Fortune Teller.

Chapter 204 The general trend has moved

Chapter 204 The general trend has moved
"Master Du, do you want to be alright?" Fang Mu heard what Du Qingxuan wanted to express, and he was taken aback. He made a master move and concealed boundless murderous intent invisibly. In just ten seconds, Master Du was seriously injured. It's true. have to.

"Fang Mu, get ready, I'm going back to the capital right away. I don't think I'll be able to leave the capital within a year or so, hehe..." Du Qingxuan smiled helplessly, "But He Zitian, don't be too complacent. I have no threat to Shi De for the time being, and Bi Wentian will not allow Shi De to grow up step by step. Let Bi Wentian deal with Shi De, and we can reap the benefits of the fisherman. By the way, Fang Mu, do your best For the preparations for stationing in Shimen, it will be up to you and Yu Shuai to compete with Shi De in the future, and I will follow He Zitian's example and hide behind the scenes and let you young people fight for the world."

Fang Mu's psychological quality is excellent, and she calmed down at this time. She nodded and said: "Once the threat from Master Du is lifted, the prerequisites for He Zitian and Bi Wentian to join forces will be gone. With decades of cooperation between He Zitian and Bi Wentian Judging from the grievances and grievances, the two will definitely stand on opposite sides. At that time, the situation will change again. I don’t know if Bi Wentian will take advantage of He Zitian’s weakness to kill He Zitian? I am very willing I saw the contest between Bi Wentian and He Zitian."

"Master Bi, since the basis for cooperation with He Zitian is gone, and now He Zitian has been seriously injured, it would be a pity if you don't take the opportunity to attack him now." Suggested to Bi Wentian.

"Why don't I want to take this opportunity to attack He Zitian?" Bi Wentian already knew that He Zitian broke Du Qingxuan's wedge in Sansurname Village, and also calculated that He Zitian and Du Qingxuan were severely injured at the same time, and the situation in Single City was about to open , "It's just that He Zitian didn't miss anything, and he had planned his retreat before he made the move. Now he should no longer be in Shancheng. As for where he went, I'm afraid no one knows. Want to attack him? Hehe, it's easier said than done."

"Both Shi De and Biyou are not around, and he was injured again, how did he leave Shancheng?" Ji Du was puzzled.

"Why do you think that Zitian really only has two disciples, Shi De and Biyou?" Bi Wentian shook his head and smiled, "He Zitian's personality is much more unfathomable than what you see on the surface. Ji Du, you Inform Yuanyuan that she doesn't have to go back to Dancheng, and we will leave Dancheng immediately."

Ji Du was taken aback for a moment, but he still didn't want to understand: "Isn't it the last moment for the single city battle?"

"We don't need to participate in the following things. Liu Xin will become Fu Rui's nemesis. Once Fu Rui falls, the situation in the single city will be overthrown and restarted, and then start to enter a new era." Liu Xin went to Shimen , to go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to report Fu Rui's facts, Bi Wentian knew it all.If it was normal, Liu Xin would definitely not kill relatives so righteously, and would definitely destroy Fu Rui.But Liu Xin fell for his tricks, his mood fluctuated violently, and his mind was controlled by his emotions.

"After all, we seem to have gained nothing in the single city battle. He Zitian and Shi De gained the most." Ji Du shook his head slightly, with a look of regret on his face. He was still bitter about his defeat in the battle with Shi De. bosom.

"Who said we have nothing to gain?" Bi Wentian smiled complacently, "Both He Zitian and Du Qingxuan were hurt, but I was safe and sound. Fighting, when He Zitian and Du Qingxuan fight to the end, I will fight again, take over Du Qingxuan's territory, and then take over He Zitian's disciples, from now on, the odds are in my hands, I have the world."

"Master Bi is brilliant." Ji Du smiled knowingly, "If Master Bi takes over Du Qingxuan's territory and He Zitian's disciple, Master Bi will be No. 1 in China."

"Hehe..." Bi Wentian smiled, and didn't say anything more, but there was a surge of pride in his heart that he would be Ling Jueding to see all the small mountains.

If someone watches the sky at night at this time, he will find that the general trend of the stars has changed. Of course, it is daytime, and the stars cannot be seen, and the stars are hidden in the light of the sun.But being invisible does not mean that it does not exist. In fact, no matter it is day or night, there are the same number of stars in the sky.

Single City Committee.

Just as Fu Rui hurried to Shimen, Yue Guoliang knocked on the door of Huang Zixuan's office.

"Secretary Huang, there is something I want to report to you..." Yue Guoliang had a heavy expression on his face, and his footsteps were a bit slow, "I have been thinking about this matter for a long time, and I have been hesitating whether to report it to the organization , after a fierce ideological struggle, I still feel the need to ask Secretary Huang to make up his mind."

Huang Zixuan saw that Yue Guoliang spoke solemnly, so he put down the work at hand and assumed a cautious attitude: "Guoliang, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yue Guoliang didn't know that Fu Weiqiang had an accident, Liu Xin went to the provincial party committee and Fu Rui also went to Shimen, and a series of things happened. He just felt that it was necessary for him to disclose the matter to Huang Zixuan.The matter of Fu Weiqiang instigating Shi Zhenxiang to push Shi to fall off the cliff has always made him brood on his heart, and he can't let go of it.Although Shi Defu has a great fate, this matter cannot be left alone, justice must be done, and the perpetrator must be made to pay the price he deserves.

