Fortune Teller.

Chapter 205

Chapter 205
"Guoliang, Comrade Fu Rui has been shuanggui. During this period of time, the work of the city government will be presided over by you temporarily." Yue Guoliang is the executive vice mayor. Due to the responsibility of work, Huang Zixuan gave Yue Guoliang a meaningful look, "It's a pity, Guoliang, you are from Shancheng."

How can Yue Guoliang not understand Huang Zixuan's implication, if he is not from Shancheng, and there are regulations that local officials cannot be the top leaders of the city's party and government, once Fu Rui falls, the mayor's throne will inevitably fall on his head, as it is now Such a great opportunity, he could only sigh in dismay.

"Yes, I am from Shancheng. I love the land of Shancheng very much. I hope that during this special period, under the leadership of Secretary Huang, I can do a lot of work and do more for the people of Shancheng. A few practical and good things." Yue Guoliang's heart was filled with unprecedented passion at this time, and now Fu Rui, the biggest constraint, is no longer an obstacle. He has the support of Huang Zixuan, and the cooperation of the deputy mayor and bureau chiefs. It's a good time to make a big move, and you can't miss it.Since he is a native of Shancheng and serves as the official of the parents of the people of Shancheng, he does not do his best to do something for the people of Shancheng.

If Shi De stood in front of Yue Guoliang now, when Yue Guoliang had just said that he really wanted to do something for the people of Shancheng, he would be surprised to find that Yue Guoliang's fortune not only stopped falling quickly, And the speed of the rebound is amazing.As if in the blink of an eye, Yue Guoliang's face changed drastically, his fortune skyrocketed, and he was on the verge of skyrocketing.

And if Shi De were asked to make a calculation for Yue Guoliang's future, his conclusion would be that Yue Guoliang's official career would be prosperous from now on.

The entire city of Shancheng is undergoing major changes, but the above major changes will not affect the happy life of ordinary people. As long as the ordinary people have enough food and clothing and see the sun tomorrow, they will be content and happy.

Compared with before, without Biyou sitting in charge and Shi De taking care of the bowl of incense, business is still booming.The main reason is that Yiwanxiang is on the right track, and has long established a reputation in the hearts of the people in Shancheng. Even if Yiwanxiang changes owners, as long as the taste and quality remain the same, customers will still take the initiative to come to the door.

Su Zhenzhen has been very busy recently. Once Biyou left and Shi De was not around, all the burden of a bowl of incense fell on her body, allowing her to enjoy the pain and the power of happiness. It was the first time she realized that The truth comes with as much responsibility as there is power, and at the same time, I deeply feel the difficulty of being in a high position.

But fortunately, due to the friendship between her and Biyou for many years, Biyou has absolute trust in her, and Biyou promised to transfer 5.00% of Yiwanxiang's shares to her as a reward, so she corrected her attitude and became a bowl of incense. Xiang is his own business to run.When Biyou and Shi De were away, the Yiwanxiang main store and several Yiwanxiang branch stores were doing business as usual.

At noon, Su Zhenzhen went to check the VIP room upstairs as usual. The VIP room was only open to three people—He Ye, Bi You and Shi De. Right now, Bi You and Shi De were absent, and only He Ye was in Dancheng , Maybe Master He will come to the VIP room to drink tea or eat at any time, she must always ensure that the VIP room is clean and tidy.

Who is so careless that the VIP room is not locked?When Su Zhenzhen went upstairs and saw that the door of the VIP room was ajar, she couldn't help but feel angry, and thought that she must criticize the staff in charge of sanitation upstairs, no matter what work they did, they had to respect their posts and love their work.

She opened the door and went in. Seeing that everything in the room was in order, neat and not messy, she was relieved. When she was going out to lock the door, she swept her eyes and suddenly found a letter on the table.Who has been here?Su Zhenzhen hurriedly stepped forward to take a look, and there were several large characters on the envelope: cherish, convey the contents of the letter to Shi De and Biyou.

It was not signed, but Su Zhenzhen recognized it at a glance. The vigorous and powerful handwriting was exactly He Ye's handwriting.

What's wrong with Mr. He?A bad idea popped up in Su Zhenzhen's mind, and she hurriedly took out the letter inside. There were not many words on the letter, only a few words: "Shi De, Biyou, I have to leave for a period of time due to personal matters, at least half a year. It will last for a year, you all cherish each other, don't worry about me. When the time is right, I will naturally appear in front of you again. Just leave now."

Master He is going to disappear again?Su Zhenzhen was very puzzled, personal matter?Apart from Shi De and Bi You, does Master He have other relatives?Unable to figure it out, she simply gave up and picked up the phone to call Biyou.

I don't want Biyou to turn off the phone.

It's already noon, hasn't Biyou woke up yet?Su Zhenzhen shook her head and called Shi De again.Shi De's phone was connected as soon as he made a call.

There are many things in the world that are really interesting, but some people are just awkward. When you need her especially, the phone call you usually get through, but you can't get through.And some people no matter when you need him, his phone is always in the service area.

