Fortune Teller.

Chapter 227

Chapter 227
"Do you know who he is? Lan Guocheng." Walking through the yard with Shi De and coming to the main hall, all pointed to a man in his thirties who was sitting in a corner, very low-key and inconspicuous, " He used to be my rival in love, and has been involved with two women in my life, hehe..."

Looking along Quanyou's fingers, Shi De saw that Lan Guocheng was white and clean, with a round face and a little fat. He was sitting alone behind a table in the innermost corner and meditating. He seemed out of place with the lively environment around him. He smiled and said, "Brother Quanyou, I have convinced you. Not only do you have a wide network of contacts, but you also have a lot of women."

"I'm joking, I'm joking." Quanyou laughed, parted the crowd, and led Shi De to walk towards Lan Guocheng, "You may not know who Lan Guocheng is, but you must know who Lan Minxin is."

Lan Minxin is the executive deputy mayor of Yan City, of course Shi De knew it.Since it is necessary to open up the situation in Shimen, not only the general situation of Shimen's business community must be clearly understood, but even the main leaders of Shimen's political circle must be well aware of it.As the executive deputy mayor in charge of the economy, if the Bitian Group wants to stand up and take over the Zhuo Group in its entirety, it will definitely not be able to get around Lan Minxin.

Nodding his head, Shi De smiled and asked, "Could it be that the person you want to introduce to me today is Lan Guocheng?"

At this time, when the two were talking, they were still a few meters away from Lan Guocheng, and they all smiled quietly, and said in a low voice: "No, it's someone else, but since I met Lan Guocheng, there is no harm in introducing you, and I will give it to you for free." don’t want it for nothing.”

Lan Guocheng had already noticed Quanyou and Shi De at this time, his eyes fell on Shi De first, seeing if he knew him, he was taken aback for a moment, and then noticed that the people around Shi De were Quanyou, his expression changed slightly, From surprise to anger.

"Quanyou, do you still have the face to appear in front of me?" Lan Guocheng stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Quanyou by the collar, looking distraught, as if Quanyou had abducted his woman , "Tell me, where did Ma Feiyan go?"

It turns out that some people are afraid of Quanyou, such as Zhang Yang, some people are disapproving of Quanyou, such as Niu Tianzi, and some people hate Quanyou, such as Lan Guocheng in front of him. Apart from his contradictory appearance and fate, his popularity is also quite unreliable.

Shi De didn't know who Ma Feiyan was, but it was obviously a woman.Whether it's the second-generation official or the second-generation rich, there are many fights because of women's jealousy. He took a step to the side in a calm manner, and wanted to see how Quanyou and Lan Guocheng would fight each other.

The surrounding crowd, still immersed in their own joy, turned a blind eye to the conflict between Lan Guocheng and Quanyou.It is estimated that it is not strange, so I am too lazy to take a look.

Quan You smiled, and stretched out his hand to push Lan Guocheng's hand, but he didn't push it away, so he stopped trying and let Lan Guocheng grab his tie: "Two years ago, Ma Feiyan dumped me and went to I went wandering in Paris. Later I found out that she never went to Paris at all, and she has been Zhuo Fan's lover in Shimen. A year ago, Ma Feiyan dumped Zhuo Fan, followed you, and became your lover. When you During the year of her lover, she and Zhuo Fan kept in love with each other, but she had no contact with me at all. I didn't even know whether she was in your bed or Zhuo Fan's bed at night. She treated me as one. I just threw the rag, in her eyes, only the second generation of rich and second generation of officials, how could I catch her eyes? So, she heard that she disappeared again some time ago, did she go to Paris or London again? I have nothing to do with it, and to be honest, I don't give a damn if she lives or dies."

Maybe Quanyou's words were reasonable, or maybe Lan Guocheng had figured something out, he slowly loosened Quanyou's tie, and smiled coldly: "Quanyou, you are self-aware."

Shi De stayed silent and held back his laughter, thinking that there were not only many stories about Quanyou, but also very interesting stories, and he didn't know how many secrets he had hidden in him.Thinking about it again, it's really not easy for Ma Feiyan to settle Zhuo Fan, the second generation of rich, and Lan Guocheng, the second generation of officials, at the same time.You must know that with the identities of Zhuo Fan and Lan Guocheng, there are so many beauties around, what kind of women have you never seen?But Lan Guocheng still misses Ma Feiyan, Ma Feiyan must have something extraordinary.

Could it be that Ma Feiyan has a slender waist like that of Zhao Feiyan, the queen of Emperor Hancheng who is said to be able to dance on the palm of her hand, and her waist is slender and light in the palm?Men usually like thin waists, if that's the case, Lan Guocheng's loss of soul just now is probably because he missed Ma Feiyan's beauty deeply.

"Of course, I have always been self-aware. Guocheng, have you ever thought about the possibility that the node where Ma Feiyan suddenly disappeared coincides with the time when Zhuo Fan absconded. Could it be..." All have the level of digging holes First-class, and he is much more straightforward than Shi De, "Hehe, I'm just guessing, don't think too much about it."