"Secretary Huang, although Shi Zhenxiang has been hit to death by a car, it is obvious that she and Shi De have no grudges and no enmity. There is no need to kill Shi De. There must be a mastermind behind her..." Yue Guoliang considered his words , reached out and took out the tape recorder, "I accidentally received an anonymous letter, which contained a tape, the contents of the tape..."

Regarding the fact that Shi De was framed by others, Huang Zixuan has always kept it in his heart, but because of Shi Zhenxiang's death, there is no evidence for his death, and he wants to pursue it, but he can't do it.Hearing Yue Guoliang's words suddenly, his eyes lit up, he nodded immediately and said, "What's the content?"

Yue Guoliang played the tape recorder.

A few minutes later, Huang Zixuan's furrowed brows condensed into vertical and horizontal lines like hills, and suddenly there was a "bang", he slapped the table and stood up, shouting angrily: "Scum!"

"Who is better to leave this matter to?" After venting his anger, Huang Zixuan did not restrain his hands like Yue Guoliang was worried about. He did not pursue Fu Weiqiang's responsibility because of Fu Rui's affection, but directly made a A decision to check it out.

"Wei Mian, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, is in charge of criminal investigation. Huang Han, the head of the criminal police detachment, has always had a good relationship with him. Huang Han is an expert in criminal investigation." Given his personal relationship with Wei Mian, Yue Guoliang believes that as long as the evidence is convincing, Wei Mian and Wei Mian Huang Han would not be afraid of Fu Rui's authority and not investigate Fu Weiqiang.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Wei Mian and Huang Han to investigate." Huang Zixuan patted the table again, and if he had the opportunity to uphold justice and seek justice for Shi De, how could he miss it, "No matter who it is, we will never tolerate it .”

Seeing that Huang Zixuan was willing to take huge political risks to investigate Fu Weiqiang, Yue Guoliang's heart fell to the ground, and at the same time, he had a new understanding of Shi De's weight in Huang Zixuan's heart. He thought to himself, Shi De's growth The speed is still beyond his imagination. I hope that Shi De will soon open up a whole new world in Shimen.

In front of Huang Zixuan, Yue Guoliang picked up the phone and called Wei Mian: "Wei Mian, come to Secretary Huang's office immediately, hurry up."

Just after putting down the phone, Huang Zixuan's phone rang again, Huang Zixuan didn't let Yue Guoliang avoid him, and answered the phone directly.

"What? Fu Weiqiang was in a car accident? How is he? He was slightly injured, but he didn't die. Okay, give my regards to Mayor Fu." After hanging up the phone, Huang Zixuan and Yue Guoliang looked at each other. There is a tinge of relief, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself, and the way of heaven will pay you back, this statement is indeed true.

"What should we do, Secretary Huang?" Hearing that Fu Weiqiang had a car accident, Yue Guoliang didn't know whether he should continue the investigation.

"It's not wrong to check. As long as Fu Weiqiang doesn't die, he has to bear the mistakes he made." Huang Zixuan made up his mind, "When he is discharged from the hospital, what awaits him are cold handcuffs and decades of imprisonment. disaster."

After finishing speaking, the phone rang again, and it was a red confidential phone directly connected to the Provincial Party Committee.Seeing this, Yue Guoliang turned around to leave, he had to avoid it.Unexpectedly, Huang Zixuan waved his hand, meaning that he didn't need to avoid it, and then Huang Zixuan answered the phone directly.

"Secretary Cui, it's me, Huang Zixuan." Huang Zixuan's heart sank. The caller turned out to be Cui Liang, a senior provincial discipline official. A strong thought suddenly popped up in his heart. The situation in Shancheng might change drastically.

A few minutes later, Huang Zixuan put down the phone, and after a moment of silence, he said to Yue Guoliang with difficulty: "Guo Liang, I shouldn't have let you know this news, but since you happened to hear the call, it's okay to tell you, but Keep it secret."

Yue Guoliang nodded solemnly. He has been in the officialdom for decades, and he still knows the principle of confidentiality.

"Liu Xin went to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to report that Comrade Fu Rui had a problem with his life style, and that there was a de facto crime of bigamy. After preliminary verification by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the situation was true. It happened that Comrade Fu Rui went to Shimen to visit Fu Weiqiang, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection took him away from the hospital. Fu Rui, and formally notified the Shancheng Committee that Comrade Fu Rui has been double-regulated." Huang Zixuan directly referred to Fu Rui as a comrade, which is equivalent to saying that Fu Rui's position as mayor of Shancheng has come to an end, and if he does not come out of the sky If it is a miracle, his political life will be declared over.

Yue Guoliang opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Liu Xin reported on Fu Rui?"

"Yes, I am also very surprised by this incident, but it also shows that Comrade Liu Xin is a good comrade who can stand the test and distinguish right from wrong. He has principles and is admirable." Huang Zixuan sighed slightly. He didn't know Liu Xin Xin told Fu Rui what happened behind the scenes, thinking that Liu Xin really wanted to kill relatives out of righteousness.

Of course, even if Huang Zixuan knew the truth behind it, he wouldn't say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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