Fortune Teller.

Chapter 201 Freshmen

Chapter 201 Freshmen
Biyou was shocked at the time. If she held 50.00% of the shares of Bitian Group under the name of her parents, it would mean that she controlled Bitian Group, and Bitian Group with a market value of more than 50 billion would be owned by her alone.Such a good thing fell from the sky, almost making her suspect that she had hallucinations.

But it was indeed a real thing, the parents looked sincere and told her that the parents were too tired and didn't want to do business anymore, they wanted to change hands to invest, and the future direction of development was a pure holding company. rather than a physical company.After thinking about it, the huge family business can't be handed over to others. Giving it to Biyou can be regarded as making up for the abandonment of Biyou back then.Although family love can't be measured by money, if Biyou doesn't accept it, they will have a lifetime of uneasy conscience.

Biyou believed it to be true, and her heart was moved, but even though her heart was moved, she couldn't accept her parents asking her to marry Jia Chenmo.The parents may have realized her embarrassment, or maybe they have discovered their conscience. In short, the parents have made concessions on the matter of marriage and proposed that the marriage can be postponed, but they must keep in touch with Jia Chen from now on in order to achieve the goal of getting acquainted with each other , Lay a good foundation for further marriage.

Because the happiness came so suddenly, Biyou didn't think about the loopholes in it at all - since her parents intend to let go of Bitian Group and switch to a pure holding company, why do they still have to unite with Jia's Group, why do they still need her and Jia Chenmo marriage?She neglected this most critical link, which led to the greatest tragedy in her life and fell into a well-designed business trap.Moreover, there was a near-miss of violence.

Biyou was dazzled by the sudden huge wealth, but she kept a little calm amidst the extreme excitement, wondering why her parents didn't hand over the management of Bitian Group to her younger brother.The answer from the parents was that the younger brother’s ambition is not in the country, and he wants to go abroad to learn about venture capital, while the younger sister is too young, so only Biyou is the best and the only candidate.

Biyou was just about to completely forgive her parents for abandoning her back then, just when she was immersed in the joy of becoming the de facto head of the Bitian Group—her parents did what they said, and in the shortest possible time Completed the procedures for changing shares—unexpectedly, when she obeyed her parents' arrangement and started dating Jia Chenmo, her joy was completely chilled by the ice water falling from the sky.

Originally, Biyou's wishful thinking was to meet Jia Chenmo for a few times first, make false claims, and then break off the engagement with Jia Chenmo on the grounds of discord in personality. Anyway, Bitian Group has already acquired her, and her parents have nothing to do with her.Unexpectedly, the first time I met Jia Chenmo, Jia Chenmo arranged it in a private room in a private room in the hotel. After a few mouthfuls of food and a few glasses of wine, Jia Chenmo showed his pervert face and started to touch her feet, try to force her!
Biyou has experienced the hardships of life since she was a child. On the surface she is not as straightforward as Xia Hua and is not as firm as Yue Qingying. In fact, deep down in her heart, she has always adhered to her own principles. She will never allow anyone she dislikes to touch her, never !Therefore, facing Jia Chenmo's molestation, she sternly refused at first, but later saw that Jia Chen was so daring and wanted to use force, she picked up the knife on the dining table and scratched Jia Chen silent arm.

Jia Chenmo was irritated, and under the rage, Jia Chenmo rushed over like a frantic male dog, tied up Biyou three times and twice, and then he wanted to force the overlord to bow... Seeing Biyou When the chastity that has been cherished for decades is about to be shamelessly taken away by Jia Chenmo, and seeing Biyou terrified but powerless to resist and can only let fate dictate her, Jia Chenmo's cell phone rang.

At this time, Jia Chenmo couldn't care less about answering the phone, so he threw the phone aside, but the phone kept ringing stubbornly, and he called once, and then called a second time.Jia Chen answered the phone cursing silently, but it turned out to be Hua Fleeting's call.

I don't know what Hua Liunian and Jia Chenmo talked about, anyway, Jia Chenmo actually forgot about Biyou who was tied to the bed by him, and chatted with Hua Liunian very lively.After chatting for more than ten minutes—for Biyou, it was the longest ten minutes in her life, people felt so helpless and sad because of the knife, and I felt so helpless—Jia Chenmo came back again. In front of Biyou, Biyou thought he was going to rape her, but unexpectedly he let go of her, and said to her, forget it, the melons squeezed by force are not sweet, and he has sweeter melons waiting for him to taste, so let them go. Biyou took a horse.

However, Jia Chenmo was still angry, smiled contemptuously, and told Biyou a shocking secret: "You didn't even know that you were sold by your parents, and you still thought they were good people. Let me tell you, they Promise me that I will give you to me, and I will do whatever I want. Also, they gave you a Bitian Group with good intentions on the surface. How would you know that the Bitian Group is already insolvent, and what you inherited is not billions of dollars of wealth , is a debt of billions. Haha, silly woman, she is so innocent and cute. Thinking about it, I feel sad for you, and is there a more tragic fate of being abandoned by your parents and betrayed again? Wake up , Biyou, you are not a princess, you are a poor wretch!"