Lan Guocheng sat back on his seat without saying a word, and shook his head dejectedly: "Why? I'm not as good as Zhuo Fan. Feiyan would rather run away with a lost dog than live a stable life with me? , tell me, what did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't you who was wrong, it was Ma Feiyan." Quan You sat down next to Lan Guocheng, motioned for Shi De to sit down too, and stretched out his hand to pat Lan Guocheng on the shoulder, "Guocheng, I know you are depressed, you are depressed, and you are depressed, so I specially invited a master to give you some advice, how about it, brother, am I a friend?"

"Master? What master? Where is it?" Lan Guocheng directly ignored Shi De, looked past Shi De, and looked behind and around Shi De, but did not find an imaginary image of a dignified master in sight. Can't help but feel disappointed, "It's all there, are you making fun of me again? Even if Ma Feiyan's disappearance has nothing to do with you, you don't want me to forgive you about the flowers."

Shi De sat across from Lan Guocheng, thinking that Quanyou regarded him as a master because he had heard some legends about him a long time ago, or did Quanyou deduce it from the process of his battle with Niu Tianzi just now. What?Or, Quanyou is just talking nonsense, just like what Lan Guocheng said, just for fun?
It doesn't matter, whatever the starting point is, he just adapts to the situation and takes the time to sit in front of Lan Guocheng calmly, looking at Lan Guocheng's face calmly.As for what happened between Quanyou and Lan Guocheng because of Ma Feiyan and Hua Hua, he didn't bother to think about it, and believed that when Quanyou wanted to talk, he would naturally make it clear.

Quanyou shook his head disapprovingly: "Guocheng, to be honest, although when I first met you, I had a lot of opinions on you, and felt that while you were secretly having an affair with my ex-girlfriend Ma Feiyan, you were pursuing my current girlfriend at the same time." Huahua, I just thought, how much hatred do you have with me? Why do you come to pursue a woman I like? Are you sincerely determined to rob me of a woman? Then I figured it out again, I Pursue whoever you like, it proves that our brothers have the same eyesight and are completely consistent in women's aesthetics, which is rare to have the same taste, and based on this alone, we should become good buddies who can talk about everything."

"..." Shi was left speechless, he was the only one, except for being inconspicuous and often unreliable, he also had a skill that ordinary people don't have - his face was as thick as a wall, and others pursued his two girlfriends and pried him off one after another. Not only did he not take it seriously, but he also made friends with others, which is indeed a strange thing.

Of course, Shi De does not belittle Quanyou, nor does he look down on Quanyou as a person, but really admires Quanyou's easy-going attitude towards life.

Lan Guocheng didn't appreciate it, he raised his eyelids, and gave Quan You a disdainful look: "You are so close, who is your brother? Tell me, do you like flowers or midsummer? Don't always play around." Ambiguous, a woman's youth can't afford to be delayed. If you marry Shengxia, fine, I will give you a generous gift. But if you want to marry Huahua, let alone a generous gift, there is no blessing."

"You are not a vegetable of flowers, Guocheng. Listen to my advice and give up your mind on flowers. At the same time, don't think about Ma Feiyan. Do you know why Ma Feiyan is called Ma Feiyan? Swallows are migratory birds and will not stay in one place all the time. If you want to fly around, you have to hang on Ma Feiyan, and you will be played to death by her sooner or later." Quanyou smiled, and seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, he pushed Shi De in time, "Master is far away in the sky and right in front of you, do you think Master They are all sanctimonious elders with white hair and childlike faces. Wrong, big mistake, the real master is always a real person who does not show his appearance but is not a real person. Shi De, the No. 18 descendant of the Immortal Valley, the contemporary Yuan Tiangang, is known as the master of fortune telling, also known as the little Immortal, you can also call him Master Shi."

Shi De dare not claim to be the contemporary Yuan Tiangang, at least in his current state he is far from being able to compare with Yuan Tiangang.Of course Shi De knows who Yuan Tiangang is. Yuan Tiangang, an astronomer, astrologer, and forecaster in the early Tang Dynasty, was born in Chengdu, Yizhou (now Chengdu, Sichuan).In the Sui Dynasty, it was the official order of salt, and in the Tang Dynasty, it was the order of volcanoes.He is the author of "Liu Ren Class", "Book of Five Elements", "Tui Bei Tu", "Yuan Tiangang's Bone Song" and other books.Gao Yuxiang, the founder of the contemporary Yin-Yang School of Discrimination, commented on Yuan Tiangang: "The name is like a bright moon covering thousands of years, and the sound is like spring thunder shaking ancient and modern times."

Not to mention "Yuan Tiangang's Bone Song", just "Tui Bei Tu" is enough to make Yuan Tiangang's name go down in history, and it is not the history of physiognomy, but the real history.

"Tui Bei Tu" was written by Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng in the Tang Dynasty. It is the most classic masterpiece of prophecy in Chinese history.The rigor of its creation, the meticulous thinking, and the miraculous fulfillment, the total transparency exceeds 90.00%, and the accuracy rate reaches [-]%. However, the language is obscure and profound, and ordinary people cannot understand the true meaning of it, but this does not prevent this book from completely surpassing the Western world. Nostradamus' great prophetic work "The Centuries".

(End of this chapter)

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