Fortune Teller.

Chapter 228

Chapter 228
According to legend, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty ordered Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, the two most famous astrologers at that time, to compile a heavenly book in order to calculate the fate of the Tang Dynasty.Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang used the gossip of the Book of Changes to calculate. Unexpectedly, they became addicted and out of control. They actually calculated the fate of China for more than 2000 years since the Tang Dynasty. Back, said: "Don't reveal the secret, let's go back and rest", so this prophecy book is named "Tui Bei Tu".

Shi De has also studied "Tui Bei Tu", but it is too esoteric and difficult to understand.However, some of the inferences are indeed in the same sentence, which is very magical.As for the No. 18 descendant of the Immortal Valley, it is pure nonsense. He has never heard of the name of the Immortal Valley, let alone claiming to be a master of divine calculation.But don't even mention it, all the non-existent Immortal Valley sects made up in order to promote him, really have the effect of deceiving people and enhancing their status.

Lan Guocheng always turned a blind eye to Shi De, basically as if Shi De didn't exist, as the vice mayor's son, he was in Shimen like wind and rain, what kind of people, big and small, he had never seen Like Shi De, ordinary people who don't look like the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people can't catch his eyes at all, and he doesn't even show interest in saying hello to Shi De.

However, he was taken aback when he heard what Quan said, and subconsciously looked at Shi De a few more times. He saw that although Shi De was not bad, he was neither rich nor noble, nor did he have a superior temperament. It was really normal. Very, I can't see the air of a master, and I can't help but doubt the truth of Quanyou's words: "What is the origin of Immortal Valley...? I haven't heard of it."

Deliberately not mentioning Shi De, only mentioning Immortal Valley, because Lan Guocheng does not believe that Shi De is really a master at a young age, but if Shi De's teacher has a long history, he will also look up to Shi De.No way, after being in the officialdom for a long time, I like to look at a person's origin and background.He is also in his 20s, and unless he has a very capable father or backer, he is just entering the society. Who can have the power to call the wind and rain with his own ability at such a young age?
"What is the origin of Immortal Valley? Telling it scares people to death, ha ha..." Quan You winked at Shi De quietly, telling Shi De to be quiet, but in fact, he just wanted Shi De to be an audience quietly. How to fool Lan Guocheng, how to promote himself, everything will be OK if he comes forward.

Shi Dejingquan has a knowing look in his eyes. Although he will not take the initiative to brag and elevate himself, since Quan has the intention, let him do it. Sometimes people in the business or political circles also need necessary publicity.

"The founder of Immortal Valley is the famous forecaster Yuan Tiangang. As the founder of Immortal Valley, Yuan Tiangang deliberately concealed his identity, so that many people in later generations do not know that the ancestor of Immortal Valley is actually the famous Yuan Tiangang. But It is not important whether you know who the patriarch is. What is important is that the Immortal Valley has been active on the stage of Chinese history since its establishment. For example, in the Song Dynasty, after the death of Song Taizu, Song Taizong succeeded to the throne, seeking the law of longevity , a fortune teller said that the emperor should benefit all the people, and should not learn from immortals to seek Taoism. He also said that he would come to see him again in 20 years. In a blink of an eye, 20 years later, Song Taizong couldn't make a decision about the establishment of the prince, and the fortune teller really Here comes, Taizong said, King Xiang is tolerant and loving, and has the measure of an emperor, but he doesn't know how lucky he is, so I would like to ask Mr. to come and take a look at Xiangfu. Yes, tell Taizong that everyone who runs back and forth in front of the Xiang mansion has the appearance of a general. The people surrounded by the generals are naturally the emperors whose fate belongs to them... Taizong was overjoyed when he heard that, and appointed King Xiang as the prince. The king is later Song Zhenzong."

He came as soon as he opened his mouth, and talked eloquently. Shi De had heard the stories he told, and knew who the fortune teller was, but this fortune teller was not a descendant of the Immortal Valley. Quanyou has exhausted all his efforts to make the unwarranted so-called Immortal Valley tall, and it is really difficult for him. Unexpectedly, he actually knows a lot of anecdotes about fortune tellers.

"This fortune teller who has won the trust of Song Taizong is the third generation successor of Shenxian Valley." It is wise not to mention the name of the fortune teller, because this person does exist in history. It is easy to reveal that he is none other than Chen Tuan, who is called the ancestor of Chen Tuan by Taoists, also known as Mr. Baiyun. He is the supreme figure of Taoism after Laozi and Zhang Ling.

Most historical figures, once they have a relationship with the emperor, their status is instantly noble. Lan Guocheng believed it, and widened his eyes: "Is there really such a powerful person in the Immortal Valley?"