Jia Chenmo left, his voice kept echoing in Biyou's mind, Biyou's heart was full of hatred, she hated her parents, Jia Chenmo, everyone, she felt that the whole world had abandoned her, the whole world was Against her, she stands on the opposite side of the whole world, lonely and helpless, and may be crushed to pieces by the rolling wheels of the world at any time.

... After listening to the whole story of Biyou's statement, Shi De remained silent, his face was as gloomy as the sky about to rain heavily.He came to the window, opened the window, and let the autumn wind as cold as water blow in. The autumn wind cooled his body and his heart.

If in Shancheng, although there was pressure from all sides, even though there was pressure from Fu and his son, it was still a normal or legitimate business method. Except for pushing him off a cliff once, basically he could It's not beyond the normal range to say that you come and go.However, Biyou's parents' framing of Biyou has lost the bottom line of human relations, and has lost the personality that makes people human.

Shi was furious!

The night is like water, the night view of Shimen is much more beautiful than that of Shancheng, and the lights are also much brighter, but in Shi De's eyes, the shadow hidden under the feasting and feasting is infinitely darker and more sinister and filthy than that of Shancheng.Is it true that the bigger the city, the more material desires, the more degenerate the people's hearts, and the lower the morality?

Biyou completely lost her sense of proportion now, crying softly and suppressed.Billions of foreign debts will never be paid off for the rest of her life. Even if she files for bankruptcy, Biyou will not be able to escape legal responsibility because she guaranteed illegal fundraising for Lifa. Could it be that she really has nowhere to go?

"Shi De, what should I do?" Shi De is Biyou's only and last hope.

Shi De withdrew his thoughts from the cool autumn wind, looked back at Biyou, saw Biyou slumped on the chair, and thought of her light and delicate footsteps, the elegant yet memorable fragrance, and her lingering beauty when he first met Biyou. Holding his waist and looking back and smiling, suddenly, he slammed his fist on the table. After a loud "boom", he said to Biyou firmly, "Don't be afraid, Biyou, I'm here, I'm here. I won't leave you helpless!"

"Shi De!" Shi De's words nourished Biyou's nearly exhausted heart like rain from the sky, she let out a mournful cry, and then threw herself into Shi De's arms, "Stay with me, okay? I'm afraid of the dark alone."

Biyou used to live alone in Taohuaju, and she was never afraid of the dark, but now she is afraid of the dark because she lacks light in her heart.

Shide stayed.

When Biyou fell asleep, she was curled up like a helpless baby, but Shi De didn't feel sleepy at all. He sat on the large leather swivel chair outside, staring at the darkening night outside the window, his mind as calm as the sea .One night, he thought a lot, thinking about the future prospects of Binsheng, thinking about the success probability of investing in travel companies, thinking about how to save the Bitian Group that Biyou took over, thinking about the situation in Shancheng, thinking about his future in Shimen... overnight.

Shi De, who hadn't slept all night, at dawn, when the first ray of sunlight in the east broke free from the blockage of tall buildings and came into his sight tenaciously, his heart was suddenly filled with a sudden peace, just like a dazzling Morning glow, just like the quiet and beautiful sunset, overlooks the joys and sorrows of the world and the vicissitudes of life with an ancient attitude. It has never been happy or sad, and has never been silent...

The way of heaven is beneficial but not harmful.The way of a sage is to do what you do without do what you do but not to fight, to pursue everything with the mentality of doing something and not doing something, and not to compete with others with a competitive heart, and you will eventually achieve victory without fighting fundamental purpose.Suddenly, Shi De's mind suddenly brightened, as if he had thought through many life questions that he had never thought through in an instant.

If Master He was in front of Shi De at this time, he would be pleasantly surprised to find that Shi De's face and temperament had changed drastically.Yes, the current Shi De has finally completely walked out of the shadow of failure and suicide in the past, reborn and regained his life.

And what is even more fortunate is that Shi De faintly showed signs of breaking through the realm of the middle gate of the physiognomy master, and he only almost reached the high gate of the phase master.In other words, Shi De has now reached the pinnacle of the physiognomy master in terms of xinxing, but he has not reached it in terms of blessing or skill. The realm of the door is nothing but a natural situation.

And the blessing factor that restricts Shi De from stepping into the realm of the high school of physiognomy still lies in the single city battle, and the final victory has not yet been determined.

But what Shi De didn't know was that the single city battle had reached the final critical moment, because Master He had already made the preliminary preparations and was about to deliver a fatal blow to Du Qingxuan!

Without Shide, Shancheng is as usual and noisy. Most people don't know Shide's existence, and Shide's departure will not bring any favorable or unfavorable impact on their life and work.But for some important figures, Shi De's departure is actually more difficult than Shi De's life in Shancheng.

(End of this chapter)

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