Fortune Teller.

Chapter 200 The Big Fire Pit

Chapter 200 The Big Fire Pit

On the way, he received a call from Huang Ziheng.Huang Ziheng has been busy for a whole day, and now he is free. Hearing that Shi De is coming to Shancheng, he really wants to see Shi De right away.But when he heard that Shi De was going to accompany Biyou, he just smiled: "Brother De, meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land is the most romantic, so be careful, don't misfire. Your future is still very bright, don't give up prematurely." Died on a tree."

"..." Shi was speechless to Huang Ziheng, who was in the peak of hormonal secretion, "Something may have happened to Biyou, she kept crying on the phone, and I used to comfort her, where are you going?"

"I'm sorry, Brother De, it's my fault." Huang Ziheng immediately admitted his mistake, and his attitude was very correct, "Then you go over there and see what happened, if Biyou is bullied, you immediately call your buddies, I will bring dozens of you Brothers, go over and kill whoever you catch."

Shi De was almost amused by Huang Ziheng again: "Where do you have so many people?"

"Brother De, this is so rare and strange for you. I was on the construction site, and I raised my arms. There are hundreds of brothers, not to mention dozens of them?"

That's right, with Huang Ziheng's very good personality, he is on the construction site, and he is also Party A. If he can put down his posture and mingle with the workers, he will definitely win the respect and love of the workers.

Shi De laughed and hung up the phone. He usually doesn't use violence to solve problems with wisdom.If violence were a universal truth, America would have ruled the earth long ago.

Not long after, we arrived at Bitian Building, the location of Bitian Group. Located at the intersection of Huaian Road and Zhonghua Street, Bitian Building is an 18-storey high-rise building. It has the courage to look at the mountains and small mountains.

However, compared with the 20-storey Baisha Building and the 40-storey Yip's Building, the Bitian Building looks much lower and old.Fortunately, Baisha Building is not in the same place as Yip's Building and Bitian Building, so there is no way to compare them.

The taxi driver is a middle-aged and elderly woman, which is very rare.Now is the early stage of the rise of taxis. It is no different from taxis everywhere in later generations, and it is not uncommon for female drivers.Perhaps because of Shi De's kindness, the female driver who was supposed to take over shift especially pulled Shi De all the way.

When looking for money, the female driver saw Shi De standing under the Bitian Building and looking up, and couldn't help asking: "Little brother, do you work for the Bitian Group?"

Shide shook his head.

"Don't look at the big airs of Bitian Group and the tall buildings. I heard that it is about to go bankrupt. Do you know the Zhuo Group? The Zhuo Group was investigated for illegal fundraising. Bitian Group is the guarantor of Lifa Group. Joint and several liability, it is said that Bitian Group will pay more than 20 billion yuan. Tsk tsk, more than 20 billion yuan, I don’t know if Bitian Group can afford it after selling it?” The driver sister is just a taxi driver. I am very concerned about major events in the business world, so I can't help but look at him with admiration.

"Sister, where did you hear the news?" Shi De asked curiously.

"How can I hear it? I am a victim of the Zhuo Group. If it weren't for the Zhuo Group, why would I still drive a taxi at my age? The damn Zhuo Group said it invested 20.00 and gave 20% Interest, I put all my capital into it, 20 yuan, a full [-] yuan, my hard-earned money for a lifetime. As a result, I only gave interest for half a year, and then stopped. Go to them, they say the capital chain is broken I went to look again, but no one was there. I just found out that the developer absconded with the money.” The driver’s eldest sister looked resentful and searched for a long time, but couldn’t find any change.

"Thank you, big sister. You don't need to look for it." Shi De waved at the driver's sister. A few dollars in change was exchanged for a big news. It was so worth it. After all, he had to thank the driver's sister.

"Thank you, young man. Seeing your kind face, let me just say one more thing. Don't think I'm long-winded. In the future, don't invest in any high-interest fundraising. They are all deceitful. The old scam of the wall, sooner or later, the capital chain will break. Once it breaks, it will be the ordinary people who will suffer. I heard that the government intervened, but the government intervention did not work, and the developers ran away. Would the government pay for the developers? Repay the debt? Just kidding, the government has always only collected money and never paid. A few days ago, someone took the lead in organizing a petition. I think it will happen sooner or later. I heard that at least one or two thousand people invested in it. There are many people like me. , are all bankrupt.”

When the driver's sister left, Shi De took a deep breath.The coolness of late autumn made his mind extra clear, and the unexpected news gave him a new understanding of the situation of Bitian Group and Biyou's next step.

In the 18-storey Bitian Building, the 15th floor is the office area for the management. There is a nameplate on the door of Room 1515 - Chairman's Office.

Shide knocked on the door lightly.