"Shi De, where are you? I can't get through to Biyou, so I can only tell you first. Master He left a letter for you and Biyou..."

Shi De didn't go anywhere, and was still with Biyou in room 1515 of Bitian Building.Biyou slept through the night last night, maybe because she was overly sad, maybe because she was at ease with him by her side, anyway, she slept very soundly.After dawn, she woke up once, turned over and fell asleep again.

Shi De didn't sleep all night, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. He kept thinking about how to deal with Biyou's troubles.Suddenly he remembered the last time when he received a call from Biyou in the heavy rain and nearly crashed his car. At that time, a thought flashed through his mind that the call that almost killed him must be a difficulty in his life.

Sure enough, Biyou was really a difficulty in his life.The huge trouble Biyou caused, on the surface, Biyou bears all the consequences, but in fact, why is it not he who bears all the consequences?He definitely wouldn't just watch Biyou go to a dead end.

But the problem is, if it is fair to say that Biyou was a difficulty in his life, when the danger appeared at that time, he was still thinking about the big one, could the big one also become a difficulty in his life?Shi De really couldn't figure out what kind of trouble the big man would bring him, and it was obvious that the problem of street children had been properly resolved now, and the big man would not and should not be his trouble anymore.

At this time, Shi De didn't know about the great changes in Shancheng, and his thoughts were all on the Bitian Group.

When he first heard Su Zhenzhen's phone call, his heart skipped a beat. Master He left a letter. Could it be that some accident happened?Not caring about waking Biyou up, he hurriedly asked, "What letter?"

Su Zhenzhen reiterated Master He's beliefs, and said again: "Please tell Sister Biyou when you see her, her phone is not available."

"Okay, cherish, you have worked hard recently. You have to take care of Yiwanxiang now. In this way, let Biyou clarify the ownership of the shares for you as soon as possible, and you will treat Yiwanxiang as your own business." Cooperation can win-win , Under the current situation, Shi De understood that he and Biyou might not have time to manage a bowl of incense in a short time, so handing over a bowl of incense to an expert for management must be based on the premise of a win-win situation.

"Thank you, Mr. Shi." Su Zhenzhen was happy, and he strengthened his confidence to carry forward Yiwanxiang, "I must do my best to spread Yiwanxiang all over Dancheng."

"In this way, you call a few key members of Yiwanxiang, hold a meeting, and say that Yiwanxiang is now open to key employees to subscribe for shares. As long as you invest, you can become a shareholder of Yiwanxiang." They are all tied to the big boat of a bowl of incense, so that everyone can push the bowl of incense to a new height with one heart and one mind.Otherwise, if he and Biyou are not around, Yiwanxiang's hearts will be scattered, and it may be defeated.

A bowl of incense is Biyou's painstaking effort, and it cannot be given up, it must be developed.Moreover, if it is run well, even if it doesn't make too much money, it can drive the employment of many people. At the same time, it is also a link to connect many relationships.

"Okay, that's great." Su Zhenzhen also has a few close sisters who want to buy shares in Yiwanxiang. Seeing that Shi is more open-minded than Biyou and thinks far ahead, she can't help but admire from the bottom of her heart, "If Mr. The owner of Wanxiang, Yiwanxiang may have developed into a national chain by now."

"Hehe..." Shi De just smiled and didn't discuss the problems that didn't exist in the hypothesis. He intentionally played Huang Suqin. Sister Huang Suqin's life is too hard, and they don't have any extra income. Now is the opportunity, " In this way, cherish, you can also ask Huang Suqin for her opinion, see if she is willing to take a share in Yiwanxiang. If she is willing, let her join."

"Understood, Mr. Shi." After Su Zhenzhen and Shi De talked on the phone, their enthusiasm suddenly surged, and she felt that she was now the boss of a bowl of incense. As long as it was something she decided, it was the final decision, and she secretly made up her mind Determined to live up to Shi De's trust in her.

Shi De arranged the future affairs of a bowl of incense on his own initiative. He is confident enough to believe that Biyou will not object to his decision. The main reason is that Biyou is still thinking about a bowl of incense. If he doesn't care, I'm afraid Biyou really let a bowl of incense run its course.

Why did Master He leave again, and it took a year and a half?What personal affairs can Mr. He have?Although Master He also said last time that he also has many past events, Shi De didn't take it to heart. Could it be that Master He also has a family?Or, ever had a family?
Just as he was thinking about it, the phone rang again.

It was Yue Guoliang calling.

"Shi De, the situation in Shancheng has opened up..." Yue Guoliang was in a very happy mood. The sea and the sky ahead were vast, and he felt like he had endless strength. "Fu Weiqiang had a car accident, and Fu Rui was arrested for bigamy. The Commission for Discipline Inspection opened a case to investigate..."

After listening to Yue Guoliang's words, Shi De felt mixed feelings, unable to tell whether he was happy or regretful.Fu's father and son's end today is of course their own fault, and there are also factors behind him secretly promoting Su Moyu's transfer to CCTV.

(End of this chapter)

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