, and waved goodbye to the two.

As soon as the two left, Shi De didn't return a bowl of incense, but returned directly to Fang Waiju.

Recently, Master He has settled down a lot, and seems to have lived a life of seclusion with peace of mind, neither asking about Biyou's affairs, nor intervening in the contest with Fu's father and son, as if the collaboration with Bi Wentian was just a collaboration between Shi De and Bi Wentian, Nothing happened to him.

When Shi De returned to Fang Waiju, Master He was sitting under a tree drinking tea leisurely, seeing Shi De coming back, he said flatly: "Some things can be promoted from the front, while some things should be left to chance. Sometimes, going with the flow will take a long time, but one is to test a person’s patience, and the other is to get things done slowly and in harmony with the way of heaven.”

"Yes, Mr. He, I wrote it down." Shi De knew that Mr. He was afraid that he would be impatient, and that if he was impatient, he might lose his consideration in doing things. He sat opposite Mr. He, and will be with Mu Jinnian and Hua Let's talk about the meeting in fleeting years.

Master He heard this, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said for a long time: "Bi Wentian entrusted this matter to you, obviously it is humility, but in fact, it is hidden evil intentions, improper relationship between men and women is the most destructive, if you promote it positively, Let things make trouble in the city, on the surface you gain advantage, but in fact you kill one thousand enemies and hurt yourself eight hundred. The so-called Taoist kindness means kindness. Misfortune and misfortune... Fu's father and son will be ruined because of this, and you will also lose a lot of blessings by promoting people's evil. Shi De, you are doing the right thing, find a fulcrum to promote, do not directly intervene in this matter, and let the incident ferment itself. The most brilliant method of punishing evil and promoting good. From the perspective of xinxing, you have now entered the door of the master of fortune."

Shi De was overjoyed for a while, Mr. He seldom talked with him about the state of being a master of fortune-telling recently. Today, he specially focused on one point. It should be that he has gone through life release, almsgiving, and subduing Zeng Dengke and others, plus he has gone through a life-and-death test Afterwards, my xinxing improved a lot, and I finally touched the threshold of a fortune-teller.

"However..." Master He said meaningfully again, "If you have the heart, you can't do it if you don't have the strength. You are at most the middle school of the Xiangshi now, and there is still a distance from the high school of the Xiangshi. How to improve faster Strength, I think, you should have learned something from cultivating compassion and equality. Go back and think about the thirteen laws of life, and then continue to do good deeds, and your strength will soon increase."

Shi De understood something: "Master He, is the improvement of strength the accumulation of blessings? Doing a little bit of good deeds and accumulating virtues, step by step to cultivate a heart of compassion and equality, this...should it be the so-called change of fate? "

Master He nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, you understand it very well, there is no deviation."

Shi De thought of Li Sanjiang again: "Having been in touch for a long time, I think Li Sanjiang is also a good person. I don't know how serious the sequelae would be if He Ye changed his fate against the sky?"

Master He thought for a while, and said: "Li Sanjiang's change of fate against the sky actually didn't change his fate forcibly. If you do good deeds, there is still time, and you can accumulate blessings for your old age, so that your old age will not be miserable."

Shi De understood Master He's words. After all, Li Sanjiang's future fate is still in his own hands. If he becomes more powerful and greedy, then I'm sorry. Had a very bleak old age.But if he has a public heart to govern for the people and the starting point is to benefit the people, then it is not impossible for him to continue to rise all the way and have a good evening.

"Biyou went to Shimen again, Mr. He, if you stop her, she should listen to you." Regarding Biyou, Shi De was still worried.

"Forget it, I've been watching Biyou for a long time. Recently, her face has changed frequently, which shows that her mind is very messy. She has forgotten all the things I taught her before. When a person's heart is disturbed, it is difficult to persuade her to come back. .Let her go, life has to go through ups and downs to mature, maybe, the Bitian Group is a catastrophe that she deserves." Master He waved his hand, unwilling to mention Biyou's affairs again, Shi De saw it , There was a strong look of disappointment in Master He's eyes.

In the afternoon, Shi Dexian made a phone call with Xia Hua.

"Shi De, you have called, I thought you had forgotten about me." Xia Hua was very noisy, it must be on the construction site, "Zhao Feifan is quite capable and useful, but there are still not enough people , you and Qingying have to come first, so tell me, who will come first?"

"Qingying, she should be able to go there tomorrow." Shi said sincerely, "Xia Hua, you have worked hard."

"Hey, it's rare that you care about me all the time. I'm flattered." Xia Hua laughed exaggeratedly a few times, "Let's talk about courtesy. People must ask for something. Is there anything you want me to do?"

Being guessed by Xia Hua again, Shi De smiled helplessly: "There is a small matter that needs your help."

"What's the little thing? Can I still use the little thing?"

"Although the matter is not big, you still have to do it. You use the provincial TV station to spread the news that Su Moyu is about to be transferred to CCTV. The more truthful the news, the better. I want to emphasize that this time CCTV is only recruiting one person. , Miss an opportunity, maybe there will be no more opportunities..." Shi De began to make arrangements, and he has found the best fulcrum to promote the incident of Fu and his son.

"What do you mean, why do you want me to spread the news about Su Moyu? What's your plan? Or, what's your plan for Su Moyu? No, how do you know about Su Moyu? No, why do you care so much? Su Moyu?" Xia Hua fully fired, pouring out her dissatisfaction and suspicion to Shi De, "That's not right, how do you know that Su Moyu wants to be transferred to CCTV?"

(End of this chapter)

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