The door opened, and a well-dressed Biyou stood at the door, wearing a bright and noble purple dress, fringed shawl, and boots, all of which showed a completely different noble temperament from Xiaojiabiyu's Biyou before.If the previous Biyou Xiaojiabiyu was like a gentle jade in the rough, now she is like an over-carved jade. Although she is radiant, she lacks the most authentic warmth of human nature.

Dressed up but couldn't hide the tears in Biyou's eyes and the loneliness on her face. When she saw Shi De, she threw herself into Shi De's arms, and cried bitterly: "Shi De, why did you come? Master He doesn't care. Me, don't you even want me?"

Biyou, who used to be high-minded and ambitious, disappeared, and was replaced by a weak and helpless little girl. She leaned in Shi De's arms, tears poured down, and she couldn't cry: "I was wrong, Shi De, I was really wrong!" I regret that I didn't listen to your advice and insisted on coveting the shares of Bitian Group, but now I'm fine, I'm locked in."

Because of the conversation with the driver's sister just now, Shi De knew a thing or two about the situation of Bitian Group, and was not too surprised by Biyou's words. He thought that Biyou just discovered that Bitian Group was on the verge of bankruptcy The truth of the truth, because of too much hope and too much disappointment, made her fall extremely hard.

"It's okay, you don't have much to lose, the big deal is to get out of the Bitian Group." Shi De closed the door, and Fu Biyou sat on the chair, comforting her softly.

The room is not small, it is a suite, the outside is an office, and the inside is a bedroom.The decoration and layout style is very hotel, without much living atmosphere and warm atmosphere.Shi De couldn't figure it out, is the life Biyou wants to sit in an office with a suite on the 15th floor, overlooking the people coming and going outside?Being so tall, it must be not grounded. In fact, in his opinion, it is far less comfortable than Taohua, and it is not as humane as a bowl of incense.

"I..." Shi De comforted, but Biyou cried even harder, "Shi De, you don't know the truth, and now I regret it so much that I want to die. I have nothing to lose, it's a big loss It's already too late to withdraw from Bitian Group now."

"Ah? What's going on?" Shi De was quite surprised.

"The current Bitian Group has all been transferred to my name. That is to say, I now own 50.00% of Bitian Group's shares." Biyou's eyes were red, obviously before Shi Delai, she had already cried For a long time, she looked at Shi De with tears in her eyes, "Shi De, Bitian Group now owes more than 20 billion yuan and is on the verge of bankruptcy. I was deceived and treated as a scapegoat by them! Only now I know, Bitian The group is a pit, a pit as big as the sky, and I thought it was a delicious pie, so I jumped into it foolishly, only to fall into a bottomless abyss."

There is never such a good thing as a pie in the sky. Even if there is, the pie that falls is either poisonous or bait. It is a pity that there are always many people who are either too low in IQ or EQ or too conceited or too greedy. He also wishfully believed that not only pies would fall from the sky, but also gold bricks would fall on his own head.

Even if gold bricks will fall from the sky, you must first consider whether your head is hard enough, and whether you will be killed if you are hit by a gold brick.There are many sad things in the world, people are still there, and money is spent.Or there is still a lot of money, but the person is gone.No matter what it is, it is always embarrassing.

If the person in front of him was not Biyou, but any one of Huang Ziheng and the others, Shi De not only slapped him severely, but also kicked him a few times, and then scolded him to relieve the hatred in his heart.It's a pity that she is Biyou, so she can't be beaten or scolded.

"What's going on, Biyou, don't cry, crying won't solve any problems." Shi De didn't beat or scold Biyou, but his tone was a little bit more serious, wanting to wake Biyou up.What Biyou caused was not a small matter, but a big trouble.If you don't handle it well, Biyou won't be able to stand up for the rest of her life.Not only will he not be able to stand up, but he may even spend decades in prison.

Thinking about it again, Biyou's biological parents are too cruel, after all, Biyou is also their biological daughter, why bother to push her daughter into the fire pit?It's fine if you don't love Biyou, but you have to kill Biyou. How can there be such a big hatred between relatives?

What a human tragedy.

Perhaps it was because Shi De's words were a bit harsher, Biyou stopped crying at once, and said with a tear: "Okay, let me talk about the cause and effect of the matter first."

It turned out that when Biyou first came to Shimen to meet her parents, she couldn't resist the temptation of shares, so she got engaged to Jia Chen silently.After returning to Shancheng, she didn't dare to tell the truth to Shi De, let alone reveal the truth to Master He.Later, she came to Shimen for the second time—before she came, she still wanted Shi De to come with her. Feeling lucky, she felt that her parents might really feel that they owed her a lot, and they really needed her marriage with Jia Chenmo.

What Biyou never expected was that when she came to Shimen for the second time, her parents told her that things had changed when she first arrived at Bitian Group. The shares of Bitian Group were transferred to her name.

(End of this chapter)

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