"More than that, each generation of God's Valley is a generation of talented people. The 300th generation of inheritance has never been interrupted. It has been passed down to Master Shi's generation for more than [-] years." Everything except the vivid narration In addition, with the awe-inspiring expression and longing eyes, others can't help but not believe the authenticity of his words, "The fourth generation heir is also a fortune teller in the Song Dynasty. At that time, the fortune teller was Fan Wenzheng... Fan Wenzheng Do you know who it is? It is Fan Zhongyan. The ancients were very polite and never called him by his first name. It is a great disrespect for people to call him by his first name. He usually calls each other by his own name——Fan Wenzheng asked a fortune teller, Mr. , Do I have a chancellor? After seeing it, the fortune teller shook his head. Fan Wenzheng said regretfully, if I can't be prime minister, I would like to become a doctor with excellent medical skills."

"The fortune-tellers are very puzzled. There is a huge gap in ambition from a prime minister to a doctor. In ancient times, a doctor was not a noble profession, because in the eyes of the ancients, everything was inferior, and only reading was high. The fortune-teller asked Fan Wenzheng why Do you want to be a doctor if you can't be a prime minister? Fan Wenzheng said that a prime minister governs the country and a doctor saves people. Whether it is a prime minister or a doctor, it is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. It is his lifelong ambition to be a good doctor if he is not a good prime minister. Listen, I said with admiration from the bottom of my heart, just relying on the selfless heart of my husband for the country and the people, I will definitely be able to make up for my lack of appearance, and my achievements will be limitless in the future. In the end, Fan Wenzheng became the deputy prime minister..."

Seeing that Lan Chengguo was completely substituted by his story, Quanyou smiled secretly, and continued: "On the stage of history, although there is no historical record in the Immortal Valley—of course, the Immortal Valley does not need historical records and historians to rectify its name— — but it has been passed down from generation to generation. When the No.16 successor, Wang Chuanxian, was already in the Qing Dynasty. Wang Chuanxian was only 30 years old when he became famous because of his talent and intelligence. One day in the last year of Daoguang, when he passed by the boundary of Xiangxiang, It was the busy season of farming, and the farmers were busy working in the rice fields. No one noticed his arrival. When he looked up, a strong man with a hoe came towards him. He was shocked immediately after just one glance. The strong man Although he was dressed as a farmer, he was clearly the prime minister. Just as he was about to stop the strong man for a few words, he found a black and thin man behind the strong man. Just like a strong man, he is also the prime minister!"

Lan Guocheng has been completely attracted by Quanyou's story, his eyes are wide open, and he listens to Quanyou talking non-stop without saying a word.In addition to quietly listening to Quanyou's stories, Shi De admired Quanyou's profound knowledge in his heart. If a person wants to deal with both political and business circles, it is fundamental to be able to speak well, but the premise of being able to speak well is to be knowledgeable and well-informed , in order to have something to say, and to have something to say no matter what topic is discussed.I believe that Quanyou has dabbled in the knowledge of numerology before. In fact, there are many people who are curious about fate and believe in fate, and there is a remarkable feature that the higher the level of people, the more they believe in fate, the more willing to change their fate, and The more you can change your life, the more successful you will be.

"Wang Chuanxian was stunned. How could there be such a general in such a small village? Could it be that he misunderstood, or that he was not good at learning? He stood under a high place and looked around at the farmers in the surrounding fields. I found that almost no one is an ordinary person, everyone is a general, a military commander, everyone will be a high-ranking official, and they will be rich and prosperous..." Seeing that his eloquence not only conquered Lan Guocheng, but also Shi De also gave him an approving look, and he was even happier, he smiled, "Guocheng, do you think the fortune teller made a mistake, or is there some other reason?"

How did Lan Guocheng know that he rarely reads books, let alone history, he shook his head and said, "What's going on, tell me quickly, it's all about you, tell me quickly."

Shi De smiled veiledly, but he didn't say a word. Of course he knew what the truth was, but he couldn't tell it. Now it's Quanyou's one-man show. Before he comes on stage, let Quanyou perform to his heart's content.

"Wang Chuanxian left Xiangxiang with doubts and confusion. However, he has been paying attention to Xiangxiang's movements. A few years later, under the leadership of Xiangxiang native Zeng Guofan, the Hunan Army rose strongly and suppressed the Taiping Army. Since then , the Hunan Army stepped onto the stage of history. During the 11-year war, the Hunan Army wrote a legendary song, gathered talents from a land of hundreds of miles, maintained the overall situation with the prestige of an army, and successfully defeated The Taiping Army prevented China from going to a more tragic dark fate, and saved the fate of the Qing Dynasty. Thanks to this opportunity, military and political talents in Xiangxiang emerged in an endless stream. There were nearly 8000 civil and military officials, and more than 30 of them were in "" There are biographies in the Manuscript of Qing History. Most of these people were farmers, and most of them were farmers in Xiangxiang that Wang Chuanxian had met back then..."

After a slight pause, Quanyou suddenly slapped the table with a loud "snap": "Later, Wang Chuanxian was hired by Zeng Guofan as Mr. Madam to advise him, and finally Zeng Guofan's death was all thanks to Wang Chuanxian."

(End of this chapter)

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